Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 70 Rajiv Roll Call

Chapter 70 Rajiv Roll Call

The cargo ship that transported Jogo's goods was of course in the name of Gup Mahesh, and so were the people on board.

Qiao Ge didn't fully hand over to Mahesh. He agreed with Mahesh that as long as the first successful transaction is completed, he will buy the cargo ship together with his people.

For this kind of thing, you can’t find a newcomer. Besides, Jogo doesn’t know anyone who is engaged in shipping, so he can only ask Mahesh for help.

Mahesh is very satisfied with this. He really wants to quit completely, but he still wants to help them arrange the ship and the crew and find a good boss.

Therefore, he was still willing to take Jogo with him in such a deal, which was considered a good relationship.

Lahudi and Gaomisha were with the boat. If there were no people on his side, Jogo would not be at ease.

The next transaction with Ivanov will be handed over to the two.

The two parties traded on the high seas outside Mumbai, and then Ivanov took the goods away. If it goes well, it will return to the Soviet Union in about a month.

Ivanov told Jogo that he will stay in Mumbai until he prepares all kinds of goods needed by India according to Jogo's wishes. This is to give Jogo a reassurance that he is not a liar.

Qiao Ge didn't care much about this. If he really wanted to lie to himself, no matter how sincere he was, the final result would definitely be to run away.

He has already prepared for the worst, that is, he will be cheated and lose 5 pairs of pants at a cost of 200 million rupees.

If all goes well, the benefits will be several times and dozens of times.

According to Yadela's suggestion, Jogo pays taxes normally, and it's not smuggling. Compared with his own profits, what is this tariff?
And paying more taxes means that the total price of the goods is higher, so I can transfer more dollars to the account of Panda Foreign Trade Company.

"Sister Sara, you don't have to make so much food, how can I finish it?" Jogo couldn't help laughing when he saw that Sara brought another dish.

Jogo's parents don't live here now.

After his mother passed out that time, the doctor said to rest in a quiet environment, which is obviously not suitable.

So some time ago, he rented a villa in a villa area in the northwestern suburbs of Mumbai. The villa is on the coast, facing the sea, and the environment is very good.

It is close to Bollywood, and many Bollywood stars live in the villa area.

Originally, Jogo wanted to buy a villa directly, but was rejected by the old Gupta.

The starting price of the villa is 1000 million. Old Gupta knows that Jogo still has more than 1000 million rupees in his hands, but he still thinks that Jogo borrowed 2 million rupees, which cannot be spent indiscriminately.

After buying a villa, it will be difficult to realize the money. If there is any problem, there will be a big problem with the funds.

So it was changed to rent.

There is only Jogo left here, and Aunt Seth has followed to take care of his parents. Although the villa has recruited many servants, they are not as comfortable as Aunt Seth.

Since the foreign trade company was almost fully staffed, Sarah didn't go there to help.

So he came to take care of Jogo's daily life.

Uncle Seth and Luke's family have now moved out of Dharavi and rented a house in an ordinary community not far from Jogo's residence.

So it is very convenient for Sara to come here. She is helping Jogo with cooking and cleaning, and she will go back at night.

Hearing Jogo's words, Sarah smiled and said, "Master, this is the last game."

Then they packed it up in the house.

She is very grateful to Qiao Ge. Her parents, brother and husband are both working, and they earn many times more than before.

Jogo smiled but said nothing.

'jingle bell~~'

Jogo walked over and picked up the phone.

"Jogo, hurry up and come to my place, um, dress formally, hurry up." Bosh's voice came from the opposite side.

Before Jogo could ask him what was the matter, Bosh hung up the phone, apparently very busy.

However, it can be heard from Bosh's words that it should be a good thing, what good thing is there?
And it's about yourself?

No rest on weekends, really busy.

But think about it, Rajiv is here, not to mention Mumbai, even those high-ranking officials in the state have to be on standby at any time.

Jogo was thinking while changing his clothes.

"Could it be the Mumbai Outstanding Contribution Award?" A thought flashed in Jogo's mind, but he quickly put it aside.

Some time ago, Fajia had announced his nomination, but that was all.

At that time, Fajia drew a big picture for him, saying that after borrowing money to buy cotton and helping him stabilize the situation, it was possible for him to win the prize.

Jogo didn't take it seriously at the time. In fact, during this period of time, Bosh also intentionally or unintentionally gave Jogo a little hint, meaning that this award is unlikely to be awarded to him.

In this regard, Jogo knew very well that Bosh should have seen it from Fajia's attitude. Perhaps Fajia had discussed this matter with Bosh in private.

Now that the situation in Mumbai has stabilized, Fajia's attitude towards him is obviously not as friendly as before, which Jogo can clearly feel.

Naturally, I also understand that the Mumbai Outstanding Contribution Award has nothing to do with me.

It is already a high honor to have this nomination now, and it can add a layer of protection to oneself.

After all, the difference between his own contribution and the Mumbai Outstanding Contribution Award is too large. If he wants to win the award, Fajia will have to bear a lot of criticism. Since he and Fajia are not that close, he will naturally not do such a difficult job. pleaser.

However, the relationship between Jogo and Bosh is getting better and better.

On Faga's side, Jogo didn't have much idea.

Because the relationship between Fajia and Gao Haga is irreversible, and I can't get into his eyes as a kid, so I don't need to post it.

Besides, whether Fajia's next successor is still a problem is a problem, so let's forget about this kind of venture capital.

Or Bosh, an evergreen tree, is more reliable.

"Master, are you still going out at night?" Sara asked Jogo to straighten his clothes.

"Don't worry, go to the city hall." Jogo laughed.

Hearing this, Sara was relieved. If she wanted to go to other places, she would have to call her husband or brother to accompany Jogo.

"By the way, Sister Sara, help me get that little box on the desk."

Jogo took a small red box the size of a palm from Sara, stuffed it into his pocket and went out.

He drove the car directly.

The driver, Yadav, had already left work. During this period of time, Jogo quickly adapted to the manual transmission and the car with the steering wheel on the right.

As for the driver's license, can you buy it if you have money in this day and age?

When the driver was not around, Jogo drove by himself, and usually Yadav picked him up to and from school.

When he came to the city hall, Jogo could feel the tense atmosphere.

Under the guidance of the staff, Jogo quickly met Bosh.

"Jogo, the Prime Minister called your name and wants to see you. You have to behave well later, listen more and talk less, understand?" Bosh reminded Qiaogo.

Jogo was stunned, Rajiv wanted to see him?
When did you get noticed by the most powerful boss in India?

What else can I say, I can only shake my head in affirmation.

(End of this chapter)

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