Start with hooves

Chapter 750 Practical Tutorial on Asian Squat

After eating the beggar's chicken, clean the bones and continue to add some firewood to the fire.

Suri took the dried berries and made tea in a pot. The taste was so-so, slightly better than drinking boiled water, and suitable for removing oil and relieving greasiness.

What tormented him most than the darkness of the night was the inability to kill extra time.

I glanced at the Rolex diving watch on my wrist. It was just after 7 o'clock in the evening, which is equivalent to or o'clock in the afternoon in Hawaii. Of course, I was not sleepy at all.


Su Rui found a multi-functional saw and continued to do manual work, wanting to make a wooden shovel, harpoon, water cup, comb, etc. by himself.

The wooden cup is pretty easy.

It's nothing more than sawing out a piece of wood of suitable size, and then placing a piece of burning firewood in the middle of the wood. Through burning and carbonization, the difficulty of hollowing out the wood is reduced, and parasites and the like are killed.

In theory, it is not difficult, but because he did not get the temperature right, his first attempt failed when the whole piece of wood caught fire.

The second time, Su Rui summed up his experience and lessons. He first sprinkled some water on the outside of the wood to cool it down. He worked for almost two hours before he made a prototype of the wooden cup of the right size. He would take it to the stream to wash it tomorrow.

As for the wooden shovel, it mainly relies on a saw to saw a whole piece of wood into a suitable shape.

If you only make the shovel head and fix it with a wooden stick, it is difficult to ensure that it is strong enough to dig the ground.

In fact, if it weren't for the lack of seeds and the fact that the temperature was starting to get colder, Su Rui would have liked to try reclaiming land in the wild and growing vegetables to awaken the hidden skills deep in the Chinese genes.

She was busy until around 10 o'clock in the evening local time. In order to avoid excessive physical exhaustion, Suri lay down in her sleeping bag to rest.

of course.

Because there were bears near the camp, he hid the UMP45 submachine gun with him. In order to avoid accidentally hurting himself, he did not dare to open the safety bolt. He only fumbled and tried a few times to make sure he could use it smoothly in one go.

Sleeping only on the dry mud, Suri began to miss the comfortable big bed. He thought that in addition to finding food tomorrow, he would also have to build a wooden bed as soon as possible.

He originally thought that it would be difficult to sleep well tonight, probably because he was too tired, but he fell into a deep sleep in just a few minutes, and even the crowing of the snow chickens did not wake him up.

I slept until the early morning of the next day and nothing happened during that time.

Although the bonfire was out, the local temperature was still acceptable for the time being and was not cold enough to wake him up.

Suri first brushed his teeth with homemade charcoal mixed with fine salt, then talked to himself in front of a portable camera, sharing his insights from yesterday to today, instilling in the audience some inspirational quotes like "In fact, as long as you keep your desires low, you can live a very comfortable life with limited resources" and "Spiritual pursuits are more important than material pursuits."

If it weren't for his private jet and the super yacht he is building, the total purchase price would be about 10 billion US dollars, and a lot of things would sound more reasonable.

As my stomach growled, what was coming finally came.

Suri, a global superstar and the world's richest man, personally demonstrated how to dig a manure pit. By the way, he also joked about the benefits of learning the Asian squat, which can avoid the embarrassment of accidentally leaning back and pressing on something.

The choice of location is also important.

For example, it is best to stay away from the camp to avoid being smelled by animals, which would inevitably make you feel disgusted.

For example, it would be better to have something to cover your back and choose a place with a wide field of vision to observe the surrounding movements. When he said that he didn't want to be chased by a bear before he even pulled up his pants, I was inexplicably tickled and I was amused first.

Other than that.

Suri also said that it is best to mark the video to avoid repeated digging, and to choose a location with good scenery to help you feel relaxed, etc. It is foreseeable that when these videos are released on Netflix, they will definitely cause a sensation and will most likely break the historical ratings record of "Alone in the Wild".

Even Su Rui himself felt that this was a bit too down-to-earth. If he were to get a new nickname, "The Richest Man in the Cessation", it would probably take him decades to wash away the stain.


In American society, many people are against elitism, and as a businessman with the largest personal wealth in the world, Suri has been in the middle of the storm.

By throwing some dirty water on yourself appropriately, you can indeed gain people's favor and leave them with the impression of being an "interesting guy" rather than a "condescending, selfish bastard."

Anyway, it's just digging a hole, and I won't show the specific details of the practical tutorial of the Asian squat.

When he turned on the portable camera again, Suri had already arrived at the Great Slave Lake to prepare for fishing. He gave himself three hours of fishing time, and in the afternoon he would continue to build dams, make wooden beds, and set traps.

If the water temperature is suitable, he plans to take a bath while the temperature is high at noon.

He was sweating from carrying heavy objects yesterday and has been feeling uncomfortable. While fishing, he thought about having to do the laundry himself. He has forgotten when was the last time he did laundry.

In addition to finding food, building a wooden house as soon as possible before the temperature drops too low is also a top priority.

Due to the suitable temperature, the freshwater fish in Great Slave Lake are very tolerant.

In three hours, Su Rui caught a total of four fish. Finally, he didn't have to rely on berries to fill his stomach and continue working on an empty stomach.

The cleaned fish intestines are also useful and can be used to set traps to attract animals.

After returning to the camp, he grilled one and temporarily dried the remaining three to prevent them from spoiling. Su Rui, who had been busy running around, had little energy to complain about nothing. This might be the best way to solve the "rich man's disease".

The grilled fish lacked some seasoning, but it was still very delicious as it filled my stomach.

The gillnet was ready, and Su Rui went to build a small dam for fishing right after he finished eating. During this time, he did not forget to keep an eye out to prevent encountering wild bears, while also wanting to catch another snowcock.

In a blink of an eye, more than two hours passed and only about half of the work was done.

Thinking about allocating his energy properly, Su Rui first walked upstream of the stream, trying to find a place to set the trap.

It's not just a coincidence.

At first, they found some bloodstains on the ground. Following the bloodstains, they unexpectedly found the body of a North American otter, which seemed to have been eaten as a snack by the bear.

Suri brought enough warm clothing, so its fur was useless and looked rather unappetizing.

Just as he was about to leave, he unexpectedly heard a rustling sound. He followed the direction of the sound and found a little otter cub still alive and some fish bones nearby.

The cubs of North American otters are very cute, with chubby faces and big eyes, and look harmless to humans and animals.

In the eyes of other contestants, it might just be a delicacy suitable for barbecue, but Suri was quite surprised. He put on gloves, picked it up, and said to the camera:
"Contacting wild animals is risky. I don't want to get rabies. It should be fine if I take protective measures."

"The otter corpse by the river should be the mother of this little guy. I don't have enough food to feed it, but it seems to be very suitable as a pet to kill time."

"In fact, I am considering whether I can train this little guy to help me catch fish. In China, it has always been a traditional custom to train cormorants to catch fish. If I take it in for a while, I wonder if it will bring enough returns." (End of this chapter)

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