Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 531 Very short of money

Yulia noticed Qiaogo's eyes, thought for a moment, stood up, walked towards Qiaogo, and then sat down next to him.

"Mr. Gupta, I never thought about it before. Your words made me unable to calm down. They are a bit unreal, but I feel that I really have a chance." Yulia said.

There is a fragrance lingering in the nose, with a faint smell of perfume.

Taking a deep breath, Qiao Ge suppressed some of the restlessness in his heart and smiled: "There must be a chance. Your financial resources and your current influence are enough."

"It's not as exaggerated as you said. Financial resources and influence are still very limited." Yulia stared at Qiao Ge with her big eyes.

"In terms of campaign funds, I am willing to support some." Qiao Ge laughed.

These words made Yulia feel excited.

Although her current assets are among the best in Ukraine, they are definitely incomparable to those of Qiao Ge.

Moreover, Jogo’s influence is great.

For example, Qiao Ge has great influence on Yuri, the big oligarch of the Mao family.

Although we have disintegrated and are now two countries, our own energy basically depends on Da Mao, plus other aspects. In short, Da Mao still has a great influence on our country.

In addition, the close relationship between Qiaogo and Rohatin and other European and American big figures can also come in handy during the election campaign.

There is no way, the influence of Western forces in the country is also huge now.

Without such a force behind it, it would be basically impossible to win that supreme power.

"Thank you so much Mr. Gupta, I'd like to toast you." Yulia raised her glass.



"Ah~~I'm a little dizzy~~I'm a little drunk~~" Yulia said in a low voice after drinking a glass of red wine, putting her hand on her forehead.

"Oh, it's getting late, it's time to take a rest." Qiao Ge looked at the time and then looked at Yulia who was blushing and said.

"Mr. Gupta, can you give me a hand~~~" Yulia seemed to be too drunk, and she didn't know if her legs were numb from sitting. As soon as she stood up, her body went limp and she leaned on Qiao Ge.

A seasoned businessman knocked down by a glass of wine?

Qiao Ge didn't believe it in his heart.

However, he still put his arm around Yulia's waist and helped her up.

Sometimes it's better to be confused.


Qiao Ge stayed in Yulia's private house for three days. The two had an in-depth exchange of ideas, and then Qiao Ge returned home with satisfaction.

This harvest really exceeded expectations.

After returning to Mumbai, Hudi immediately reported to Qiaogo the situation of the company during this period.

"Boss, everything else is fine. It's going very well. It's just that the introduction of car technology is not going well." Hu Di said.

"Is the lion talking big?" Qiao Ge asked, "Didn't I give you the authorization? There should be a lot of room for price increases, right?"

“They don’t want to transfer technology,” Hudi said. “They just want to cooperate in the production of some parts. They say that some auto parts can be produced here, but they need us to provide workers and factories... They will send technicians here. Guidance, we have to pay for the technical staff, which is three times the standard for their expatriate employees. It is said that the conditions here are difficult..."

Qiao Ge couldn't help but sneered after listening to Hu Di's words: "Send a few technicians? Are you taking me for granted? These bullshit parts shouldn't have any technical content, right?"

Hu Di said with a look of shame on his face: "Yes, they are all unimportant parts. Boss, they are going too far, so it is difficult to continue these negotiations."

"If Hyundai doesn't work, then find another one over there in Bangzi." Qiao Ge said.

They are now in contact with Hyundai Motors, which is a big brand, and want to introduce some car production technology and manufacturing assembly lines. Now it seems that Hyundai has no sincerity in cooperation. Qiao Ge will not do this kind of loss-making business.

The island country has already been in contact, but has not reached an agreement.

The conditions in Europe and the United States are higher and are not Qiaogo’s best choice now.

So Qiao Ge focused on Bangzi. Now Bangzi's car technology is also pretty good, and many models have entered the European and American markets.

As long as you get some technology yourself, it will definitely be enough to use it in India.

This is the foundation. Only with the foundation can we continue to innovate.

But now it seems that I still think a little too simply.

"Boss, while negotiating with Hyundai, I got a piece of news." Hudi said, "Kia Motors seems to be short of money."

"Kia?" Qiao Ge frowned.

He remembered that in his previous life, the Kia Motors brand seemed to be owned by Hyundai Motors, right?

But he remembered that Kia seemed to have encountered a crisis and was later merged into Hyundai Motor.

Kia Motors should still be independent now.

"Boss, Kia Motors is the second largest automobile company in Bangzi, second only to Hyundai. In fact, in the early years, Kia Motors' achievements were more glorious than Hyundai. Kia Motors is the first manufacturer in Bangzi that can manufacture its own gasoline engines. The first automobile company to produce complete vehicles, and later the first manufacturer to manufacture diesel engines by itself..." Hudi thought that Qiao Ge didn't understand Kia Motors, so he hurriedly educated Qiao Ge on it.

The development of the Bangzi family's automobile industry has also gone through a process from scratch.

In the early days, cars were usually assembled, and some key core components could not be built, such as engines.

Therefore, these need to be imported from abroad, making it impossible for the country to build complete cars on its own, and profits have been greatly compressed, with many profits being earned abroad.

Later, various state supports, such as preferential policies, allowed domestic automobile manufacturers to invest in research and overcome technical difficulties.

Kia Motors is at the forefront of this industry.

Hu Di was in charge of these projects, especially after he understood that Hyundai was not going anywhere, of course he put his mind on other companies. He had already collected the information on these companies, and it could be said that he knew everything by heart.

Some of these information about Hudi are known to Qiao Ge, but there are also many that Qiao Ge does not know.

His memory is limited, how can he know so many details.

Especially since Kia has not yet been integrated into Hyundai, most of this information is unknown to Qiao Ge.

However, after listening to Hudi's report, Qiaogo learned more about Kia Motors.

Kia Motors had an advantage at the beginning, but during the oil crisis in the 70s, the sharp rise in oil prices dealt a huge blow to the automobile industry.

Kia Motors suffered a big loss.

Although other car companies have also suffered considerable losses, they are often involved in other industries. If they lose money here and make money in other industries, they can balance their debts.

Kia Motors is different. Its industry is relatively single, basically the automobile industry, and investment in other industries is almost negligible. Therefore, its vitality was severely damaged, and it was later overtaken by Hyundai.

Because Hyundai has funds to invest heavily, such as introducing various advanced technologies and equipment from abroad, etc.

However, Kia is still the second largest car company in Bangzi, and it also has models that have successfully entered the North American market and are very popular.

Of course, Kia Motors' sales in domestic and overseas markets have declined over the years, straining the company's cash.

"I also heard that Kia Motors is preparing to close its R&D center due to a shortage of funds." Hudi said, "So they will definitely continue to fund now. If we talk to them, the probability of success is very high."

Qiao Ge's eyes lit up. (End of chapter)

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