Start with hooves

Chapter 742 Daughter

The baby was just born and his blood oxygen level was a little low. He still needed to stay in the observation room for one night. He was accompanied by two female guards and caregivers throughout the whole process.

Because it is Suri's first child, it is more or less different.

After the delivery work is completed at the hospital, other tasks are handed over to the most professional team. Just in case, we would rather spend more money. Top experts from other departments in many hospitals in London are on call 24 hours a day.

When she learned that the baby had been put in the incubator, Suri changed into ordinary clothes, put on a mask and a hat, and was led by secretary Amanda to her little girl.

Just born.

His daughter looks only a little big, like a kitten, wrapped in swaddling clothes. It can be seen that her hair is black and slightly yellowish, her eyes and face are still swollen, and her facial features are quite delicate.

Seeing a baby in person and viewing it through photos are two completely different feelings.

When he looked carefully, he could see the little girl in the incubator. She suddenly opened one eye and looked at him. This made Su Ruili so happy that she couldn't see enough. She found a good angle to take some photos and sent them to her parents.

This happy mood ended abruptly until the little guy suddenly started crying a few minutes later.

Despite her small size, her voice was really loud, which gave Suri a headache, so she hurriedly asked the nurse to take over. While she was breastfeeding, someone else was helping to change the diaper.


Father's love is limited, and teasing her occasionally is enough. Suri thinks he can't take care of her personally.

Then he went to visit Talia. Not long after giving birth, Talia was already out in the field.

This is not because the physiques of European and American women are really that strong. There is no such thing as "confinement" for them. Some people give birth to babies on the same day and go to work the next day without getting enough rest.

If there is a problem with the body, they will use painkillers to deal with it. Of course Talia does not have to go to work, and there is no need to worry about taking care of the baby, handling housework and other troubles. Suri has discussed with her in advance to let her rest peacefully for three or four days. Weekly, only maintain necessary exercise.

Arriving at the spacious luxury ward empty-handed, Su Rui said with a smile:

"I just went to see the baby. She is very cute and healthy. She has started feeding with a bottle. Did you almost faint from the pain just now? I'm sorry that I couldn't be with you in person."

The analgesics still worked, and Thalia looked very calm and said with a smile:
"It did hurt for more than an hour, and then I became more comfortable. I only exerted force a few times, and the baby was born smoothly. After cutting the umbilical cord, he put it on my belly. You can't help me anyway, and you can't help me if you're not with me. Very good, I seemed to lose my mind and almost cursed."

Suri showed her the photos of the baby taken with her mobile phone and commented on which one looked more like which one.

Especially the photo of the little girl with her eyes open and her nose wrinkled, made Thalia so happy that she quickly forgot how much pain she had just felt, and was only thankful that the baby was healthy and cute and came into the world smoothly.

After talking to my mother on the phone, I could tell that the other person was grinning from ear to ear. Suri then said to Talia:
"I know your due date is approaching. My parents are traveling in Iceland recently and will fly over soon. Since I changed the plane, the Gulfstream business jet was given to them. In order to facilitate travel in the future, you will also You can use it for transportation.”

Thalia was lying on the bed and replied: "I think I should tell my parents. After all, they are also my child's relatives, and they cannot be completely excluded."

Suri was slightly confused, scratched his head and said awkwardly: "Then what should I say, tell them to be with me?"

".I need to think about it for a while before calling my mother. Anyway, I'm at an age where I can make decisions about my own life and they won't go around talking nonsense."

"Okay, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. At most, your mother will push you to the ground and give you a beating." It was already past three o'clock in the morning.

Let Talia rest first, Suri once again visited her sleeping daughter, and after asking about the arrangements for tonight, she left the hospital with satisfaction.

He couldn't help here in person, and there were too many people in the hospital, so it was better to go home and have a good sleep.

I originally planned to get up early to ask about the situation.

When she woke up, it was already past 12 noon local time. In order to prevent the baby from feeling insecure, the little girl was sent to Talia and she took many photos.

As the skin color gradually normalized, the baby looked much more beautiful than at night. Suri didn't know how well the caregivers rested. Anyway, he and Talia both slept well.

At an age where pooping is cute, when Suri learned that her little girl had passed out meconium, she was just glad that her daughter was healthy, and then called her mother again to ask about their situation.

Father Su and the others had already visited the hospital in the morning. To avoid disturbing Talia's rest, they were having lunch in a restaurant next to the Thames River.

Su Rui was feeling dizzy from the excitement and staying up late last night, and it was only now that she suddenly realized that he was already a father, and he hadn't given his daughter a nice name yet.

In his opinion, "Vivian" is quite good, but it is a pity that when "The Trouble with Vivian" is released, the name will be ruined, just like "Lolita".

Subconsciously, Su Rui opened the Google Chrome browser, and then she realized that she was "capitalizing the enemy" and decisively changed it to the Yahoo browser to search for any good girl names.

I quickly found several good names, including "Pearl", "Mia", "Ivy", etc. After discussing it with Talia, she preferred the name "Quenna".

Suri also liked it at first, but when it was translated into Chinese, she realized something was wrong. The main reason was that the word "kun" was easily spoiled by netizens, so she strongly recommended "lvy".

Just give her a name for the time being. As for the surname, you can wait until the identity of the little girl is revealed.

For example, the famous Hollywood actress "Cher" did not add a last name, which also made people think it was cool.

After asking Talia about her parents on the phone, she told her to wait a few days before notifying her. Suri also thought it was better this way. When the time came to move home from the hospital, he could still find a way to avoid the limelight.

For several days, Suri had no intention of working.

Either he was looking after the baby, or he was busy with Thalia. When the novelty gradually wore off, he returned to his normal life. He could only say that it was really nice to find someone to help take care of the baby, and he didn't need to worry about anything.

After much thought, Suri decided to give Talia a gift. After selecting it, he helped her buy an organic farm covering an area of ​​356 acres on Oahu, with a newly built villa and a private beach. The total value for $3980 million.

I believe that after ensuring that their mother and daughter's lives are secure, the resentment of Talia's parents will subside a lot.

The price of this organic farm is a bit expensive, but Suri doesn't care at all. After all, the fertilizer and water do not flow to outsiders' fields.

During this period, I also took the time to check the current situation of Kualoa Ranch. There was no news about it being put up for sale recently.

Considering that the family that owned it had expressed its intention to sell it during the last inquiry, Suri was considering turning around and taking it down and handing it over to the Four Seasons Hotel Group for development. (End of this chapter)

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