Start with hooves

Chapter 624 Father Jiang


Jiang JiaYa asked Suri to help arrange a job for her father.

Her father, Jiang Fuze, previously worked as a production manager in a ship parts manufacturing company.

It was only because the business was squeezed by Japan and South Korea that it could barely survive. In recent years, it was hit hard by the rise of China. The company's products were no longer competitive in the market. The boss had no choice but to declare bankruptcy, and then he lost his original job.

With the decline of the U.S. manufacturing industry, a large number of workers have been laid off since the 90s. The rise of the Internet and other technology industries, as well as developing countries, has created many new job opportunities and markets, which has prevented the contradiction from completely intensifying.

There are only so many cakes on the market. With the addition of China, a new player with great advantages, the cake will soon be outnumbered. Many old industrial countries are having a hard time. Jiang Fuze's layoff is an insignificant microcosm of the trend of the times.

The reason why Washington has shouted the slogan of reshoring the manufacturing industry is mainly to win the support of this group of people.

Although there has never been any results, businessmen still make decisions based on interests first, but this does not prevent the slogans from shouting loudly.

In this regard.

Suri always looked on with a cold eye.

To use an old saying, do princes, generals and generals have the right to live in peace?
Developed countries such as Europe and the United States have been enjoying dividends for hundreds of years. It is time to move their positions and let residents of other countries enjoy some of the benefits.

If it hadn't been for repeated invitations from Washington, and he needed to make some allies, it would have been impossible to arrange the second S electric vehicle super factory in California.

Look at it from a business perspective.

Even the overall conditions in Mexico are much better than those in the United States. At least water, electricity, taxes, labor costs, etc. are cheaper than in California. The workers are particularly hardworking in order to make money.

Unlike Americans, who can easily destroy their unions and force their employers to increase wages, don't even expect to work overtime, etc. As long as they find some reason, they will soon file a lawsuit demanding huge punitive damages.

Faced with unemployment, young people can start over, but many older workers who have worked for most of their lives can no longer keep up with the times.

Jiang Fuze is lucky, he has a good daughter to help him.

They are both in the manufacturing industry. Ever since Jiang Jiaya's father joined S Electric Vehicle Company, he has quickly picked up various jobs. He took his wife with him on a business trip to China to help integrate the supply chain system of the super factory.

For example, the integrated die-casting machine used to manufacture car bodies has a tonnage of up to 4500 tons. Its advantages are strong structure and light weight. It can effectively reduce the number of parts, welding points, molds, robots and other equipment and labor costs, thereby reducing the cost of each vehicle. manufacturing costs.

The disadvantage is that in the event of an accident, the cost of replacing parts is relatively high, and the initial investment is relatively large.

Pudong, Shanghai.

Recently, Jiang Jiaya's father is cooperating with the equipment manufacturer's team to debug and install the machine in the integrated die-casting factory established by the joint venture.

He was a little unhappy before, being brainwashed by various articles and complaining about being taken away from orders by mainland factories.

However, when he actually came back and worked for a while, he realized that it was really exciting to build a factory here. The workers were not only hardworking and willing to work, but the technology and supporting industry levels were also quite good.

This made Jiang Fuze sigh with emotion. If the former boss had moved the factory out of California earlier, with the funds, customers and technical skills on hand, maybe not only would he not have gone bankrupt now, but he would have become bigger and stronger, using more cost-effective products to seize the market share. Orders from Japan and South Korea.

Unfortunately it's too late to say anything now.

Today, someone came to investigate and visit the integrated die-casting factory. During the period, a technician asked out of curiosity:
"I know a little bit about this kind of manufacturing equipment. The initial sales volume of your new car S-Car, which is about to be put into production, is not high. Once the car style is updated, a lot of the equipment will be scrapped. Isn't the cost a bit too high?" Jiang Fuze said on his face With a smile, he replied:
"You should have seen the photos of the test car. It is perfect enough and does not follow the rules of planned elimination in the industrial field. According to Suri's idea, this series of cars will not be significantly replaced in a few years. Even if it is adjusted, it will not be replaced. There will only be minor exterior and interior upgrades, just like the Porsche 911 series, so this integrated die-casting mold may be used for 10 years.”

Thinking of the three S-Car prototypes that were unveiled at the premiere of the "Ex" movie some time ago, everyone suddenly realized.

From an industrial design perspective, it is indeed both aesthetically pleasing and aerodynamic.

The exterior designer of the Porsche 911 may have the easiest job in the industry. Since the car was released decades ago, the appearance of this car has not changed significantly, but it is considered a classic.

The same goes for the S-Car, which looks like the Porsche Taycan. If you spend money to build such an integrated die-casting factory, it can be used for many years. As long as there are enough subsequent sales, the investment cost will naturally be amortized.

In the preparation process of the S electric vehicle super factory, the importance of the car body is not ranked among the top three.

The most critical ones are batteries, motors and electronic control systems. Suri has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in these three areas. Except for the fact that batteries can only be purchased from Japan for the time being, the research and development of motors and electronic control systems has already made great achievements. Good progress has been made, and many companies and R&D teams have been acquired specifically for this purpose.

Don't look at Suri who is busy flirting with girls all day long and seems very idle. Although this is true, there are countless people under him who are working for him day and night to deal with various problems.

It took a lot of effort to bring the performance experience and price of S-Car to a level that is initially acceptable to consumers.

However, if you really want to sell on a large scale and turn losses into profits, you may have to wait until the second new car with more cost-effectiveness is mass-produced and launched, because within the price range of around US$6, users can choose from many traditional luxury cars, and Also more valuable.

No matter which country they are in, consumers who can buy cars at this price rarely pay much attention to the issue of fuel costs, and are often more concerned about safety, comfortable driving experience and face.

In these aspects, S-Car has no advantages. It can only use appearance, acceleration, environmental protection and saving money as selling points. It is difficult to really impress potential consumers. It is destined that only a few people are willing to try it.

Therefore, the production planning department initially ordered only 3 car wheels, setting this as the sales target for the first year of the market.

Or Lanai.

Suri rode a young Arabian horse named Loong and ran freely on his family's pasture, as happy as a 150-pound baby.

After he walked a few laps and returned to the stables, Jiang Jiaya reported:
"Marvel just contacted you and wanted to ask you to help write a theme song. The cost is the same as the theme song created for the NBA. They are willing to pay a full 1000 million US dollars. Do you think this is considered as funding the enemy?"

After a little thought, Suri guessed that Mr. Stan Lee created the funny superhero character "Financial Man" based on him, which made the management of Disney Group, the parent company of Marvel Studios, sniff out business opportunities.

This is obviously a way to take advantage of his reputation.

In addition, if the two parties cooperate, it will send a signal to the market, which will be very beneficial to Disney and its streaming media platforms.

Adults like to watch Netflix entertainment, while teenagers and children are loyal fans of Disney’s streaming media platform. There is no life-and-death competition between them.


Suri replied readily:
"You bastard who doesn't want to make money, try to raise the price to 1500 million US dollars. Just say that I have a great song that can help promote the entire Marvel. The base price is 1200 million. If the price is about the same, then sign it. Earn some milk powder money for my panda Fafa.”

Jiang Jiaya said speechlessly:

"More than 10 million US dollars of milk powder, dragon milk?" (End of this chapter)

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