Start with hooves

Chapter 627 Buyme

on the outside of the floating rope.

Suri is currently paddling a traditional Hawaiian canoe, along with Victoria's Secret supermodel Dao Dao, acting as the host of this year's Little Yellow Duck Rafting Competition.

In order to increase the excitement of the competition, many traps were added this time.

For example, there is a machine that cleans up marine garbage, which occasionally swallows up a few ducks passing by. There are also side roads that basically mean early elimination once entered.

The reason why canoes were chosen as a means of transportation was to avoid the waves stirred up by the propellers from affecting the progress of the little yellow ducks, thereby causing critical viewers to question the fairness of this charity event.

Just like the first Little Yellow Duck Rafting Competition.

All proceeds from the competition will continue to be donated to the Endangered Animal Conservation Foundation under Suri's name. This foundation burned nearly 6000 million U.S. dollars last year, not including the money to build the Lanai Island breeding base.

There are also results.

For example, in South Africa, they not only rescued several white lion cubs, but also cooperated with the police to eliminate a poaching gang. In addition, in Kenya, two extremely rare albino giraffes were accidentally raised in captivity. They were not albinos, but some kind of rare genetic mutation. , there is the possibility of expanding the size of the race.

The breeding base on Lanai Island not only gave birth to a baby Malovian tree kangaroo, but also housed some endangered protected species, including baby Cross River gorillas.

Compared with actual protection, more budgets are spent on publicity and publicity, calling on people not to buy animal protection products and not to eat their meat.

Among them, the Japanese whaling company was targeted by Suri's foundation. In order to let everyone know how many whales they brutally killed, they have successively burned through a budget of approximately US$700 million.

There are more or less elements of personal grudges mixed into this. Nowadays, many people in the world know that hundreds of whales die at the hands of the Japanese every year, and social networks are full of curses.

Even Hoshino Yuko was encouraged by Suri to stand up and filmed a public service announcement calling on everyone not to eat whale meat.

Although she is of Japanese descent, Hoshino Yuko was born and raised in Hawaii. She is indeed disgusted with the indiscriminate killing of whales, especially when she learned that Japan has killed hundreds of thousands of whales in the past few decades. , and even mentioned in private that it was embarrassing to have these compatriots.

Part of the reason why we have maintained a close relationship for several years and have not broken up until now is because Youyou is more sensible and more like an American girl with an Asian face.
At this moment.

Suri paddled the canoe forward. Facing the camera lens on the rubber boat next to him, he said:
"The wind seems to have become lighter, and the ocean current is a bit slow. We are still about half a mile away from the shore. I wonder if these leading ducks can maintain their advantage."

The words are not finished yet.

I saw a big fish leaping high, and then an albatross skimmed the water at low altitude and took away a few edible little yellow ducks.

Suri showed a helpless expression and jokingly added:
"Well, although I don't know the numbers on them, a few lucky people's S-Cars and bonuses have all been lost."

"Speaking of that car, I want to explain here that S-Car refers to our company's car. The specific series name has not yet been determined. If the sales volume after launch is good, SUV and pickup versions should be launched as soon as possible."

"Interested consumers, don't rush to change your car now. I know the price is a bit expensive, but I will think of another way, such as launching a low-interest long-term loan program or a leasing program."

Wait for him to finish.

Victoria's Secret supermodel Dao Dao, who was sitting in front of Suri, showed a helpless expression and reminded:

"Weren't you just introducing the competition? Now I finally understand why the Internet said you don't want to be a salesman. It's such a pity. We are the hosts of the competition today. Can we consider the feelings of the audience?" Su Rui was confused. At that time, I heard Daodao continue to say:

"Unless you give me a pink car, I will immediately shut up. That charming pink color is simply my dream car. It has a cruising range of hundreds of kilometers, which is enough for traveling in the city, and my The new house has a big garage.”

Hear the words.

Su Rui couldn't laugh or cry and told:

"No problem, but you have to ask your beautiful colleagues to help me do some publicity. One more thing. Have you considered transforming? I think you are very suitable to be an anchor, help sell goods through the Internet, and then use express delivery Delivered to consumers’ homes, I have incubated a new type of live online shopping company called Buyme.”

The Chinese translation probably means "buy me". If it comes from some women, it will have another meaning.

At the beginning, Suri thought about setting up a live broadcast company, but later decided that the investment would be huge and difficult to realize, so he gave up.

During his last trip to the mainland, someone hoped that he could help some mainland companies open up the international market.

It happened that Dongjing Mall also had the need to expand overseas markets, so they hit it off and came up with a new model of selling goods through live broadcast. They tried to seize a place in the US market by integrating some cost-effective mainland products and build the reputation of some domestic brands.

In order to avoid the price difference made by some middlemen and directly start cross-border platform trade, the market potential is definitely there. It can provide consumers with countless cost-effective products, and it may be possible to hatch a company with a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars. online shopping company.

Of course, Super Model Dao Dao didn't know Suri's plan. She felt that she could show her face and make money, so she immediately expressed her willingness to consider it.

On the sea.

A total of 10 little yellow ducks were released, making it seem like a super-large nesting scene, and even whales were attracted.

Facing fish schools and various obstacles and traps, some lucky little yellow ducks survived the difficulties and finally entered the extended goal end area. The staff immediately recorded their numbers in order.

Suri returned to the boat again and contacted the top three winners by phone, including a teacher from Florida and a taxi driver from Nevada.

Later, there will be some shots of cash delivered to the door, but Suri will not deal with such trivial matters personally.

Since there were more winners than in the first season, the counting work lasted until the afternoon.

Suri returned to the mountaintop estate in Lanai Ridge early. It was not until after taking a nap that he remembered that someone bought 3000 little yellow ducks at one time. He was interested in searching the other person's Youtube account to see if that guy had won the prize.

All I can say is good guy.

This Internet celebrity got lucky. With such a low probability of winning, he actually got two car vouchers at once, plus a bonus of US$57000.

Suri's focus was not on the prizes. She only thought that a female internet celebrity next door looked quite innocent, a bit like a young version of Olivia Hussey. She even made it to today's TV show because of her twerking video. Hot search.

He immediately decided to recruit this girl to Buyme as an anchor to bring goods, and he looked forward to one day experiencing the happiness of Principal Wang (End of Chapter)

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