Start with hooves

Chapter 250 New Album and Concert

Chapter 250 New Album and Concert

For the convenience of work.

Suri invested in a brand new recording studio on Lanai Island and purchased the most top-notch equipment.

Ed Oliver, the manager of Bluegrass Music Company, recently helped him prepare several new songs and tried to persuade him to release another mini album in preparation for the concert.

Well known.

Suri is now a businessman. Singing has become a hobby and he rarely participates in various activities.

Even at the Grammy Awards held in Los Angeles on February 2, he did not appear in person and was busy preparing for film and television dramas and variety shows.

With the "Phoenix" album, he won two Grammy trophies. "Despacito" became the best song of the year last year, and the album also won the "Album of the Year Award", which is not light.

However, since I have some existing songs on hand, it seems like there won’t be any problem in recording a mini album.

In order to cling to Suri's cash cow, this time Ed Oliver not only found someone to help him produce "Natural" and "Not a Single Day (One Day)" as required, but also re-created the ones used in the Victoria's Secret show "Remember Our Summer" sung on.

There is also a pure Spanish version of "Despacito".

Suri listened to the new version that was auditioned by someone, and the effect was very good. The image of a Mexican farmer, dancing with the girls, and chopping agave in the scorching sun always appeared in his mind.

Secretary Amanda has been harassed by manager Ed Oliver over and over again recently because of recording records, and she is very annoyed.

So during a tour of the new recording studio, she told Suri:

"Anyway, there are already four songs. If you find a new song, you can put together a mini album. With your current fame, it will be easy to earn tens of millions of dollars from it. If you hold global concerts by then, it will be extremely profitable. It will also be helpful for your other businesses.”

After reading the quotation, Suri found that the total value of the equipment in front of him was as high as 210 million US dollars, which was much more expensive than this small building in Lanai Town.

He did not refuse, only replied:
"Manager Ed helped me find a few other songs, but I don't like them very much. I'd better prepare them myself. You can call him later and find someone to help me record the songs as soon as possible. It's best to have them all within five days. Done."

Secretary Amanda knew he was going to Milan next week to hold a small catwalk show for his bikini jeans business.

This is Hoshino Yuko's suggestion.

She felt that with the help of the 2009 Milan Autumn and Winter Fashion Week, they had the opportunity to make their bikini jeans business an overnight success, which was far easier than promoting it themselves.

Suri thinks it makes sense.

We have contacted a brand promotion and planning company in Milan to find a suitable venue and customize some promotional billboards. The total budget of the event is as high as 100 million euros.

Secretary Amanda was very excited after hearing this and couldn’t wait to say:
"You must take me with you when you go to Milan to participate in Fashion Week. I still have the paid leave from last year and I want to stay in Italy for a few more days."

"Okay, there's room on the plane anyway, so it's no problem to take you there, but you can't take a vacation until I'm done. I'm afraid that Jia Ya will be too busy to prepare for the party, invite guests and media, communicate with the organizer, etc. "

Suri thought to herself.

Last year, Yuko Hoshino was not able to get a job at Fashion Week, which made her very upset.

This time I tried to go back with my own brand, and it was because of the idea of ​​returning home rich and wealthy, and not bullying young girls into poverty.

If the event is well planned, it will make her happier than giving gifts such as supercars, and maybe she can get something else in return.

For example, find a way to get rid of Daddario, continue to sleep together, and enjoy the blessings of everyone.

Suri has both fame and fortune.The only things that can keep him thinking about are these new tricks that make people happy.

Although I had experienced it last time, it was a pity that I drank a little too much and my head was not clear enough, so it was inevitable that I almost missed the point.

Secretary Amanda didn't know what he was thinking. She was already going to buy some new clothes. Then she would find a handsome young man in Italy with a puppy type and a charming accent to talk about life ideals...


I learned that Suri agreed to record a new album.

Manager Ed Oliver is very busy and extremely efficient.

After getting ready that day, I took the people on a red-eye flight overnight and arrived in Hawaii in the middle of the night, as if I was afraid that Suri would run away.

Fortunately, it was already the off-season, so the hotel occupancy rate was only about [-]%, and there were many empty rooms. Otherwise, we would have to sleep outside in tents.

This resulted in Suri happily eating breakfast early in the morning.

But he saw Ed Oliver being led in by Jiang Jiaya, with a lewd smile on his face, and said:
"This time it's still the team that produced "Phoenix". I spent a lot of money to bring them here. I'm not worried about anything else. But for the purely Spanish version of "Despacito," do you want to practice it in advance? Record it at the end? I think we can use "Natural" as the title song."

"You're here just in time. I want to prepare a new song. After I finish eating, let them go to the recording studio. While the energy is relatively strong, help me finish the song first."

After Suri finished speaking.

Manager Oliver reminded:

"The mini album only contains five songs, and there are two old songs among them. Should we prepare one more? To avoid being accused of being insincere."

Seeing the word "sincerity" actually come out of his mouth, Su Rui felt like the sun was rising in the west.

Compared with the fans' opinions, fearing that negative news will affect the sales of the new album and make less money when the time comes, this is probably the focus of Manager Oliver's concern.

Su Rui still had some inventory that he hadn't cleaned up yet, so he said cheerfully:

"Then prepare two songs, a total of six songs, and the concert you have been talking about. Make a plan first and make the first stop in Los Angeles or Honolulu."

Although I want to hold the concert on Lanai, there is only one Four Seasons Hotel on the island, and it certainly cannot receive so many tourists.

Transportation and accommodation problems cannot be solved, and in the end it is easy for people to complain.

Just like at Christmas, tourists had to queue for three hours to experience the four-wheel mountain off-road vehicle, leaving many negative reviews online.

Suddenly overwhelmed by the huge surprise, Ed Oliver's feet softened and he almost fell. He said in surprise:
"Wow! This is really... awesome! How about holding a total of 123 concerts like Michael Jackson's BAD global concert?"

Su Rui's head was full of black lines and he reminded:

"I personally hold concerts, and the ticket income will not bring bluegrass music dividends. At most, I will give you some hard-earned money. It doesn't matter to you no matter how many performances there are."

"...It doesn't matter, I can be responsible for selling albums and peripheral products. You eat the meat, I chew the bones, and everyone can get rich."

Manager Oliver rubbed his hands and said excitedly:

"I still need a photographer to take some handsome photos of you and then print them on T-shirts, hats, mugs, and even keychains..."

(End of this chapter)

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