Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 218 The effect of level 2 is to calm the nerves

Chapter 218 The second level effect is to calm the nerves
When Yan Changqing and Chen Youliang returned to Shencheng, the houses here had already started to be tidied up.

Next, you only need to wait for some procedures to be completed, hang up the signboard, and then you can open for business.

Chen Youliang is still immersed in the explosion scene of Xiangjiang and the high housing prices: "I think being an actor is desperate, but you really earn money. The boss Cheng is very rich! His villa costs tens of millions, right?"

Ever since he asked about the normal house price, Chen Youliang has been very self-conscious and has not asked about the price of the villa.

I would not buy it even if I asked, why did I ask.

It's not that they can't afford it, it's okay to buy one that's not too expensive for the two of them, but he thinks it's not worth it, and he can envy others who can afford it, but he will definitely not buy it.

Yan Changqing didn't know the price of the villa, so he didn't have the nerve to ask directly. In fact, he thought he was going to ask. With the current character of Cheng Boss, he would definitely introduce it to him proudly.

But he doesn't give people this chance.

And he also felt: "Aren't these houses all artificially hyped up? It's as comfortable to build a house in our hometown? If you want to buy a house by the sea, we can buy it here in Shencheng. You can buy whatever you want."

"I don't think it's worth it. It's okay to buy one in the city. It's always useful. We don't want to live in a villa. No matter how good this place is, it's not home." Chen Youliang shook his head.

Yan Changqing suggested: "You can buy a house in Xiangjiang and have a second child here in the future."

"That's okay too?" Chen Youliang's eyes lit up.

Hey, Yan Changqing was puzzled.

He persuaded his parents to have a second child, but he has not succeeded so far. He didn't expect to change someone, and this person was immediately moved?

"It's definitely possible! It doesn't matter here. You can just leave the second-child hukou here. Anyway, it will return in a few years, and it won't affect it at all."

"It makes sense!" Chen Youliang's eyes brightened. "Nu Gu always said that when we get old in the future, your cousin will not even have a close person when something happens. She has always wanted it, and even if she works, she won't allow it, but the job is to be honest... ..."

To be honest, Chen Youliang couldn't see that little salary anymore. He used to want his wife to have a solid job, but now he thinks he shouldn't look for such a job, otherwise, his wife could follow him to help in the market.

It shouldn't be a big problem to take a long vacation. The house price in Xiangjiang is a bit expensive, but that's it. When he really wanted to buy it, he felt that it was actually not too expensive.

The big deal is to buy a smaller house that can accommodate a family.

"Then Changqing, go back first!" Chen Youliang made up his mind. "After I go back, I'll go to the market twice more. It's okay if I'm not there. His grandfather Pengju is there, and your second uncle is there. They can take care of things. Let your second uncle take care of it. Don't let him be blind all day long. Sended."

Yan Erhe knew everyone in the market, because others were busy doing things, and he was the only one who wandered around with nothing to do.

Coupled with his personality, from the big bosses who come to do business, to the porters who do part-time jobs, he can chat with him for a long time whoever has time, and he can't hide the big and small things in the market. He even knows some things better than Chen Youliang.

It's just that he doesn't like to take care of things. Even if he encounters something that can't be done, he doesn't take care of it himself. He will only mention a few words to others during meal time.

In fact, he is more suitable for management than Yan Dahai, and his temperament is more suitable.

That is to say, the natural temperament of lying down is a bit difficult to change.

Now that Chen Youliang said it, Yan Changqing also felt that the problem was not serious: "Then I'll go back and tell him that you won't be able to go back in a short time."

"You just say that I won't be able to go back for a year or so, and scare him." Chen Youliang thought that the scene must be funny, and couldn't help laughing. "Letting him take care of something can scare him to death. If you say that I won't go back, he probably won't be able to sleep."


When the three carts returned, except for Li Mingfa and a few drivers, everyone stayed behind.

Li Mingfa introduced to Yan Changqing: "The clothes here are really cheap. We found a factory and bought a large number of goods. The price is much lower than ours, that is, there are fewer cars, otherwise we can transport more. Click back."

Yan Changqing reminded him: "Can you sell too many?"

"Now the autumn and winter clothes are being sold here!" Li Mingfa explained. "Wearing short-sleeved clothes here won't keep you cold. If anyone wants to wear short-sleeved clothes when we go back to our place, it won't be a problem if he doesn't freeze into a 'single ball'. The climate in the northwest is even colder. These clothes are so cheap, so there must be no problem." of."

Yan Changqing just asked: "That's true, but the clothes are not afraid, anyway, they won't be damaged."

"There are too many cheap things here, and electronic products are fashionable and cheap. If you buy from here in the future, the profit will be not small." Li Mingfa continued.

Yan Changqing reminded him: "The road is not safe, you remember to go back and explain clearly to those who come again, don't meddle in my own business like I do."

"Don't worry, you are the one who dares to take care of it. Where do we dare to take care of it! I saw people throwing one or two-year-old children on the overpass for begging in Shencheng. The little baby didn't even give him a piece of clothing, and he didn't even give him any clothes on the ground." Shop something, just throw it like that, I didn't dare to take care of it."

After Li Mingfa finished speaking, he couldn't help cursing: "If Ma De were to be put in our place, my skin would be ripped off by them."

Don't even think about it, most of the people who do this kind of thing are not parents, at least the probability of not being parents is higher.

Yan Changqing suddenly lost the mood to speak.

Li Mingfa sneered, didn't say any more, and focused on driving the car.


The way back is much easier.

When they arrived at the familiar Jiangcheng, the group breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, running around in an unfamiliar city is quite tiring, tiring and tiring.

It's much better here in Jiangcheng. It's also a place where a group of people start their family. There are many acquaintances, and there are a bunch of fellow villagers at the logistics point. It's much more convenient to do everything.

Feng Yigui was very happy to see Yan Changqing. He drove him straight to his garment factory, then pointed to a place and said: "The construction has already started here. Originally, this place was going to build a pharmaceutical factory, but the capital chain was broken when it didn't open." That's it, there is a large area left, which is cheaper for me."

Yan Changqing glanced at it, and knew that it was really cheap for him, because the factories and buildings here were all built, and the only thing left was to level the ground, and then inspect and repair the original buildings.

Feng Yigui continued: "I can build at least four or five filling workshops here. The space is too big. I didn't want it at first, but the city said it would be cheaper for me..."

The factory building is basically built, and other factories that need it are unwilling to use it. It would be great if they just need vacant land to build a factory building according to their own needs. Some renovation projects are more troublesome than new construction.

That is to say, Feng Yigui's requirements are not high, so he can continue to use the buildings here.

People in the city are eager for someone to take over here, otherwise leaving a broken factory here will affect investment attraction too much.

Yan Changqing looked around and felt that the factory is really big: "Then if you are asked to make wine in the future, can you do it?"

"I can only drink!" Feng Yigui thought for a while, and felt that he was not very good at it. "Although I can only drink, I also know that it is not that simple to make good wine. Now several of our local wineries have been suppressed by us, and we are almost unable to lift their heads. The mid-to-high-end market is almost occupied by us."

"Can I do things that other wineries can't do? I don't have the confidence to brew the wine we sell."

Yan Changqing said that he had an idea: "I've been researching distiller's yeast recently. After I develop it, I will send some people to produce it according to my process. I don't think there will be a big problem."

"Are you sure?" Feng Yigui thought again. "If you are sure to let the production here, then you tell me in advance, and I will also take a few people to learn the basic process of brewing... If you have any commercial secrets, it's okay if it's not convenient to watch, you will come when the time comes guide……"

"No, you can take a look at our place." Yan Changqing was very relieved.

Can anyone learn his skills?
Moreover, wine making can be said to be rough work, because the process is not complicated.But fine work is more detailed than fine work. How to master the various details of each process, even if you tell others, ordinary people can't grasp it.

For example, the fermentation time, the temperature of the weather is different every day, and the length of the fermentation time is also different. Even if you tell others about these, it is impossible for others to be as accurate as he is.

Feng Yigui didn't know this, he was just curious: "I heard that the formula of Coke is not even dared to apply for a patent, for fear of leaking. Your brewing is so good, are you sure you are not afraid that others will learn it?"

Yan Changqing's smile is full of self-confidence: "Don't be afraid, anyone who wants to visit is welcome, I am not afraid to watch."

He used to need to taste the wine to know how strong it was and what its quality was, but now it was almost to the point where he could feel the same after smelling it.

It is estimated that it won't be long, with the improvement of skill proficiency, he will be able to reach the point where he can accurately judge the quality of wine by smelling it.

Others can stand and watch, but how to learn?

Seeing that he was full of confidence, Feng Yigui couldn't help reminding: "Be careful, don't think that if you have any secret recipe, you will be safe, just in case..."

This time Yan Changqing is not afraid of his crow's mouth, and with his skills in hand, he is not afraid of anything, because there is no such thing.

There are all kinds of differences between the wine brewed by the workers in his own winery according to his brewing process, the wine brewed by a certain process instructed by him, and the wine brewed by himself. There's nothing wrong with it.

Feng Yigui didn't talk about it halfway through, because he was very clear about his faults, sometimes he just got used to it and couldn't help it.

Then he talked about another topic: "By the way, I mentioned to you before that alcohol has the effect of helping sleep. I have someone make a survey report. You can take a look."

This person is reliable in his work. He said it casually at the beginning, but now he took out a large stack of papers.

Yan Changqing picked up the top one, and couldn't help giving Feng Yigui a thumbs up after looking at it: "Professional!"

Really professional.

There are forms on the paper, and the top is the name, age, history, medical history and so on.

For example, the first one Yan Changqing saw was Feng Moumou, who was 92 years old. Did not take it out and so on.

Feng Yigui was still a little embarrassed: "This is my grandfather."

Yan Changqing despised him: "Why do you have this expression? My grandpa is so powerful, I find people to show off every day."

"It's not that I can't rest on the merits of the elders..." Feng Yigui explained.

You are not lying on the credit book, you are just standing on top!
Yan Changqing complained in his heart, if this person had not relied on his elders... he might have been beaten to death long ago!
Because when they met Feng Yigui, he had already experienced resignation from the garment factory, he had suffered setbacks, and Feng Yigui had already restrained himself...

Forget it, keep watching!

The questionnaire survey is very clear. Most of the previous surveys like to drink two glasses before going to bed, and there are a few marked that they bought wine and soaked in medicinal wine such as white flower snake wine.

Yan Changqing flipped through the pages, reading one by one, the more he read, the more he felt that this person's resignation was a loss to the garment factory, and it was too detailed.

On the questionnaire at the back, it is a random survey of some restaurants, asking people how they feel after drinking this kind of wine.

And most of them also wrote basic occupations, such as workers, politicians, businessmen, etc., which are already very detailed. After all, if you stop people and trouble them to say that they are conducting investigations, and you have to calmly talk about the other party's occupations, you have no ability to return them. Really not.

Yan Changqing was even more curious: "Uncle Feng, did you organize people to do this?"

"It's not me. I originally wanted to do it myself. My wife said that women are more suitable for this kind of thing. She helped find someone to do it. She also made the forms..."

Yan Changqing immediately became disappointed, but if this person is not Lao Feng's wife, he wants to abduct her to his winery, this is a genius!

"Auntie's ability, Uncle Feng, to be honest, don't be surprised! It's even better than you, why is she still working, how nice it is to come to you to work for you!"

"She's from the Bureau of Statistics, and now she's appointed a small leader, and the work there is quite busy..."

People are professional.

Yan Changqing completely died of digging people's minds.

Continue to look at the form!


Feng Yigui waited for him to read it, and gave him his opinion: "I read it, and most of them think that they sleep well after drinking, and they are people who do a lot of mental work. And some people who do physical work, most of them don't. , especially those who are no longer engaged in mental activities after retirement, do not feel much about it...”

Yan Changqing also noticed that this is a targeted effect. Some people who suffer from insomnia, or are engaged in mental work, usually worry too much, have poor sleep, and have some effect after drinking alcohol.

How good the specific effect is can't be seen through a simple questionnaire, but the effect is definitely there, it just depends on how much it is.

More specifically, it has to be good wine.

That is, Backgammon and Gaosheng two kinds of wine, because these two kinds of wine have more proportions brewed by himself.

secondary effect?

It is basically certain that it can really calm the nerves.

There are not many examples of soaking medicinal wine, and it is not clear whether there are other effects for the time being, but the feedback is quite good. At least the people surveyed did not say that it is bad, let alone that the effect of the wine used before is worse.

Yan Changqing thinks it's not bad: "It's good to have some effect, which is also a good thing, and we can feel more at ease selling wine in the future."

Feng Yigui thought more: "What do you think about selling medicinal wine?"

"I don't have that technology now." Yan Changqing said truthfully. "I'm only researching wine now, and I don't care about other things. And I also plan to make wine that can be exported. Now that vodka is almost ready, I will study sake next, one for the western market and one for little devils. .”

"It's great to be able to earn foreign exchange!" Feng Yigui was very pleasantly surprised. "Do you want to try representing a country for me?"

"You have something to do with it?" Yan Changqing was taken aback.

"What does it matter? We have wine, good wine. Isn't it easy to find a distributor abroad?" Feng Yigui was more surprised than he was.

My family does not have a man in his 90s who has fought in the war, nor does he have a wife who works as a leader in the Statistics Bureau.

Yan Changqing was too lazy to complain: "Which country do you have acquaintances?"

"Italy, I have a relative who is a diplomat there, and I'm not very familiar with it, but it shouldn't be a big problem for him to introduce a dealer." Feng Yigui said and reminded. "This one needs to be transferred at any time, how long will it take for your wine to be on the market?"

How did you mess up so badly back then?You are a disgrace among your relatives, old Feng?

So in the past, no one wanted to talk to you, and let you toss that little broken factory by yourself?

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "It will definitely be done within half a year, and it will take three months at the earliest."

"Three months is not a big problem. I can contact you now. Can you produce samples in those two months?" Feng Yigui said.

"It's almost a month." Yan Changqing is now sleeping and dying fast, it can be said that he hangs up and hangs up, full of confidence.

"Then it's settled, we'll sign the contract when you bring out the sample wine." Feng Yigui was very happy. "We also earn foreign exchange."

Yan Changqing reminded him: "I want to keep some foreign exchange outside."

"That's easy to handle, isn't it just a matter of multiple companies." After Feng Yigui finished speaking, he brought up the proposal just now. "You've been studying wine anyway, let's study medicinal wine by the way! It's not enough to soak these, and it won't waste your time..."

Yan Changqing was speechless: "It's not as simple as you said, if you add medicine, it's not wine. You have to guarantee the curative effect, right? Even if the curative effect is not enough, you have to promise not to drink bad people, right?"

"Anyway, I don't think it's too difficult for you." Feng Yigui muttered. "You can make good wine now, and make a medicinal wine, isn't that easy!"


Yan Changqing thought about it, and felt that Lao Feng's proposal was not bad.

Speaking of which, I have already snatched the number one bidder in the wine industry, and I will grab another in the medicinal liquor industry... As long as you are careful not to be cross-provinced by a certain Red Hat medicinal liquor, it will not be a big problem.

It just so happened that I was still studying Chinese medicine, and when I first learned how to make wine, it was because Dr. Shen wanted to make medicinal wine.

Thinking about it this way, he has a predestined relationship with medicinal wine!
That being the case, he looked at Lao Feng who was holding back his words and wanted to persuade him, but was afraid that what he said would not be listenable, and nodded: "Then I'll try it when I go back, I don't know how long it will take, maybe you can study it when you are old. come out……"

Feng Yigui was very optimistic: "That's just right! Maybe I will be a loyal customer of medicinal wine by then."

 Thanks to the book friend "afrashui" for the reward, thank you for your support!
  Today's two updates are over!

(End of this chapter)

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