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Chapter 763 Kendou

The question is what Shuri learned from living alone by the Great Slave Lake for so long.

One of the most important points is that people often get lost in the bustling and impetuous life. There are many things that are merely secondary and are not as important as imagined. It is of course good to have them, but it is also okay without them.

If any company has problems, it can actually be easily accepted. Even if the film or TV series fails, it will not affect Su Rui's life at all.

In daily life, you don’t have to be full of passion every day. Life is boring, but you can find ways to make it exciting.

After returning to Beverly Hills, Suri immediately invited her friends to play mahjong.

When asked how it felt to be part of the "Alone in the Wild" crew, only two or three days had passed and the torture and hard work he had experienced during that time seemed to have been forgotten. He only remembered some good memories, so he replied that it was more interesting than he had imagined.

Ashton brought good news that about two weeks ago, his wife Britney Spears was pregnant with twins.

After playing eight rounds of mahjong.

Ashton Kutcher asked Suri with a smile on his face:

"Brianne and I have discussed this, and we both think that you are the most suitable candidate for their godfather. Yes, she is pregnant with a pair of adorable twin girls, and I would like to ask for your opinion first."

Even Ashton, her friend, was kept in the dark about the fact that Suri already had a child.

He had confidence in Ashton's words, but he had no confidence in Britney at all.

Given Suri's current situation, being the heir to his huge fortune is actually a very dangerous thing. The fewer people who know about it, the safer the baby named Ivy will be.

In the American cultural atmosphere, inviting someone to be the godfather of one's children is roughly equivalent to recognizing a godfather in Chinese culture.

Su Rui was stunned for a moment, and immediately replied:
"But we have completely different belief systems, and I have no confidence in being a good godfather. As you know, Hollywood not only has the curse of child stars, but also the curse of second-generation stars. If they become weird in the future, it will give me a headache and I feel I can't bear that kind of responsibility."

After listening.

Ashton rolled his eyes at him and replied:

"What do you mean by being weird? Do you mean like Lindsay Lohan, Drew Barrymore, etc.? Please, my lovely little angel hasn't been born yet, please don't be such a pessimist."

As the goddaughter of the great director Steven Spielberg, Drew Barrymore really hurt her godfather badly during her most crazy and rebellious years.

Every time Drew Barrymore makes some sensational news, the media always mentions that she is director Spielberg's goddaughter.

This is equivalent to taking on an extra responsibility of educating a child for no reason. The reality is that Su Rui doesn't even have the energy to take care of her own daughter, so of course she doesn't want to take on such things for no reason.

Suri spread his hands and said:
"If you have too high expectations for your children, it will be a heavy pressure on both them and yourself. I am different. I just hope they can live a healthy and happy life. Even if they become a pizza delivery boy one day, I will not complain at all."

To the older generation, these words can be equated with "irresponsible parents."

Ashton thought it made sense, and nodded and said:
"You have saved enough money. They do have the capital to pursue the life they like. In fact, I don't have too many expectations for them. Children should not become tools for parents to realize their wishes. So, you are rejecting it?"

Su Rui didn't want to disappoint him, so he used his ultimate move "delay" and replied:
"I'll think about it later. I have no experience with this. If it were Chinatown, I would recognize a 'godfather' mainly to avoid getting beaten up, and I could get someone to help me support the place."

Change the subject promptly.

He invited Ashton, Bradley Cooper and others to his bar.

Like many married men, I didn’t care when I had the choice before, but now I am bound by commitments, family, marriage and the like, and I find the world of pleasure more and more fascinating.

Seeing Ashton and his friends sitting by the window on the second floor of the bar, commenting on which young girl was the sexiest and most beautiful, the unmarried Suri felt that they were speechless. At this moment.

After drinking a glass of iced black tea mixed with whiskey, Bradley Cooper's eyes lit up instantly and he said excitedly:

"There's no need to argue! The most beautiful prom queen of the night has appeared. Look at that girl in the short black skirt that hugs her hips. All I can say is wow."

Su Rui leaned over to take a look and found that the other person's appearance was indeed quite good, but the problem was that he knew the other person.

Looking at Bradley Cooper with a weird expression, he asked, "Don't you know this new internet celebrity?"

"Who is she that I should know?"

"Of course, it's very popular among young people. The girl's name is Kendall Jenner, Kim Kardashian's half sister. If I remember correctly, she is not yet 18 years old."


Under 18 years old, this word is so terrifying to men in most parts of the United States.

Bradley Cooper immediately clarified: "Hey, it's not my fault. Her height looks almost like a model. Who would have thought she was so young?"

Kendall Jenner, the future American super internet celebrity, is still young and of course has not yet received nicknames such as "NAB Best Defensive Player" and "NBA Macho Harvester". Suri once came into contact with this girl at Kim Kardashian's party.

He waved to a waiter and asked him to help invite Kendall upstairs.

Originally, when Kim Kardashian's half-sister heard that someone upstairs wanted to see her, she thought it was some stinky man trying to hit on her, so she shook her head and refused.

But when the waiter whispered her name in her ear, Kendall immediately followed her to the second floor, not forgetting to touch up her makeup on the way.

have to say.

It is understandable that Bradley Cooper made a mistake. Unlike her sister who grew horizontally, Kendall Jenner, who is only 17 years old today, is already 174 cm tall. With a pair of high heels, she is almost as tall as Miranda Kerr.

Kendall just waved her hand, with a warm smile on her face, and said "Hi" to greet everyone.

Then Su Rui said, "How did you get into my bar? I have no grudge against you, but you want to force me to close down and reorganize. Be careful or I'll call your sister."


Kendall never expected Suri to be so unromantic. She smiled awkwardly and answered honestly like a wilted cucumber:

"My friend bought me a driver's license. I just arrived and haven't started drinking yet. I was about to order a... Coke."

Believe her.

Suri knew that girls of her age were not easy to deal with, so she stretched out her hand to signal Kendall to sit down and asked:

"It's been a long time since I last saw you. I didn't expect you to have grown so big in the blink of an eye. You seem to have a lot of fans. Are you interested in helping me sell products on my BuyMe platform?"

As a fellow internet celebrity, Kendall immediately thought of someone and asked in surprise: "Like Olivia Kata? Of course I would, that's awesome!"

Her sister Kim Kardashian tried her best to get into Suri's sight, but the pie suddenly fell on her head. How could Kendall not be excited... (End of this chapter)

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