Start with hooves

Chapter 587 Breaking News

After buying the plane.

Suri was not in a hurry to have a test flight experience, but requested that the aircraft be returned to the factory for a complete set of inspections to be done carefully.

After all, the Airbus A380 had been impounded and idle for more than a year before this, and the security team around him was worried that some minor problems might arise.

After getting the aircraft, internal monitoring equipment must be installed and the parachute must be checked to see if it is intact.

Suri left the matter to others to follow up, and did not announce the upcoming change of planes for the time being.

His attention was quickly attracted by another breaking news

——Last night, an Oracle employee fled to Moscow and publicly issued a "no-suicide statement" through his Facebook, Youtube and Tweet accounts, claiming that the CIA had long used communications and Internet companies to implement a secret surveillance plan and required many A Silicon Valley Internet giant provides users' emails, videos, chat history, photos, etc., as well as millions of private phone records, including the length of personal calls, the location of the calls, and the phone numbers of both parties.

According to what the other party said in the article.

The team he was responsible for assisted the CIA in building multiple databases, so they had access to this secret information.

The news suddenly broke out and quickly detonated the entire Internet, attracting the attention of countless people.

The most eye-catching one, in addition to the CIA's blatant violation of users' privacy rights, is the Oracle employee who claimed to have been assassinated multiple times by agents and was almost shot down over the Bering Strait.

As soon as the news came out.

Many smoke bombs quickly appeared on the Internet. The spokesperson of the Washington Department said that there was no such thing at all, while the spokesperson of the CIA said that it was false and advised everyone not to believe what the madman said.

Seeing how quickly they clarified, Su Rui began to believe them.

The main reason is that the "Prism Gate" incident also broke out in the previous life. As expected, the paper could not contain the fire, and the reprinted story actually appeared in advance.


Officials did contact Tweet executives at the beginning of the year, hoping to provide secret access to the Tweet database.

Other big companies, such as Apple, Google, Yahoo, Facebook, etc., Suri didn't know if they had agreed to open their databases, but he was filming "The Ex" in New York at the time. After receiving the report from his executives, he didn't even think about it. Just refused.

The head of a CIA secret agency is not qualified to ask him to do this or that. If their immediate boss came over, they would not dare to challenge Suri.

Because he has strengthened his communication with the Washington government, he now has someone above him. Through his father and a lobbying company, he has long-term matchmaking, low-key helping some so-called big shots, and managing more than 3 million US dollars in assets.

From a certain perspective, Suri is their God of Wealth.

If anyone dared to stand up publicly and push Su Rui into a panic, he wouldn't mind letting the other person know what it means to be a super rich man who is made of iron and a high-end wage earner in Washington.

Perhaps considering that Tweet's microblogging business is quite special, and some people intervened, the matter of opening the database was left unfinished.

Saw the news today.

Suri immediately had a hunch that someone would contact Tweet soon and request that the Oracle employee's post be deleted.

During lunch.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was the first to call him and asked in a consultative tone:

"What do you think should be done, delete that Tim Case account?"

Suri sounded cheerful and replied: "We already know everything we need to know. It is difficult to erase all traces on the Internet. After deleting his account, there will be no benefit at all except for us being scolded. It is better to act tougher." Completely cut ties with official organizations. I don’t think any big company is willing to do such a thankless thing. If any news comes out, it will only lose a lot of users and brand image.”

Mark Zuckerberg's voice continues:
"Yes, it's too late to eliminate the impact now. I feel that those bastards want to use us to share the pressure. I just met with Larry from Google. He also hopes to use this matter to drive the CIA bastards out of Silicon Valley. We Be consistent in your actions?”

"No problem, I'm going to post a clarification post. Tweets really don't leave any backdoors."

After Suri finished speaking, she thought about what Xiao Zha would be like in the future. It's still a bit hard to say for the time being. At least he is still a bit young and energetic, and his edges have not been completely smoothed.

Of course.

Even if Facebook does open a back door, Xiao Zha will definitely not tell this "minority shareholder" that it is not a glorious thing to cooperate with Washington to leak user privacy. It would be embarrassing to tell it.

In the second half of 2008, Mark Zuckerberg's net worth was several times that of Suri. He had been holding a Facebook company with a market value of US$800 billion for a long time, but Suri chose to diversify his development.

Thanks to the collective surge in Apple, Facebook, Tweet, and Netflix Entertainment, Suri's total net worth has now surpassed that of Xiao Zha.

From a global perspective, he is also a superstar, and his influence is higher than that of Mark Zuckerberg.

Just a quick chat, after the phone call.

Suri said hello to Secretary Amanda and asked her to notify Tweet's CEO and COO to prohibit deletion of posts by an Oracle employee named Tim Case, and not to prohibit users from discussing related topics.

Some elderly people may still be living in an era where they rely on influencing traditional media to dominate the world. Suri doesn't want to be scolded by netizens for a trivial favor.

Look at it from another angle.

At least this time it has been proven that some large companies in Silicon Valley may have backdoors, and the Internet business he invested in China has the opportunity to receive strong support.

The reason is that without anyone reminding him, Su Rui consciously dug a hole in the mountains of southwest China, preparing to take advantage of the local superior climatic conditions, cheap land costs, and electricity costs to build the Dongjing Mall and a number of supporting databases for venture capital projects. All are arranged domestically.

After Washington's clarification, the whole scandal became more popular than less.

Suri only posted on Facebook and Tweet, indicating that he was not involved and would not do anything illegal to harm users' privacy rights. Then he began to stay out of the incident and continued to watch the fun.

Early the next morning.

The news continues to unfold.

"Forbes" magazine kept silent, but suddenly made a big move and released the latest issue of "2011 World's Richest List".

Suri saw the relevant news on her mobile phone and hurriedly clicked in to check. She found that her name was ranked fifth and was very easy to find.

"Forbes" magazine predicts that he has a net worth of 405 billion U.S. dollars. The fourth place is Bernard Arnault, the boss of Europe's Moët Hennessy-Louis Vuitton Group, and Mr. Ellison, the founder of Oracle, with 4 Ranked 390th with a net worth of US$6 million.

Fortunately, this list came out in advance, otherwise Oracle founder Ellison's assets may have been affected by employee leaks and directly shrunk by about 15%.

Forget about Mexican telecom tycoon Carlos Slim, Bill Gates and stock investor Buffett.

Staring at Bernard Arnault's photo again and again, Suri felt uncomfortable being overshadowed by him.

In the end, I can only lament that it is easier for women to earn money. Luxury goods are indeed very profitable. The production cost of 20 US dollars can be sold for 1000 US dollars. It is normal that they cannot compete. (End of this chapter)

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