Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 91 Who to talk to

Chapter 91 Who to talk to

The tragedy in front of him made Qiao Ge silent. He took a look. If the three warehouses were counted, Pandit and his cotton would lose at least 30 bales of cotton.

He didn't know what to say, but from the bottom of his heart, he should be happy.

Because Pandit's group had targeted him, they were unlucky, of course he was happy.

Moreover, the burning of such a large amount of cotton will inevitably affect the price of cotton in the market, and the price increase is inevitable, which is even better for him.

However, this incident sounded the alarm for him. Whether it was a man-made or accidental fire, he realized the importance of preventing danger, especially for a flammable commodity like cotton. Once a fire occurs, the loss will be huge. will be great.

The police came, and Jogo saw Pandit and a few of his companions also coming, with sullen faces and heavy hearts.

Even though they are all rich and powerful, the loss this time is too huge, even they can't bear it. "Go back." Jogo watched Pandit and the police go in, then turned and prepared to leave.

"Going back so soon? Don't look at it anymore?" Lahu suddenly felt unsatisfied, which was really relieved.

"Uncle Lu Bai, you can't see any more inside stories here. I think there will be newspaper reports soon, and even a government notice. Don't you know it by then?" Qiao Ge laughed.

Lahu smiled a little embarrassedly, thinking that it was the same, many people around said that they understood the situation, but in fact they just wanted to attract everyone's attention.

When the police passed by and heard about it, they immediately took these people away. Many people immediately changed their words and said that they were making up nonsense. They were beaten with sticks and dragged away wailing.

The meeting room of the Pease Cotton Mill.

"From what I've heard so far, it's arson. It's said that the guards at the Dasgupta Cotton Factory had smelled the smell of gasoline, and even suspected that they saw a few strange men turning over quickly after the fire. The wall escaped. In addition, there are six warehouses over there, and they are all separated by a certain distance. If an accidental fire occurs, at most one will be burned down. Now three warehouses have been burned, and the traces of man-made are too obvious." Tulu Reported the situation to those present, "Also, yesterday evening, our guard met a person who asked if this was the Pease Cotton Mill, but the person disappeared all of a sudden, which was a bit suspicious."

"Ah yes, I was there at the time, I called the doorman, and then the man disappeared, which is a bit strange." La suddenly added.

When Qiao Ge heard this, his heart moved. He looked at Tulu and asked, "You want to say that that person might want to burn my cotton?"

"Boss, judging from the current situation, this possibility cannot be ruled out." Tulu shook his head and said, "Didn't you just say that someone might tamper with the cotton in the warehouse?"

"Tulu, your logic is wrong." Gao Misha said, "That person wants to burn our cotton. What does that have to do with the fire last night?"

"I don't have any more clues, so I can't confirm whether the fire last night was related to that person." Tulu said.

"Impossible, Jogo said it might be Gaohaga and the others, but they have no reason to burn Pandit's cotton?" Senao frowned slightly.

You are right when you think about it, it doesn’t make sense.

"Actually, we may have thought too much. Haven't Pandit and the others offended fewer people?" Jogo said with a smile, "It should be someone who wants to take revenge on them."

His words were agreed by most people, and this explanation is very reasonable.

Seeing that Tulu's brows were furrowed, Qiao Ge couldn't help but ask again: "Tulu, what other ideas do you have?"

"No, although I don't rule out other possibilities, I don't have any more clues. What the boss said is the most likely." Tulu nodded and said, "Let's wait for the follow-up news."

In fact, he was still a little skeptical that this incident might have something to do with the man who had appeared at the gate of the factory to inquire about news yesterday evening and then suddenly disappeared.

That man was most likely sent by Gao Haga and the others.

But Gao Haga wanted to burn the boss's cotton, so he couldn't burn Pandit's, right?

Burned wrong?
Such an outrageous thing cannot happen.

It doesn't make sense.

Too contradictory.

So although Tulu was a little skeptical in his heart, he felt that his suspicion still didn't have much evidence to support it, so he could only continue to strengthen his own defenses. At that time, no matter who wanted to make trouble, he would have no chance of succeeding.

"Anyway, in my opinion, the burning is too good. Pandit's group is not a good thing, and they deserve it." Gao Misha chuckled, "In this way, the price of cotton will definitely increase, a big increase."

Hearing this, all the people present burst out laughing, gloating at their misfortune.

"Boss, what happened, whether it's because of personal grievances or someone targeting the cotton industry, we still can't take it lightly." Tulu said in a deep voice without laughing.

"You're right. The martial law around the warehouse must continue, or even be strengthened. There must be no slack in the slightest," Jogo agreed.

Everyone has no opinion on this. They thought that if the fire happened here last night, it would be a disaster.

Meanwhile, Pandit and the others were sitting together in an office at the Dasgupta Cotton Factory.

The police have questioned them just now, about who they suspect, who they have had grudges against recently or in the past, and so on.

There are many people they suspect, and there are many people who hold grudges against them.

After the police questioned, they went to investigate the scene.

"Those policemen are useless. They only say that they will continue to investigate and are still looking for clues. It is obvious that someone set the fire maliciously. Mr. Pandit, you have a good relationship with the police chief Tulum Fred. Please ask him to find some powerful people. The police are here to handle the case, the local police really can’t do it.”

"I've already greeted him. He will ask for instructions from the top, and invite the elites of the federal police to come over. This fire is a major case, and its nature is extremely bad. Even if Fred didn't say anything, the federal government will definitely send someone .” Pandit said in a deep voice.

"Damn it, who did it? If I find out, I'll have to peel off his skin."

"More than 30 bags, this is ~~ more than 5000 million U.S. dollars, my God, I have done nothing this year."

What he said made the faces of the people here even worse. Even if the loss was not caused by one person, it was enough to make them feel distressed. The loss was at least a few tens of millions of rupees, and a big man like Pandit would at least lose hundreds of millions of rupees.

The current export price of cotton has risen to more than 180 US dollars per pack.

"Mr. Pandit, who do you think did it?" someone asked.

Pandit nodded. How would he know who set the fire? There are too many suspects, too many to count.

"Could it be that kid Qiao Ge? When I came here just now, I saw him watching at the gate of the factory." Another person said.

"Dare he?"

"Maybe it's him."

"Okay." Pandit saw that these guys were getting more and more outrageous, and had to speak out, "Even if you doubt it, you have to be reasonable. Compared with that kid, aren't Gao Haga and the others more suspicious?"

"Gaohaga and the others? We gave them such a big benefit a few days ago, how dare they do such a trick?"

"Yeah, Mr. Pandit, let's get over what happened before, right? Gao Haga is not so unwise. If he really wants to break up with us, what good will it do him? Besides, they took a big advantage last time. What else do you want?"

Pandit took a deep breath: "Anyway, this matter still needs to be investigated. Everyone uses all available methods, no matter whether it is Qiao Ge or Gao Haga, we must not let it go, no matter how small the suspicion is, we must investigate carefully. .”

Everyone present nodded. They were very skeptical of the police's ability to handle cases. If they really had to rely on these wine bags and rice bags, the final result was nothing.

"But we still have one big trouble." Pandit's expression became more solemn, "This time we burned 35 bales, and the delivery date is not far away. We have to quickly replenish the cotton."

"Mr. Pandit, this is 35 bales, not 3.5 bales." Someone wailed, "Where are we going to find so many at this hour and a half? And recently, many guys have shown signs of hoarding..."

Everyone was silent.

"Everyone uses all means, even if the price is a little higher, we should try our best to sweep the goods, otherwise the price will probably get higher and higher in the short term. And if the delivery date is really delayed, we have to pay liquidated damages But it’s quite a lot, you don’t want to break the contract, do you?” Pandit thought for a while and said.

Everyone shook their heads, knowing the seriousness of this matter.

Once it is not handled well, it will be no less than the loss of burning cotton again, especially if they cannot deliver in time, it will also affect their reputation in the cotton industry, which is the most fatal.

"Mr. Pandit, that kid Jogo has 20 bales of cotton~~"

"Impossible, how could we take the initiative to find him to buy cotton? Isn't that too cheap for him?" Someone immediately jumped out and objected.

"Yeah, at that time we gave him a low price, thinking about getting it back at the land price, no, this won't work."

They all thought that in the future, Jogo would be forced to sell them at a low price, or that after Jogo delivered the cotton to Gao Haga and the others, he would increase the price to recycle it himself.

Now that I take the initiative to come to the door, isn't it very passive?

Everyone knows that the price will be raised.

"Is it meaningful to still worry about these at this time?" Pandit said, "Even if it is expensive, I have to buy it. I thought about it. No matter how much manpower we use, we want to make up 35 packs in a short time. Impossible, how can there be such a big product in the market? If there are 20 packs of that kid, it will not be difficult for us to get over this difficulty. Let’s make it so, I will talk to that kid in person .”

After hearing this, everyone was speechless.

After all, this is the truth, the amount is too large, and I have to bow my head.

The most important thing for them next is to find cotton and not let themselves default.

So what if the murderer who set the fire here is caught?

The burned cotton doesn't come back.

"It's cheap for that kid." After all, everyone was still very unconvinced, and felt that they were too useless.

People like myself are scheming and scheming, but I didn't expect that I was being calculated on my side, so who can I ask for reason?

Of course, Gao Haga and the others also got the news, and they were among the first batch to get it.

The three of Chaudhary stayed at Gauhagar's residence for one night and did not return.

After all, they are always paying attention to the situation in Jogo's warehouse, waiting for the news that Jogo's warehouse has been burned at dawn, and then they can open wine to celebrate. The red wine and champagne are already ready.

But after waiting and waiting, there was no news about the fire in Jogo's warehouse. Instead, it was Pandit's warehouse that caught fire.

"Bagou, what's going on?" Gao Haga asked, "Didn't you say you acted last night? That kid's warehouse is fine, but Pandit's cotton is on fire, can't it be a mistake? "

"Brother, you said that." Choudary said a little dissatisfied, "The name of the factory is written on it, can it be mistaken? Besides, they are very professional. I have worked with them many times without any problems. .Pandit’s cotton fire must have been done by someone else, but there was no movement on Jogo’s side. It’s a bit strange. Maybe they discovered something last night and it couldn’t be implemented. I’ll contact them to see.”

You are right when you think about it, how could this kind of thing be wrong.

Choudary had already called the group of arsonists just now, but no one answered the call, probably because they haven't returned yet.

According to the agreement, once the arson was completed, they would leave Mumbai overnight.

It stands to reason that they didn't set the fire yesterday, so they must be lurking and look for opportunities later.

But the impact of the fire on Pandit’s side is bound to be great. Choudhari believes that those professional guys must have a keen sense of smell, and they probably fled back overnight.

After all, they themselves were shameless, and when the police came, they might be treated as criminals.

So he called directly to the residence where they contacted him.

"It works." Choudhari looked happy, and then asked: "Did something happen last night, you didn't do it? Huh? Burned? It succeeded? ... what factory? Gupta~~ what da The Sgupta Cotton Factory?"

Hearing this, the microphone in Choudary's hand slipped and hit the table with a bang.

The faces of the three Gaohaga people around him were livid, and it really made them say that they were right, these guys burned the wrong person.

That's what they said just now, and they didn't think that Pandit's cotton fire had anything to do with them. Who would have thought that such an outrageous thing could happen?
"Bagou, didn't you say they are professional? That's how professional they are?" Gore went up and grabbed Choudary by the collar and said angrily.

"It's troublesome, this is terrible. If Pandit and the others know about it, I'm afraid this matter will not be resolved." Kumar murmured with his eyes straightened.

"What are you doing?" Choudhary pushed away Goyle and roared, "What's the big deal, burn it again, what's the matter?"

With this push, Gore's body stepped back, just tripped over the telephone line, the telephone landline fell to the ground, and the telephone line was torn off.

On the other end of the phone, the fourth child held the microphone: "Hey, Mr. Chaudhary, hello~~ What happened, why is it so noisy? What's wrong with the ignition?"

Immediately afterwards, he heard a 'beep beep' sound from the microphone, which was obviously broken.

The fourth child shook his head, feeling that Chaudhary was a little puzzled.

Because they have worked with Choudhari many times, they know each other's identity.

"Fourth, who's calling?" the eldest asked.

"Who else could it be, our generous old employer, Mr. Choudary." The fourth child yawned, "He asked me to confirm the situation last night, and I made it clear to him that the mission was a success , Burned three warehouses. He was obviously very excited when he heard it, and he felt like he was celebrating with someone.

As for the fact that he faintly heard Choudary say that it was wrong to burn, he probably heard it wrong, so he automatically ignored it.

After they set the fire last night, they drove hundreds of kilometers away from Mumbai overnight. They just returned to their residence, feeling sleepy and not in a good state of mind.

Explanation: Group 138759720, if you are interested, you can join us.

(End of this chapter)

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