Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 518 1 to 1 service

I have to say that Mukesh is very envious of Qiaogo.

He also married a Brahmin wife, and his father-in-law's family was just an ordinary middle-class family, which could not be compared with a wealthy family like the Sharma family.

But he loves this wife very much.

After getting married, he really had no other women outside.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to, what man doesn’t want more women?

Compared with Qiao Ge, it is like heaven and earth.

But his father suppressed him, and he didn't dare to make any trouble about women.

Thinking about his younger brother Anil, his score was greatly reduced when it came to getting a wife.

His goal is to inherit the Reliance Group, but we still need to pay attention to these things.

Mukesh certainly understands his father's thoughts. He wants to integrate the Ambani family into the circle of upper-caste wealthy families.

Therefore, he must maintain this kind of marriage relationship, and the various favors he gives to his wife are actually for those high-caste wealthy families.

At that time, my family faced great pressure from those traditional high-caste wealthy families.

Therefore, we need to use various methods to resolve these pressures.

From the perspective of my father and myself, this dispute should be long-term, at least unable to be resolved in the short term.

Therefore, he naturally had to make use of his status as a Brahmin wife. He had to hold her in the palm of his hand, and he could not be wronged.

But now it seems that the power and influence of the high-caste wealthy families have declined too fast, which is very unexpected.

What was a long-term confrontation almost collapsed at once.

After all, it was Qiaogo who broke all this.

Nowadays, most traditional high-caste wealthy families have also reacted and started looking at money.

That is to say, a few companies are still hanging on.

"Yes, next, capital and money are the manifestation of strength. The days of relying on the upper castes to dominate are long gone." Ratan also said.

Although the Tata family has integrated into that circle, there is still some separation after all.

Moreover, they were initially suppressed in various ways.

So on this matter, he has the same idea as Mukesh. After all, everyone is a low caste.

As for the upper castes and the lower castes, having money in their hands is the fundamental thing.

"Lakshmi is going back to China soon. Regarding overseas investment, we can also talk to him again and listen to his opinions." Mukesh said, "He said that there is also a financial investment expert from Wall Street. come over."

"That's just right." Latan smiled, "It's just right to inquire about the situation on Mo's side. The previous news came from my friends. I haven't heard it with my own ears, so I always feel that it is a bit unreliable."

Sia came to see Penny, to be precise, she came to ask for forgiveness.

The fact that Qiao Ge went abroad with the beauty pageant champion and runner-up had long been reported in the news media, and it was impossible for Beni not to know about it.

And since this was done by her own TV station, she must have something to do with it.

Sia didn't want Beni to misunderstand, so she had to come over to explain some things clearly and ask for Beni's forgiveness.

"Cousin, I didn't think much about it." Penny sighed, "Look at him, there are so many women out there. I wouldn't be surprised if there are two more."

"Don't be angry, be careful baby." Siya said hurriedly.

"I'm really not angry." Penny touched her belly. Although it was still early and nothing could be seen in her belly, there were indeed two little lives inside. "He told me about this. This time he It’s also for big things. Of course, men, when they see a beautiful woman, they will definitely want to possess her. Regardless of whether it’s for public or private purposes, just let him do it this time, let big things come first.”

Jogo revealed part of his plans to fight against the Tata Group and Reliance Group to Beni.

After all, he took in two women at once, so he had to talk to Beni about this. After all, Beni was pregnant with a child.

If one of them is bad, the consequences will be serious.

"Can he really defeat those two families?" Sia asked worriedly.

Although Qiao Ge had said something to her, she could not really feel at ease in her heart.

"I believe him." Penny smiled, "Of course, even if he fails this time, it doesn't matter. He is still young, and there is always a chance to make a comeback. Of course, it will take a lot of effort. So I hope he It will work this time.”

"It must be no problem." Sia said.

She felt that she could not say anything depressing.

It's okay to worry yourself, but you can't put more psychological pressure on Beni.

"Cousin, I will talk to him and ask him to go to your place more often." Beni looked at Sia and said, "As for you, it's best to get pregnant as soon as possible."

"I~~I'm not in a hurry." Siya said hurriedly.

Although Qiao Ge did not take any protective measures when he was with her during this period and just released everything directly, she still felt a little guilty in front of Beni.

Moreover, since Beni married Qiao Ge, her status has changed and her aura has also changed.

Mrs. Gupta's identity alone is enough to make countless people afraid to look directly at her.

So Sia felt a lot of pressure when facing Beni.

"Don't think too much, I really hope you can get pregnant." Penny sighed, "He has too many women. You are my cousin. If I don't kiss you, how can I kiss those women?" She was a big woman, but there were too many women in Qiaogo, and Beni felt a little stressed.

Shia and she are related, so she is naturally closer to Shia. Sisters work together to make a difference.

Ratan and Mukesh finally waited for Lakshmi.

Lakshmi came with a middle-aged foreigner, the financial investment expert.

After his introduction, the two of them knew that this was a beautiful Chinese named Brad Cruise.

Brad Crews used to be a member of Goldman Sachs. He started his own business a few years ago and opened an investment consulting company. He mainly helped people introduce investments and earned some management fees and so on.

Lakshmi has connections with people at Goldman Sachs. Of course, he is not qualified to have direct contact with senior executives like Rubin, only some of the people in charge below.

Some time ago, Ratan and Mukesh contacted him and said they were planning to invest overseas, and asked him for some opinions.

When he talked about this with the person in charge at Goldman Sachs, the person introduced him to Brad Cruz.

For general investments, Brad Crews is fully capable.

To be honest, when Lakshmi learned that the two had borrowed US$10 billion, he expressed the hope that they could invest in their own steel industry, not just all of it, but some of it.

However, Ratan and Mukesh did not agree because they were more optimistic about investment in Mexico.

After all, Qiao Ge went there.

Investment in the steel industry yields results too slowly.

They want to follow Qiao Ge and get a bargain, so they will definitely not allocate funds to invest elsewhere now.

Of course, they did not completely reject Lakshmi, saying that after the funds from this investment are withdrawn, they will definitely invest in the overseas steel industry.

Lakshmi felt a little unhappy, but there was nothing she could do.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have brought this Brad Cruise.

Seeing the three of them chatting animatedly, he felt like his business had been taken away by Brad Cruise.

Without Brad Cruise, Ratan and Mukesh might have invested a little of their own money.

He is in urgent need of funds now, and Qiao Ge has been raising prices in various ways before, causing his acquisition to fail to meet expectations.

The funds provided by Goldman Sachs are not unlimited. In the next period of time, you will have to find ways to raise funds on your own.

This time he returned to China mainly for funds.

I originally thought that I could get some funds from the Tata Group and Reliance Group, but I didn't expect that they had their own plans, so their plans were ruined.

Then we can only get some funds from our own family. Unfortunately, our family has too few dollars.

However, something is better than nothing.

In addition, he can only hope that Ratan and Mukesh's investment cycle will be shorter this time, so he can wait a while.

"Two gentlemen, these are some of my investment returns in recent years. You can take a look." Brad Cruise enthusiastically handed some of the information he brought to Ratan and Mukesh.

When he learned that the two of them had a billion dollars, he was very excited.

For those big companies on Wall Street, a billion dollars may not be a big deal.

But he is a small company, so this is definitely a big customer.

Originally, he was not willing to come to India. He thought about what kind of customers he would have in this remote country. Even if there were any, they would probably be some minor characters.

However, that is his friend who has been at Goldman Sachs for many years. Over the years, some business has been achieved through him, so he is here.

It's such an unexpected surprise. If this business is successful, I will have to thank my friends when I go back.

"Please rest assured that these are all real data. Although my company is small, it is definitely professional in the field of financial investment. And small companies have the advantages of small companies. We can provide the most considerate services to our customers. If you two are willing, I can personally be responsible for your financial investment and provide one-on-one services." Brad Crews wanted to convince the two.

"Mr. Cruz, if we gave you the money to invest, where would you invest it?" Ratan asked.

"These need to be explained in detail, such as location, investment industry, whether it is stable or radical, or long-term or short-term." Brad Cruz smiled, "You two are planning to invest in the beautiful country. Is that a good idea? The beautiful country’s economy has improved..."

Brad Cruise introduced the two of them gushingly.

"Are there any better places to invest besides the beautiful country?" Mukesh asked.

This statement made Cruz stunned for a moment, and then he immediately said: "Yes, there is really a place right now, which is next door to the beautiful country. Mexico is now a good place to invest."

No wonder Cruise didn't mention Mo immediately. In his opinion, the two of them who came to find his beautiful country should be planning to invest in the beautiful country.

Ratan and Mukesh couldn't help but look at each other.

Sure enough, that place is really a hot spot for investment. No wonder Qiao Ge is in a hurry to go there.

Although this was the first time they had heard of Brad Cruise, since he came from Goldman Sachs and had many friends with Goldman Sachs, he must be well-informed, so they did not doubt Cruise's strength. .

Definitely an expert in finance.

He is also optimistic about Mo's investment. Combined with the various information they have obtained these days, what else can be doubted?

The two of them might still be suspicious of the information they had received from Qiao Ge before, but this beautiful countryman would definitely not join forces with Qiao Ge to deceive the two of them. (End of chapter)

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