Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 525 Change of tone

"What's the reason?" Rohatin asked calmly, with no expression on his face.

"There is no reason. I just think that the situation of some countries over there is similar to that before the problem in Mexico. They borrowed a lot of short-term foreign debt, but the borrowed money will be long-term after being loaned out domestically. If the capital chain is continuous, it has been It’s not a big problem if we can borrow money, but if there is a problem in any of the links, it will be a big problem. They also attract a lot of foreign investment, but these foreign investment areas are mainly concentrated in the stock market and real estate, and the bubble is very big, so I If some investment institutions should be able to find some profits from it. Moreover, the bad debt rate in those countries seems to be a bit high, these are all problems," Qiaogo said.

"Southeast Asia!" Rohatin looked at the place where Qiao Ge had pressed his hand just now, which was Thailand to be precise. "Qiao Ge, your sense of smell is very sensitive. You can definitely engage in finance."

"With my level, if I really want to be in the financial field, then I won't risk my life?" Qiao Ge said with a smile, "Do you think they really want to go there? Are they convinced by me?"

"Qiaogo, don't talk nonsense about these things outside." Rohatin said, "But based on your speculation, I can tell you some secrets. Soros does have such an idea and wants to build a business in Southeast Asia. Look for opportunities, and you have to observe where they are. So I say you can engage in finance, at least you can grasp the general direction, which is similar to what Soros thinks. I still admire Soros's vision, so you are very good. "

"You are flattered, I will definitely not talk about these things outside." Qiao Ge replied.

"Very good, next time if there is any action, I will take you with me." Rohatin said.

"Can they agree?" Qiao Ge asked excitedly.

"Based on your guess this time, I am very confident that I can convince them." Rohatin said with a smile, "Besides, you have enough financial resources, at least you have this qualification."

"Then I'm really honored. I will definitely raise more funds then." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

He was trying to show off just now.

The 97 Asian financial crisis is coming soon, and it will be caused by Soros. Of course, Qiaogo knows this.

Qiao Ge heard Rohatin say that the financial crisis in Mexico was created by Soros, and the harvest did not meet expectations.

So Qiaogo brought up this topic, thinking that Soros and the others would continue to take action.

Use this to prove that you also have a certain vision in the financial field.

Qiao Ge wanted to integrate into this circle faster.

Although he has a good relationship with Rohatin, he is only in contact with a small part of Rohatin's circle now.

As an Indian, it is very difficult for me to integrate.

Then you have to use some special means to show some of your abilities.

After he pointed out where Soros might take action next time, Rohatyn changed his statement and said that he would take him with him next time there was an action.

You know, before he said that he would join if there was a chance.

If there is an opportunity, I can’t tell when it will be. The next time it will be in 97, I may not bring myself with me.

In other words, he is now willing to play with himself.

Of course, it was because of his speculation that he was able to convince some people in that circle.

In fact, even if Qiao Ge doesn't have the memory of his previous life, he can probably guess that people like Soros will definitely not give up, and this kind of sniping at a country will definitely happen again.


That's why this sniper attack on Mexico gave them a taste of the sweetness. They found that it was too easy to harvest in some developing countries.

Of course, this is compared to sniping the pound.

Countries like Great Britain are Western developed countries no matter what.

I am still familiar with finance.

So the process of winning the pound was still a bit thrilling.

In developing countries like Mexico, the financial system is imperfect. In the eyes of old foxes like Soros, it is full of loopholes, making it too easy to get things done.

When Soros and others took action, Mexico's financial system collapsed. The government suddenly fell into chaos. It was unable to withstand this offensive. It could only watch these international speculators attack the city and plunder wealth.

With the precedent of Mo's easy success, this fueled their ambitions.

These speculators are extremely greedy and look for suitable targets everywhere in the world. It is not surprising that Southeast Asia, especially Thailand, is being targeted.

There is nothing to say. Among these countries, Thailand has the biggest problems and the most loopholes.

In fact, at this time, not to mention Southeast Asian countries, even China's finance has many problems and loopholes. In terms of financial operations, no one can compare with these speculators who are at the top of the industry.

It's just that Huaxia is big enough, and Soros and the others don't have the guts to attack directly.

Other small countries around are naturally better targets.

The 97 Asian financial crisis is definitely coming, so Qiao Ge doesn’t want to miss it.

No matter what, you have to get a share of the pie.

So joining Soros and the others is the best choice.

In this case, you only need to invest and wait for the profits.

The operations inside are too complicated, how can Qiao Ge know it?

Even if you find someone to operate it yourself, if one person is not good, Soros and the others may be wiped out easily.

The offensive against a country is not carried out by Soros and Quantum Fund, but also by many accomplices and various financial institutions.

If you are not from their circle, how is it possible to seize food from the tiger's mouth?

How can outsiders pick the peaches out of Soros's carefully laid plan?

Even if you can really get some benefits from it, it will not be a good thing for you if you are discovered afterwards.

I have already received a lot of benefits from Da Mao. If this happens again, these guys may not be polite.

They were able to tolerate themselves and did not use too radical methods, but the interests of Da Mao were still too great. Even if they got some share, they would still be full of food.

So I set some obstacles for myself in terms of loans, which is a kind of warning.

For this warning, Jogo was willing to accept it.

It is not easy to stimulate them at this time.

Against them, even Rohatin couldn't protect himself.

It doesn't matter if you give in. If a man can bend and stretch, it doesn't matter at all.

Now it is absolutely necessary to properly demonstrate one's abilities, and the effect is very obvious. At least Rohatin has changed his tone, which is a good sign.

At that time, Soros is really determined to target Southeast Asia. In order to prevent the news from leaking, letting himself join is the best hush money.

Coupled with Rohatin's support, Qiao Ge believed that this matter would not be a big problem.

This is Jogo's plan.

In a financial crisis, it is impossible to capture the majority of the benefits.

After all, there are too many big names involved here, and it is already very difficult to own a share, but I don’t dare to think too much about other things.

However, Qiao Ge felt that his plan was really going to succeed, so he joined them and just sat and counted the money. Soros and the others would naturally do the work.

This feeling is actually quite good.

Just like investing his own money, Soros is working for himself.

Of course, this is just a metaphor.

The real thing is to get on their boat and take advantage of the opportunity to make a profit. This is the best result. (End of chapter)

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