Chapter 93 Shooting
"It's okay, I'm just commenting, putting forward a hypothesis, it's not news, right?" Gopalan said with a smile, "Even if there is no such thing, I will find other things. These guys have done a lot of bad things It’s gone, isn’t it easy to find? Don’t worry, they will be devastated.”

"I'm afraid that after the news gets out, they will be unfavorable to you." Jogo frowned.

"Don't worry, no matter how much Pandit and the others hate me, don't they just use some disgusting means? Don't they dare to kill me?" Gopalan laughed and said, "It's okay, if they really want to kill me, then they will Be prepared to pay a huge price. If I die, how can I be afraid of them?"

Jogo thinks about it too, no matter how poor Gopalan is, he is still a Brahmin. If he is killed, the government will definitely not let it go.

Because those high-level brahmins will definitely put pressure on them, who knows if there will be bold thugs attacking them or their relatives next time?

Qiao Ge mentioned the matter of recruiting clothing marketing and advertising planning to be published in the newspaper. Of course, Gopalan patted his chest and promised, but Qiao Ge had to pay the advertising fee.

According to Gopalan, just because he is the major shareholder can not occupy the resources of the newspaper in vain.

Jogo had no problem with that.

Then the two signed the contract on the spot, with Jogo holding 70% of the company's shares and Gopalan 30%.

Now his funds are limited, only a little over 200 million, and if he gives the newspaper another 70, there will be more than 100 million left.

Therefore, if you want to expand the newspaper office and increase investment, you can only consider it after the cotton is sold.

Let Gopalan get ready for now.

When I have funds, I will expand the newspaper and increase its influence. Then the advertisements on it will be effective, and it will also be very beneficial to the clothing promotion of my garment factory.

But now the main thing is to create a little trouble for Gaohaga and the others. It is best to attract the attention of Pandit and others, and let them fight.

After all, the two of them already have a feud, and it is best to fight and hurt both sides.

As for the gangsters outside, Qiao Geben wanted to say that he could ask Bosh for help.

Gopalan said no, he will solve it himself.

Last night when the cotton was burned, Gopalan can be sure that Fred is probably panicking now, and Pandit and the others have no intention of being on his side at all.

So he would go to those policemen again, believing that they would not dare to perfunctory him anymore, otherwise he would not be a vegetarian.

After Gopalan announced the news of Jogo’s investment to the employees, the employees were overjoyed. They thought that the newspaper was going to close down, and they didn’t know whether the salary would be paid in full, or even gone. Now they felt relieved.

They had heard about the burning of Pandit cotton a long time ago, but they had no intention of working before, and now they immediately rectified their personnel and went to the interview accurately.

Jogo, Gopalan and Rhodes, as well as several employees who went to interview, left the office building.

"Hey, where are you going for interviews? Big reporters?" Seeing Gopalan and the others coming out, a few gangsters wandering around immediately surrounded him. Of course, they didn't dare to block Gopalan, but blocked those employee's way.

"Papa papa", Gopalan raised his hand and greeted him with several loud slaps.


The little bastard was stunned by the slap. Before he could finish his sentence, Gopalan slapped his cunt and kicked his legs, and the other party jumped a few times in a strange position, and let out a painful sound of "ohhhhhhhhhhh" , and then rolled on the ground.

When the employees beside him saw that the boss was going mad, they immediately stepped forward and kicked him hard.

"Hold you for a long time, do you think I'm easy to bully? I'm someone you can bully?" Gopalan's eyes gleamed fiercely. During this time, he was too aggrieved and suppressed too much anger.

These gangsters dare not do anything to themselves, but there are still some verbal provocations.

Coupled with the fact that the police did not stand on his side, Gopalan was a little helpless, who made Pandit and others too powerful.

It's different now, Pandit, Fred are in trouble, so why do I have to worry about it?
It was mainly the funds given by Qiao Ge, which gave him confidence. These days, people need money.

"Are you looking for death?" Gopalan glared at a few gangsters who wanted to come over.

These little gangsters involuntarily took a few steps back, not daring to step forward, and some of them hurriedly pulled up their leaders.

"You two are still not getting out of here? Playing dead on the sidelines, believe it or not, I will go to the police station to find your boss Fred right now? Oh, I almost forgot, your chief boss is probably in a state of distress right now? "Gopalan shouted towards two policemen not far away.

The two policemen were stunned for a moment. In fact, Gopalan's actions just now had taken them by surprise, and they actually did it.

The police still took some precautionary measures. They were afraid that these gangsters would really do something outrageous to Gopalan and make things worse, so they sent someone to watch over here.

As long as these gangsters don't attack Gopalan, they don't see it.

But now it was Gopalan who did it, and they were a little hesitant just now, whether to go there or not.

Hearing Gopalan's words, the faces of the two changed.

They had already heard about the burning of cotton in the suburbs. The director was furious and rushed to the scene early in the morning. It is said that he has not returned yet.

This matter is too big, and many people privately said that the position of director general may not be kept.

Facing the suddenly tough Gopalan, they dared not hesitate now. They immediately nodded and bowed to Gopalan, and then took the gangsters away.

"It's a bastard who bullies the weak and fears the strong." Gopalan was still a little puzzled.

Jogo smiled. He knew Gopalan's temper. He remembered that when he beat up the fellow journalists when he was buying cotton, he was in a mess.

The three of them quickly completed the transfer at the bank. As soon as they walked out of the bank gate, Qiao Ge suddenly saw an acquaintance in front of him.

"Mr. Ivanov." Djogo called out.

Soviet Yuri Kosto Ivanov.

"Oh, brother Jogo, what a coincidence, just call me Yuri." Yuri was a little surprised when he saw Jogo, but he didn't expect to meet him here. He came to the bank to withdraw some rupees.

Now that they met, they planned to go to a nearby restaurant to have a meal together.

'Woo~~~~~' Before a few people could take a few steps, there was the roar of a motorcycle in front of them.

Qiao Ge saw that ten motorcycles were coming towards them along the road.

"Blowing up the street?" Qiao Ge was speechless for a while, this group of motorcycles was driving quite fast, and they arrived in front of them in a short while.

"Eh? In your hand? Social people fighting?" Qiao Ge was startled, because he saw that there were two people in one of the ten motorcycles, and the people in the back seats were holding knives, sticks and the like.

It is still common for social gangs to get together to fight together.

Most of it happened at night in the slum areas, and it was a bit rare to see such a big day in the downtown area.

Probably just passing through the slums to fight.

Qiao Ge thought so in his heart, they were walking on the side of the road, and had nothing to do with the motorcycle gang, they just leaned in and stayed away from the road.

But these motorcycles slammed to a stop beside them, and twenty people got out of the bikes, picked up the guys, and rushed towards Jogo.

Rhodes had been on guard for a long time, and he immediately blocked Jogo behind him.

"Stop!" Rhode immediately pulled out the pistol at his waist.

If it weren't for Qiao Ge's presence, he would have dared to face these guys alone, but now he can't, it's important to protect the young master.

The other party didn't expect Rhodes to take out a pistol, he was startled, and couldn't help but stop immediately.

"Come on, just a gun, only a few bullets?" Suddenly a leader shouted loudly, "When it's done, 10 rupees per person."

Perhaps stimulated by 10 rupees, which is equivalent to the income of ordinary people for 20 years, these guys rushed up without fear of death.

Rhodes was relentless, and immediately shot, one shot at a time, directly hitting the vital point.

"Be careful~~" Yuri suddenly pushed Jogo away, and a bomb crater appeared on the ground near where Jogo was standing.

There are also gunmen on the other side.

Rhodes hurriedly turned around and shot at the back. At some point, two motorcycles appeared behind them, and they pulled out their pistols to shoot.

Due to the distance, Rhodes couldn't detect it at all.

"Go back into the house." Rhode shouted loudly, and with a single shot, he killed one gunman first, scaring the other gunman to hide behind the uncle beside him.

He was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat. It didn't matter to him. If it wasn't for the Soviets just now, Jogo might have been shot. Although it wasn't fatal, it was his dereliction of duty.

It's a disadvantage to have no cover on this road, there are too many people on the other side, and there are two gunmen.

There was a house next to them, and a few people ran over quickly, with the house as a cover, and Rhodes was guarding the door, so that people outside could not rush in, and after being beaten to death several times, these guys seemed to calm down a bit, knowing that Scared.

The rest of the gunmen did not dare to approach, but just shot indiscriminately here with their pistols.

Because the opponent's body was hidden behind the bunker, he was very careful, and Rhodes couldn't do anything about him for a while.

After a stalemate for 10 minutes, the police came towards us with whistles in the distance. Some were holding sticks, and some were holding slingshots. Yes, slingshots are also one of the police’s regular weapons to suppress demonstrations and riots. Waiting for civilians is still valid.

The group did not dare to stay, and immediately evacuated.

In fact, when the police heard the gunshots, they didn't dare to get too close, just bluffing in the distance.

Rhodes found the right opportunity and hit the leg of the fleeing gunman. He did this on purpose, and he needed to save his life. The one holding the gun should be the main character, who knows more.

The police came and took Jogo and the others away, especially Rhodes, who all fired guns.

Jogo called Bosh at the police station, and he ended up going back first.

Gopalan didn't leave, saying that he would keep an eye on this matter, and reassure Jogo that nothing would happen to Rhodes, it was self-defense.

If a shooting happened in the city center and Yuri, a foreigner, was involved, then the nature of the incident was bad.

Fajia was furious. The matter of cotton had already given him a headache. Now that this scene happened again, what is going on with the law and order in Mumbai?

Fred, the police chief, is naturally responsible, but he, the administrator, is also having a hard time.

After Jogo left the police station, he went to the villa area of ​​his parents under the protection of Mansuhe Gaoba and Yush Sulanji.

An hour later, several cars drove out of the villa area.

This is Qiao Ge and his parents. He contacted Senao and asked him to help get a few cars to transfer him and his parents.

Qiao Ge didn't dare to stay here any longer, and he didn't feel relieved even at the villa.

He was sure that this was Gao Haga's revenge on him, but he didn't expect it to come so soon.

Almost as soon as Gao Haga left, these killers were dispatched.

I still underestimated Gao Haga, thinking that it would take some time for him to find someone, but now it seems that he was ready before he came to find him.

Once he refused, he acted immediately, which was really cruel.

Jogo found that he still underestimated these old guys.

So he had to hide for a while.

As for the hiding place, it was at the warehouse, where there were many people, and Tulu and the others were equipped with guns, which was easy to defend and difficult to attack, and had a higher safety factor.

Qiao Ge and his party quickly entered the warehouse, and Mansuhe and Youshi were guarding behind, making sure that no one was following them.

Qiao Ge dare not say that the warehouse is the safest, at least it can cause some troubles for Gao Haga, he needs to find his whereabouts.

Even if he doubted it, he couldn't really confirm that he was on the warehouse side.

Qiao Ge asked Bosh for help, and through Bosh, the police station sent a lot of police officers to arrange around the warehouse.

According to the outside world, Pandit’s cotton was burned, and it is very likely that someone maliciously targeted the cotton industry. Then he has 20 bales of cotton here. He is a large household and needs government protection.

The reasons are reasonable.

In the next period of time, he will definitely not show up again. He didn't expect that he would be assassinated. It was too scary.

That was a real gunfight, and my legs were almost weak at that time.

Speaking of which, he is just an ordinary person, and he has been in China with good law and order in his previous life. How has he ever experienced such a thrilling and terrifying incident?
Sen'ao is not in the warehouse, he has gone back, he has now become Jogo's spokesperson to the outside world, and if there is anything on his side, he will pass the news out through him.

Qiao Ge's hiding made Pandit's headache, because he wanted to talk to Qiao Ge about the cotton purchase, but found that he could not find anyone.

Pandit was very anxious. The price of cotton was one day, no, it was one price every hour, which was outrageous.

The burning power of more than 30 bales of cotton was too great, and the sequelae were too obvious. The price of cotton soared upwards, just like his blood pressure, which was about to explode.

They reacted quickly before and bought some products at high prices in the market. Of course, the high prices at that time are now low prices. It can be seen that his decision is still very decisive and correct. This is his sophistication.

It's a pity that the amount of cotton on the market is limited, which is too far from the export amount. He has to take Jogo's 20 bales of cotton.

Yesterday he heard about Jogo being assassinated on the street, but he didn't expect that this kid seemed to have disappeared from the world today. He asked Dusser and Senao to inquire about it.

He felt that Duser might not know where Jogo was going, but could Senao not know?
Who doesn't know the relationship between Senao and Jogo?

Jogo is hiding in the warehouse, and of course the situation outside can still be understood. TV, radio, etc. can receive the latest news from Mumbai.

In addition, Senao will also tell him the latest situation by phone.

"What? It wasn't Gaohaga and the others who did it, but Takal? What does it have to do with that guy?" Hearing Sen'ao call to explain the police's latest investigation report on the shooting case, Jogo couldn't bear it. asked.

How did this matter relate to Thakal? Although I have had several contacts with this caste discriminator, it seems that I have not offended him, right?

(End of this chapter)

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