Start with hooves

Chapter 701: Having a child to maintain brotherhood

Once raw, twice cooked.

The concert process is basically the same.

Knowing that there was a sick little fan in the audience who was silently supporting him, Suri sang very seriously tonight.

It happened that the child's incident brought him a little psychological pressure. He sang a total of 23 songs at this concert. Although he was exhausted, it was actually quite relaxing.

At this moment.

Suri has just returned backstage and is preparing to pack her things and head to the airport. Tomorrow she will celebrate her father's birthday and give him a ski resort in Austria.

On a plane from Phoenix to Los Angeles.

Jiang Jiaya didn't seem too interested and was silent.

She stood by the stage tonight watching Su Rui sing, and suddenly realized that although the person she liked was dazzling, he could not belong to her alone after all, so she found Su Rui who was watching the show and seriously asked to have a chat.

The two sat facing each other.

Jiang Jiaya found a reason and told:
"Well, I really want to resign this time. Thank you for providing me with the acting opportunity. Maybe I should change my lifestyle and try to be a full-time actor."

Suri didn't consider income.

If she just hopes to make more money, in fact, since she finished filming the highly rated web drama "My Wife Turns into a Primary School Student", she can continue to work in Hollywood instead of returning to his assistant as an assistant.

After a pause for several seconds, Suri asked: "Is it because of Thalia's pregnancy? I asked you first, and you said you were not interested."

Giving him a big look, Jiang Jiaya continued:

"This is just one aspect of it. I don't want to be pregnant for ten months and help you give birth to a baby just to maintain the brotherhood with you. In addition, it is also because I plan to try a new life. Working with you is too leisurely. No challenge at all.”

"There is nothing wrong with having more money and less things to do and being close to home. If other workers hear this, you may be beaten."

Since this year, Suri has further let go of his business.

Many times, executives of various companies only need to report clearly the problems and solutions. If they think there is nothing wrong, they can just implement them. They basically do not need to worry about it personally.

This also caused Jiang Jiaya's already small workload to be reduced again. She spent most of the day in a daze, trying to find something to do by herself. It was indeed not very challenging.

She continued:

"It just so happens that your movie "The Wandering Earth" will start shooting at the end of next month. I want to train in advance to polish my acting skills and find myself in good shape."

"It's a pity. Originally, I wanted you to help take care of the baby. I didn't want others to know that I had an illegitimate child."

It's just that she's not around as an assistant, and it's not like she has no chance to meet again. Su Rui tried her best to use a relaxed tone and said to her:
"Since you have already made up your mind, I will support you and give you priority when I encounter suitable roles in the future. It seems that there are no first-line Chinese female stars in Hollywood, and the pay is generally lower than that of white female stars."

It doesn't seem that difficult to talk. Jiang Jiaya said with a smile:

"I still like this kind of gift. If you had said so earlier, I would have resigned two years ago."

Su Rui suddenly opened his hands and said, "I wish you a good future in advance and a smooth start in your new life."

I was a little touched for no reason.

Jiang Jiaya was getting up, ready to go forward and hug him, when she heard Su Rui add:
"Having a child to maintain brotherhood, are you really not going to think about it at all? As long as you nod now, there is a spacious bed upstairs. It is difficult to find a more memorable place to lose your virginity."

"Crazy line! Go away." "My plane is yours to leave. I can give you a parachute. I haven't tried the ejection seat until now. I've been worried that it won't work."



The resignation report was sent too early, and there are still some tasks that need to be handed over.

This led to Jiang Jiaya always feeling very awkward in the following days and deliberately avoiding Suri.

The baby in Talia's belly was just a little bean. Suri did not honestly explain the matter to her parents too early. She was still addicted to the gentle country and couldn't extricate herself. She also let the baby who was recently being trained to become an Internet celebrity. Miss Sun Ye, come to Los Angeles to stay for a few days.

When Jiang Jiaya officially resigned, it was already a few days later, and her work was handed over to secretary Amanda.

These were originally the tasks of Amanda's secretary. After taking over, she became familiar with the job. She also joked that Jiang Jiaya was unwilling to help, but she didn't mind at all. Even a 1000% discount and $ million would be enough.

The abacus beads almost jumped on Su Rui's face, but he declined on the spot.

Secretary Amanda didn't mind at all. She already knew that the probability of success was relatively low, but she still couldn't help but want to try her luck.

The concert held in Phoenix did not cause much trouble.

Even though many viewers didn't even get to see Suri in person, his concerts at Santa Monica Beach and New York's Central Park are still the most talked about.

No surprise.

The new song "Dream It Possible" is a hit again.

This time, instead of continuing to release a single album, it was directly put on multiple digital music platforms, including "Listening", which was acquired by Netflix Entertainment.

As a free online music platform, Listening mainly relies on membership subscriptions and advertising services to make money. Due to the greed of music copyright companies and the limited number of paying members, it is currently suffering huge losses.

Fortunately, although money has been lost, the number of users is increasing significantly. When smartphones are completely popular, I believe it will only be a matter of time before the company turns losses into profits. Some institutions in the market have already offered the latest valuation of approximately US$25 billion for the Listening music platform. value.

February 2012, 2.

"Forbes" magazine seemed to suddenly react and printed a photo of Suri on the cover of its latest issue, with the caption "The New Mr. World's Richest Man."


Suri also didn't know why Forbes magazine, which usually releases its latest edition of the world's richest list in September every year, suddenly targeted him and dropped such a bombshell without even saying hello.

He was originally at the Four Seasons Hotel in West Lake Village, located deep in the foothills of Santa Monica, happily having a tryst with Miss Sun Ye who had just arrived. Because of the emergence of this blockbuster news, he almost turned into a large-scale incident that was caught by the media. Social death scene.

When he first learned the news, Su Rui subconsciously felt wary, thinking that he was going to be pushed out as the leader, and someone finally planned to take action against him.

After asking the trustee, I learned that Forbes magazine was worried that such heavyweight news would be announced first by other media organizations, so they chose to announce the news impatiently.

As soon as the news comes out.

It instantly caused an uproar around the world and made headlines on countless online platforms.

Even on the same day, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt publicly announced their divorce, but they could not overshadow Suri's limelight at all (End of Chapter)

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