Chapter 231 The money is gone
After a few compliments, seeing Yan Changqing's unresponsive response, Fang Xueya directly explained the intention of coming: "Several directors of our film crew have discussed and want to invite Mr. Yan to the film crew to do some work on the soundtrack."

"How long will it take?" Yan Changqing asked.

"It's hard to say exactly, but in the first half of next year at the most, the follow-up series of work will definitely be completed."

Yan Changqing knew it was unreliable as soon as he heard it. According to the original historical trajectory, the Three Kingdoms will not be completed in the first half of next year, and it will not be released until the end of October.

Even in the first half of next year, he doesn't have that much time.

After thinking about it for a while, he could only say: "Assistant Fang also knows the situation here, the winery cannot do without me now, otherwise the wine will not be produced, and thousands of people are waiting to eat. I really can't leave."

Fang Xueya still wants to work harder: "Mr. Yan can go when you are not busy. Music production is not like filming, and the time can be flexible. And our chief director Wang Dao said that in terms of salary and treatment, everything can be done." talk about."

She didn't have the confidence to say this. Is he short of that little money?
But this is not something she can decide, she is just an errand runner, and she must say what the superiors explain.

Yan Changqing really doesn't care about the salary, the current money the crew can give, I guess that's the case!

Several leading actors filmed with the crew. It is said that they can earn more than 6000 a year, and there are more than 4000 points after tax deduction.

Most of the other staff members are two or three hundred per month, and the best four or five hundred.

I work on the soundtrack, so I don't know how much I can give, but based on the situation mentioned above, I can basically infer that there is not much to talk about.

The key point is that he really couldn't leave, so he could only refuse again: "I really can't leave, if I'm only asked to perform and record, and I can finish it in a few days, then I will definitely go."

Fang Xueya pondered for a while, and said: "Then what if you arrange a role for President Yan?"

"That's not okay, I really can't leave."

The main reason is that there is no protagonist suitable for his own age. If he is asked to play someone's son or something, he may have to call someone Dad.

This won't work, he just wants to be called Dad.


Fang Xueya was quite embarrassed, she knew that this matter was not so easy to handle.

It's not that easy to invite an international composer.

That's right, now Yan Changqing is 'international'. In the eyes of today's people, as long as people go out for a while, they are all gold-plated, let alone people who have not gone out, they have already become famous abroad.

Many directors who want to be famous desperately make literary films and send them to some international film festivals. Some of the films are not screened at all.

Because it is generally accepted that as long as you win a foreign award, you are high-level, and you can also call it an international director or something.

Even if it is to shoot some naked, purely catering to Western aesthetics.

Seeing that Fang Xueya had nothing to say, Yan Changqing simply said to himself: "Well, I guess you have already had enough sound effects personnel over there, not too many if I have one more, and not too many if one is missing. I will make music Yes, let me make two pieces of music, look back and see, if you can use it, use it, if you can’t use it, how about it?"

Fang Xueya was overjoyed: "That's great, Mr. Yan, it's really troublesome for you."

"You're welcome, I'm still looking forward to seeing our famous novel on the screen as soon as possible. It's you staff and entertainers who have worked so hard, and I'm just doing my part!" Yan Changqing would say politely.

Fang Xueya thanked her repeatedly, and then asked a little bit tangled: "Then, about the cost of composing?"

"It's voluntary labor!" Mr. Yan was quite generous, since the song is not his own anyway. "It may not be useful! Use it if you can, and it's okay if you can't, just forget about the cost."

At any rate, I am an 'internationally renowned' composer, and I can't lower my value. I would rather not have money, and I don't want those three walnuts and two dates, otherwise I won't be able to make a price when others come to me in the future.

After thinking about the songs, I went back and registered several songs such as "Memories of the Forbidden City", "A Long Journey", "The Great Wall", "The Original Scenery of My Hometown", and "A Millennium Prayer".

It is said that these are all island countries. They were adapted from some precious scores stolen from the local area back then. It is normal to take them back by myself.

As for some not being adapted, that's not important, if they didn't steal too many things, how could they create such original music.

By the way, if you want to create, you have to hurry up, otherwise it won't be long before these songs should be created by others.

Fang Xueya didn't know what was going on in his mind, so she immediately put on a moved look: "How can this be done, how can this be done, Mr. Yan, you are also a famous composer now..."

"You're welcome, music has always been my hobby, and it's nice to be able to make some contributions along the way." Yan Changqing said calmly.

"Hey..." Fang Xueya didn't know what to say, usually speaking of offering or something was meant for ordinary people, and an international model like Yan Changqing was not suitable for it. "I didn't expect Yan to be like this all the time, so good-natured!"

"Thank you!" Yan Changqing smiled modestly. "That's the deal, let's go and see how the scholarships are distributed!"

"Good good!"


In fact, the scholarship distribution ceremony is just a few poses, let the reporters take some photos, and record a short section of the scene, which is convenient for news use.

The important thing is to celebrate with your own people, the ceremony is not so important.

Then there was an interview, Xiao Song wanted to come to interview Yan Changqing, Yan Changqing pointed to Chen Youliang, Xiao Song immediately understood, found Chen Youliang and asked: "Mr. Chen, I want to ask, what do you think about this bursary... "

"Wait, wait." Yan Changqing became anxious when he heard it. "It's not a bursary, we call it a scholarship, and it's for outstanding students."

Xiao Song was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile: "I understand, then let's start again. Master, get ready and come again..."

Yan Changqing was relieved when he heard that he mentioned the scholarship when he said it again.

The bursary does not sound as good as the scholarship, it gives people a completely different feeling, or the word "award" sounds more comfortable and makes the students who receive the award happier.

The one who was not very happy at the scene was Township Chief Yang. He actually wanted Yan Changqing to get a scholarship for the whole township, which made it easier to say.

It's just that the market winery is considered internal and has nothing to do with the village.

However, Yan Changqing has not planned to promote the whole township yet. He wants to cultivate the cohesive force of the enterprise now, so it doesn't matter.

If you want to do something, you should at least secure your home first, get your internal cohesion together, and then do other things.


At noon is the celebration feast.

This is Yan Changqing's favorite part, he can eat whatever he wants, and now the market holds banquets and the like, never talking about fancy things, only the most practical, all kinds of seasonal vegetables and meat, etc., are served on large plates.

Every time it comes to this time, it is the opportunity for Yan Changqing to let go of eating. After all, it is a bit scary to eat ten or eight bowls of rice in a row.

Not far away, Fang Xueya and her little assistant are staring at Mr. Yan!

It didn't take long for Fang Xueya to feel emotional: "President Yan is really a very real person, watching him eat, I feel that my appetite has improved a lot."

Her little assistant was worried: "Sister Fang, have we completed this task? Boss Yan only talks about composing music, but doesn't charge money, and hasn't signed any contracts. What if he forgets about it?"

Forget that this is a euphemism for the little assistant, after all, he is still eating his food, so it is not easy to speak ill of him.

Fang Xueya had thought about it for a long time: "Probably not, I feel that he was very confident when he said it. It should be that he has a finished song in his hand, and he will show it to us when the time comes."

The little assistant flattered: "Sister Fang, you are so powerful, I didn't see it. Teach me, Sister Fang, how did you see it?"

"He didn't hide it at all." Fang Xueya said. "And he is still very confident. I was worried that the piece he is famous for is in the style of Western music, and he might not be able to do Chinese music well. Seeing how confident he is now, I guess it won't be too bad."

"Is it so powerful?" The little assistant was quite qualified to be a fan.

"Geniuses are not the same as our brain circuits. Have you ever heard of a word called IQ? Humans have high IQs, and seeing gorillas is full of superiority. But if a genius like Mr. Yan, I guess I must have a higher IQ, we will As a gorilla, how can you guess what he can do."

"Isn't it still easy for Sister Fang to see that he has completed the composition?"

"That's because I'm too lazy to hide it." Fang Xueya said in her own mind. "So what if you see it?"

The little assistant was speechless, and after thinking for a while, he couldn't find anything to say: "Why doesn't he want the money from the crew?"

"You don't like this little money!" Fang Xueya speculated. "Let's not talk about how much money he can earn from advertising and selling alcohol on CCTV, even the money he earned from that song abroad is probably not a small amount. If he can win the number one song, I think he can earn hundreds of thousands no matter what. Dollars!"

"That much?" The assistant's eyes widened.

"Maybe there is!" Fang Xueya has never been abroad, she is purely guessing.


Yan Changqing wanted to laugh when he heard Fang Xueya and the two of them, he was not a fool, how could he not notice that he was being secretly watched all the time.

Moreover, his ears are like dog ears. He has no identity as the CEO of the international fan composer company. Curious about what these two people are talking about, he sticks his ears to eavesdrop on what they are saying.

He almost couldn't help laughing when he heard that a song could make hundreds of thousands of dollars.

If this victory vodka can only earn hundreds of thousands of dollars, he should go and bury everyone in Polygram. They can only make a little money for themselves with such a song, or they are people from their company Blackmail your own money, or you are a bunch of incompetent pigs.

Moreover, copyright management in foreign countries is relatively strict, and there will definitely be a lot of money to be made.

There is nothing to question this point, and there is no awareness of copyright in China now.

The most famous case is the lawsuit between Chen Xiaoer and CCTV, after which the copyright issue gradually attracted people's attention.


In the afternoon, someone drove two people from the Three Kingdoms crew to leave, and Yan Changqing took his mother's car back to the winery.

After he thought about it, he called Feng Yigui: "Uncle Feng, would you consider making your winery bigger and let you produce some of the good life series of wine?"

Feng Yigui was taken aback: "I really don't know how to make wine, and now I just learned a little..."

"I have researched a new koji here. From now on, you only need to transport the koji over there, and let the person in charge of the production brew the wine according to the process. The other things are not that complicated. I will go there regularly to check and supervise. It's not a big problem."

"Can it work?" Old Feng was very skeptical.

"Try it first, I'll go and have a look when the wine is out." Yan Changqing said.

Now the production capacity of the distillery is seriously insufficient, and he will continue to make vodka and study sake.In the short term, I can't take care of the Good Days series, so I just let Lao Feng produce some of them and continue to seize the market.

If he wants to improve his skills, he can't exhaust himself to death. Now he has to ride a bicycle back and forth in the factory, and he probably has to change his motorcycle soon.

I don't know how to separate myself, so I really can't control too much.

Old Feng hesitated for a long time before agreeing: "Then you must come and watch in person when the time comes! Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll spoil the brand of good days."

Yan Changqing agreed very simply: "Don't worry, I will definitely go."

When Lao Feng was about to close down the garment factory, he still insisted on producing high-end goods. His pursuit of quality made Yan Changqing feel at ease with him.


Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, Yan Changqing's anti-bone boy assistant called again: "Boss, your single income has reached 980 million US dollars."

"This is only a part of the income from copyright. The income from record sales and radio on-demand is still being counted. Hong Kong dollars here are only about 400 million Hong Kong dollars. Boss, you should really release an album. People here in Xiangjiang are taking advantage of it." Your single paves the way for their singers."

Huang Peishan complained to her boss angrily: "You only have one single, and the price they give you is too low, and their records are sold only by your songs..."

"Mr. Yan, we really don't, we don't!" A voice suddenly came from the microphone, almost startling Yan Changqing. "Mr. Yan, I'm Lin Lang from PolyGram. It's rude to interrupt your conversation, but please listen to my explanation."

Yan Changqing moved the microphone away a bit, this person was talking like shouting, and the sound quality of the phone was not good, it sounded too ugly: "Hello, Manager Lin, I'm listening!"

"It's like this. The income of Xiangjiang has not been counted. This part is only the previous income. And here is different from Europe and the United States." Lin Lang explained.

"The market here is very small. In Europe and the United States, the income from copyright is also very large. If any group plays your music on public programs, they will all need to pay..."

After listening to it for a while, Yan Changqing probably understood that Xiangjiang was a little small after all, so his income mainly depended on records.

In other regions, all kinds of one-time use songs need to be paid. There are so many music teams, large and small, and they must charge a lot of money.

After Lin Lang finished explaining, he continued: "Actually, it's not the time for the company to settle the bill yet. It's the decision of the company's upper management to pay you a part of the bill in advance. I hope you can create a follow-up work of Victory Vodka as soon as possible."

"You have to believe us. What the company's top management sees is definitely not just the immediate benefits. For creators like you, we are more concerned about the long-term benefits, and the follow-up contract will be re-signed with you. If you have a new song Come out and guarantee you a better income."

To put it bluntly, I saw a chicken laying golden eggs, and the chicken was still uncontrollable and might fly away, so I thought to feed the chicken some delicious food as soon as possible, so as to harvest more golden eggs as soon as possible. Egg.

Yan Changqing scratched his head, feeling that this metaphor is not very appropriate.

However, Lin Lang said that after each settlement is clear, he will bring over the ledger for review and reconciliation to ensure that everything is clear.

Yan Changqing thought about it and decided to trust the manager named Lin Lang for the time being.

After all, PolyGram's channels are relatively good, and Yan Changqing is quite satisfied with being able to release a single globally in a short period of time.

In fact, the money is not too small, because after Lin Lang finished speaking, Yan Changqing asked the little assistant in detail.

The little assistant began to persuade the boss: "Boss, you should hold a concert, so that the popularity can be raised to a higher level and you can earn more money. Now that you don't show up, how much less money you earn!"

If a singer earns money, he is a singer, but if he is pure music, what kind of concert should he go to?
Yan Changqing refused without even thinking about it: "Concentrate on your work, remember to go back and find a few accountants, check the accounts clearly, and don't let people cheat my money. By the way, from your understanding, they really cheated Did you take my money?"

"No." Huang Peishan answered honestly this time. "They closed part of it in advance in order to let you release new works as soon as possible. Based on the current sales volume, the income is not that small."

Yan Changqing asked again: "What happened to that Lin Lang?"

"Because I think they cheated of your money, so they came to someone to explain to you." Huang Peishan said confidently. "We have to be strong, otherwise what if they cheat your money? Boss, I'm all for your own good."

This little assistant is going to fail.

Yan Changqing was speechless: "Do you have anything else to do?"

"Give me wine, boss." Huang Peishan yelled at first, and then her voice became mournful again. "Boss, do you know that I get countless overseas calls every day, urging me to deliver the goods to them quickly. I'm just a weak woman who is 1.7 meters tall and weighs [-] pounds. I can't bear such a big pressure, boss. !"

"You know what? The whole world is singing about Victory Vodka, but there's no drink, like I miss my boss every day, and you never call me. How I wish I could hear from you every day that I've shipped phone!"

Yan Changqing asked back: "Are you really 1.7 meters tall?"

The other end of the phone suddenly went silent, and then Huang Peishan's pretendingly calm voice sounded: "Well, I was only exaggerating a little bit. You know, boss, girls' height and weight are all secrets..."

Yan Changqing continued to ask: "Do you have 1.6 meters?"

"Boss, we are discussing business matters, millions of tens of millions of hundreds of millions of business. You should care more..."

"I see, let me ask again, Manager Huang Peishan, I order you as the boss, tell me now, are you 1.5 meters tall?"

"How is it possible!" Huang Peishan yelled. "I'm taller than Zhu Yin, and I'm in better shape than her, you know..."

Yan Changqing already knew.

(End of this chapter)

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