Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 247 The change is not so bad

Chapter 247 The change is not so bad

The workers come quickly and leave even faster.

Yan Changqing somewhat understood why the boss liked to paint cakes in the past.

Because the cake is really not just a random drawing. When the cake is made, you can not only let you see it, but also let you smell it. Of course, the big cake will only appear in the boss's kitchen in the end!
The patent is just an unintentional idle move by Mr. Yan. In fact, Wanyan Factory still has the right to register the patent at any time when the product is just on the market. It's just that others did not expect that Wanyan's boss is so hard-headed and never registers.

Later, it depends on the ability of the lawyers and what kind of professional team the assistants can recruit, and whether they can take the lead in this.

After Yan Changqing made the arrangements, he didn't think about it anymore. He had a vague feeling in his heart that the changes in his body might not last forever, and might stop at a certain stage.

So he must take advantage of this time, seize the time, and make this stage play a greater role as much as possible.

For example, he is now stationed in Tongshulin, not only the stick technique and knife technique, but also various other weapons are placed in a row under the small shed.

The sledgehammer for strength training, the skillful nine-section whip, the long whip and the three-section stick and chain hammer are not only eighteen kinds of weapons, but they are all processed by people, put them here, and ponder over them if they have nothing to do.


Of course, it’s not just thinking about it. At this stage, there is still a craze for practicing kung fu. Although there is no internet, it is quite easy to collect some kung fu books.

Especially some qigong textbooks, which he is currently studying.

Some things have been passed on for many years. Whether it makes sense or not, others may not be able to figure it out, but he is not afraid, there are cheats.

In fact, many things are very reasonable. For example, there is a sentence in the Tao Te Ching, "Concentrating on Qi makes you soft and can be like a baby."

The meaning of this sentence is to gather the form and essence together to achieve natural softness, just like a baby.

Babies are actually really amazing, children's minds are pure and consistent.

When people practice Kung Fu, they pay attention to exerting force. The purpose of exercise is what people who practice martial arts often say, to gather the strength of the whole body at one point.

But babies don't need to practice. The child is lying there, grinning and chubby, no matter how cute it looks.

But if they hold a certain toy and you want to take it away from him, you will find that they are really working hard with that one hand, using all their strength.

Adults practice the horizontal and parallel bars, and those who have not exercised will feel tired after hanging on to the horizontal bars for a while.

But a child who can't walk may hang on to something and kick his short legs to play.

Just like when people watch videos in the future, they will often see some "secretly evolved full-level children", some skills have really been practiced to the point where 90.00% of adults can't reach it.


It is said that the Tao Te Ching has been translated into hundreds of translations, at least it proves that there are many people who think the book makes sense.

Yan Changqing is also one of these people, but he doesn't study those so-called wisdom in life that are called famous sayings.

Now he only studies those that seem to be related to practice, and those that are similar to Taoism and nature.

Does water benefit all things without competition?
In diving, he doesn't feel the invincibility of the water, but exercises his "shrinking the ground into an inch", that is, walking skills, feeling the interference of the water flow on him, how to follow the trend and go against the trend.

and how to punch in water.

He has the biggest advantage, that is, the whole person enters the water without thinking about the problem of breathing, just come out for a long time to take a breath.

And he has long since discovered that now that he can stay in the water permanently, no matter how much he soaks, he doesn't have to worry about his hands turning white and wrinkled from the blisters.

Practice kung fu in the water, feel the power of the water flow, and exercise your perception ability.

It is winter now, the current is quite gentle, and the river water in most places is very shallow, and there are not many deep places. The accumulation of water flow over the years will wash out a long and narrow deep water area in some places with particularly steep banks.

These areas are usually at the corners, and when the water rises, it is easy to form the so-called "backwater bay". For those who go into the water to play, it is a dangerous area, because the water inside often has hidden eddies and so on.

Even if the water does not rise now, the water flow inside is more complicated.

It's just right for Yan Changqing, he can feel all kinds of pulling and pushing forces from all directions in these places, and let his body gradually adapt to them.


And when exercising in the water, there are often some small surprises, such as some silly fish swimming over.

There are fewer deep water areas, but there are no shortage of fish. They are all hiding around here. There will always be some fools who will come to the door automatically. If they are too small, let them be. Some big fish are tired of their jobs, and he can only help them.

Just take it back to practice cooking.

People follow the earth, the earth follows the sky, the heaven follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature.

When he tried to imagine that he was also a fish, he seemed to be a real fish, floating up and down in the water casually, moving his body occasionally, just like a real fish, swimming out like flying. far away.

As a result, within a few days, his swimming skills, which he didn't pay attention to at all, quietly passed the second level.

Another result was that he felt the river was a little too small.

If he was really a fish, it would be too big for the small river ditch, and the small river ditch in winter is not enough for him to swim back and forth.

So Yan Changqing felt that he needed a reservoir now.


The pond in the village is not good, because it is a little small, and it is on the edge of the village.

It's winter, although he often does things that others don't understand, even if he goes swimming, it's fine, but... his mother will definitely not let him.

Not to mention that he is not allowed to touch cold water in winter, even in summer, when he is in the winery, his mother will let someone supervise him and not let him wash his feet with cold water, even if he knows that he is in good health , Carrying a few sacks is like playing.

And my mother is also very reasonable, saying that if you wash with cold water in summer, especially "well pulling cool", that is, the water just drawn from the well, some blood vessels will turn blue and black, like earthworms. , especially ugly and scary...

Yan Changqing could use his countless medical theories to justify this matter, but it was his mother who said this, so he consciously gave up the justification.

Just listen. If you want to do it, you can hide.

It was impossible to win in defense, as he had proved in two lifetimes.

Then you have to find a reservoir farther away.

But don't worry about it now, he has practiced water, and he can find a suitable air outlet in the terrain of nine hills and eighteen depressions.


Water is impermanent, and wind is even less.

Even on the half slope of the tung forest, there is constant wind.

After practicing for a period of time, he felt that he had gained a lot.

Some changes in perception are very subtle, but combined, the feeling is quite obvious.

Including physical changes, he feels that this process is a bit like what is often said in practice novels. After breaking through a certain stage, practice enters a period of rapid growth.

But what realm, he does not know.

However, this inconspicuous change is really intoxicating.

It's like the feeling that some people suddenly become obsessed with fitness and become addicted to it after the initial hardships and overcoming various difficulties.


The biggest change was that on a certain day, he practiced the erhu as usual, and then suddenly, on a whim, he pulled his bow vigorously at a dead leaf that had just fallen.

The dead leaf, which was visible to the naked eye, was broken into several pieces, and then fluttered down.

At that time Yan Changqing was taken aback.

real or fake?

Although this dead leaf has persisted on the branch for so long, it is already one of the few leaves left on the tree. It has been exposed to wind and rain, and it has long been fragile, but you broke it with the erhu?
Yan Changqing got excited in an instant, he put down his erhu and jumped onto the branch, and directly broke off the only few leaves on the nearby tree, including the branches.

Then he inserted it on the ground in front of him, thinking about the state of mind just now, and came again.

If there is no failure, some people perform exceptionally once and do things that they cannot do normally, and they may have to continue to practice for a long time before they can maintain stable performance again.

But those who have hunger don't need it. He easily shattered a leaf again with a harsh erhu sound.

It seems that the control is not very good, and the adjacent leaves are also damaged.


Things started to get more mysterious.

At least Yan Changqing thinks so, the sudden change made all the dead leaves in Tonglin, those dead leaves that persisted until the winter, can no longer continue to sway in the wind.

Those poor leaves, which were scarce at first, became test subjects, and eventually turned into fragments.

When the entire tung tree forest was completely reduced to bare branches, Yan Changqing began to stretch his poisonous hand towards the paper.

The end result is that thin ones are okay, but thick ones don't seem to work.

Yan Changqing had a lot of fun doing experiments every day. Except for the step-by-step work in the factory, he let go of other things as he could.

Until this day, I was dragged by my uncle: "Changqing, what are you doing recently? The workers over there responded that you often make strange noises, making them uneasy at work."

"What?" Yan Changqing was taken aback.

"Are you too lazy to go to the Tongshulin area recently, playing the erhu nearby or doing something else? I heard a few workers say last night that I felt uncomfortable when I heard the strange noise you made."

"I'm in..." Yan Changqing stopped talking halfway, he was in Tongshulin, but if he said it, his uncle might be confused.

The tung forest is far away from the winery. Although it can be seen from the winery side, there is a half-deep below!
Don't underestimate the one-and-a-half crater that the villagers said. If you only use two legs to walk normally, it will take about an hour. This is still fast, and you must be a nearby villager. Another city person is not used to walking here. Planting uphill and downhill is equivalent to climbing a hill.

Of course, the straight-line distance will be closer, but the factory did not affect the drums and suonas in the past, but now the erhu is affecting people...

Migrant workers, of course, would not run to blame the boss for a trivial matter, but since they discussed it in private, it must be that the voice is really unpleasant.

The point is, it turns out, the sound of the erhu.The distance of transmission is the most important point, at least this distance is beyond common sense!
Go further next time!

Yan Changqing said to his uncle: "Then I will go farther next time. I have nothing to do in the past few days to study and play. The sound I made is a bit unpleasant."

Uncle smiled: "It's okay, it's okay, they didn't tell anyone else, I overheard it by accident, so I just wanted to tell you."


There is no need for a reservoir, and practicing Erhu is discussed in private, but these cannot stop Yan Changqing.

Anyway, to him, other people's one-hour journey is nothing to him at all. He likes the uphill and downhill roads the most. If others walk carefully for half a day, he only needs to jump a few times, and it doesn't matter if he walks farther.

But at this point, he has basically made up his mind that it is easy to use the erhu to tear thinner paper, specifically the paper of the exercise book.

But textbook paper is not so easy.

In terms of cooking, he is growing quite well now.

Although the cooking skills have not been upgraded because the number of times of cooking is too small, his grasp of the ingredients and seasonings is no longer what ordinary people can do.

As long as you give him some time, there is no bottleneck at all in upgrading this skill, as long as the number of times is enough.


The other is sake and medicinal wine.

If the ingredients and seasonings can be mastered well, then the same goes for medicinal materials and wine-making raw materials.

Therefore, the skill of sake is getting closer and closer to leveling up. As for medicinal wine, he still has to wait for a while.

Those who use alcohol are all old problems that Dr. Shen has not cured for many years. Sometimes, even if the patients feel relieved, they dare not be sure easily and need to wait for a while.

He is still preparing to continue with 'practice' - the word exercise is too vulgar, making practice sound better.

Zhu Changsheng called him: "Changqing, the head office has notified that they will give you an award. What kind of award do you think is appropriate?"

Yan Changqing was dumbfounded: "Is the head office so talkative? Did you ask for my opinion?"

"You are an internationally renowned composer! You have to show 'International' some face!" Zhu Changsheng said with a smile. "I think it's because they don't want to give actual rewards, they just want to give you a false name, which is not real at all..."

"It doesn't matter what you give." Yan Changqing smiled. "Uncle Zhu, take care of these things and just deal with them. I can't take care of them right now! I'm going to prepare for the Spring Festival Gala right now and I have to leave the winery for a while. I'm speeding up production!"

"Okay, okay!" Zhu Changsheng agreed with a smile. "Then I'll discuss it with Boss Shi, and just give the above an explanation. Anyway, it's just an empty prize. It's not like our side. I will remember the merits for you. Wait a few days and see what's missing..."


After hanging up the phone, Yan Changqing felt very happy. I wish the director spared no effort in slandering the head office!
Boss Shi vaguely mentioned last time that the head office wanted them to participate in the Spring Festival Gala to go to the headquarter art troupe, but now several oil fields treat these people as treasures and keep holding them back and don't let them go.

From the point of view of Yan Changqing who can see the future, for ordinary people, it is beneficial to go to the capital for a while, at least to get a permanent residence in the capital.

But from the point of view of people today, after going to the head office and the capital, what to do is a task. It was originally a great contribution to the locality, but it may not be a big deal to put it in the headquarters.

It is even more impossible to give out benefits like here in the local oil fields, and rewards are given as they say.

Just like the group of people led by Yan Changqing went to the Spring Festival Gala, and those in the unit were allocated rooms to cars. When they arrived in the capital, it was difficult to give them such good treatment.

As for bonuses, let alone, there are many rules and regulations in the head office, but it is different in places. Bonuses are all 'random'. Although Mr. Yan doesn't like it, it is enough for other people. I'm jealous.

But these Yan Changqing just think about it, he will definitely not go to the capital anyway.

It is estimated that Boss Shi will talk about him, saying that others have gone there, and Yan Changqing is not in the same unit, and maybe the chance to go to the Spring Festival Gala will be gone in the future.

You must know that Victory Vodka II has been released now, and the style of the first song is still similar. Not to mention bringing the popularity of the first song back, making money is also like picking up money.

This time, Yan Changqing's name as an "international" composer has been changed to be worthy of the name. One is accidental, and two are strength.

With this "international" name, the possibility of going to the Spring Festival Gala in the future is infinitely greater than before. In addition, he has already experienced two consecutive Spring Festival Gala, and he is only a few years away from becoming a staple of the Spring Festival Gala.

No one is willing to pass up the opportunity to be with him.


Assistant Huang's phone calls followed one after another, and the good news followed one after another.

Yan Changqing was quite calm about this. Apart from asking them to continue to increase the investment in the VCD technology research team, the other was to direct Huang Peishan to invest in the stock market as long as there was excess funds.

It's been [-], and it will be [-] soon. When Microsoft's [-] system is released, the Internet bubble will appear, and the stocks of emerging technology industries will skyrocket.

Although Yan Changqing didn't know the specific price rise or fall, it was enough for him to know the general trend.

Things that follow the trend are tantamount to picking up money for nothing, not doing it for nothing.


The upgrade of sake skills is just around the corner, and Yan Changqing is full of energy again.

He has prepared several island country songs, but he doesn't know how popular it will be in the island country, anyway, he knows that it will be very popular on the Internet in the future.

Just wait for the sake to come out and commercial songs to come out, and then you can make money from the island country—not because you are eager to make money, but because you are eager to make money from the island country.

There are not so many righteous things to say, just want to do it.

Then there was a phone call that made him uncomfortable. From CCTV, Director Tan called. After all, Director Tan was more familiar with him, telling him that CCTV was going to formally discuss the copyright of the Three Kingdoms with him.

Yan Changqing looked at the things in his fermentation tank, and felt a little melancholy. Given another month, he would be able to sell sake almost.

But that's not the only thing, Huang Peishan called again: "BOSS, Victory Vodka, has entered the Grammy judging stage. If you win the award, do you want to go to accept the award in person?"

"Just passed the basic screening, what are you anxious about, wait until you win the prize." Yan Changqing said casually.

He felt that his little butterfly wings were still quite powerful. Although the original band was quite famous, the song Victory Vodka had no chance for this kind of international award. He took it out more than ten years in advance, but he could actually win it?

If you can really win an award, it's not a big deal, then you must go to see it.

It doesn't matter if you delay a little time, I can only say that the islanders are not blessed, and they couldn't make themselves earn their money early...

 Thanks to book friends "ya828" and "Yanhong" for their rewards, thank you for your support!
  Thank you for your support!Thanks!
(End of this chapter)

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