Chapter 239

Yan Changqing was stunned for a moment before he realized: "I said that if the company needs a car, we can buy one. It doesn't need to be too expensive, right? You also said that it is not expensive, so this is the one? I need such a car to make do with it. use it?"

Even if Xiangjiang has zero tariffs, this car won't be much cheaper, will it?
"Not expensive boss." Huang Peishan glanced at A Jian. "You and Jackie Chan are good friends. He has already driven a Porsche. What is your Mercedes? If you drive a small broken car, do you have the nerve to visit other people's homes?"

"Okay, okay!" Yan Changqing understood, he thought it was not expensive, it was Santana and below.

But obviously, the little assistant's is not expensive, just don't want the most expensive and luxurious Rolls-Royce - because for that kind of car, the waiting time is not three months, even if it is convenient to book a car here in Xiangjiang.

This is a matter of differences in consumption concepts. Yan Changqing feels that since he is not resident in Xiangjiang, it is not necessary to equip the company with a car.

But here in Xiangjiang, as the place where there will be more than [-] Rolls-Royces in the world in the future and the largest stock of Rolls-Royces in the world, Mercedes-Benz is really not the most luxurious car.

That's why the famous line: "You take a Mazda, no wonder you're stuck in traffic..."


Huang Peishan also explained: "This is the case here in Xiangjiang. If you are the boss, you can't drive a car that is too broken, or you will be called stingy. Don't you think so, Brother Jian?"

A Jian was watching the fun, and when asked, he smiled and said: "That's true, Boss Yan, Xiangjiang is indeed like this, you can save a lot of trouble if you go out with a better car."

Yan Changqing nodded: "I just think that I don't come here too often, so I don't need to buy something too good. Just buy it! Did I buy a house? It won't be very expensive, right?"

"It's not expensive, it's not expensive." Huang Peishan praised me quickly. "The owner of the Dongwang Bozai Rice chain store went bankrupt, and his property was sold at a cheap price. I picked up a great bargain! And the house is not far from Uncle Cheng's home. It's on the mountain. Many people praised me for my vision. Right, Jian?"

Well, Jackie Chan's home is in Repulse Bay, not far from his. If even Ah Jian knew about it, it might be worth buying it.

This one was okay, lived up to my expectations.

Yan Changqing's concept of real estate is completely different from that of cars. He is quite satisfied: "As long as the house is good, do you want to buy anything else?"

"No, you said you need to save some money for backup! Otherwise, I still want to buy the two-story house of the new company, and now I have to wait until you run out of money..."

"Okay, let's rent a house for the new company!" Yan Changqing said. "Where is it? Take me to have a look, Brother Jian, I won't bother you with the rest. You should rest early and see you on the set tomorrow."

"Okay, then I'll go back first. Be careful, Boss Yan." A Jian said and waved at Huang Peishan. "See you tomorrow, Ah Shan."

"I'll see Brother Jian tomorrow."

"OK, remember to call me if something happens."

"it is good!"


After Ah Jian left, Yan Changqing got into the new car and felt it: "This car is really good! But why didn't you tell me in advance?"

"I said it!" Huang Peishan said confidently. "You say it doesn't matter, as long as you can drive it."

Now the company in Xiangjiang is only responsible for the sales business in Hong Kong, and other regions use another tax avoidance company, which can save a lot of tax money, and it is also convenient for investment.

"Yeah!" Yan Changqing was a little speechless. Every time the little assistant called, he talked a lot of nonsense. He had to recall the conversation so that he could remember which call he answered.

Huang Peishan continued to ask for compliments: "Boss, recently I have signed with several companies as agents, and do you still need a secretary? It's that kind, that kind of personal secretary?"

Yan Changqing's face darkened: "I don't need it yet."

"What about the bodyguard?" Huang Peishan continued to ask. "You're a big boss. It's very embarrassing to come to Xiangjiang and only follow me as a small assistant."

"That's not necessary." Yan Changqing would not spend that unreasonable money, hire a bodyguard, who will protect who is uncertain. "Just pay attention to your own safety. Usually you keep a low profile and be careful of being kidnapped. If you don't feel safe, you can just have a bodyguard yourself."

"I don't need it. No one will kidnap a small assistant. It's still a small assistant with a low monthly salary." Huang Peishan looked at the boss expectantly as she spoke. This little assistant's eyes are quite big, and she is especially good at using her own Advantages, always express your appeal with your eyes.

"Will you raise your salary again?" Yan Changqing hehe. "If I'm not around, I'll drive this car for you. It's a reward."

Although he is an assistant, he is actually doing the work of the general manager. The original salary is really not that much.

Huang Peishan pouted: "The company's recent business is quite good. Boss, we don't have enough wine to sell. Would you like... By the way, Boss, what did you call and say you are here for? For Uncle Cheng's movie." Dubbing? Then why not record a few songs by yourself and make an album!"

Yan Changqing shook his head: "It's not the time to make an album now, wait until I release a few more singles, and I'll talk about it after I'm famous enough."

"When will you release another single?"

"If it goes well, it will be released within the year." Yan Changqing said and glanced at the little assistant. "Have you ever thought about going to the Mainland?"

"Shall I go to the winery? Can I go with you?" Huang Pei's eyes lit up again.

"Keep an eye on the road and drive." Yan Changqing thought for a while. "Why don't you go directly to the house you bought? Can people live in it now? If it's a company, I'll go tomorrow."

"Good boss."


Yan Changqing felt that she had underestimated the skill of the little assistant. She bought a single-family villa.

Although the area doesn't look too big, the detached villas are definitely different from ordinary housing prices.

Huang Peishan introduced enthusiastically: "Boss, don't dislike the house because it is too dilapidated. You can decorate it to your liking. If you think the house is not good enough, you can rebuild it..."

"It's not that big!" Yan Changqing looked at the house and couldn't help asking doubts. "This adds up to more than 1000 square meters?"

"Come in with me, go upstairs and take a look and you'll know!" Huang Peishan was very excited. "Come up and you'll see why this house is so worth it!"

Yan Changqing was puzzled and looked around. The decoration style is very old, but the furniture seems to be newly replaced. It is good to have a big assistant. Although it costs a little money, at least the arrangement is good. He can move in anytime.

Stepping up the stairs all the way up, the layout of the second floor is similar to that of the first floor, and the three-story house adds up to [-] square meters, so it won't be too much - he believes in his own eyesight, and the visual inspection will definitely not make too much difference big.

So the area of ​​each floor is less than [-] square meters.

But Huang Peishan kept urging: "Hurry up, go up, go up to the third floor."

Well, let's not look at the second floor for now.

There are only a few glass rooms on the third floor, and the rest is a large open-air platform. It looks very good, at least the view is good, and you can already see the sea in the distance and the night view of Hong Kong next to it.

But Huang Peishan didn't let him look at this, but shouted: "Boss, look down."

As a headlight came on, Yan Changqing's eyes lit up instantly.

The car came all the way down the mountain, and the section of the road into the villa was even a small road. After entering the villa, he could only see the inside, but now, he saw it.

There is a swimming pool in front, and there are leisure and entertainment facilities around the pool, which looks pretty good.

"Behind, look behind." Huang Peishan continued to shout.

Yan Changqing turned around, good guy, a big garden.

Although the light did not illuminate further places, he had good eyesight and could see through the moonlight in the sky. The garden was much larger than the house.


"The grove next to it is also part of the garden." Huang Peishan pointed to the bottom and introduced. "Although the house is a bit dilapidated, you can rebuild it at any time. The important thing is that the area is large enough. The pool in front and this garden add up to more than 2 square feet!"

Yan Changqing automatically converted it in his heart, and it was just over 2000 square meters, plus the foundation area of ​​the house was still over 2000 square meters.

But it's really good, the environment is very good, there are no other villas around, and there is no interference-no one knows if you are kidnapped.

In fact, apart from safety issues, there is really nothing to complain about the environment of the house, unlike the houses in the capital, which are in the downtown area.

As long as you're not afraid of disturbing the ghosts, it's fine to play disco here.

Yan Changqing looked at the little assistant who was waiting for a compliment with blinking eyes, and finally nodded: "Okay, as a reward, I will give you two boxes of unlabeled wine next time."

"Only wine?" Huang Peishan was immediately disappointed.

Yan Changqing hehe: "Do you want a bonus? If you choose the bonus, that's fine too. How much?"

Huang Peishan struggled for a moment: "Then I still want a bar! My old man still likes your wine very much."

"You will know the value of those wines in the future, remember not to change hands, take them back to your family to drink." Yan Changqing smiled. "You will feel wise about your decision in the future."

Although only one calming effect has been tested so far, Yan Changqing is very confident in his wine, and he feels that it is definitely more than that.

Moreover, the skill of wine will continue to upgrade, maybe it will become a holy product for health preservation in the future, and the value cannot be calculated.


After watching the house, Yan Changqing flipped through the ledger brought by Huang Peishan, and the little assistant was still chirping to show off: "Boss, don't listen to others saying that Feng Shui here is not good..."

Yan Changqing was taken aback: "What is bad Feng Shui?"

"Because the original owner is about to go bankrupt, some people say that the Feng Shui here is not good." Huang Peishan explained. "It's very good here. If the owner of Dongwang Bozaifan didn't need money urgently, and the house is too old, we wouldn't be able to buy it for less than [-] million yuan."

"Feng Shui is not good because he is stupid. He only knows how to open a store, and he doesn't think about whether he is capable enough. The boss is so powerful, you sure don't mind, right? It's really worth it, and no other houses will be built around here , you will never find such a good position in the future.”

Xiangjiang places a lot of emphasis on Feng Shui, and believes in it openly.

Unlike some places, where they sneer at feudal superstition on the surface, the elders cannot afford to kneel in front of the Temple of the God of Wealth.

So bad feng shui is a big problem in their view.

Yan Changqing doesn't care about these things, Feng Shui is all feudal superstition, ha ha!
This year is too busy, so next year I will find a time when I have more free time to build a statue of Nuwa here.

Feng Shui, hehe!

Yan Changqing slept on the third floor at night. He liked the open-air feeling, just like when he was in the village, he slept outside in summer and could fall asleep looking at the stars in the sky.

This will make him feel less distressed about the money to buy the villa. The price is close to [-] million, which is too expensive.

There is not enough money to sell wine. Fortunately, the copyright fee is very high, because the music is the most suitable for background music, and the copyright royalty for only selling movies is quite a lot, and most of the copyright fees for overseas sales are in US dollars, so the money is still relatively valuable.

In fact, it is appropriate to wait until after [-] to buy a house, because at that time the real estate bubble in Xiangjiang, many people went to Shenzhen to buy a house, and the house price has been falling for several years.

But at that time, it seems that it is really difficult to buy this kind of villa, because generally those who live in such a house will not sell it easily.

So in fact, in a few years, similar single-family villas will have no price.

Because this is a single-family villa, the price in the future will not be affected too much by the general environment, and scarcity is more important.

When a large number of rich people in the mainland come to buy houses, the prices of single-family villas can be skyrocketed, but similar single-family villas are basically sold by no one, and no one can know the price.

In fact, most of the celebrity mansions that can be seen on the news in the future are ordinary commercial housing, and a house over [-] square meters is called a mansion.

And some villas, even if they are single-family, are also the kind of villa group, like a community.Instead of a single building like this, where no one knows about the haunted surroundings.

It's a quiet place to live.


Yan Changqing got up early the next day, punched a set on the terrace, and jumped down after getting his body moving. First, he walked around the swimming pool, and then went to the garden to have a look.

Flowers and trees are not Yan Changqing's forte, but the original owner is also rich, so it should not be the flowers and plants that can be seen everywhere on the roadside.

However, it seems that there is a lack of care recently. It is estimated that after Huang Peishan bought it, she seldom took care of it...

After Huang Peishan got up, she searched around until she saw the busy boss waving scissors upstairs. She was startled: "Boss, pruning flowers and branches is not like you. Stop, stop..."

Yan Changqing looked up: "It's fine to fix it casually, you don't fix it after you get up, let's go to the set after dinner!"

Huang Peishan breathed a sigh of relief: "I called, and someone will deliver the food later. And someone from the housekeeping company will come over to help take care of this place. You should have notified me in advance yesterday, so that I can send someone to come earlier Already!"

"Usually you can live here, can't you help take care of it?" Yan Changqing said.

"Me? Live here?" Huang Peishan's eyes widened. "Boss, I'm a weak girl, I live here alone, and no one knows that I was kidnapped and sold."

That's it!
Yan Changqing didn't say any more, and confessed: "From then on, you will have someone come to the house twice a month to take care of it, don't wait for me to clean it up."

"Good boss." Huang Peishan nodded.


It didn't take long for the "takeaway" to arrive, and Yan Changqing didn't even bother to think about how much this breakfast was worth - it would probably not be cheap just to deliver it by car, the cost was too high.

After eating, we went straight to the set.

Huang Peishan introduced to the boss: "This time Cheng Daxing's movie has invited a lot of people, and there is also the beautiful Mei Yanfang! But you are late, if you want to see her, you have to wait until the finale banquet."

Yan Changqing knew very well that there was not only Mei Mei, but also Weng Mei!
That was one of his teachers back then.

Xiangjiang's "educational films" are the most popular in recent years, and a large number of excellent works have appeared.

Many people got to know Weng Yeshuli and other teachers from some videos at this time.

Huang Peishan kept looking at her boss while driving the car, and she felt the sensation when she saw Yan Changqing. She turned her head and asked her, "What are you looking at?"

"Boss, you are the most suitable to be a celebrity. Being a celebrity really makes more money than starting a company." Huang Peishan began to dream of her manager again. "Become a singer first, and then, like Liu Dehua, enter the film world from the music world..."

Yan Changqing hehe, I'll let you see how celebrities film in a while.


When the two arrived, the crew had already been ready.

Jackie Chan, Ah Guang and a group of people were explaining the fighting movements, Yan Changqing and the two did not disturb them, and under the leadership of Ah Jian, they found a non-obtrusive place to be the audience.

Soon the filming began, and the fighting at the beginning was normal.

This is normal for martial artists, it's not a big deal to bump and bump.

But Huang Peishan was a little dumbfounded, and pulled Yan Changqing: "Boss, is filming so dangerous? I think it's very real!"

Yan Changqing didn't say a word, Xiangjiang's special effects production ability is not strong enough now, even if he puts on airs during the fight, he can't do it well without any foundation.They are all kung fu practitioners. In order to strive for authenticity, even though the fight is a well-designed routine, it is definitely impossible if the fists and feet collide without pain at all.

Yan Changqing has been staring at the fire pit on the scene. This is the classic scene of Drunken Master 2, and it is also the scene that many people question.

Although this drama didn't really go up the mountain of swords, the scene of falling into the fire pit should be regarded as a real fire.


Sure enough, at the end of the fight, Cheng Shilong changed his 'equipment' and was kicked into it.

When he struggled to get out in a hurry, the fire extinguisher next to him immediately sprayed white mist at him.

A Jian was still explaining: "The fire is real, but it is not real coal, the temperature is not so high..."

This is outrageous enough, at least Huang Peishan next to her is already looking stupid.

What's even more powerful is that Cheng Shilong jumped twice, because he was not satisfied with the first one just now.

Needless to say, the protagonist was beaten to such an extent that he finally detonated the small universe of the human body, turned from Jedi, and began to beat Ah Guang and several thugs violently.

There were also some funny clips during the period. The overall fight seemed to be fierce, but there was no shortage of laughs.

Yan Changqing looked at the little assistant with a dark face on purpose: "Do you still want me to be a star? Do you want to jump into the fire pit like this?"

Seeing this, Huang Peishan has long stopped talking about letting her boss enter the film industry from the music world. She only advised her to become a singer: "Boss, being a singer is still very cost-effective. Where are you going to record the song this time? If you shoot the MV, it will let me Show your face? I don't have to pay for the appearance."

"Go ahead and dream, there is everything in the dream." Yan Changqing hehe. "Let's go, they have to make up shots later today, so let's not get in the way here."

Before leaving, he wanted to say hello. He found Jian: "Brother Jian, when Uncle Cheng asks, you can just say that we are going shopping, and when he finishes his work, if I haven't left yet, come and play with him."

As a result, Jian looked at the time with some embarrassment: "Can't you wait? The work in the morning will be finished soon?"

"What's wrong?" Yan Changqing asked.

"Brother Long probably wanted to ask for your opinion at noon. He specifically told him to order some better meals at noon, thinking that you would stay until noon."

"What can I say, it's already very good!"

"No, Brother Long is a martial arts instructor himself, and I want more people to help him see. You are so good, just point out a few handsome and powerful moves later, so as not to be said that the moves taught by Brother Long are not handsome enough!"

(End of this chapter)

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