Start with hooves

Chapter 557 Loong

That time in 2008.

When Suri first came to Lanai, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg gave him an expensive purebred Arabian horse.

The foal was only about half a year old at the time, and after such a long period of careful care, it was finally ready for a proper ride.

After drinking coffee, we drove from the Four Seasons Hotel to the stables.

When she saw a beautiful horse galloping, secretary Amanda couldn't help but sigh with emotion:

"It's not easy. No wonder people always say that only the rich can afford to raise a racehorse. It cost nearly one million U.S. dollars to buy it, hire a professional horse trainer to take care of it, plus some other expenses, the total is Four to five million US dollars have already been spent."

Suri doesn't know the exact figure, but the annual salary he offers to horse trainer Ms. Ruffo is as high as $20.

The other party has been working for him for more than two years, and his salary is already four to five million US dollars. The actual amount of expenses will only be higher, not lower.

He replied:

"Ordinary people will even spend thousands or tens of thousands of dollars to treat cats and dogs. It can bring me some happiness, and that's enough."

"Horse riding and driving are two completely different experiences. What's more, if it is good enough and can win some honors for me, the cost of breeding other Arabian horses each time may be enough to support itself."

"Some horse trainers only need to raise a good enough race horse in their lifetime, and they will be able to eat and drink for the rest of their lives."

After listening.

Secretary Amanda looked down at Daju.

The most famous fat cat in the world can not only make money by being an internet celebrity, but has also successfully accepted advertising endorsements for high-priced cars, cat food, and cat litter, and even released many peripheral products.

In addition to printing his face on Coca-Cola soda cans, he also printed his face on Dior's perfume bottles and YOYO's clothes, and used it as a prototype to create two mobile game characters.

The direct income was as much as tens of millions of dollars.

There are also some intangible incomes. For example, many tourists come to Lanai to visit it. The indirect revenue is not calculated in Dajutou.

Even if executives of many large multinational companies work hard every day, their salaries are actually not as much as those of Daju.

When thinking of this, Secretary Amanda couldn't help but laugh.

Because the speed at which she makes money is also far inferior to that of Daju, and this is even without Suri's deliberate marketing.

If we find a top team to serve Daju, go outside to take more advertising endorsement orders, launch co-branded products, or directly set up a pet products company in its name, maybe Daju’s total net worth has already exceeded three Fifty million dollars.

Look at it from a certain perspective.

Although this fat cat succeeded in becoming famous through social networks because of Suri's influence, compared with many wealthy animals who inherit their owners' inheritance, it is already a model of "self-made wealth" in the animal world.

Saw Suri and his party from a distance.

Ms. Ruffo, the horse trainer hired from outside the island, came over with a smile and waved, saying hello:

"Hi, I haven't seen you for a while. I just brushed Loong and he is very healthy recently."

When naming this horse in the early years, Su Rui immediately thought of the word "Loong", so that now he needs to explain a few words so that others will know that it means "Eastern Dragon".

He smiled and asked: "When you came back last time, you said that after it shuts down, you can do some simple riding training. Now you can ride it for a walk?"

Ms. Ruffo nodded and explained:

"It's because the growth plates are closed. The development cycle of purebred Arabian horses is generally relatively long, and they can't be ridden until they are about 4 years old. But Loong's development is very healthy. I have recently taken it for simple training to exercise its mind in advance."

Suri smiled and said:

"Great, I want to ride on it and take a photo later. I haven't posted on Facebook for a while, so I want to show it to Zuckerberg."

When going to prepare the harness, Ms. Rufu asked Suri and Loong to communicate in advance to avoid making him feel uncomfortable.

The purebred Arabian horse was quite well-behaved and stood motionless while Ms. Ruffo put on the reins and saddle.

Secretary Amanda also rode a tall black quarter horse and accompanied her out of the stables for a walk. She received an email midway, reporting:

"The chairman of Toyota Motor Corporation of Japan gave a public interview to the media in Kentucky, USA this morning, during which he mentioned you again."

Suri sneered and said: "You don't have to guess, you must be holding back your shit. What did you say about me?"

".It is said that the development of electric vehicles is doomed to fail, but they have made breakthroughs in hydrogen energy vehicles, which will be the mainstream of new energy vehicle development in the future. The nuclear power plant in Japan just leaked, and the call for switching to clean energy has become It’s higher than before.”

After listening to what Secretary Amanda said.

Suri even wanted to laugh a little and said:

"If the global market is a pot of broth, the idea of ​​American companies is that I eat the meat, Europe, Japan and South Korea gnaw the bones, and China, Mexico, and South America drink the soup."

"The idea of ​​Japanese companies is that the meat and soup are mine, and even the pot for stewing the soup is mine, and then other countries will go and eat together, and they don't want to play with Japanese companies at all."

"The leadership of those companies are short-sighted, and their business is destined to have problems. When the market starts to change, the market share of Japanese cars may plummet, and it won't be a big deal. There is no need to intervene."

Secretary Amanda majored in finance and business management, so of course she could understand what he meant and said:

"It's like in the plasma TV market, right? I remember there was a time when plasma TVs were very popular, but now they're being replaced by LCD TVs."

"Absolutely. As long as the safety issues of hydrogen energy vehicles are not solved, no other country will allow them to go on the road. Once this thing explodes, the whole building will suffer, which is equivalent to mobile explosives all over the street. The patented technology of hydrogen energy is absolutely Most of them are in the hands of Japanese companies, who will hand over a huge trillion-dollar market to others?”

With Japanese companies' habit of eating alone, they have obviously not learned the essence of the Chinese saying "It's difficult to gain weight if you eat alone". It is only a matter of time before they decline in the 21st century.

This time he was inexplicably targeted by Toyota's chairman. Suri felt that it was necessary to retaliate and return.

Of course.

What S electric cars need now is to keep a low profile. They don’t have to take action publicly, but they can’t suffer losses in private.

He immediately thought of a way to take revenge, and then said to Secretary Amanda:

"Go to some of the most professional testing agencies and anonymously invest money to investigate Toyota products. These Japanese companies like to make fakes and sell defective products at high prices. As long as they check carefully, they will definitely find the problem."

"After we get the result, don't be too busy announcing it to the public. I want to short it and earn some pocket money."

"I can be a good gentleman in my daily life, but in the business world it's better to retaliate against me, so that people don't dare to mess with me." (End of Chapter)

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