Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 533: The starting price of sitting on the ground starts at 10 billion US dollars

Qiao Ge takes this matter very seriously.

The iron ore industry is one of Qiaogo's most important overseas projects in the future, and nothing can go wrong.

Communicating across the sea was too troublesome and not direct enough, so Qiaogo informed Forest.

At Qiaogo's request, Forrest almost immediately flew to Mumbai to report to Qiaogo the specific situation there.

The company Frist wanted to acquire was called Australian Northern Mining.

Let’s say it’s an iron ore company, but that’s not entirely true.

Iron ore is only one of the businesses of Northern Mining Company, its main business is rare earths.

Frist told Qiaogo that in addition to iron ore, he was also optimistic about rare earths when acquiring Northern Mining Company.

Of course, Qiao Ge is also optimistic about rare earths.

But it may take a long time for this to show its power.

Now that there is an opportunity, it would be good to acquire some rare earth minerals, even if they are not developed and released.

Although the main industry of International United Mining Company is iron ore, the name of the company also understands what everyone is thinking, that is, other minerals are also involved.

So there's nothing wrong with acquiring Northern Mining.

The biggest reason Frist wanted to acquire Northern Mining Company was not the iron ore or rare earths, but the fact that he wanted to take advantage of Northern Mining Company’s platform.

International United Mining Company has just been established. During this period, it has explored some iron ore veins and acquired some iron ore companies. However, these iron ore companies are relatively scattered and have great deficiencies in technology and equipment.

These are far different from other large iron ore companies.

The Northern Mining Company has its own complete industrial system. It can be said that it has corresponding supporting facilities in terms of exploration, mining and processing of mineral resources, and is at the world's advanced level.

So Frist valued this industrial system.

This is the same as Qiaogo’s plan to introduce a complete car production system.

Without such an industrial foundation, it would be too time-consuming to slowly build it on your own.

If there is an existing company, acquisition is of course the most suitable.

Northern Mining's initial offer was not low, at US$8 million.

The current International United Mining Company certainly does not have that much money in its account. The previous acquisitions, exploration, etc. have almost exhausted the funds.

But Frist was very jealous of the Northern Mining Company. He told Qiaogo that if this company could not be won, the development of the International United Mining Company would be delayed for at least five years.

After all, it takes time to establish such a complete mineral production system by yourself.

So he hoped that Qiao Ge and the others could increase their investment.

Moreover, if you want to acquire Northern Mining Company, you don't have to have money, because there are other competitors who also want to acquire, and they also need various connections.

For example, there is a company called CRA, which is one of the companies that wants to be acquired. It is absolutely powerful.

From Frist's detailed introduction to CRA, Qiaogo realized that this should be Rio Tinto Group, one of the three major iron ore giants in the previous life, but it has not yet changed its name.

In 1962, Rio Tinto and Integrated Zinc merged to form RTZ.

The two companies later entered Australia and established a company in Australia, referred to as a CRA company.

This year RTZ company was listed in London and CRA company was listed in Australia. Although they are said to be two companies, they are actually one, but they are listed in two places and have not yet been merged.

Although CRA currently does not have the power of Rio Tinto Group in its previous life, their strength is unquestionable.

"So, Northern Mining Company only has the intention to sell, and this intention is not that urgent?" Qiao Ge frowned slightly.

Frist said that the other party is not in a hurry now. If they are not in a hurry to sell, then the price concession will not be big.

Generally speaking, buyers can lower the price of assets that are eager to sell.

"Yes, since they showed their intention to sell, there have been many forces wanting to acquire it." Frist said, "This has raised the expectations of Northern Mining a lot, and now they want 8 million US dollars to acquire it." It’s impossible.”

"How much do you think they are willing to sell it for?" Qiao Ge asked.

There are many buyers and goods are in short supply. Of course, sellers will raise their prices. This is a natural phenomenon.

"At least 9 million U.S. dollars, and this is not guaranteed." Frist said this, paused, and then said, "In fact, I even think it will be more than 10 billion U.S. dollars."

"Such a big increase?" Qiao Ge asked, "How many companies can afford it?"

It suddenly increased by US$2 million, and Frist also believed that the other party had a tendency to continue to increase prices, which was a bit outrageous.

The current steel industry is still in a sluggish state, and this increase is a bit unreasonable.

However, Qiao Ge also knew in his heart that if he really wanted this price, he would be willing to accept it.

The International United Mining Company still lacks some foundation. Northern Mining can make up for its own shortcomings very well, so it is willing to give a higher premium to its side.

"Regarding the attitude of Northern Mining Company to increase prices during this period, there are indeed many fewer opponents who are still interested, but the remaining ones are very powerful. If we raise enough funds here, the biggest opponent will be That's CRA." Frist said, "Of course, they are not the same company, they are planning to join forces with a steel company in Bangzi Country to acquire it."

"A steel company in Bangzi Country?" Qiao Ge pondered for a moment and said, "Pohang Steel?"

Pohang Iron and Steel is the largest steel company in Bangzi. Qiao Ge naturally thought of it immediately. The boss is usually well known.

Qiao Ge now has his sights set overseas, so he is naturally familiar with some star companies in various countries.

Of course, Qiao Ge is still paying attention to Bangzi Country, the leader of the Four Little Dragons. Besides, he is currently working on his own automobile industry. The major financial groups are quite familiar with Bangzi's economy.

"No, it's Hanbao Steel, which ranks second in the country's steel industry." Frist shook his head. "They have expanded aggressively in recent years, and their overseas raw material supply layout is also in progress. Although the northern mining industry is not mainly iron ore , but CRA Company has a large share of iron ore, and Hanbao Steel wants to establish a good relationship with CRA Company. CRA Company alone has insufficient funds. They have acquired and merged many companies in recent years, which has consumed a lot of funds. It was impossible to come up with US$10 billion at once. So Hanbao Steel was willing to invest US$4 million to make up for CRA's lack of funds. The two got what they needed, and they hit it off."

These words made Qiao Ge's heart sink. Just one CRA company had put a lot of pressure on him. Unexpectedly, the other party also cooperated with the second largest steel company in Bangzi, which made it even stronger.

When acquiring, you are afraid of encountering a strong competitor, and the other party is also determined to win. Then the competition will be very fierce. Will it be a bloody battle?

In a previous life, Northern Mining was acquired by Rio Tinto Group, but that should have been in 2000.

So now Northern Mining may have the idea of ​​selling it, but this idea is not that strong.

In addition, no one may have offered a price that made Northern Mining excited at that time, otherwise the acquisition would not have been possible until 2000.

But Qiao Ge would not give in.

If CRA Company takes over Northern Mining, its power in Australia will suddenly grow a lot. After all, Northern Mining has its own complete production industrial system, which will greatly enhance the strength of CRA Company.

It can be said that CRA's victory over the Northern Mining Company in his previous life was a very important part in his later becoming one of the three iron ore giants.

Qiaogo’s goal is to become the boss in iron ore, so shouldn’t he suppress these giants?

Taking over Northern Mining by yourself can strengthen yourself and weaken CRA Company at the same time. There is no need to say more about how to make this choice.

Therefore, Northern Mining has this idea of ​​selling. Even if the idea is not that strong, he will let them actually sell it. It is nothing more than making some concessions on the price and directly killing them at a higher price. (End of chapter)

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