Start with hooves

Chapter 712 The disappearing floor tiles

average down.

On the Hollywood Walk of Fame, two more stars are added every month. A total of more than 2400 people have left their names here, which is not too valuable.

Suri agreed to attend in person just because he found it interesting.

When he was a child, he often went shopping with his parents. He never thought that he would have the opportunity to leave his name on this street.

After the skilled workers had completely laid the floor tiles, Suri, who was wearing black short-sleeves, squatted on the ground and took a photo with his own star, and posted it on his Facebook page.

But he didn't expect that he had just walked around the neighborhood, bought a cup of milk tea, and played with the puppies in the pet shop.

Secretary Amanda received the call and said to him in surprise:
"The floor tile you owned just now was pried away. It is said that the thief ran very fast and disappeared into the alley."


Su Rui was confused and asked: "Are you crazy because you are poor?"

"Maybe it's your fan. The cement hasn't completely set yet, so it's easy to pry it away."


Suri, who is addicted to marketing, instantly discovered the shining point and returned to the Four Ladies Observation Tower with milk tea.

He took the same photo again in the same pose as before, and the caption read - "It's only been half an hour, which bastard stole my star!!?"

Smartphones are relatively popular here in the United States, with coverage exceeding 50%, and messages can be delivered very quickly.

The incident of the theft of floor tiles quickly spread on the Internet, and soon attracted countless people to watch, and they were amused by Suri's experience.

Although similar things have happened before, the influence was obviously not as great as it is today. A large number of entertainment media and Internet celebrities quickly followed up and let more people know about this interesting anecdote.

The last time someone stole floor tiles was several years ago.

The thief stole the star that belonged to actor Gregory Peck. This actor once partnered with Hepburn in "Roman Holiday" and played the reporter who met the princess despite being in trouble. The interpretation of love has moved people for more than half a century.

That afternoon.

After Suri took a nap, she got up and scrolled through short videos on TikTok. She was surprised to find that there were fans of her own who offered a sky-high price of US$5 for the floor tile, hoping to buy it for collection.

Many people on the Internet are discussing the theft of floor tiles. Some smart people are eyeing the stars belonging to Jennifer Aniston, Natalie Portman and others. They joke that for only $5000, they will immediately bring the tools to commit the crime. Go pry.

No need to guess, the Avenue of Stars Committee should be quite nervous now.

Because someone offered a bid for the floor tiles belonging to Suri, the floor tiles of other stars on the Avenue of Stars also became valuable.

Just look at the variety show "Beverly Pawn Shop" launched by Suri and you will know that Americans collect everything from out-of-print toys, sports cards, etc. to antique tanks, classic cars and even ancient fossils. They all have hobbies. Those who are willing to pay to collect it.

Objects belonging to celebrities are often more valuable for collection. For example, Suri once had a nude photo of Marilyn Monroe taken in her early years. After some marketing, it is now worth millions of dollars.

The props used by Suri in concerts and the clothes she wore during the filming of "The Ex 1" often sell for as high as two to three thousand US dollars.

Like the artist, mainly because he is still alive.

If you die young, the value of your signed albums, worn clothes, etc. may skyrocket. In the past two years, someone was selling tools used during Elvis Presley's autopsy. The price of each piece was as high as thousands of dollars. There are quite a few lunatics who like these heavy-tasting collections.

Suri didn't have high expectations for finding the floor tiles.

Nowadays, many people are offering rewards online, and the prices are getting higher and higher. The hope of recovering the brick is getting slimmer.

It can be said that his marketing can be regarded as a model of "empty glove hot search". At least more than one billion people around the world will see relevant news through various channels.

This suits Suri's needs perfectly.

Now he just hopes that there will be less news discussing how rich he is, and more news talking about his gossip and interesting things, so as to minimize the negative impact of being the world's richest man.

Recently, whenever someone mentions the "gap between rich and poor", "the rich are getting richer" and other topics, Suri's name is almost an unavoidable hurdle.

People only marvel at his net worth of more than 800 billion US dollars, but they don't see that he works hard in his study for more than ten hours every week, and occasionally works overtime on weekends.

That floor tile has indeed disappeared.

I believe that the Avenue of Stars Committee is not really angry, but rather pleasantly surprised by its success in attracting tourists.

When the new floor tiles were put up, it was already a week later, and security guards were even specially arranged to guard Suri's star until the cement was completely solidified.

For nearly a week.

In addition to preparing for the filming of "The Ex 2", Suri is also busy handling some backlog of work and assisting her father in acquiring Wing Hang Bank in Hong Kong.

Wing Hang Bank is of average size and mainly provides agency, offshore banking, hire-purchase loans, personal loans, stock brokerage, insurance underwriting, insurance agency and consulting services. In the past few years, it has opened branches in several first-tier cities in the Mainland to engage in private banking business and serve high net worth individuals.

Not only banks, Suri also has his eye on several insurance companies in Hong Kong cities. As soon as he has more money, he will successively negotiate for acquisitions and take most of the wealth out of the United States in stages.

This kind of move is obviously not optimistic about the prospects of the United States.


Suri is busy rehearsing the script of "Predecessor 2" with Yuko Hoshino.

Secretary Amanda came over with a document and said, "It has just been two months since Netflix launched the phone. Guess how many phones and tablets were sold in total?"

"A total of 600 million mobile phones have been ordered. We have always sold as many as we produce. The order volume has been scheduled until September. Do you still need to guess?"

Although he had confidence in high-quality and affordable Android smartphones, he did not dare to produce too many in the early stage. Relying on the "low price" and "hungry marketing" strategies, Netflix triggered a rush to buy mobile phones and tablets as soon as they came out.

Especially for cash-strapped young people, Netflix smartphones can meet most of their needs. The starting price of Apple iPhone 4S is US$649, and the starting price of Netflix mobile phones is US$399.

The biggest innovation is the addition of the "Pure Mode" function, which allows users to download only apps that have been reviewed and certified to avoid excessive lag.

Smartphones have just begun to develop in these years, and Moore's Law is still in effect. A smart phone often does not last long before its performance is much lower than that of a new model, forcing users to replace their phones every two years.

Therefore, Suri’s requirements for Netflix’s mobile phones and tablets are nothing more than “they are good to use”, and he does not expect to make the most useful products on the market. (End of this chapter)

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