Start with hooves

Chapter 517 I heard a story

"Phew, it's finally over. I've never been so busy in my life. Is this what it feels like to work? I start to have a headache when I think about filming the second and third parts."

joked Suri as she headed directly to the airport from the wrapping party.


Secretary Amanda's face was full of helplessness. She sat in the passenger seat and turned her head and told:

"Yes, not everyone is as lucky as you. You were born in a wealthy family, became a singer before you graduated, and earned enough money to live a decent life before you turned 18. So... now you understand my hard work, right? , how about giving me a little more salary increase this year?"

It's not like Suri is really unconventional.

Of course, he knew how easy it was for Secretary Amanda to work since she was with him. The real workload every day might only be one or two hours, and the rest of the time was spent fishing.

Hearing this, he said calmly:

"Since it's so hard, why not resign and build a thatched house on the African savannah, eat hares all day, drink river water, and use firewood to light up the night? There are no additional expenses, and of course you don't have to work to make money. How can I be embarrassed? you."

Secretary Amanda stared at him, shamelessly shrugged and said:

"It's okay to give it a try, but now you are investing in more and more projects, and my job has indeed become more complicated than before. At the beginning of the year, there were headhunters trying to poach me, offering a maximum annual salary of US$48."

Suri continued:

"But those jobs will be very busy, and the additional benefits and bonuses are far less than what I give, right? If I'm not wrong, you will earn at least 30 US dollars just relying on the dividends brought by Netflix Entertainment's listing , I hope you’re not stupid enough to sell them early.”

When it came to the rise in stock prices, Secretary Amanda was very happy, nodded and replied:

"As my capital increased, I found that by following your advice in stock trading, the income even exceeded my salary. If I continue, this will be my last job. When I leave my job one day in the future, I will no longer need to pay for the rest of my life. If you are worried, you can immigrate to countries such as Portugal and Spain where prices are slightly lower.”

It's different from what people think.

Due to comprehensive reasons such as public security, prices, social welfare, and life pressure, Americans also like to immigrate abroad to obtain green cards or dual citizenship from certain countries.

If it were not for the restrictions on abandonment tax, many wealthy people would flock to certain global tax depressions, such as Singapore, Monaco, Andorra and other countries.

Precisely because many places have found that imposing inheritance taxes, high individual taxes, etc. will drive away wealthy groups, places such as Hong Kong and Macao have directly abolished inheritance taxes in recent years.

The poor always hope to harvest the rich, thereby narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor, and allowing them to contribute to the increase of social welfare.

The reality is that few people are so generous and selfless.

In some European countries with high tax rates and high welfare, the rich are so scared that they are fleeing in droves and immigrating to Malta, Dubai and other places without stopping them.

However, many small wealthy people and middle- and high-income groups like to ignore tax rate factors and choose to settle in Canada, Australia, Europe and other places. Their wealth has not yet reached the threshold of paying inheritance tax, so of course they do not need to worry about this issue.

As for those who come to the United States, like immigrants from Mexico and other Central American countries, most of them come because of the high income from work.

Many European countries at least have high welfare. The United States, known as the world's most powerful country, has more than 4000 million people without health insurance.

The person who is now in the White House was able to win in the past two years partly because he shouted the slogan of medical insurance reform. Otherwise, with the sky-high bills of American hospitals, after being seriously ill, he would go bankrupt and live in tents on the roadside and in parks. inside.

It can be said that issues related to medical welfare have made outstanding contributions to the growth of the American version of the Beggar Gang.

Suri thought for a few seconds and continued to say to Secretary Amanda:

"I heard a story. The general content is that a driver worked with a rich man for many years. When he resigned, the rich man wanted to give him 200 million, but the driver said that he was no longer short of money. He made tens of millions from stock trading, just because he helped drive. I can hear some investment news, and if I invest, I will make a fortune.”

"According to my estimation, if you work for a few more years, you will be worth tens of millions of dollars. For the sake of your descendants, it is better to run away early and choose a place with low taxes and comfort. Spain and Portugal are only suitable Life."

"Dubai is very good. There is no personal tax or inheritance tax. As long as you don't marry a local man, you don't need to worry about competing with other women for your husband." Secretary Amanda has never considered this issue, mainly because she has never thought about herself. How rich can you become.

But her annual income in the past two years has averaged over one million U.S. dollars. It seems that it is indeed necessary to plan for the future in advance.

She replied seriously:

"Thank you for the reminder. I will ask my financial advisor and accountant. Dubai is very friendly to men. I feel that Hong Kong City is more suitable for me. The handsome guys in the bars in Hong Kong City can't tell the age of white women at all. I always thought I was only about 25 years old.”

Suri smiled and suddenly asked the bodyguard who helped drive:

"Scott, you have been working with me for two years, right? Have you saved any money?"

Just as he was thinking about the story about "drivers making tens of millions from stock trading," the white bodyguard named Scott was startled when he was named, shook his head decisively and said:

"All the money I earned in the past two years was used to buy a house on Malibu Beach. It's just a small house, next to the beach, with a total of four rooms. It's incomparable to Miss Youyou's mansion. But I often pass by her door when I go home.”

Suri only said:

"It's easy to have no mortgage, but you should seize the opportunity. It's best to follow my example and buy some stocks of Netflix Entertainment, Apple, Facebook, and Nvidia."

"In this way, when you leave your job, you can be interviewed by reporters and say that because you worked for me, you learned how to manage money and made a lot of money."

"Whether I can make the headlines on the financial pages depends entirely on you."

Secretary Amanda quipped:

"Before accepting an interview, remember to ask a lawyer for clarification to avoid being sent in for saying wrong things and violating securities laws. For example, I never adjust my positions easily to avoid being randomly suspected."

Su Rui waved his hand and said with a smile:

"It's not that exaggerated. Everyone knows that I am optimistic about these stocks. Unfortunately, they don't have my patience. They start to worry after making only a few points. It is difficult to hold them for a long time."

The bodyguard named Scott, although muscular, is not stupid.

When he found out that Suri wanted to teach him how to invest, he immediately felt like God was bathing in golden light and opening his arms to him kindly.

This is no longer pie in the sky, but the God of Wealth opening his own mouth and forcefully feeding pie into it.

Bodyguard Scott was instantly excited and said in surprise:

"Wow, if I mortgage my house, I should be able to borrow six to seven million dollars from the bank. House prices in Malibu picked up last year and prices increased by about 15%. Can I tell my colleagues about this?" Of course, it will only be kept secret internally, I don’t think anyone is stupid enough to leak it to the outside world.”

She never thought that she would fail, so of course there was no need to warn of risks. Suri said readily:

"No problem. When you are interviewed, remember to tell them that working for me is one of the wisest decisions in your life..."

Even for his own safety, Suri should bring them together to make a fortune.

Otherwise, it will be too easy for people around you to be infiltrated and have distorted thoughts, and you will not be able to sleep well every day.

Teaching them how to invest was nothing more than a favor. Suri lost nothing, but gained a good reputation and gained in one fell swoop.


(End of this chapter)

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