Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 52 Supplemental Agreement

Chapter 52 Supplemental Agreement
The office became quiet in an instant, only Qiao Ge and the others were left, and all the business reporters left.

Qiao Ge sorted out the contract and counted the amount of cotton purchased today.

The small merchants received a total of 1.5 packages, and the purchase price was US$80 per package, worth 1512 million rupees.


So it will cost a total of Rs 7182 million to acquire cotton today.

Yesterday's 10.8 bales of cotton cost a total of 1.0937 million.

That is to say, Jogo now owns a total of 20.3 bales of cotton at a total cost of 1.8119 million rupees.

Borrowed 2 million from Gaohaga and the others, and after all the cotton purchases are paid off, Jogo will still have 1881 million rupees left.

"Mr. Wal-Mart, judging from the current situation, there should be few people who will come to sell cotton in the future." Qiao Ge said to Wal-Mart after finishing the statistics.

"I think so too, but it depends on what is said in tomorrow's newspaper." Wal-Mart did not fully agree, but kept speaking cautiously.

Jogo understands that what will be reported in tomorrow's newspapers is actually the result of the confrontation between the Faga government and Pandit, and which side wins the report.

Judging from the current situation, it is difficult for Pandit and the others to stand up. After all, these small merchants will soon recover, and they will only be angry at Pandit.

How could an old politician like Fajia miss such a good opportunity?
People's hearts are available.

At that time, Pandit and the others will definitely be unstoppable.

"That's troublesome." Chogo sighed, "How should I deal with the remaining 1881 million rupees? It can't be used for purposes other than purchasing cotton. It seems that I can only return it to Mr. Gao Hagar in advance They're gone."

After Jogo finished speaking, he waited for a while without getting a response from Wal-Mart, and the other party just looked at him quietly.

This made Jogo a little confused.

"Mr. Walmart, what's on my face?" Jhogo asked.

Dusser Walmart nodded and said, "Mr. Gupta, do you really want to return this part of the money first?"

Qiao Ge was a little uncertain about Wal-Mart's mind, so he laughed and said, "Yes, [-]% interest. Now we can't buy cotton. Wouldn't it be a waste of interest if we put it in our hands?"

"You don't want to use that money for other businesses?" Walmart asked.

"Mr. Wal-Mart, I don't understand what you mean." Qiao Ge said with a serious face, "I will not violate the contract. The money is only used for the purchase of cotton."

"I think you can find a time to talk to Mr. Gaohaga and the others, and maybe you can sign a supplementary agreement that allows you to use the remaining money for other purposes." Wal-Mart said with a faint smile, "If you really If you can’t receive cotton.”

What Wal-Mart said made Qiao Ge very puzzled. Is this guy thinking of himself, or is he trying to make himself fall into a pit?

After all, Wal-Mart was sent by Gaohaga, Qiao Ge has changed his view of him, but he still has some inner guard.

"No other meaning, I think you are ambitious and ambitious." Wal-Mart added.

"Ambition? Ambition?" Jogo couldn't help asking, "How do you see it? Why don't I feel it myself?"

"Leaving aside the fact that you borrowed 2 million yuan, just buying 20 bales of cotton in one go in the past two days is enough to explain everything. Is this something a 16-year-old boy can do? Do you make money on cotton? After that, will you stop in the future?" Wal-Mart asked with a smile.

Qiao Ge was silent for a while, of course he would not stop, the more funds he accumulated, the better, who would think too much money?
The only thing he is short of right now is funds. He just said that he wanted to return 1881 million, which is what he said. To be honest, he really wanted to use the money for other purposes.

Although he hasn't thought of what he can do now, he can only seize the opportunity when he has money in his hand, otherwise he can only watch it slip away.

For him, borrowing money is not so easy, and the bank basically doesn't have to think about it.

The annual interest rate of 10% is actually not high. After all, with Fajia involved, Gaohaga and the others have already discounted the interest rate by several points.

If I really want to borrow money from someone in the future, if others are willing to borrow money, the interest will be at least 3 to 5 percentage points higher, or even higher.

The interest rate of private loans is not low, and some people are even forced to borrow usury.

So 1881 million is still a good deal for Jogo, how can he pay it back in advance?

"After talking about it, maybe I'll be planted on cotton." Jogo replied.

Wal-Mart stared at Qiao Ge for a while, then smiled slightly: "Perhaps, many people think so, to be honest, I also thought so before I came here, but I have changed my opinion a bit now, maybe you will be surprised .”

Jogo's pupils shrank suddenly.

He understood the allusion in Wal-Mart's words. Wal-Mart thought he could finally sell the cotton?

"Don't look at me like that. I have nothing to do with Mr. Gao Hagar. I just accept his employment and get paid. Of course, this time he offers a very generous reward, which I can't refuse, haha~~" Wal-Mart was stared at by Qiao Ge He looked a little uncomfortable, because the young master's eyes were a little sharp, he laughed to cover up his slight embarrassment, "I really want to see how high a young man like you can go in the future."

Jogo withdrew his gaze, no matter what the relationship between Wal-Mart and Gao Hagar was, what he said before was in line with what he was going to do next.

1881 million, I have to find a way to keep it, and then change the use.

"Then Mr. Walmart, please contact Mr. Gaohaga to see when I can visit." Jogo smiled.

"I'll call now." Walmart didn't hesitate, and made a call directly from Jogo's office.

When Wal-Mart quickly put down the phone, he turned to Jogo and said, "Mr. Gao Hagar said we can go there now, he is at home now."

Without further ado, it's past 2 o'clock in the afternoon. If there's still time, Jogo is going to go to the warehouse after the end here. After all, the cotton has already started to be put into the warehouse.

The two first went to the bank to pay the deposit, and then directly called a taxi to Gaohaga's residence.

When Qiao Ge passed by, he realized that Gao Haga had already called the other four people.

After all, Wal-Mart had roughly told him about Jogo's intentions on the phone, and since the supplementary agreement was to be signed, the other four of course had to be present.

Gao Hagar's residence is not a single-family villa, but a large flat in a high-end apartment. Qiao Ge doesn't know the size of the house, but the living room alone is no less than [-] square meters, and the window faces the famous seaside avenue.

Mumbai is known as the 'Queen of Indian Cities', and the Corniche is the Queen's necklace.

The avenue faces the Arabian Sea, shaped like a crescent moon, inlaid on the beautiful beach.

In fact, not far from the next door is the Dharavi slum, which is really a paradise on one side and hell on the other.

Of course, rich people like Gao Hagar have villas elsewhere.

(End of this chapter)

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