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Chapter 769: Questioning Meeting in Washington

The reason why I chose this time to return to the United States.

On the one hand, it was because they were tired after being out for two or three months, and on the other hand, S Electric Vehicle Company suddenly received a letter of inquiry from Washington and needed to accept public questioning from the committee.

It is no wonder that facing the pressure of the launch of the S-Car 7 SUV coupe, coupled with the rumors that it is developing affordable electric vehicles, many traditional fuel vehicle and oil giants can no longer sit still and have begun lobbying in Washington, D.C., which is why this inquiry led by the energy and commerce departments took place.

Although the total sales of S electric vehicles has just exceeded 12 units, the market size of high-end cars is relatively small. Taking food from others will affect the interests of others.

Su Rui was worried that S electric cars would not be able to be handled, so he planned to attend in person as a major shareholder.

The reasons for the other party to hold the inquiry meeting this time were mainly the three aspects of "power battery pollution problem", "impact on traditional automobile employment" and "spontaneous combustion safety".

Some time ago, an S-Car 8 crashed violently into a house, causing the electrical circuit to catch fire. It was made to seem like this was the first time in human history that a fuel car would not catch fire after a car accident, and it was widely reported by countless media outlets.

Su Rui definitely wouldn't believe that there was no other force behind this.

The jealousy of ordinary people will certainly bring great pressure to Su Rui, as if he is against the dark side of the entire human society, but the attacks from other oligarchs are even more deadly.

If this public inquiry is not handled properly, S Electric Vehicles may be hit hard. In fact, the stock price has evaporated by about 1% from its high point in January this year, attracting countless short sellers to short sell.

This is also the reason why Su Rui doesn't like to do physical business. Everyone likes the asset-light model like Caishen Capital that can help others get rich. However, S electric cars were suppressed one after another as soon as they started to emerge, which gave him a headache.

Looking at his current situation, you can understand why he has been thinking about running away.

Doing businesses like Netflix, TikTok, and Tweet has made Suri offend Squid Capital and Silicon Valley institutions. Even if he gives up some of his interests, it will only ease the relationship rather than completely eliminate the conflict. As long as he still has full say, it is impossible for them to be too friendly with each other.

Su Rui's businesses such as S Electric Vehicles, Caishen Capital, and Huaxia Internet have offended Angsa Capital. Now when people on Wall Street hear about him, their first thought is jealousy.

When even his allies are eyeing him covetously and he feels that he cannot survive unless he runs away, then hundreds of billions of dollars of wealth will be controlled by a young Chinese with no foundation, which in itself is a huge temptation.

most of the time.

Su Rui felt like he was the big boss in the game. Once he was killed, countless god-level equipment and gold coins would drop. How could other players resist such temptation?

This is also the reason why he chose to build a garden residence in Beijing, and while in Hong Kong, he also went to Repulse Bay Road to look at houses and buy real estate. In total, he spent 1 million US dollars to buy Villa No. in Repulse Bay in a low-key manner.

When Su Rui thought about the current troubles, which might be just child's play compared with the future troubles, he no longer felt that the inquiry meeting to be held in half a month would be so difficult.

A professional legal and consulting team has helped to provide the most perfect answers to any questions that may be raised.

of course.

The very convening of this inquiry has helped traditional fuel vehicle companies and oil giants succeed. Not only have they successfully tarnished the image of S electric vehicles, they have also had the opportunity to slow down its development and buy themselves more breathing time.

Suri plans to bear the pressure and support S Electric Vehicle Company for a while, and then think of ways to distance himself from the company as much as possible, only holding shares without intervening in specific management. After all, the ruthlessness of the oil giants can barely be compared with the military-industrial complex. He is not facing a competitor, but an entire industry.

To be honest, Suri has regretted buying the remaining shares from Elon Musk more than once. It was because he was too cruel at the time and only saw the sugar coating and ignored the bullets.

He doesn't want to turn it into "me vs. traditional auto and oil giants."

Only by turning the situation into "new energy and electric car companies VS traditional car and oil giants" can Suri's situation become safe.

This also explains why he is not opposed to the entry of new players, but welcomes the emergence of more new car-making forces, and even actively provides them with some financing and technical assistance through Caishen Capital.

The report of her joining the "$100 billion club" alone was like a fuse, making Suri's situation even more delicate.

Many crises have just begun to emerge and have not yet been fully detonated.

If Su Rui only looks at his daily life, he often has the illusion of worrying about nothing. However, if he puts it in the context of "the influence of the United States is declining, and the situation of one superpower and many strong countries is rapidly disintegrating", he will find that many potential crises are closer than he imagined.

An eagle that is well fed is not scary, but an eagle that is hungry and unscrupulous will even dare to target children.

In fact, there are many brave people in all walks of life in the United States who dare to speak up for justice, but they eventually either met with accidents or died suddenly from illness. It can only be said that even if they are covered with the cloak of a beacon of civilization, in essence many people are still the same group of bandits who massacred Indians and plundered their land and food. It is really not a good place to live.

It is worth mentioning that.

Since she knew that her daughter might encounter unpredictable dangers living in Hawaii, Talia has agreed to take Ivy to live in Hong Kong for a while.

Suri will build an airport on Lanai to make it easier for her to go home and visit her parents.

After a simple two-day rest to try to adjust to the time difference, the new second-tier actress Olivia Carta lived in a low-key manner in his home. The movie "Vivian's Troubles", which is about to be released, has already earned more than 5 million US dollars at the global box office.

In the eyes of many young people, she is synonymous with "American sweetheart" and "sexy beauty". Suri has a deeper understanding, and we can only say that their ideas are correct.

Despite the crisis, we are not at the mercy of others.

Countless resources were invested, and soon some news came from Washington, allowing Su Rui to get some of the questions for the inquiry in advance.

Questions like "You claim that electric cars are environmentally friendly, but as far as I know, the production and recycling of power batteries will cause huge pollution and even endanger the personal safety of users", or "The probability of electric car batteries burning is much higher than that of fuel cars" are tantamount to suppressing S electric cars to death.

By then, as long as they cooperate with the media to cite the article out of context, it will cause severe damage to the S electric car.

As expected, the business world is like a battlefield. Now that we have finally taken action against Su Rui, there is no reason not to suppress him to death.

(End of this chapter)

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