Start with hooves

Chapter 663: When there is no light in the west, there is light in the east

With Suri's reputation.

The post he sent out to commemorate Steve Jobs was, of course, reported by major media in turn.

In particular, the phrase "the first technology company in history with a market value exceeding one trillion U.S. dollars" is generally considered to be huge good news by the outside world, which means that Suri and his Caishen Capital are likely to continue to increase their positions.

This led to the next day, after the Nasdaq opened.

After just over an hour of fluctuations, Apple's stock price even turned green and rose during the session, and then continued to fall slightly due to uncertainties.

It is different from what many people expected.

Apple's stock price did not rise or fall sharply, and the decline never exceeded 1%.

This kind of data shows that investors do not believe that the death of Steve Jobs will have a great negative impact on Apple.

that's the truth.

Whether from the perspective of market share, talent reserves, patent reserves, cash flow, etc., Apple has completely established itself in just a few years. In the few months since Jobs resigned as CEO, internal Management and operations remain excellent.

It can only be said that when the west is not bright, the east is bright.

The most critical part of Suri's post is not actually an estimate of Apple's future market value.

But if you want to compete with Apple, you must first develop an independent operating system.

The disadvantage of Android is the lack of effective supervision of developers, so that various apps occupy a large amount of memory and push advertisements crazily. In addition, the optimization capabilities of mobile phone manufacturers are uneven, and users are required to clean cache and junk files regularly, resulting in mobile phone usage. After a long time, it will become stuck and reduce the user experience.

On the other hand, Apple, regardless of its various hardware devices, or its very profitable app mall, peripheral software, etc., is built around an independent operating system. It relies on strict control of the app mall to achieve positive optimization and create a good ecosystem. chain.

If you only compete with Apple at the hardware level, you are destined to be at a disadvantage. Only by starting from scratch with the underlying operating system can you have a chance to copy its successful model and build another ecological chain that can try to surpass Apple.

There will never be a shortage of smart people in the world who are both ambitious and willing to work hard.

What a coincidence.

She Dazui of Warwick Company is currently inspecting Google and is discussing cooperation with Qualcomm, Broadcom, Oracle and other companies.

In the past, Warwick only produced OEM mobile phones for communication operators. Recently, company executives saw the huge potential of the mobile terminal equipment market and hoped to promote their own Warwick-branded mobile phones, so they sent him over to make preparations.

She Dazui saw the condolence post written by Suri from a local newspaper article in Silicon Valley. This gave him a wonderful idea that made his heart beat. He began to consider whether Warwick Company could develop an independent operating system. .

It doesn't matter if you can't enter the international market. As long as you can capture part of the mainland market, that's enough in his opinion.

Well known.

Developing an operating system is not difficult. What is difficult is developing a mature application software ecosystem around the operating system.

After much thought, She Dazui still had no confidence in independent research and development.

If it costs money to develop, but no one uses it like a computer operating system, the initial investment will be wasted, and he cannot afford the responsibility for failure.


She Dazui had no confidence in herself, but felt that Su Rui, who had always been optimistic about the mainland market, might be very interested in it.

As long as we get the support of Suri, we have the support of the "Dongjing Clan" and the "Penguin Clan". With him taking the lead, and with the help of the officials, we might be able to get things done.

She Dazui is indeed too young these days. I have not considered at all whether once an independent operating system is built, it will still be able to successfully purchase parts and components from countries and regions such as Europe, the United States, Japan, and South Korea. I naively thought that as long as the order volume was large enough, merchants would have no reason to push the order out the door.

It is only 2011, and many people have been brainwashed by public intellectuals. Many people really believe in the "global division of labor" and that "Europe and the United States have high business reputation and good business order."

With enthusiasm and immature ideas, She Dazui took the initiative to visit and came to the Rosewood Hotel to meet Suri.

Since Suri set foot in Silicon Valley yesterday, the news spread in Silicon Valley instantly.

Since the morning, dozens of streetwalkers have been wandering around the entrance of the Rosewood Hotel, all wanting to try their luck and chat with Suri for a while.

Mainly because his family office is very keen on venture capital, and Caishen Capital has successively invested in dozens of projects. Everyone thinks that as long as Su Rui takes a fancy to him, his career will be just around the corner.

Therefore, when She Dazui explained the situation to the hotel front desk in a strange but relatively fluent English, he was naturally blocked and was turned back. He only got the answer that he could go to the hotel door and wait patiently.

in the hotel.

Suri, who woke up naturally after sleeping, had just finished breakfast and chatted on the phone with Daddario about the current situation.

After a brief tidying up, I first looked through the information of several cryptocurrency exchanges and online ride-hailing startups, and then planned to go to the BuyMe headquarters, and then to the S Electric Vehicle headquarters to have a short meeting with the executives in the afternoon.

When the extended bulletproof version of the Rolls-Royce Phantom that came with the plane drove out of the hotel parking lot.

A casual glance.

Su Rui was immediately stunned, thinking she had seen it wrong, when she saw She Dazui, wearing a black suit, squatting on the roadside drinking milk tea.

After She Dazui saw the rare luxury car, she was thinking that Silicon Valley was indeed full of rich people.

Then he found that the Phantom, which had already driven some way, suddenly stopped, then kept reversing, and finally stopped in front of him.

The car door suddenly opened. Su Rui pointed at She Dazui, holding back a smile and asked, "Are you waiting for me, or are you taking a walk to bask in the sun?"

".I do have some business ideas, and I would like to communicate with you."

"Then get in the car."


Sitting in the extra spacious back seat, Suri specially closed the partition in the car.

She Dazui was a little confused and asked tentatively:
"I didn't expect that the front desk of the hotel was cold and warm just now. I thought they wouldn't pass on my message. I'm really sorry for disturbing your rest all of a sudden."

Although he didn't know what he was talking about, Su Rui had no idea of ​​explaining and just asked:

"If you have time later, you can accompany me for an inspection. It's rare to see compatriots from the mainland in Silicon Valley. I don't know why, but I always feel that you are destined to me."

She Dazui was confused, nodded subconsciously and said:
"I have almost finished my busy work. I have no other plans today. Mr. Su's reputation in the mainland is really well-known. He has bought the tallest building worth tens of billions at any time. He has also invested in many large projects in our Shenzhen City. He often Heard others mention you.”

Suri smiled and said:

"You're welcome. What do you want to see me for? The little milk tea in your hand is also a brand I incubated. It has become very popular in the United States recently. How does it taste?"

Suddenly remembering that she was still holding a cup of milk tea in her hand, She Dazui was slightly speechless and told:
"It tastes very good. My assistant queued for ten minutes to buy it. Business seems to be pretty good. The reason why I came here is because I want to ask for advice on an immature idea. Do you think China should invest in the development of a new mobile phone operating system? Is there any possibility of success?"

(End of this chapter)

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