Start with hooves

Chapter 738 Layoffs

Inviting Miss Olivia Cata to Silicon Valley, Suri stayed here for a few more days, mainly busy with the follow-up matters of the acquisition of Yahoo.

In fact, all he really needs to do personally is attend the public signing ceremony.

Afterwards, with overwhelming news reports, the number of users of Yahoo's search engine unexpectedly skyrocketed in a short period of time. As a Hollywood superstar and the world's richest man, Suri's influence is unmatched by other businessmen, and he has a huge amount of traffic.

Yahoo’s current advertising bidding model is somewhat similar to Du Niang.

Suri hopes to choose a new compromise between the existing bidding ranking model and Google's model, which will not only avoid a sharp decline in revenue from Yahoo's core business, but also display better search results for users, giving them priority. High-quality index search results and appropriately reduce advertising costs.

After all, users don’t use search engines to search for ads.

As for the Huaxia Market, although it doesn’t make much money and requires relatively small investment, you can still give it a try, which will help attract traffic to platforms such as Dongjing Mall, Pinxixi, and Flash Video.

Having agreed to sell Yahoo! Japan's shares, there is no need to rush to sell Yahoo's core business. Even if it eventually decides to transfer, Suri wants to sell it at a better price.

During his time in charge of it, he was able to attract traffic to other startups through Yahoo, such as online news platforms and email platforms, and at the same time increase Suri's influence in the media field.

These projects of his seem to be independent of each other, but because of Suri's existence, they are all connected in series, which is equivalent to creating an Internet ecosystem under his control in just a few years.

Netizens can use BuyMe for shopping, Netflix for watching TV shows, and Listening for listening to music. In addition, TikTok, Tweet, and Netflix mobile phones are used for entertainment. Suri’s status in Silicon Valley has surpassed that of Mark Zuckerberg. Kberg, Oracle founder Larry Ellison and others.

A few years ago, Suri had to look up at them, but now there was no one in front of him.

I banged my head against the bed for several days.

Miss Olivia Carta felt dizzy all day long, and even became obsessed with the palace drama with English letters. She stayed up late for two consecutive days to watch two or three o'clock.

Although Suri and she have nothing in common, Olivia has a good temper and is very obedient. With her pure temperament and wonderful figure, she is the perfect lover in Suri's eyes.

Just be happy when you get along with Olivia, and you don’t need to consider many messy and thorny issues. I just finished filming "Vivian's Trouble" some time ago, and the next film starring Olivia is "A Class A Honors Student Goes to the Sea". ", will start shooting in mid-October.

In order to legally avoid taxes and invest the profits on their books, Daju Film Company has been making continuous moves recently. It even cooperated with Netflix Entertainment to launch the "Star Wars Episode II" project in an attempt to build a more novel "Star Wars Universe".

Speaking of palace dramas, Netflix Entertainment also has similar projects, such as "Catherine the Great" and "The Tudors" and "The Crown". The former has been officially approved and is preparing to start filming.

At this moment.

Putting the panting Olivia next to the bed, Suri picked up the cup and drank some water, and asked:

"I'm almost done with the work here. I'll go back to Hollywood tomorrow. I don't think I'll be here for too long. I'll go to Europe or Asia for vacation again. What are your plans?"

"No, the shooting of the new movie is about to start. I still need to make some preparations. I will have a few live broadcasts after returning to Hollywood. The number of BuyMe users has increased, and my performance has increased rapidly. In fact, it seems that no one can surpass it for the time being. Me." The wind from the air conditioner felt a little cold on her body. Olivia wrapped herself in her nightgown and sounded a little proud.

Su Rui didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and continued to say to her:

"You often sit there wearing a tank top. Which man would be willing to leave your live broadcast room? However, they are not a group that likes impulse consumption. In fact, female users are the best. I suggest you sell more perfumes, cosmetics, and clothes. Kindly change your current positioning a little, otherwise your performance may soon surpass yours when someone else catches your wealth code.”

When it comes to her own career, Olivia is still very smart and immediately replied:
"I see that some anchors have already created private teams. Maybe I should also form a team of my own."

With the help of BuyMe’s platform channels, live streaming can be very profitable, and the fame accumulated through high exposure can also bring additional income to Olivia. For a young girl under 20 years old like her, it is obvious that It's a very good career.

Even after getting help from Suri and starting to enter the entertainment industry, Olivia Cata never thought of directly losing her status as "the number one live-streaming product in the United States".

In recent days, she had come into contact with too many people and things. Suri asked her to take a bath together. It was not until about 11 o'clock that night that she learned that several laid-off Indian employees of Yahoo were actually drinking. After being drunk, they teamed up and ran to the door of CEO Marissa Mayer's house and burned her Maserati sports car.

After learning the news.

Suri immediately said to Secretary Amanda: "We can't stay in Silicon Valley for the time being. How many employees need to be laid off in total recently?"

Secretary Amanda agreed with the idea of ​​leaving Silicon Valley to avoid the limelight and replied:

"Before Marissa Mayer took office, Yahoo had a total of more than 18000 employees. After she took office, she laid off about 2000 people. This time we plan to lay off about 7000 people. Maybe someone will blame you."

The acquisition of Yahoo.

Suri is very happy, Yahoo shareholders are very happy, and investors who invest in Yahoo are also happy.

Many Yahoo employees were in bad luck. Many departments and subsidiaries were directly cut off as a whole. Although the compensation package was not bad, many people lost their long-term jobs.

To this end, Suri has thought of some solutions, such as letting Tweet, Netflix Entertainment, TikTok and other companies recruit and accept about 2500 employees. Subsequent cloud storage, cloud computing, and AI projects will also recruit some employees.

Of course, salary needs to be discussed separately.

Reducing thousands of employees means saving hundreds of millions of dollars in salary expenses every year. If Yahoo's board of directors had been bolder and carried out drastic layoffs and reorganization earlier, the market value might have skyrocketed by three to four billion dollars.

Jerry Yang, the founder of Yahoo, wants to save face and doesn’t want to abandon the employees who have been with him for many years. Su Rui doesn’t care much about this. It can only be said that as an old Internet company, many employees can no longer keep up with the pace and have become just a fisherman. Watery fried dough sticks.

With CEO Marissa Mayer helping to block the gun, Suri has no problem for the time being.

To be on the safe side, Secretary Amanda contacted the local police and arranged for several cars to guard the surrounding areas (End of Chapter)

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