Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 556: Walking sideways

Yuri was startled by Pu Jing's request.

It's too exaggerated. Why are you going against the president?

Yuri knew that Qiao Ge had a lot of hints about him, suggesting that he should have a good relationship with Pu Jing.

It has to be said that Pu Jing's career has been very smooth over the years.

Although he is no longer in St. Petersburg, he is now in the Moscow Central Committee and has more power than before. It is worth making friends with him.

Yuri did not refuse directly, and immediately flew to Mumbai to find Qiao Ge. This was because of Qiao Ge's hint, and of course because of Pu Jing's current status, which deserved more attention from him.

Yuri could not contact Rohatin and the others, nor could he persuade them to help. He could only rely on Qiao Ge abroad and wanted to hear Qiao Ge's thoughts.

Qiaogo was really shocked when he learned Yuri's true purpose. Once exposed, this crime would be too big.

You must know that Pu Jing was promoted by Ye Liqing. This is betrayal and can even be tried for treason.

However, Qiaogo quickly put aside these thoughts.

Because Pu Jing's official career was smoother later, until he reached the peak of Mao's power a few years later.

In other words, this incident has no impact on Pu Jing.

In this case, Qiao Ge felt that there was nothing to hesitate to help him.

Since Pu Jing took such a big risk to save his teacher, it can be seen that he must repay his kindness.

I helped him this time. If he liquidates the oligarchs after he takes office in the future, he should be gentler on himself and Yuri. At least we can have more room for negotiation.

Of course, for Qiao Ge, this matter can win him the friendship of this awesome man.

This kind of friendship definitely does not exist in the relationship between countries, but for me, I only represent an individual.

After all, Qiao Ge is not a leader. He only has economic interests at most. As long as it does not involve politics, the country and other related sensitive interests, I believe that with this relationship, he can go sideways with Mao in the future.

"Promise him." Qiao Ge said.

"Is it too risky?" Yuri still had some doubts.

Although he was one of the oligarchs and was not very afraid of Ye Liqing, it was because of the joint efforts of several of his oligarchs that Ye Liqing did not dare to do anything to them.

If he helped save people, it would be regarded as Yuri's personal behavior, then he might be hated by Ye Liqing.

It would be somewhat inappropriate.

Between Pu Jing and Ye Liqing, Yuri would definitely choose the latter. After all, their positions were very different.

"I am optimistic about Pu Jing." Qiao Ge said, "He is a character. I think his future achievements are limitless, so sell him one."

Yuri still wanted to persuade, but he found that Qiaogo was very determined and couldn't say anything for a while.

In his heart, he actually wanted to ask whether the reason why Qiao Ge was so determined had something to do with Sophia.

He knew the relationship between Sophia and Pu Jing.

But he also felt that he was looking down on Qiao Ge too much because he missed him so much.

How could Qiao Ge take such a big risk for a woman?

After all, this Sophia is just a woman from Qiao Ge.

"Believe me." Qiaogo smiled, "Has he told you any specific plans?"

"There is no specific plan, but he mentioned it a little bit. He wants to find someone to cooperate abroad." Yuri said, "So overseas, you may need your support."

"It seems that he still trusts you very much. Although it is not a specific plan, it is not easy to tell you so much." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

"I don't think he thinks highly of me, but he probably thinks highly of you." Yuri smiled, "Of course, he probably thinks you have this power." "I can make arrangements overseas, but how will he send people out? ?" Qiao Ge asked.

Sobchak is a repeat offender, and Jogo doesn’t think he can get him out.

"You agreed here. I have to go back and discuss with Pu Jing. I believe he should have some means." Yuri said.

Qiao Ge thought about it. He was just cooperating in this matter, and Pu Jing must handle the specific details.

Since he agreed to help, Yuri had nothing to say and went back immediately.

He said he would contact Qiao Ge in time and inform him of what he needs to cooperate with abroad.

The next step is a set of operations. Qiao Ge provided a private jet. Of course it couldn't be his own. It was rented by a foreign company. Of course, it was not him who rented it.

It's best to hide this kind of relationship, if possible.

If you can't hide it, Yuri will take the blame.

As Yuri, this kind of thing would probably make Ye Liqing unhappy at most, but it wouldn't be more serious.

Even if there are some serious consequences, Qiao Ge will still help Pu Jing. There is no need to hesitate, because he can get huge rewards in the future.

Pujing's plan is that he will use the power of the director of the Security Bureau to get Sobchak out of the hospital, and then transport him abroad on Chogo's plane.

However, Qiao Ge's plane will definitely not be able to obtain a civil aviation license, so it stands to reason that it cannot enter Damao.

Pu Jing went to deal with this issue. He found the leaders in charge of this aspect and asked them to turn a blind eye to the plane coming from Finland.

Yes, Pu Jing wanted Qiao Ge's plane to fly over secretly from Finland, because Finland is right next door to St. Petersburg, and the distance is very close and easier to operate.

As for the relationship with Finland, it was Pu Jing who took care of it.

In short, the plane brought by Qiao Ge avoided various warnings by flying at ultra-low altitude and arrived at St. Petersburg Airport.

Sobchak was driven to the airport in a car by Pu Jing himself. In short, Pu Jing's identity played a role. No one rushed to check the car of him, the director of the Security Bureau. It can be said that the journey was very smooth.

The plane flew to Paris. Here Qiaogo looked for Arnault and asked him for a little help. In short, everything went very smoothly.

Sobchak's family was arranged here early. Qiaogo purchased a villa specifically in the suburbs of Paris. It was a quiet place where people would not disturb it for Sobchak's family to live.

After participating in this incident, Qiao Ge was still very uneasy.

He kept staring at what was happening over at Da Mao.

After several days of anxiety, Chogo finally received the news that Yeliqing used presidential power to pardon Sobchak.

This surprised Qiao Ge. What is going on?

Qiaogo could not get any more information, but half a month later, Yuri came to Mumbai again to find Qiaogo and told him what happened next.

It turned out that after Sobchak flew out of Russia, Pu Jing immediately returned to Moscow and reported the incident to Ye Liqing as soon as possible, saying that he alone bore the responsibility for all the crimes.

Regarding Pu Jing's return and surrender, Yuri also tried to persuade him, hoping that he would consider it. If that didn't work, Yuri felt that Pu Jing could also go abroad to avoid the limelight.

Pu Jing expressed his gratitude for Yuri's suggestion, but he refused.

Of course, Ye Liqing was shocked by this kind of surrender.

He did not expect that Pu Jing would have such courage to let his political opponents go.

And after letting him go, he didn't run away, but came over and surrendered. How brave he was.

As for Pu Jing's fate, everyone who knows about it basically dislikes him.

At the very least, they will be dismissed from their jobs and imprisoned, and they may even be executed secretly.

But something surprising happened. A few days later, Sobchak’s pardon order came out, which can be said to have surprised everyone. (End of chapter)

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