Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 560 The Richest Man

"I have another question, brother, I wonder if I can ask it?" Lupa suddenly asked in a low voice.

"what is the problem?"

"Um, there are a lot of news reports about this financial crisis, which fund is causing trouble, on Wall Street in the United States, do you have any investment?" Lupa asked hesitantly.

Jogo didn't expect Lupa to ask this.

But if you think about it, it's probably because he has a good relationship with Rohatin, so they can probably guess something.

Of course, they weren't sure.

Qiao Ge definitely wouldn’t say much about this matter.

So Qiao Ge smiled and said, "Let's talk about other things."

Hearing this, Lupa and others all laughed, and they immediately had the answer in their hearts.

Lupa gave a thumbs up to Jogo, but said nothing more.

As long as everyone understands in their hearts, there is no need to speak so clearly.

It’s just that their admiration for Qiaogo is even greater.

Qiao Ge's level is completely beyond their imagination.

Of course, for them, the higher the level of Qiaogo, the better.

As long as they follow Qiao Ge, they can drink soup.

And this soup, compared to Qiao Ge, if compared with other people in China, they would just eat a lot of meat.

How many people can compare with it?

This is not rupees, go abroad to earn dollars.


The Red Sky Defense War has come to an end.

The Soros retreated.

In this defensive battle, Hongkong withstood the attack and suffered considerable losses.

However, compared to the tragic situation of being harvested in Southeast Asian countries, Hongkong was successful and victorious.

Soros and others have both losses and gains on Red Sky.

Because Soros and others are attacking in all aspects and making various arrangements, he may lose money on the Hong Kong dollar exchange rate, but he may make money on the stock market, stock index, futures and other markets.

In short, this kind of attack method is multi-faceted and difficult to defend.

It's just that for Soros and others, they originally wanted to harvest the red sky, but this goal was not achieved, so it was a failure for them.

The money earned was far less than previously expected.

But they also knew that there was no chance. There was a powerful China behind Hongkong, so there was nothing they could do.

If we really continue to fight to the death, I'm afraid it will be miserable.

The failure of Hongkong did not dismay Soros, because they made a lot of money while harvesting Southeast Asian countries.

At the time of settlement, Qiao Ge invested US$10 billion and finally got back nearly US$30 billion with principal and interest.

This is him alone. You can imagine what a terrifying number it would be if the others were added together.

The wealth of Southeast Asian countries has been plundered over the past few decades, leaving a mess in the area.

After the crisis was over, Qiaogo came to Hongkong.

He came here because of Hu Lin's invitation.

Hu Lin is very concerned about the iron ore market and has discovered that companies such as Vale are conducting large-scale acquisitions.

This made him very emotional.

Fortunately, I have invested in International United Mining Company. Otherwise, if this situation continues, I am afraid that there will be several large companies in the iron ore industry.

These are all foreign companies, which is definitely not a good thing for China.

Now that I have shares in the International United Mining Company, no matter how the price of iron ore rises in the future, I can at least make up for some losses from the dividend income here.

In fact, Qiao Ge would come to Hongkong without Hu Lin's invitation.

He came here just to see the local big guys and friends here. There are still many investment opportunities in the future, whether it is in the red sky or in the mainland.

After visiting old friends, Chen Xian came to visit Qiao Ge.

Qiao Ge found that Chen Xian was not in good spirits.

It would be weird if you were in good spirits.

Compared with its peak in the first half of 1997, the red-empty property market has now fallen by at least 60%, more than cut in half.

Countless wealth was wiped out, and real estate companies like Chen Xian suffered the most.

The assets he had previously sold to Chen Xian had reached a maximum of more than 35 billion U.S. dollars, which was equivalent to a profit of nearly 10 billion U.S. dollars.

But now the market value of these companies is more than 15 billion U.S. dollars, which is nearly 20 billion U.S. dollars lower than the highest price. Compared with the acquisition price at that time, it was also a loss of more than billion U.S. dollars.

If interest and other factors were included, the loss would be even greater.

"Mr. Chen, I believe Hongkong's future will be very good." Qiao Ge said.

"I think so too." Chen Xian's face seemed to be a little better, "Mr. Gupta, I wonder if you are interested in investing? Invest in my company?"

Qiao Ge was amused, this was to attract investment.

"Real estate industry?" Qiao Ge asked.

"Yes." Chen Xian said immediately, "The financial crisis has passed. Just like what you just said, Mr. Gupta, I also believe that Hongkong's future will be very good, so the real estate industry will definitely recover soon, and There will be a surge. This is a good opportunity to buy the dip…”

Chen Xian tried his best to use his eloquence to persuade Qiao Ge to invest.

I have to say that many people have begun to buy the bottom now.

Especially in the property market, after the sharp decline, some people felt that the bottom was over and would rebound soon, so they began to engage in acquisitions.

This is human nature. After all, it has fallen so much at once, and it is human nature to think that it will not fall again.

This is what Chen Xian thinks now. Regardless of whether he is buying the bottom or not, he is at least covering his position at a low level.

Unfortunately, Qiao Ge knew what was going to happen next.

The financial crisis has passed, but the red-empty property market has never recovered so quickly. It will continue to fall. We are halfway up the mountain now, and we will die miserably by then.

Of course, Qiao Ge would definitely not tell Chen Xian this.

"Mr. Chen, I'm really sorry." Qiao Ge said, "I have promised Mr. Guo and Mr. Li to invest in the Chinese mainland market, so I am a little strapped for funds. When I have sufficient funds, I will definitely continue to invest in the red market. Especially the property market, I am very optimistic about it. Don’t be dissatisfied when the time comes.”

Qiao Ge added something in his mind, the time is not now, but four or five years later. It will not be too late to invest in the real estate market by then.

Chen Xian didn't get support from Qiao Ge, so he didn't say anything more.

Because he still has to seize the time to find other people to raise funds.

A few days later, Qiao Ge got news about Chen Xian and his group.

He made a high-profile announcement on the news that he had begun to acquire some companies in the real estate industry.

According to him, he is optimistic about the upcoming property market.

Later, Jhogo learned more.

Chen Xian and others went around, looking for investment or various loans to raise more than one billion US dollars.

Then use the money to continue investing in the real estate industry.

Qiao Ge was amused, Chen Xian and the others were really dead now.

The losses in the Mexican stock market caused Chen Xian and the others heavy losses, but they did not lead to a sudden decline.

This Hongkong financial crisis and the plummeting property market cost Chen Xian and the others almost half their lives.

The smartest thing they can do now is to sell real estate assets as soon as possible to reduce losses. In this way, after repaying various loans, the family can still have hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars in assets, and they can still be ordinary wealthy people, and their lives will definitely be good. It's a pity that Chen Xian and the others are obviously unwilling to accept it, and they want to gamble again.

So I continued to borrow money and invest.

When the property market continues to decline, and if it lasts for several years, those interest rates will crush them.

Therefore, Qiao Ge can see the future of Chen Xian and others.

Hongkong's future is bright, but it's a pity that Chen Xian and others can't hold on until that time. They have no future.

In a few years, they will become insolvent and bankrupt, leaving them with nothing.

Qiao Ge has no sympathy for these people, which is good.

At that time, I can take action to acquire their assets.

At this time, Qiaogo had already begun to invest heavily in land in Indonesia to expand the area of ​​oil palm plantations.

Because of the money he earned from the financial crisis, Qiaogo had a lot of dollars in his hands, and he also began to buy coal mines in Indonesia.

Now these prices can be said to be cabbage prices compared to before the financial crisis.

Coupled with the sharp depreciation of the Indonesian rupiah, the US dollar is really fragrant.

Of course, Qiaogo brought Lupa and the others with him this time.

What surprised Qiao Ge is that these families have raised nearly 10 billion US dollars in total, which is a bit large.

Qiaogo also approached the Indian government for foreign exchange support. Since this was a foreign acquisition, the government also agreed with a quota of US$10 billion.

With so many dollars, Jogo not only traveled to Indonesia and Malay, but also went to Thailand.

The main purpose of going there is to acquire land. Thai fragrant rice is still very famous. Of course, you can also grow various tropical fruits and so on.

In fact, it is not just Qiao Ge who has started to take action. Various international capitals are looking for bargains in Southeast Asian countries.

For example, the four major international grain merchants took advantage of Thailand's huge financial crisis to acquire land frantically.

There is no way, the depreciation of the exchange rate, coupled with the great depreciation of domestic assets, for the capital holding US dollars, these are simply like picking up for nothing.

Jogo can only be said to be one of them.

"Brother, this money is like running water." Lupa exclaimed.

During this time, he was by Qiaogo's side, flying around with him.

Countless dollars were spent on each acquisition.

Billions of dollars are a lot, but now Qiao Ge is taking action faster, causing the dollars in their hands to be consumed at an extremely fast speed.

"You can only make money by spending it." Qiao Ge glanced at him and said.

"That's that." Lupa laughed.

He thought about the assets acquired, large tracts of land, various minerals, especially coal mines.

Of course, what excites him even more are some of the prospects Qiaogo described to him.

The kingdom of palm oil, the kingdom of coal mines, etc., wouldn't he be excited to be a part of it?

This is still the Qiaogo project they are involved in. Rupa now has a better understanding of Qiaogo’s overseas industry.

The Da Mao Ermao family mainly owns assets such as oil and natural gas, the iron ore industry in Australia and Brazil, and many overseas giant steel plants. Each of these is a behemoth.

If someone is lucky enough to master one, it is an international success.

But these are in the hands of Qiao Ge alone, how amazing.

Not to mention in India.

The power of Bego Group makes Tata Group and Reliance Group crawl at their feet.

In Lupa's view, Qiaogo is very powerful abroad, but the real strength lies at home.

In China, Qiao Ge is the real uncrowned king behind the scenes.

"This is the king!" Lupa turned to look at Qiaogo beside him, "No, he is the emperor."

"What's on my face?" Qiaogo asked.

"No." Lupa smiled, "I think it won't be long before my assets will skyrocket again."

"Haha~~ I believe it won't take long." Qiao Ge said with a slight smile.

After scattering almost all the dollars in his hands, Qiaogo ended his several months of flying abroad.

He returned to Bombay.

For this financial crisis, Qiao Ge can be said to have been preparing for a long time, especially the layout after the financial crisis, he was even more hands-on.

Now I can finally breathe a sigh of relief and take a good rest.

Today is Qiaogo's mother's birthday. No outsiders were invited, just the family celebrated in the villa.

The family here is not just Jogo and Beni, two children.

And the women of Jogo.

This time, it was Penny who asked them all to come over to celebrate her mother-in-law's birthday.

Qiao Ge now has a lot of children, Xili Daiyu, Maduli, and Fuli all gave birth to children for him, and there are also a few pregnant women, such as Evie and Shia.

Generally speaking, Qiao Ge's backyard is quite harmonious. Beni has the responsibility of a big lady, and the other women also have the sense to stay humble.

For Qiaogo, he can afford to raise more children, so the more the better.

However, it is clear that the heir to the family in the future will only be Beni's child.

As for the children of other women, Qiaogo will certainly compensate them.

Of course, their lives will not be bad in the future. In addition to providing wealth individually, they will also establish a family fund.

At that time, they will be able to receive living expenses from the fund regularly, which will ensure that some of them can have the final guarantee of life even if they lose all their wealth.

"What are you thinking about?" Beni walked to Qiao Ge and asked softly.

"I was wondering how much money our family has." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

Hearing this, Beni couldn't help but smile and said: "That's really hard to calculate, although people often do valuations in newspapers and do rich rankings and the like."

"Yeah, I can't figure it out." Qiao Ge agreed.

When there is enough money, it is really just a symbol and a number, and it can only be an estimate. The amount of assets fluctuates at any time, changing with the stock price and the increase or decrease in asset value.

At this time, Lao Gupu's voice came from over there, calling everyone to come and take a photo together.

"Let's go, let's take pictures." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

"But one thing is for sure." Penny took a step and suddenly stopped and said.

"What's the matter?" Qiao Ge also stopped and asked curiously.

"That means my husband is the richest man, ranked first." After finishing speaking, Beni chuckled, quickly passed by Qiao Ge, and walked quickly in the direction of a group of people.

"The richest man?" Qiao Ge secretly sighed, "It's true, but we still have to work hard..."

"You brat, why don't you come over here?" Old Gupta couldn't help shouting again when he saw Qiaogo standing over there.

Only he dares to call Qiao Ge that way, and only he has the qualification.

Qiao Ge responded and walked forward. Everyone had already taken their seats.

In the center, the stool next to old Gupta is still empty. This is Jogo's seat.

Beni sat next to Jogo's mother. The other women lined up in order of age, and the children stood in front.


A family photo!


Explanation: Let’s end it like this. If I continue writing it, I feel that the plot is just about hundreds of millions of acquisitions, investments and the like. That would be too watery. If this is the case, I will be sorry for everyone’s subscription. The results of this book are not very good, the level is limited, and my writing is average, but I still thank you all for your support. The next book will be released after next year. It should still be about India. I hope to improve some shortcomings and strive to write better. Thank you again for your support! (End of chapter)

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