Start with hooves

Chapter 719 There are not many opportunities to make quick money

Suri did not directly reject the proposal of Yahoo's new CEO Marissa Mayer.

Although he didn't know the details yet, in his eyes, Yahoo was an interesting company. Due to his keen business sense, he thought there seemed to be some speculative opportunities.

As early as the 1990s, Suri and his father paid attention to and invested in Yahoo, and then made a lot of money for his domestic violence. During the Nasdaq bubble at the beginning of this century, the stock price went crazy.

It can be said that the reason why the Suri family was able to buy the top mansion in Beverly Hills without any pressure ten years ago was that Yahoo contributed the vast majority of the purchase price.

In recent years, the market value of Yahoo's core business has dropped from its peak of more than 100 billion U.S. dollars to just over 10 billion U.S. dollars at present. Google and other companies have taken away most of the market share, and it continues to decline.

Nowadays, when young people talk about Silicon Valley giants, they only talk about Facebook, Amazon, Oracle, Google, Apple, Netflix Entertainment and other companies, and rarely talk about the name "Yahoo".

In Suri's impression, Yahoo was indeed acquired in the previous life, and the total sale was only a few billion dollars.

At the time, he did not have the vision and business acumen he has now. He could not understand why Yahoo, which held a large number of Alibaba shares, was only worth such a small amount of money. Now he can basically guess that when selling its core business, it spun off Alibaba, This part of Yahoo Japan's assets.

Even without looking at the value of Yahoo itself.

After Ali's buyback in the first half of this year, Yahoo still holds 20.3% of Ali's shares and 36% of Yahoo Japan's shares. Suri is very happy to try to cooperate with Marissa Mayer.

After seeing off this famous technology woman in Silicon Valley, he couldn't wait to search for relevant information online.

From a news article at the beginning of the year, we learned that this year Alibaba will repurchase 63% of Yahoo’s shares in Alibaba with US$8 billion in cash and US$50 million in Alibaba preferred shares, and will also pay Yahoo a one-time payment for technology and intellectual property rights. The license fee is US$5.5 million in cash.

The current total valuation of Alibaba is approximately US$300 billion.

It’s no wonder that Marissa Mayer couldn’t wait to announce a repurchase plan for outstanding shares as soon as she became Yahoo’s CEO, and hoped to add new profit points to Yahoo through buying and selling. She has plenty of cash on her books.

If you invest in it through Caishen Capital, you will indeed have the opportunity to bring considerable profits to your customers.


Rather than helping Caishen Capital's clients make money, Suri hopes to earn a large amount of liquidity for himself and inject sufficient financing into the Four Seasons Hotel Group and mainland Internet companies.

After all, there are many financial management projects worth investing in, and there are not many opportunities to make a lot of quick money through speculation.
Secretary Amanda enters the room and brings Suri burgers and fried chicken legs.

Seeing Su Rui unblinking and staring at the laptop screen with a frown, she curiously asked:

"Why are your eyes glowing? I know your expression, like a vulture encountering an animal carcass, full of excitement that you are about to have a feast."


Suri looked at her sideways and said, "Vultures look disgusting. Why don't you describe them as lions eyeing antelopes, or tigers preparing to hunt?"

"Okay, then it's a tiger. The little white tiger that was just born on Lanai Island is very cute."

After hearing what Secretary Amanda said, Suri joked: "Who doesn't like the little white tiger? Give me the burger quickly, I'm going to faint from hunger."

"You haven't said it yet, why are you so excited? Marissa Mayer found a perfect piece of land for you?" Secretary Amanda said as she tore open the brown paper bag. She also bought a portion of French fries. She is currently busy managing her figure. , a rare indulgence.

Su Rui stretched out a finger and shook it, and replied with a smile:

"Just acquiring land won't cheer me up. I'm considering the feasibility of acquiring Yahoo as a whole and then reorganizing and splitting it up. How likely do you think Google is to be willing to buy Yahoo's core search engine?" and advertising business?”

Even though Secretary Amanda was well-informed, she was shocked when she heard the words "acquisition of Yahoo as a whole".

The previously acquired Four Seasons Hotel Group is already very expensive, and the market value of one Yahoo company is equivalent to three Four Seasons Hotel Groups. In addition, premiums and handling fees need to be considered, and the cost is difficult to be less than 200 billion US dollars.

After thinking quickly, she shook her head and said:

"Google has already won. There is no need to acquire this part of Yahoo's business. The existence of competitors will help it avoid facing antitrust lawsuits. It can be said that Google already has what Yahoo has, and it needs to be better."

Hear the words.

Suri felt it made sense and immediately said:

"That's right, just like I wouldn't pay for the HBO+ streaming platform, it doesn't help Netflix entertainment much. If Larry Page is not interested, Microsoft may be very interested, Mark Zuckerberg Maybe you’ll like it too.”

Suri has no interest in the search engine business. There are too many competitors on the market and the market has long been saturated. Even if he personally supports it, it will still be difficult to revive it.

Putting aside these assets, the remaining Yahoo Japan shares and Alibaba shares are what Suri likes.

The latter goes without saying.

Yahoo! Japan is also developing very well. Last year, its net profit exceeded US$8 million, almost monopolizing the Japanese Internet market.

If Yahoo is really being acquired as a package, it would be best if the search engine and advertising businesses could be sold, but it doesn't seem to matter if they can't be sold.

Su Rui feels that he can just use it to develop "cloud", "AI", and "Internet finance" businesses. He can find an opportunity to re-list in the future, and then find a way to cash out.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Yahoo still has 13.4% of the search engine market share and 7% of the display advertising market share in the United States. It also has email, online news and other businesses.

These resources are beneficial to the expansion of companies such as Tweet, Netflix Entertainment, and Caishen Capital.

Because the two projects of S electric car and Tweet are about to be launched, Suri happens to have assets that can be used as collateral for loans. Taking into account the value of Yahoo itself, there is almost no financial pressure. Anyway, it mainly uses bank money, and only needs to pay some Loan interest.

Compared with the income, interest is nothing. With 20.3% of Alibaba's shares alone, Suri can earn to billion US dollars in the next few years.
the other side.

CEO Marissa Mayer did not expect that she would face a major multiple-choice question not long after she took office.

After meeting with Suri, she was also inspired. She wanted to pay attention to Suri's latest trends and learn from him in acquiring certain types of start-up companies, such as cryptocurrency exchanges that cooperate with Facebook, as well as online taxis, Mobile games and the like.

Since I have no clue and cannot come up with a mature plan to turn the tide, learning from smarter people is obviously a good choice (End of Chapter)

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