Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 176 Dew Point Skill Purchasing

Chapter 176 Dew Point Skill Purchasing
When the weather is hot, the place with trees is a good place to go.

Yan Changqing looked at the tung forest not far away, which looked a bit horrible, and suddenly felt that planting trees was not a bad idea.

But he can only think about this idea for himself. If he dares to speak out, he may be scolded behind his back. After all, some villages still owe everything, and they owe money to a few saplings.

The key point is that the sapling has to be planted in the farmland. Many people really have hope that the tree will grow up and make money.

After taking a look, Yan Changqing started to play with the yellow mud in his hand again.

The circle of 'mud monkeys' was also having a great time, and there were several onlookers watching him.

The ad was released, and the village has been quite lively these two days. The brainwashing ad was broadcast on the market station, and everyone in the village was very happy to watch it. We are also on TV!
I don't know that everyone is being used by unscrupulous capitalists, and they don't get a dime for advertising.

However, Yan Changqing said that he feels at ease, after all, everyone has gained happiness!
There are still many people who are not happy, like Li Mingfa and others who ran far away, and even called to complain, why don't you say hello in advance when you have the opportunity to be on TV, let them show their faces too!

Yan Changqing can only tell them that there will be opportunities in the future.

He was very happy that everyone was rushing to get the free tools.

Now that the wine has been shipped away, we are waiting to see the effect of the advertisement. After Yan Changqing finished his work, he came to play in the mud.

He is going to make some statues for the factory, and now he is making shapes with mud to try to see the effect.

Of course, the current building is not big, only half the height of a person, let's see how it works.

Erwa frowned: "Brother Qijin, who did you make this? Why do you still have thorns on your head?"

Yan Changqing explained while continuing to wipe the mud: "This is called the Statue of Liberty."

Erwa was puzzled: "Why are you a girl?"

Yan Changqing explained again: "It's a statue from a foreign country, don't you think it doesn't look like a foreigner?"

"Oh!" Erwa nodded her head half understanding. "Then why is she holding the wine from our winery? How does she know about our winery?"

"She has to lift whatever I tell her to lift." Yan Changqing stopped and took two steps back to see if the effect was okay.

It's almost as good as the Statue of Liberty in my memory, after all, it doesn't have much technical content.

The difference of one or two points is because the statue is holding a wine box instead of a book, and holding a wine bottle instead of a torch.

If this can be done well, the next step is "Bottle Thrower", "Girl Holding Wine Bottle" and so on.

He plans to make it with cement, which is low cost.

As an artist, he intends to use the lowest cost to make the winery more distinctive. In the future, if someone talks about business or visits, he can also show our artistic level.

I was having fun when I saw my uncle running out of the winery and running towards this side.

Yan Changqing shook the mud on his hand: "Erba, you can continue to play, this is left to you, you can modify it as you like, I think something will happen."


Something really happened, Feng Yigui called and said, "Changqing, how much wine do you have, I'm out of stock here."

Yan Changqing was a little surprised: "Millions of goods, you will disappear in the blink of an eye? The advertising effect is so good."

"Yes!" Lao Feng also felt a little surprised. "Here came a big customer who was in trade. He said he could sell wine to the southern province of Shonan, and he ordered a half of the goods at once. The rest was quickly divided up. By the way, there are still some high-end wines for you. How much, this customer also wants."

"Anyone wants anyone who hasn't advertised?" Yan Changqing understood after finishing speaking. "Is it the client that Uncle Feng helped to contact again?"

"Not this time, I came to the door by myself." Old Feng said cheerfully. "One person is very nimble. After tasting two glasses of wine, I signed a contract and asked someone to deliver the wine without much thought. I wanted to treat me to a meal, but I didn't eat it. I only wanted two bottles of good wine..."

He didn't know that Jian Xinghe was also calling his eldest brother: "...that is, the wine is really good. Otherwise, it would be strange if the winery didn't close down with such a distributor. I'm afraid that if I stay a little longer, I will be killed by that person before I finish my meal." I choked to death talking..."

Young Yan Chang asked a question, but he didn't have the nerve to ask who this big client was, otherwise he would probably be able to guess it from the last name.

He was a little worried: "I don't have much stock here now. If the sales continue to maintain like this, then I have to work harder!"

"What else do you want to do with such a good business? Of course, it's hard work!" Old Feng was very excited. "I didn't expect the advertisement to be so effective. Once your advertisement is aired, I guess everyone who reads it will remember the name of our wine."

"Think about expanding production as soon as possible, and how much more goods are shipped first. I have prepared the payment for you. By the way, I also want to order BBK trademarks. Try a thousand boxes first. I think your taste, Especially suitable for the taste of our people..."


Yan Changqing didn't want to speed up the production of low-end wine. He had already planned to buy puree wine and blend it himself, so he took the factory manager and Wei Hongjun and went straight to the village.

Wei Hongjun is the master chef who was invited to retire after working in the winery.

When I arrived in the village, I found the village head Yang: "Uncle Yang, I'm going to buy puree wine, you follow me and be a witness?"

Township Chief Yang must support this kind of thing: "After the advertisement was broadcast, the effect is very good? Can't the production keep up?"

"Yeah! So I want to buy some puree wine, but I'm afraid I won't be trusted by others, so I want you to help me."

"That's no problem, let's go! I'll bring some documents, do you want to find someone from the county?"

"That's not necessary. I buy things for real money, and they will definitely be willing to sell them."

It is to increase trust, which is equivalent to bringing a guarantor, and it can save a lot of trouble when negotiating business.


Yan Changqing planned to go to Daqi Winery in neighboring Xinglong County.

This winery is an old brand winery, and there is nothing to say about the winemaking technology, but the people who run it have a brain hole. When they see other people's winery advertising and it becomes popular, they follow the brainless advertisement, and go directly to CCTV. He advertised without considering his actual situation at all, and it didn't take long for the winery to be tossed to death.

So Yan Changqing felt that he came here with a halo of salvation, maybe he bought all their puree wine, and they wouldn't be so stupid to advertise because they didn't have enough stock.

Of course, the Daqi winery has not floated yet, and is honestly following the tradition, firmly believing that the aroma of wine is not afraid of deep alleys!
In fact, the two parties have been in contact before. Not long ago, Yan Changqing and Yang Xiangchang came to study.

It's just that at that time, the people at Daqi Winery thought that studying was an excuse and visiting was the real thing, so they almost forgot about it.

So when Yan Changqing stood up and said that he owns a winery, the other party was dumbfounded at the time, and several people thought about it for a long time: "Then you came to study last time?"

Yan Changqing kept smiling, and Township Chief Yang introduced: "The little prodigy in our township has been very smart since he was a child. This year, he may be on the Spring Festival Gala. The program has passed, and he will wait for the notice to rehearse."

This is great!

Then the subsequent negotiations will be much simpler. Originally, it was a matter of buying and selling.

Yan Changqing didn't want the negotiation to go too smoothly, because he was afraid that there would be problems in the follow-up cooperation.

Seeing that everyone was about to negotiate the price directly, he didn't even wait for the other party to make an offer first, and said first: "Manager Qu, before signing the contract, I want to show everyone a unique skill."

Manager Qu was a little stunned: "This?"

Yan Changqing smiled: "I know how to taste wine, you can bring wine here, I may not be accurate in the judgment of the year, but the degree is guaranteed to be accurate."

Manager Qu laughed immediately: "That's something to see."

For the sake of business, even if a child is messing around, let him mess around, it's nothing.

At that time, someone came running to get wine, and without much effort, there was a row of wine on the table in the small meeting room.

Master Wei knew the habits of his boss, so he took a tin trash can from the side of the conference room and prepared two glasses of water.

Yan Changqing didn't talk too much, just picked up the wine glass, tasted it a little, spit out the mouthwash, and said calmly: "This is just out of the pot, right? The taste is very good, 62 degrees."

A master behind nodded, and Manager Qu gave a thumbs up at that time: "It's amazing, try something else, let us all open our eyes."

Not sure that Yan Changqing would not go out to embarrass himself, so he tasted two more cups and said calmly: "This is 54 degrees in front, a little bit close, it should be 53 degrees, mixed with some wine, right? In the water, 47 degrees."

The first time Manager Qu could still laugh, but this time his eyes widened. Except for the people from his own winery who followed him, everyone else was a little dumbfounded. Is it really so amazing?
At that time, someone thought of it: "Is this a qigong measurement?"

Yan Changqing smiled and said nothing, Qigong is busy launching satellites, how can they have the time to do such trivial things, they can do whatever they want.

Continue to taste wine: "After all, it is an old factory with a profound heritage, the master here is too good, the taste is really good, 52 degrees..."

It doesn't cost money to boast a few more words, and it can also be exchanged for goodwill, so why not do it?
"This is the head of wine. It's so strong that my tongue is numb. Hurry up and bring the water..."

Waiting for Manager Qu to speak modestly, Yan Changqing then picked up the next glass. After tasting, he hesitated a little: "Is this low-end wine? Alcohol was added when blending."

Manager Qu's face changed slightly, and then he smiled and said, "Yes, otherwise the price of wine will be too high, and the sales volume will not increase. We can only launch some low-priced ones. In order to reduce costs, there is no other way."

Township Chief Yang echoed: "Understood, we are all insiders, we all understand."

With two glasses left, Yan Changqing picked it up, sniffed it, and then put it down: "I can't do it anymore. Don't look at just tasting wine, I'm a little dizzy. Let's forget about the rest, Manager Qu, let's talk about the contract! I purchase puree wine in large quantities, so the price should not be too high..."

The scene was a little awkward, because the remaining two glasses were also blended with alcohol.

But business people understand.

Manager Qu was still a little uncomfortable, so he explained a few words to the people next to him, and after a while, he had a few more glasses of wine.

Yan Changqing said a few words modestly, and continued to taste.

This time, he directly boasted: "This has been cellared for more than ten years, right? Manager Qu, you are too polite, you are willing to take out this wine, it must be from the old cellar, right?"

"This cup has been for at least five years. Manager Qu, your factory can really hide things well. With this foundation, the winery will become famous all over the country sooner or later! Unlike my place, it can only do a few business quickly recently. What will happen in the future? It's still not bottom..."

In order to reduce the sense of presence of the company, although there are advertisements in the local market, they are basically not put on the market, that is, there are still some goods in the market, and whoever wants it will want it, and no one will pull it down.

We don't plan to compete with local factories at the moment, we will wait until we are ready.


Showing the ability to taste wine in advance is really not a pretense, so as to save trouble for future purchases.

I have shown it to them now, there will be real problems in the future, it is because they are not honest in doing business, it is not that we did not make it clear in advance.

Yan Changqing was also afraid that if he purchased too much, the winery would come up with crooked ideas. After all, it is really easy to adulterate this stuff.

The few people represented by Manager Qu have now understood the meaning of wine tasting. It is half a joke and half a warning, and they must be more honest when they cooperate in the future.

Certainly some of them will feel uncomfortable, and there are some technical people who admire Yan Changqing's skill, but no matter how you think about it, the contract still needs to be negotiated.

This is a real old-fashioned winery. The wine cellars have been around for hundreds of years. The technological process has long been mature and can no longer be matured. The speed of wine making is much faster than the speed of sales.

Yan Changqing didn't hold down the price too much, the main thing was to show his attitude, it must be non-adulterated and of good quality - the quality is the most important, the better the quality of the puree wine, the easier it will be for him to go to him.

Negotiating the contract and transportation, these are small problems, and it is very close. Taoshu Township borders Xinglong County. If you take the provincial road east of Yatouwa, it will not take long to drive a small walk-behind tractor. .

It's nothing more than that the road down the road is not very good, and there is an unreliable bridge, but the bridge is temporarily reinforced, and it is no problem to replace it with a walking tractor to transport goods.

If the cooperation is happy, Yan Changqing intends to repair that bridge. Where a wooden bridge can be built, the cost of building a bridge is not high.


The next thing is to socialize, anyway, Yan Changqing doesn't need to drink, there are people led by Yang Xiangchang and the director and manager of his own winery, they can drink whatever they want, and he just watches the fun from the sidelines.

It is good for the winery to be close. The level of trust between the two parties is relatively high, and the payment is also assured in all aspects. After all, a car of wine is only a few dollars!
Manager Qu and the others are probably still at the wine table, discussing ideas for sales strategies - they are probably curious about how such a small winery dares to directly finalize the business of large quantities of puree wine, are they afraid that the wine will not be sold in the future? ?
It's a pity that he couldn't ask the right person. Even the director and manager of the Backgammon winery are still in a daze. They only know that their boss made an advertisement, and then the agent called to ask for wine. The winery is out of stock up.

At first, I was worried that the boss only knew how to take children to play, only knew how to make wine, and didn't care about the business situation. I didn't expect that the boss would catch them by surprise when he changed hands. Now they are the management.

So in the face of inquiring, the three drunken people would only praise the boss for being great, and there was no other news at all.

(End of this chapter)

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