Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 527 Showing Influence

Chapter 527 Showing Influence

When he learned that Qiaogo had returned to China, Manmohan was immediately invited to come over.

Manmohan quickly explained the purpose of his invitation.

Qiao Ge is going to be a mediator this time.

Although he is young, his status is sufficient.

The government has intervened in the feud between the two families before, but unfortunately it has never really resolved the matter.

The confrontation between the two large groups has caused turmoil in the domestic economy, and the government is also in trouble.

The influence of the two families is too great, and government orders are not easy for them.

Faced with Manmohan's request, Qiao Ge agreed and could help adjust it.

Qiao Ge was not doing it for those two families, he also had his own considerations.

After returning from the beautiful country, Qiaogo had already begun to sell some non-core industries in Malay and Indonesia, and then converted the funds into US dollar cash and kept them.

These countries will be affected by the Asian financial crisis in 97.

At that time, the currency exchange rates of these countries will depreciate significantly, and economic turmoil will cause the prices of various national assets to plummet.

Except for the palm oil industry and minerals that are retained, the rest of Khogo is willing to sell.

Although palm oil and other industries will also be affected, such as falling prices and the like, Chogo cannot sell these.

The reason is simple. These are high-quality assets. Price drops are mainly affected by falling exchange rates. If you sell them now, it will be difficult to buy them back later.

The current exchange rate is not bad, and these non-core assets can still be sold at good prices, so there should be a lot of dollars returned.

Wait until the crisis is over, and then come back to buy the bottom. The price difference alone will make you a lot of money every time.

So the most important thing now is to hoard dollars.

If the matter between these two companies cannot be resolved quickly, it may be difficult to continue the policy of domestic guarantees for overseas loans, which will make your plan to guarantee loans go bankrupt, which will affect your own money.

Therefore, Jogo is willing to contribute, which also demonstrates his influence in India.

"Both of you, I hope we can really resolve this matter today. If it continues like this, it will not be good for everyone." Manmohan took the lead and said, "This time I invite Mr. Gupta to come over. I want this Maybe it can make the two of you calmer and resolve the matter better."

These words made Ratan and Mukesh's expressions darken.

What is this, a threat?

Manmohan wanted to threaten them with Qiao Ge.

Of course, the two of them were very afraid of Qiao Ge.

Of course they knew the situation in the country. The two families were almost working together, but they were still faintly suppressed by Qiao Ge.

This is difficult for them to accept.

What a status their two families have. Qiao Ge has only been here a few years. He not only caught up with them but also suppressed them.

But this is the fact.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t admit it.

Originally, they didn't care that much about it, because the investment in Mexico was so successful that they felt that if they could develop overseas, they would have a chance to overpower Qiaogo.

Who would have thought that this good thing would take a turn for the worse, and they would be in trouble all of a sudden.

When they were making money, they were still celebrating and gloating about their misfortune.

I feel that Qiao Ge failed to get enough US dollars to catch up with Mo's opportunity to make money.

I thought my family could pull Qiao Ge apart this time, but I didn't expect it would be such a tragic ending.

Qiao Ge did not invest, but it was a blessing in disguise, allowing him to escape disaster.

They really wanted to cry without tears.

In this regard, Tata Group is better, but Reliance Group feels even worse.

Because they have already had such an experience.

That was the Kuwait oil field incident.

Now combined with this incident, Mukesh felt that he was tricked by Qiaogo. How can there be such a coincidence in the world?

Every time he succeeded in intercepting Hu Qiaoge, no, every time he thought he had succeeded in intercepting Hu, the results were tragic.

It could be called a coincidence once, but now it happens again, can it still be called a coincidence?

Of course, he thought so, but had no evidence.

Because there are too many things in it that don’t make sense.

That's how Qiao Ge knew that these seemingly good investment opportunities would turn out to be a trap?

How could Jogo predict the future?

Mukesh did not think that Qiaogo was a divine messenger with the ability to predict the future.

But if it were a divine messenger, how could these things be explained?

In short, Mukesh really couldn’t figure this out.

It can only be said that Qiao Ge is very lucky, or is he really blessed by the gods?

Sometimes, Mukesh would really have such an idea. Although he felt that such gods were absurd, he was really confused for a while.

"Okay, let Mr. Gupta make the judgment." Ratan no longer wants to worry about Qiaogo's identity. What he hates most now is the Reliance Group. It is simply too abominable.

It's not that he can't afford to pay more than 10 billion rupees, but he can't swallow the breath of being fooled.

And within the family, this incident put him under tremendous pressure.

He must resolve this matter as soon as possible without causing too much loss on his side.

Therefore, Reliance Group must be allowed to bear this loss instead of being taken advantage of.

"It's written in black and white. That's what we're responsible for. Don't mess around." Mukesh said coldly, "Why don't you take a look at the contract and let everyone comment on it."

The two had another heated argument, and it was obvious that Qiao Ge's arrival made them a little more emotional.

Manmohan asked them to calm down just now. How could they calm down? Billions of interests were involved.

Manmohan looked at Qiaogo.

Qiao Ge couldn't help but cough lightly and said: "You two, originally I didn't want to get involved in your affairs. After all, this matter has nothing to do with me. It makes no sense for me, an outsider, to interfere. However, Mr. Singer's invitation, I It's hard to refute his face. Before I mediate the conflict between the two of you, I still have to ask you two. If you two don't want me to cooperate, you can just say it directly. I will leave immediately and won't cause any trouble for you. .”

These words silenced the two of them.

In the end, the two agreed to let Qiao Ge be responsible for the adjustment, and they were willing to cooperate.

Judging from the reactions of the two of them, Qiao Ge had some understanding of the details of the two of them.

The two people still want to reconcile in their hearts. Because of their disputes, the state stopped lending support to the two companies.

So over time, many of their loans will have problems.

Because the government will take out loans.

This is not a good thing for both of them, especially in this case of heavy losses.

This is some pressure from the government. If they don't solve the problem, the government will impose certain punishments.

It's just that there are huge differences in some share ratios, and the two companies have been unable to reach an agreement.

The Tata Group wants Reliance Group to bear everything, and Reliance Group is willing to bear only a little.

The previous proposal made by the government was that Reliance Group should add another 50 billion rupees, which means that each of the two companies is responsible for 50 billion.

Regarding this suggestion, Reliance Group was somewhat reticent, saying that it needed to be considered.

But the Tata Group refused outright.

They suffered heavy losses on their investment this time and have to bear another 50 billion. How is that possible?

In their view, Reliance Group will have to bear more than 150 billion rupees, and there is no negotiation.

The Tata Group refused. Reliance Group had nothing to say. Those who refused were even more confident and put all the responsibility on the Tata Group.

(End of this chapter)

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