Chapter 95

"I still have to answer the big brother, the big things can be stabilized, I admire it." Gavali boasted from the side.

When Gao Haga read the content of the newspaper, the worry in his heart immediately dissipated.

The newspapers are full of speculations. Regarding the case of Pandit and his cotton being burned, there are some people who have had festivals with Pandit and others listed above, but there are more words about them.

After all, it wasn't long before their dispute with Pandit subsided, so it was normal for someone to bring it up and talk about it.

"Big News, what's the name of the president?" Gao Haga put on a pose and thought about it.

"Nus Gopalan." Gavali reminded immediately.

"Oh, yes, it's that guy. I have a deep impression on him. Didn't he stare at Pandit like a mad dog and bite them a while ago?" It's so miserable, it's almost closed, I was wondering if I could give him a hand if I had the chance, but I didn't expect this guy to really make trouble, and it got on us. Gavalli, don't use these tabloids in the future Just tell us, and you can see for yourself."

Gavalli suddenly felt a little embarrassed: "Let's not talk about this. When I came here just now, I just heard Neil say that the stock market has made a lot of money. Tell me, do you have any inside information?"

"Didn't you hear anything else?" Choudhary looked at Gavali, who had no idea how long he had been in the entrance and how much he had heard.

"What else? What else is good, okay, keep it from me, tell me all about it." Gavali sat down on the sofa regardless of his appearance, and yelled, seeming to be hiding his secret from several people Things are a little dissatisfied.

Gao Haga and the others looked at each other calmly, and felt that there was nothing unusual about Gavali, probably because they hadn't heard the previous content.

Compared with them, Gavali was taller and had a rougher style.

They are usually careless and can't hide things well, so Gao Haga and the others didn't think much about it.

On the afternoon of the third day after the cotton burned, Jogo received another call from Senao.

It turned out that Pandit had no choice but to ask Bosh and Faja for help.

He knew that Bosh had a close relationship with him, so he mainly asked Bosh to help him contact him.

Faja is clear that Pandit and the others will not have any problems in the future. If they really want to breach the contract, it will be a huge blow to Mumbai's cotton export industry.

Therefore, he also asked Bosh to help Pandit contact himself as much as possible.

So Bosh called Senao.

Someone like Bosh must know that Sen-oh knows his whereabouts.

"Then see you, let Pandit come to the warehouse." Jogo smiled.

Bosh's face still has to be given, and the time is almost up.

It's enough to let Pandit dry for two days, and if it drags on, Jogo is afraid that something will happen.

After all, Gao Haga and his group are still eyeing him, so he can sell the cotton now.

In the past few days when I was hiding, Mumbai was not peaceful, and even the entire Maharashtra state was not peaceful. The police from all over the country were cooperating with Mumbai to track down the arsonist.

Due to the mobilization of a lot of police force from the surrounding cities to assist, the local law and order and the rate of solving crimes have dropped significantly.

For example, a newspaper in Pune once reported that a shooting occurred in a rural house in the suburbs of Pune a day ago. Four men were attacked by more than a dozen unknown people.

The local villagers said that these people were not from the village. There were originally four people living in the house, and they rented houses in the village.

Due to the shortage of police force, the local police station sent people over to deal with it hastily, and closed the case with vendetta.

Even if it is exposed by the newspapers, it will be nothing in the end.

In addition to the turmoil in law and order, a major event has also occurred in the stock market.

A stock had soared for more than half a month a few days ago, and it collapsed yesterday morning.

It was a newspaper that broke the news, saying that the company was actually an empty shell, all the accounts were all fake, and all the assets that could be paid were mortgaged.

Yesterday afternoon, the owner of that company was arrested by the police. He readily admitted the fact that the company falsified its accounts and that the company was completely insolvent.

Even if Qiao Ge doesn't know much about the stock market, he still understands that there must be someone playing tricks, secretly transferring and hollowing out the company, and let this guy come out to take the blame.

Then this guy's family members or some relatives must have received great benefits. After a few years in prison, he will be able to eat delicious food and drink spicy food.

"I don't know which unlucky people bought the shares of this company, and they really became shareholders and were frozen." Qiao Ge secretly said.

The stock market is really dangerous, no matter where it is, there are always various manipulations.

At 3 p.m., Pandit met Jogo at the Pease Cotton Mill.

In fact, he guessed that Jogo was here, but people didn't want to see him, and he couldn't come in either.

Fortunately, I found Bosh. Bosh's face is really useful. Sure enough, this kid has a good relationship with Bosh.

Looking at the kid sitting across from him, Pandit had mixed feelings.

I have been in the cotton business all my life, but in the end I have to bow my head to a 16-year-old boy, and I can't help feeling a lot of emotion in my heart.

He quickly cleared up his emotions: "Jogo, is it okay for me to call you that?"

"Of course, you are an elder." Jogo said with a smile.

The other party is here to give money, so of course his attitude is good.

"Speaking of which, I have no substantive conflicts with you, and we have no grievances." Pandit said, "At that time, we only targeted the cotton market, and there was no loss for you, right?"

Jogo thinks about it, it seems that this is the case, Pandit and the others are really not targeting him.

Although they later influenced those big foreign purchasers not to purchase their own cotton, this is also human nature.

If they were themselves, they would probably do the same.

In any case, the cotton they smashed ended up being cheap for themselves.

"You're right. Then let's get straight to the point. I know why you're here. It's no problem to sell the cotton to you. As long as you pay, the goods can be taken away immediately. But how much do you bid?" Qiao Ge shook his head. This is considered a release of goodwill, and I have no reason to refuse.

After all, Pandit and the others are still very influential in Mumbai, and it is better to settle enemies than to end them.

In particular, Gao Haga is full of malice towards him, and it is unwise for him not to make the relationship between both parties extremely bad.

In the end, the two parties settled a deal at $220 per pack, which is almost the current highest price.

Although the price of cotton is still rising, Qiao Ge knows that this price has already broken the historical record, and there is no limit to the further increase.

There is no market for the price, because besides Pandit and others, who would come to pick up such high-priced cotton?
Moreover, I am now selling directly to Pandit, not exporting, and all kinds of messy transportation fees, loading and unloading fees are paid by Pandit. I just pay some labor costs in the early stage, and the warehouse storage is my own. This fee Almost negligible.

Therefore, the original cost of about 10 US dollars was saved, and it became my own profit.

20.3 bales of cotton, with a total price of 4466 million US dollars, equivalent to 5.627 million rupees.

The cost of purchasing cotton by myself was only 1.812 million rupees, which means I made a profit of 3.815 million rupees.

Cotton is a special case with such high profits.

At that time, I will give Gaohaga and others 2.2 million principal plus interest, and I will have 3.427 million rupees left, and with other assets, it will be almost 4 million rupees, and I will become a billionaire all of a sudden, right? The goalkeeper of the [-] million threshold, but continued to take two or three steps forward.

The total price of cotton made Pandit feel a little bit pained. In the past, they bought cotton at least tens of dollars lower than the export price. Otherwise, how could they make the difference?
The purchase price this time is the export price, and even when I export here, the price is less than 220 US dollars, because I have agreed on the price with the foreign purchaser before, which means that I am losing money on this trip, probably Lost more than 1 million.

But compared to the impact and loss caused by breach of contract, my loss this time is considered light.

He thought that Jogo would bargain with him, and took the opportunity to raise the price again, for example, to 230 US dollars per pack, and he probably had no choice but to accept it.

But such a result would make him unhappy, and his relationship with this kid would naturally not be very good in the future.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Ge was very happy in the end, and he settled for $220 without saying much.

This young man is very interesting, he didn't make trouble when he was in trouble, it was too embarrassing for himself.

This made him have a good impression of Jogo.

"Jogo, if you want to continue to do business with the cotton business in the future, we can take you along. The purchase price is the same as ours. As for the export, you don't have to worry about it. We will take care of the foreign purchasers." Pandit said.

Jogo didn't expect that Pandit would say such a thing, which was equivalent to pulling himself into the gang.

"Of course, I'm a newcomer, and I'll ask Mr. Pandit to take care of me in the future." Jogo laughed.

Pandit and the others are big merchants, and the price of cotton they buy is naturally lower than other small merchants. Since I have integrated into their circle, the cost is of course much lower, and I don’t have to worry too much about exporting.

In the future, I may not necessarily focus on cotton export, but I have a garment factory, and there is demand for cotton. The lower the purchase price, the better.

Pandit smiled. Now Jogo has a net worth of nearly 4 million, but he is barely qualified to enter their circle. The main reason is that Jogo's kindness has been recognized by him this time.

"Jogo, there is one more thing I need to ask you to do." Pandit said again, "I hope you can talk about this transaction in the newspaper."

"Understood, I will explain it in the big news soon." Jogo understood what Pandit meant, and as long as this transaction got out, the cotton price in the market would definitely drop.

Because Pandit and the others bought 20 bales, the demand for cotton will not be so great, which will prompt some stockpilers to ship quickly, otherwise the price will definitely fall back if they miss Pandit and the others this time.

Qiao Ge has no reason to refuse this kind of favor, a good man will do it to the end.

"Big News?" Pandit frowned. He hated this newspaper, especially that nasty Gopalan. If he hadn't cared about his status, he really wanted to beat him up.

Qiao Ge hurriedly explained, saying that he has now invested in the newspaper.

Pandit smiled. He still has this kind of heart. Now that Jogo is in charge of the Big News, he won't bother the newspaper any more.

I believe that Jogo will not let Gopalan slander himself again.

For such breaking news, Qiao Ge must take care of his own newspaper first, which can expand the influence of the big news newspaper.

Explanation: Two chapters will be updated first, and there will be another chapter at ten o'clock in the evening. I hope you will support me a lot. Thank you. I will work hard to write.

(End of this chapter)

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