Chapter 68

How to deal with the future crisis, Jogo already had some ideas in mind.

Finding a way to build a good relationship with Bosh and other senior government officials is one thing, but I have just started in this area, and it is difficult to achieve much effect at once.

After all, this kind of relationship doesn't happen overnight.

Then you have to complete a certain amount of original capital accumulation as soon as possible, so fast that before others can react, you are strong enough to make them dare not make a move.

That's why Qiao Ge took the risk of doing business with Ivanov. The circumstances of the times forced him to be a child of an ordinary commoner. His family had no power or power and he could only rely on himself.

In addition, more people must be tied to their own boat.

This is not too difficult, there is a way to quickly gather a large number of people to his side.

That is a labor-intensive industry.

The acquisition of a garment factory and the establishment of a wig factory will require the recruitment of a large number of workers.

The greater the number of workers, to a certain extent, the greater the impact on local stability.

At that time, if someone really wants to touch him, it will be equivalent to touching the jobs of these workers, and it may make some people with bad intentions fearful.

Too many workers may bring him some troubles, but compared to these troubles, Jogo feels that they can become his own amulet.

After all, parades on the Indian side can be held at any time. The power of the dock workers' strike parade some time ago can be seen.

Of course, Jogo is not so naive as to think that if he recruits more workers, he will be fine.

If there are really some big shots who want to mess with themselves, they probably won't take these workers into consideration.

To do so is to increase the difficulty they want to target themselves, and that is enough.

In addition, Jogo is also planning.

That is to store as many US dollars as possible. In 91, when the Indian government only had US$13 billion, if you still have some US dollars in your hands, even if there are only tens of millions, you can make some kind of transaction with the government in exchange for some political status or practical benefits.

Therefore, Qiao Ge must prepare for the worst, and must prepare now, so that when such a person really wants to deal with him, he will not be in a hurry.

In short, there are two things that must be done for him now.

The first is to do business as much as possible, and it is a labor-intensive industry. Recruit more workers, expand the scale as much as possible, and increase your influence, whether it is at the government level or among ordinary people.

In fact, this is also the plan Jogo made for himself before, based on the basic necessities of life of the Indian people.

Now that I have dabbled in clothing, I can consider the other three aspects.

These industries all require a large number of employees, which is in line with their own positioning.

On this basis, find ways to expand to other industries.

After all, the coveted ports, mining, energy and other industries are still restricted to private enterprises, and they need to obtain various government licenses. With their current conditions, it is impossible to obtain licenses, even if they want to enter. no way.

So now is to accumulate capital, and in the future, we can take the first step in the layout after the reform and opening up.

Of course, there are still some private companies involved in these industries, such as Tata Group and Reliance Group.

These large companies play an important role in India, and have already obtained industry licenses issued by the government to enter related industries.

Jealousy is useless, this is the embodiment of strength.

At the beginning, people came over step by step.

The second is to slowly accumulate US dollars from now on. When trading with Ivanov, transfer US dollars to offshore companies. As long as there are enough US dollars, you don’t have to go to the government yourself. The government will take the initiative to find door to door.

Because in 91, when the foreign exchange was almost exhausted, the Indian government had to seek help from the International Monetary Fund and accepted harsh conditions to obtain a loan of 18 billion US dollars.

This condition is to require India to carry out economic liberalization, which almost means opening the market to the outside world. It is easier for foreign capital to enter India. The advanced management concepts and high efficiency of international companies have a great impact on Indian companies.

India was later called the crematorium of foreign companies, and everyone ridiculed that "India makes money and spends money in India, and one wants to take it home."

The reason why these things happened has a certain causal relationship with India’s reform and opening up. In addition to the fact that its own economy is going to collapse and has to be reformed, it is also that in India’s view, this is being persecuted by the International Monetary Fund.

You must know that India still has a strong sense of self-esteem. When this breath is relieved, why not settle accounts after the fall?

Coupled with the fact that the entry of these foreign companies makes it difficult for local companies to parry, wouldn't conflicts arise?
Local enterprises instigated the lower class people to make troubles, and the government contributed to the flames. This is to liquidate the humiliation of the year.

Therefore, whether it is Europe, the United States, South Korea, Japan, or even Chinese companies such as Xiaomi, they have been punished in various ways, and their funds have been seized and frozen.

Such as the following example.

Force Amazon to sell its offline mall to Mukesh Ambani's Reliance Group.

Ford Motor has been losing money in India year after year, and was forced to announce that it would sell the factory to the Tata Group at a low price, and then withdraw from India.

In India, foreign capital needs the consent and approval of the Indian government to sell assets. The government does not agree to the transaction partner you find yourself. Therefore, you can only sell to the purchaser designated by the government. Isn’t this just killing you without discussing it?

These are large local monopoly companies colluding with the government to seize assets of foreign companies at low prices.

In fact, after the Indian painting pie attracted foreign companies to invest and build factories, they began to introduce various targeted laws, which were tailor-made for these companies and prepared for foreign investment in the future.

This is not bad, and what is even more weird is that the new law can be traced back decades.

In 2007, Vodafone, Europe's largest telecommunications operator, acquired Li Ka-shing's telecommunications industry in India, and registered a company in the tax haven Cayman Islands to avoid high taxes brought about by the transaction.

The Indian government was upset and felt that its money had been stolen, so it came to the door and demanded $26 billion in taxes.

Vodafone, of course, refused.

In 2012, the lawsuit reached the Supreme Court of India. The Supreme Court searched through the tax laws and said that there was indeed no such legal provision, and the Indian government was sentenced to lose.

How can the Indian government let it go?

Billions of dollars too!

Want the law?
It's not easy, can't we just issue one on the spot?
Vodafone quit. How can the law introduced in 2012 restrict the transactions in 2007?

What does the Indian government say does it matter?
I stipulate that this law can be traced back 50 years, that is, it has come into effect in 1962, and the transaction in 2007 is naturally within the law.

Well, now that there is a law to follow, the Supreme Court reversed Vodafone's loss.

Then the two sides wrangled, and Vodafone did not pay taxes, but it ended up withdrawing from the Indian market.

In addition to having US dollars in his hand, he can get benefits from the government at that time, Qiao Ge thinks that Gu Dali's land is also a good weight.

When the government expropriates land to build a new port, I can lower the purchase price to cooperate with the government, so the government must give itself some sweetness, right?

But is the 10 hectares not enough?

The more the better, the same as the dollar.

It seems that I have to find a way to find some excuses to continue buying more land there, so that I can have more confidence.

At least the Indian government is not as aggressive as foreign companies in the country.

Explanation: It’s a new month soon, please ask for tickets to follow up, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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