Chapter 143
The next day, there was an extra female helper in the kitchen of the winery, and Yan Changqing also had an extra male patient.

Because of the sick number, Yan Changqing needs to go to school this day.

I haven't been here for a while, but as soon as I came in, I saw Principal Shen standing at the school gate with his hands behind his back and a sullen face.

This is his normal behavior. He not only stands here to supervise the students entering the school, but also threatens people: "XX, I met your father yesterday. He said that you will be disobedient at school in the future, so I will beat you hard."

With that black face, Yan Changqing felt that his threat could probably be managed for two or three days.

If it takes more than three days, it probably won't work. Sometimes the brats are really unreasonable.

However, when Principal Shen saw Yan Changqing, his expression immediately changed, and a smile instantly climbed onto the yellow and blackened face: "Changqing is here! Come on, come on, what I said to you, I think about it." How is it?"

Yan Changqing made up his mind: "I really don't have much time to stay in school, and I can teach for a few days. I will give Yan Shanzhi some advice later. If you want the whole school to practice collectively, let him be the team leader in the future!"

Principal Shen immediately smiled brighter: "I just said this is a good thing, you have to think about it for so long. It will take a few days, and you will learn what you like, and forget it if you don't like it. You can't beat a filial son with a stick."

The principal's metaphor is not very appropriate!
The two of them were talking about teaching students to practice Changquan.

Ever since Principal Shen found out that the students Yan Changqing pointed out could pass the Wutong exam, he has been very concerned about this matter.

Last time, because someone came to donate after the martial arts performance, he thought it was a way out. This time, he simply had a whimsical idea and decided to let the whole school practice boxing. Isn't he promoting the seventh set of radio gymnastics across the country?The higher authorities required that after the second period, all schools should do radio exercises.

Principal Shen thought for a moment, since we have done radio gymnastics, it is okay to do some other ones. Our school will let students use physical education and spare time to learn boxing.

It's an honor to be a martial boy. If you can participate in a sports competition and get a few levels of samurai, isn't that better than anything else?
The college entrance examination can also add points!

Yan Changqing thinks that the brats are skinny, and they are alive and kicking when they do radio gymnastics, and few of them are serious.

Usually they fight and make trouble, so it would be too bad to let them practice their fur!
He used to be able to take care of those in the village, but how could he take care of the whole school?
However, if you think about it, you may not practice too much seriously. It is easy to change the country, but it is difficult to change the nature. What Principal Shen said is also true. If you are encouraged to practice martial arts, and you can keep up with your studies in the future, it may be a way out.

Besides, group exercise originally has discipline and other aspects of exercise.

Otherwise, why did the above promote gymnastics.

Relying on this exercise is useful for children in the city, but for these poor children in the countryside, it takes a few miles to go to and from school far away, and some people walk ten or twenty miles a day. Exercise doesn't really work.

It is mainly the exercise of collective discipline.

Principal Shen actually thinks a lot every day. Even though he is still a primary school student, he can think about ten years later.

The educational conditions in the school are not good, and there is nothing but study, but the study in the school is much worse than that in other towns.

There are basketballs, and there is no professional physical education teacher to guide them. Physical education classes are all running around with basketballs.

As for other things, even the simplest running, without a physical education teacher, who dares to let people practice hard, what if the body is damaged?
Principal Shen even mentioned asking Yan Changqing to teach the erhu, but Yan Changqing pretended not to hear clearly.

It's not that you can't teach, it's that you can't go directly to it.Some families have poor conditions, and if they ask people to prepare an erhu, if the child does not learn well later, wouldn't this become a good thing and a bad thing?
Besides, I haven't heard of any erhu grade examination activities now. It is estimated that there are not many music schools with erhu majors, and there is no way out.


After wandering around the school, I went to the clinic to discuss the medication with Dr. Shen. For medical treatment, be careful.

Then he took a few packs of traditional Chinese medicine and went back to school.

In the last morning session of the school, there are two classes of physical education, just let Yan Changqing teach it first.

Teaching is actually simple for Yan Changqing. Anyway, he taught a class, improved his teaching skills by the way, and then waited for his second child to go home from school together.


In busy days, time always passes quickly, and the lunar calendar has entered the twelfth lunar month in a blink of an eye.

The two puppies in the yard are getting fatter, and they can already bark in a baby-like sound.


Yan Chang has gained a lot during this time. He taught boxing to the students in the school. After teaching, his boxing skills have been upgraded!

Quietly, there was a sudden surprise.

Yan Changqing's mood is simply not too good, he only promised to teach for a few days, but now he has been teaching.

He has a tight schedule and is willing to teach for a few more days. Principal Shen doesn't mind adjusting the schedule for the students and linking up the physical education classes. If he comes once, he can teach two classes in the morning—he can teach three classes in the afternoon. There were not many classes in the first place, so the whole school had a physical education class in one day.

Usually, patients are given medicines in the winery, and then they go to the clinic to discuss and study. At other times, although they mainly focus on sorghum wine skills, they have not forgotten to improve other skills.

It's another day of teaching, and it feels really good to see a group of students below punching their fists in a decent manner.

It's just a pity that there is no background music-others are still in class!
Watching the students complete a set of boxing, Yan Changqing looked at his watch, and nodded, "Very good, everyone has improved very quickly in the boxing just now..."

Then I named a few people, commented on their pros and cons, encouraged a few who practiced better, and 'threatened' a few who didn't practice well.

That's about it for this lesson, let's play the rest of the time.

He himself was waiting by the side, and some students who were eager to learn would take the initiative to ask, and he would not hesitate to give advice when encountering such students.

After thinking about it, I feel that these brats really do not know how to be blessed. I can be regarded as a great boxing master now. I give them advice, but they are still not serious...

After leaving this school, most of them will never have a chance to let themselves give advice in this life, and they don't know if they will regret it when they think about it many years later.

Just thinking about it, I saw a group of people rushing into the school, and started shouting a name as soon as they came in, especially a woman in front, shouting heart-piercingly...


Yan Changqing hurried forward to stop a young man: "What are you doing, do you want to call the principal for you?"

Hearing that he was going to call the principal, the panting young man hurriedly explained: "The son of brother Guangsheng's family in our village is missing. We searched around but couldn't find him. We searched all over the village but couldn't find him. Come here and ask him." Did the child come to find his sister by himself!"

Yan Changqing was shocked at the time: "I have been taking physical education class here, when did I lose it? This morning the class was adjusted, and I was here in the last class. I didn't see any children coming in."

"I didn't notice when I disappeared. It's been a while!" After the young man finished speaking, he heard the crying woman's voice getting louder. Obviously, he found his student to ask, but his son didn't come.

A group of people ran out immediately, shouting to look elsewhere, and some called to report the crime, and the women could only cry.

It was a mess.

Yan Changqing grabbed the young man who was in a hurry to go out to find someone: "Don't worry, tell me what the child looks like when he is old? Principal Shen, hurry up, let the students go back to the village in a line, and call Shout, there is a child lost, let the helper pay attention. By the way, which Zhuangzi do you belong to?"

Principal Shen, who has just come out, has an idea, but he still has to wait for the young man to speak.

When the young man saw the headmaster coming, he said quickly: "A boy of three or four years old, wearing a black padded jacket, by the way, the cuffs are red, and the sleeves are short, and two pieces of red are patched up. We are from Mozhuang, Da Mo village……"

Principal Shen immediately ran and shouted: "After school, everyone go back and look for the children. The three or four-year-old boy in the black padded jacket and red cuffs in Damozhuang, the teachers will explain to the students."

Yan Changqing ran to the door of an office, and said to the young man: "Do me a favor, I will go to the town to report the crime and ask someone to help you find it. You follow Principal Shen, and if you find someone, ask someone to send a message and go to the police station ..."

There was a bicycle at the door of the office, and only two teachers had no classes, so they came out, Yan Changqing pushed the bicycle and left: "Mr. Wang, I will go to town by bicycle, and you are helping at school..."

The young man and the teacher shouted almost simultaneously: "I'll go..."

Yan Changqing turned his head and shouted again: "Go to Dayanzhuang, go to the winery, call someone, let them all come out to look for it, just say what Yan Changqing said."

Before he finished speaking, Yan Changqing rushed out on his bicycle: "Remember to find me and tell me!"


Running up and down on a bicycle, this bicycle is already old, and now there is not a single part on the whole body that is not sounding.

When I saw someone on the road, I hurriedly shouted: "The three or four-year-old boy in Damozhuang is missing, help me to pay attention, black padded jacket and red cuffs, if you see it, report it..."

It was really urgent. A large group of people came from the village to find it. Most of them were really lost. Otherwise, it is winter now, and there are only short wheat in the farmland outside. You can see far away at a glance, and there is nowhere for children to hide when they run out.

Finally he knew the benefits of good physical fitness, and shouted while galloping on his bike. The loud voices were everywhere in the villages he passed. When he rode over, half of the people in the village ran out.

He rode to the town in one breath, and he didn't dare to shout anymore. He hurried to the police station and went straight to Director Wang's office.

Briefly explaining the matter, Yan Changqing suggested: "Wang Suo, hurry up and arrange for people to block the intersections in the north. As for the phone, I'll call the market and ask them to block the roads..."

Wang Suo pointed out: "The phone is next door, Xiao Wang, you go to the intersection of Lao Guozhuang, go out and call for some help. Xiao Li, go to the west intersection, and call for some help, quietly, Don't let the traffickers jump over the wall..."

The police station in the town is like this, with too few staff, and there are not enough temporary workers in case of trouble, so we can only ask other people to help, whether it is from the government or acquaintances in the town, they can be used in emergencies, even on the street. It's not impossible to use those little bastards.

(End of this chapter)

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