Chapter 20 Buying a Cow
It took two days for the journal to start, and the next day, Yan Changqing and the others did not dare to delay and set off again.

Because I just beat someone up, I was afraid of meeting those people again, so I didn't dare to go to the city again this time.

I also didn't go to the oil field, where the schools are not good enough now, and the junior and senior high school students all go to school in the neighboring counties, or go directly to the city.

The two performed at the gate of the No. [-] Middle School in the county for a long time, and then went to the No. [-] Junior High School and the Xiaomen Gate in the second half of the day. It happened that these two schools were also next to each other.

It wasn't until the afternoon when the first bus to the town was about to leave that the two of them closed the stall.

After two days of busy work, I can rest for a while.

When I came back yesterday, Yan Changqing took a nap on the back of my second uncle, and when I opened my eyes, it was dark, and I didn’t have time to count the harvest—mainly to avoid family members, for fear that they would find out about their “begging” business don't let them go.

Don't be afraid now.

When they got home at night, Yan Erhe ran home before the two were complained about being late, and brought his wife and grandma who were holding the child, and came over with a wooden box by himself.

When I opened the box, besides the tidied wad of money, there were also a lot of scattered things inside.

The sorted out money was earned from the last trip to the oil field. The two debated whether to buy a cow or a bicycle. In the end, they didn’t buy anything and kept it here.

The scattered ones were earned yesterday.

Then he untied the long cloth bag wrapped around his waist, and Yan Erhe was in high spirits: "Mom and Dad, brother and sister-in-law, we can buy cows. This is all seven catties of money. We ran out, not just for fun..."

In fact, everyone in the family was taken aback. Their first reaction when they saw so much money was not surprise, but shock.

Yan Dahai even looked towards the closed door, afraid of hearing a knock on the door, and then a group of military uniforms rushed in and took Yan Erhe away.

The uncle and nephew talked for a long time, and finally convinced them that the money here was indeed earned by performing arts.

After being tossed about like this, no one cared about performing arts such as begging. They all stared at the money with glowing eyes.

In their impression, it is estimated that it is impossible for so many beggars to come.

Buy a cow!
Although the family doesn't say it, who doesn't want to have a cow at home!

Plowing the land, sowing and pulling carts, cattle are indispensable for everything.Moreover, cattle can usually eat and pull, and can save fertilizer...


So after questioning and questioning, and even extorting a confession from Yan Erhe's family, and finally confirming that it was an ordinary show, no cheating, no messing around, and most importantly, no risk, etc., the rest was happy.

The whole family lit the money with excitement, and Yan Haihai even extravagantly lit three kerosene lamps.

I didn't order more, because there were only three at home.

And none of them are authentic kerosene lamps, they are all crude versions made by themselves with glass bottles.

After the final count of the money, except for Yan Changqing and Yan Erhe, everyone else was not convinced.

There was actually a ten-yuan bill in it—in fact, there was the latest version of the hundred-yuan bill at this time, but the family had never seen it, and thought ten yuan was the largest.

Everyone doesn't understand why some people are willing to give ten yuan to listen to an erhu on the street.

Even if Yan Changqing is really good at playing the erhu, but that's ten yuan!
Yan Erhe explained to them: "When I went to the city, I heard someone say that seven catties is good, and that person seems to be a teacher. At that moment, I saw that there were still people who gave ten yuan and five yuan... "

"There are a lot of people there. The streets are full of people. From the time we went to the end, the people around us were three floors in and three out. People there still have money, and many people ride motorcycles and drive cars. Yes, the car..."

Yan Changqing also explained: "I am still young, you see so many send students, their children go to school, I am younger than them, play the erhu on the street, recruit more sympathy, give more money That's normal too."

This is indeed the case. If the family is better, the child will feel superior when he studies well. At this time, there is no lack of sympathy; You learn so well, this home...

All in all, the harvest is very good. Just in the city, I earned 500 yuan, the county also earned more than 200 yuan, and 200 yuan for the first time to go to the oil field, which is close to 1000 yuan.

Buying a cow that can work, this wish that the whole family dared not mention, suddenly became a small problem.


The next day, the whole family got up very early. Yan Changqing didn't finish his set of punches, so the whole family got up.

However, Yan Changqing felt that they must have not slept well. Although they were not as exaggerated as having dark circles under their eyes, their faces were obviously darkened.

A bad complexion does not mean a bad spirit, now Yan Haihai exudes a strong fighting spirit, as if he is about to go to the battlefield - because today he is going to buy a cow.

Yan Changqing couldn't hold back, and told his father: "Dad, we have already told my uncle before. He said to ask the acquaintances at the veterinary station to help look at it. When you arrive, go to my uncle, don't buy it yourself!"

Yan Haihai was about to slap him in the face, but his son was so agile that he missed the slap with a dodge, and his face was a little embarrassing for a while: "I still need you to explain..."

"Your old man, I think what Qijin said is right." Grandpa just happened to see this scene.

It is true that the next generation kisses, and the grandson is only a few years old to play the erhu and earn money to buy cattle. Grandpa is still dreaming. Seeing his son dare to attack his grandson, this is a rebellion!
Yan Changqing was embarrassed to look at the embarrassment of being a father, so he smiled and took the stick to the side to practice the stick.

During the meal, Yan Changqing was rewarded with two eggs, which was only given to him on his birthday - the family conditions were not good, so he ate two eggs on his birthday every year.

Yan Changqing was not polite and ate both eggs.

After two days of tossing, he felt that he needed to make up.And the whole family looked at themselves, their stomachs were happy when they ate, and they watched themselves eat up two eggs, and they were happy all over.

After dinner, Yan Erhe also came. Going to buy cattle is a big deal, and both Yanhai brothers and grandpa will go.

Yan Changqing didn't go, anyway, he couldn't tell whether the cattle were good or bad, and it was better to find professional people to do professional things.


After the people who went to buy cattle left, Yan Changqing was going to go out for a stroll.

She really couldn't stand the mother's gaze, she looked at her son as if she were looking at some rare treasure, she stopped doing the housework, and just sat there and looked at her son.

Just look at it, and be prepared at all times. When Yan Changqing washed his hands after feeding the chicken, he quickly handed over the towel: "Son, towel."

Seeing that Yan Changqing was about to play the erhu, he quickly poured the only big enamel teacup at home and put a glass of water beside him: "Son, drink when you're thirsty..."

Then he sat next to him and stared blankly at his son.

No one can stand this look.

If you want to go out, you have to follow the instructions: "Walk slowly, don't run, pay attention... By the way, Erwa and the others have been looking for you these two days..."

I have never seen my mother like this before!
Oh, by the way, I used to be a brat at home, the kind who went to the house without being beaten for three days... That's okay!

Complaining in my heart, I strolled to Erwa's house, but there was no one there.

Then go to Tie Dan's house.

Turning a corner, I saw Tie Dan's house.

Before I got there, I felt that it was very lively inside. When I opened the door and went in, I saw Erwa and Tie Dan arrogantly directing four or five brats to let people line up!
Yan Changqing was taken aback: "Second baby, what are you doing?"

Seeing Yan Changqing, Erwa ran over happily: "Brother Qijin, they all want to learn martial arts from you. You haven't been at home for the past two days, so we practice here."

Tie Dan also ran over: "That's right, we are going to line up to go to your house, and we will all worship you as a teacher to learn martial arts from you..."

Yan Changqing was dumbfounded: "What do you mean by worshiping me as a teacher, please speak slowly, what's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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