Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 280: Come on, I’ll watch

Chapter 280: Come on, I’ll watch
Logically speaking, this season is not suitable for transplanting various trees.

However, Lao Huang was confident that he would take good care of it and did not want to waste time at all. His only request to those who sent saplings was to bring more soil, so as not to kill the trees on the way.

As long as he survives to this point, the rest depends on his ability.

Then, a circle of evergreen trees was planted around the tung trees, and then some plum blossoms were planted on the edge of these trees. In winter, the place would be bare and unsightly, so some green trees and red flowers were used to embellish it.

After all, this forest is exclusive to the boss, and he often practices musical instruments there.

Not working in a camp doesn't mean you don't know anything. As someone who was admitted to college in his early years and taught himself a lot of things, Lao Huang's brain is definitely good enough.

It’s not that he doesn’t understand some things, he just doesn’t want to do them, but he changed his boss... Anyway, it’s easy. Although Mr. Yan is a little younger, he is a good person. He wants to build a beautiful hometown and do some icing on the cake. Son, it is natural.

Including planning reservoirs, etc.

One thing he was sure of was that he hadn't been here long, but he could tell that Mr. Yan really had money.

Lao Huang is usually busy outside the winery, but that doesn't mean he knows nothing about the winery.

He can still see what kind of construction the winery has done, and how much taxes the winery pays is also transparent.

After a casual calculation, he came to the conclusion that there must be an astonishingly large amount in Mr. Yan's account.

Other bosses are so prosperous that they have to pay attention to food, clothing, housing and transportation when changing cars or houses. What does Mr. Yan pay attention to?

He drives a Santana that is issued free of charge by the oil field. Most of the food and clothing he buys are brought by people in the market. It’s really brought by people in the market. There are so many people, and every time they come back, they have to bring some specialties from other places...

Needless to say, there are also some things planted in the ground, which he cannot lack.

The most particular thing is musical instruments, but it is said that the guzheng and erhu are all gifts from the Forbidden City. They are specially made and cost nothing. He usually maintains them himself and takes great care of them, not letting others touch them.

Then Lao Huang came to the conclusion that Mr. Yan was simply the most frugal CEO he had ever seen. He spent nothing on food, clothing, housing and transportation.

The most expensive thing was to buy a jade mine, which was considered a luxury, but that little money, according to Lao Huang, was just a drop in the bucket, nothing.

The key winery is producing and making money every day, like a money-making machine that never stops.

As for airplanes, the market has been in operation for several years and has done nothing but build buildings. It can only get in and out.

Considering that Mr. Yan has other income, we don’t know how much money there is abroad.

Why don't you start doing something serious?
After all these years, his thousand-mile horse has finally arrived in Bole. Building a reservoir is nothing. He wants to build this place to be better than a summer resort to escape the summer heat, so that Mr. Yan can spend money willingly...


Faced with a large group of ambitious employees, Yan Changqing did not hesitate for long.

Just like Lao Huang thought, he now has a lot of money in his domestic account, but it is of little use.

After Lao Wan came excitedly and reported to him the latest progress in the negotiations for the location of the new winery, he calmed down.

It doesn’t matter, whoever wants to do it can do it. Provide your own funds and nominal support, so go ahead and do it!
At most, it's not a big deal if he reads a few more accounts every month. Over the past few years, he has just relied on reading the accounts and has almost upgraded his accounting skills. Now he can occasionally give guidance to the accountants. , a master who specializes in accounting.

In this case, he called everyone over.

The basic tone was set first, and he said with certainty: "These are all big things, the hotel, the manor and the reservoir. You know, I don't care about the details. Are you sure you can handle it? Have you made the budget and budget? Come and show me first."

Xiao Zhou and Lao Huang were very well prepared, which was much better than Lao Wan. Lao Wan was a practical type and would only work hard. He would do it if he had an idea, but it was a little worse than these two. They have made detailed reports on various budgets, preliminary plans, and annual investments.

Lao Wan can't do it. He just wants to build another winery to compete with each other. He doesn't consider anything else at all. Anyway, the boss says it's okay, so I'll do it. I'll ask the finance officer how much it will cost.

We can't be too demanding of Lao Wan. As a retired worker, he never had to take care of so many things when he was at work.

Moreover, after coming to the winery for a few years, Lao Wan only focused on expansion. As for money, he worked with Mr. Yan, whatever the budget was, he just worked on it.


Then Yan Changqing was confused: "Your plan is a bit too big, isn't it? Xiao Zhou, you want to build so many hotels all at once? They have to be divided into several cities. Can you be busy?"

"And your reservoir... forget it, the winery has some money now, but it can't take too big a step. Here, for the hotel, first choose a city in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen as a pilot. You can build it first and practice it. .”

"There is no need to go to war directly on the reservoir. It will be completed in two years. Old Huang, if something goes wrong with you, I have to show you. Don't be too stuck on time. To achieve success step by step, you must do even half of the project. A heavy flood will not have much impact on the project.”

Two years is a bit rushed, and if it is built in a hurry, it will be unreliable - the next step will be a major flood that has not been seen in decades. To be honest, it will be a bit of a test.

In fact, as long as it can be built before the big flood, then the big flood will be used to test the quality.

Lao Huang is already very satisfied with the results. He predicts that the two years will indeed be too late.

Maybe he didn’t realize it himself. He hadn’t done anything for many years, and now that he wanted to do something, he couldn’t wait to express himself and prove his potential. He just wanted to do everything at once and prove that he had been able to do it for many years. What appears to be incompetence is actually just a conditional restriction.

Zhou Jialing, on the other hand, took over the budget with a serious face and nodded: "Okay boss, let's build it in Shenzhen first, closer to Xiangjiang. If I can't get through, ask Pei Shan to help take care of it. "

Then he explained for himself: "I think that after economic development, it will inevitably lead to the development of the real estate economy. Buy land earlier now to avoid rising land prices in the future."

Yan Changqing felt that this assistant had great vision, but he was too forward-thinking. Land prices would not rise much in a few years.

But he didn't say any more, and waved his hand for the two of them to fight quickly. It's enough for me to just lie down, so you go ahead!
Lao Huang turned to leave, but couldn't help but look back: "Mr. Yan, how do you feel? You are sure that the water will rise. This small river will be fine even if the water rises a little, right?"

Zhou Jialing also turned her head to look curiously.

Because he was so sure that the water was going to rise, Yan Changqing might not have noticed it himself. Every time he said the water was going to rise, he always said it with certainty.

Others have no ideas and follow orders in all their actions.

However, those who can exert their subjective initiative think more.

Yan Changqing smiled and said calmly: "It's time for the water to rise. When your reservoir is built, you will be able to catch up with the flood. You need to learn more about water conservancy. Based on history and current weather conditions, It is easy to deduce that the next water rise will be three years from now."

Lao Huang was a little confused, and Zhou Jialing was also a little dumbfounded. The boss is going to be a god. Is this right?Still making predictions?

What will happen in three years? Are you so sure?
For Lao Huang, just do it. He doesn't worry about this. If the reservoir doesn't even have the ability to handle floods, then why is he busy?
And he quickly thought of another question: "Mr. Yan, if you are sure that the water will rise, can we consider more about the water system first? It is usually beautiful, but it can also serve as a flood discharge function at critical moments."

“Before, I considered the water flow problem of the small river, and planned the water system problem until the reservoir was completed.”

"You guys discuss it and come up with the final plan!" Yan Changqing waved his hand and went to do your work!


Although Yan Changqing doesn't have to worry about too many things, he still feels that he needs to be more stable.

Now, branches all over Asia are starting to lose money. On the surface, it still looks like it is flourishing, but in fact it is almost burning.

There are countless similar examples.

Yan Changqing thought about it for 10 minutes and thought it was better to be more steady. Although he spent a full 10 minutes, he didn't think of the reason why he would fail.

The winery now has ample cash flow, and there are three branches that are constantly sending cash here.

The Good Day series of wines are still very popular. They have been advertising on Spring Festival evenings for several years. The biggest idea of ​​several wineries now is to ask Mr. Yan to provide more raw materials.

This was the purpose of Fang Baonian's visit here. He spent several days doing nothing here, observing before saying goodbye and going home. He recorded several entries in his notebook.

Qing Province also produces jade, but these days the jade is only valuable from a few specific places of origin.

Just like the jade material here in Qing Province, it is in the same mineral belt as the jade material in Xin Province. They are only a few hundred kilometers apart and only separated by a mountain.

But people only recognize Xinsheng jade, not Qingsheng jade.

As we all know, the value of things like jade and diamonds depends entirely on how much people think they are worth.

After listening to his son's story, Fang Qingliang immediately felt that sending his son there was the right thing to do.

He is very efficient in doing things. Now the small market buys various specialties from the local area and transports them to the Taoshu Township market. The winery is also a cash production machine. There is no shortage of money. He directly ordered a truckload of goods from someone and asked for large pieces of jade. The bigger the better.

There is no need to count the number of tons. The most commonly used truck in the market now is Baping Chai, which has a load of eight tons. Everyone knows that it can be loaded with as much as it can. Only the driver knows the specific amount.As for the price of a truckload of jade materials, it is only more than 1000 yuan per ton, but the freight is a bit expensive - I must say that the current toll station is too harsh. Although the road is better, the toll is still very high. There are countless stations, and it would be scary to count them all.

The car traveled on the national highway for several days before arriving at Yan Changqing - Xu Yibo's side has not yet mined so much jade, which shows how efficient Fang Baonian and his son are.


Yan Changqing was quite satisfied, and without saying a word, he asked someone to bring a few more boxes of good wine over.

As a result, Fang Baonian called immediately and was very embarrassed: "Mr. Yan, the jade here is not valuable in the market... You are so polite. We just want to express our gratitude. We really don't need to return gifts every time we give you something." …”

Yan Changqing said indifferently: "You still spent money, I brewed it myself. Keep that wine for your father to drink! You are young now, you don't need it..."

The two chatted for a while, and Yan Changqing started to toss with the jade with tools.

He roughly knew that this should be called Kunlun Jade. It was very worthless now. It would take a few years for it to be speculated and the value would increase many times.

So he doesn't take advantage of others. To be honest, wine is priceless, but it's hard to buy it with money. I'm happy, as long as he's happy.

Among the jade materials that were transported, there was a large piece that weighed almost a ton and happened to be a long strip.

It's just that the shape is nothing, but there are several green bands inside this piece of white jade.

Yan Changqing immediately thought of the Dunhuang Flying Apsara Statue.

It just happens that the green belt can be made into a streamer. It's very suitable.

Then do it!

Carving is a delicate job, and Yan Changqing has no intention of focusing on efficiency.

He wants to improve his skills and carve them at the same time.

So I had someone bring a stone over to practice my hands first, then sit next to it and take a nap, use a plug-in to speed up the improvement, study the shortcomings, and strive to be more perfect in the next step.

Then Yan Shuixing, the indifferent guy, came over and said, "Seven pounds! You see, the market is now doing business with foreign countries. Do you think we people can do it? Are we like you, earning foreign exchange?"

Yan Changqing didn't think much about it: "You can discuss it when my uncle comes back! Isn't this something you should discuss? What are you doing with me?"

"We all think you have more ideas." Yan Shuixing said confidently. "You are an international star with great vision. Please give us some ideas!"

"Then what do you think now?" Yan Changqing asked. These people who come to see him probably already have something in mind.

"Yes!" Yan Shuixing didn't hide anything from him. "How about we create our own brand and try to sell it overseas?"

Yan Changqing nodded, signaling for him to continue.

Yan Shuixing immediately became energetic: "That's what we think. Look, not all rich people abroad are, right? We want to build a high-end brand, and I'm afraid others won't recognize it. But our costs are low, right?" For example, if you sell clothes, toys, etc. abroad and sell them for foreign exchange, even if you only sell them for a few dollars or dozens of dollars, you will still make a lot of money..."

Yan Changqing has never done this before, but that doesn't stop him from supporting it: "Then you guys give it a try. What's so great about it? I've been in business for so many years, and I haven't lost anything."

"It's not that I haven't been out before. I only dare to think but don't dare to do it!" Yan Shuixing is telling the truth. After all, they are limited to cultural literacy and the influence of some current social ideas. They have longing, admiration and worries about foreign countries.

Yan Changqing thinks this is very easy to handle: "Hire a translator and travel abroad! You can go around and play around as you like, and you will gradually understand that in fact, everything in this world is similar, and they are all human beings anyway."

"Then where should we go first?" Yan Shuixing asked.

Yan Changqing was helpless. He was already a big boss, and he was still acting like a child. He had to ask: "You have all been to Xiangjiang, right? Then go there for a while. Anyway, my uncle is there now, so you also Go over and take a look.”

"Then think about going abroad. Go to the big cities you most want to go to and have a good time there. Remember to bring a translator with you. When you get to Xiangjiang, I will give you a phone call and ask someone from the company over there to send someone. Let’s go out and take you out for a few days.”

Yan Shuixing nodded: "In that case, is there anything else we should pay attention to?"

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "Forget it, wait a minute, I'll ask Xiao Zhou to come and let her arrange the itinerary for you."

Yan Shuixing was a little embarrassed. Although Zhou Jialing had been here for a while, many people thought she was from Xiangjiang or a returnee from overseas. A large group of uneducated people always felt that there was a gap between them and her, and they rarely talked to her when they met occasionally.

Moreover, this man is also aloof - he is 1.7 meters tall and wears high heels. He doesn't smile very much when he is cold.

Anyway, Yan Shuixing was a little embarrassed: "Well, Assistant Zhou is very busy..."

Yan Changqing wiped his hands and went to make a phone call, too lazy to care about his little thoughts.


Zhou Jialing ran over after a while: "Mr. Yan, what's the matter?"

Yan Changqing pointed at Yan Shuixing: "You all know Uncle Shuixing, right? They want to consider doing foreign trade now and want to go out and have a look first. Please arrange your itinerary and let them go as many times as possible Place, see more.”

"No problem." This is a small thing, very simple.

For Zhou Jialing, who had studied abroad, arranging these things was effortless at all.

What's more, Huang Peishan has now opened a branch in Los Angeles, arranging for individuals to receive them, and then visit some places according to their needs...

And Zhou Jialing also gave some suggestions: "Mr. Yan, are you considering the contract processing business?"

Yan Changqing shook his head: "If we process it on behalf of others, it is not cost-effective to add transportation costs. It is definitely suitable to set up a factory in a coastal area. Uncle Shui Xing, you haven't considered this, have you?"

"No, no." Yan Shuixing also shook his head. “I don’t want to be too far away from home, so it’s good to do it at home.”

Yan Changqing continued: "Then you have to make your own brand. Go check it out first! Whether it's toys or clothing, you should know what to look for."

Zhou Jialing nodded to express her understanding. She wanted to work near Dayanzhuang. Compared with other coastal factories, it saves thousands of miles of domestic transportation costs. You can't compete with others.

If you want to make your own brand, you can only rely on human resources to make some products with a relatively high manual content - to put it bluntly, you rely on people to do it, because human strength is still worthless here, and a few hundred yuan a month's work, A lot of people are trying to get in.

She gained a lot here and saw a world completely different from Xiangjiang.

She had been here before, but she could only pass by. Before coming to work this time, she had imagined countless difficulties.

But when I came here, I discovered that there was actually no difficulty at all - if there was any, it was that the workers' cultural level was not enough. You couldn't talk to them in theory. You needed to tell them directly and just do it this way.

But there is also an advantage, that is, if you tell them to dig a trench of two meters, three thirds, and four centimeters deep, they will never dig a trench of two meters, three five meters, and their execution is still very good.

So she didn't need Yan Shuixing and Yan Changqing to tell her what to do, she could probably think of it.


It's not that easy to do it from scratch.

Yan Shuixing and the others can basically handle domestic business. They have seen it all, whether it is local snakes or mountain tigers. They are not afraid of soft or hard ones. In the end, what we are talking about is interests. If we can talk about it, we can talk about it, and we can't talk about it. The market in the world is so big that it is no different from a small place.

But if you want to start a business, you have to re-experience the difficulty of starting a business.

But compared to the hardships I endured back then, it’s probably nothing.

When the market was first built in Shanghai, Yan Changqing said casually that he would do overseas trade in the future.

Making local money is not as satisfying as making global money, you still have to go out.

The labor market at this stage is abundant, which is the best time for development. If you want to do something now, try it. Even if it doesn't work, you will still gain experience.

Yan Shuixing and the others had actually thought about it and discussed it carefully, but every time they encountered something big, they habitually came to Yan Changqing to ask a few questions.

Just like now, after the big boss asked, he directly called the provincial university to find a translator.

Visibly prepared.

Yan Changqing continued carving stones after supporting him, and everyone was motivated, which was good.

Come on, I'll just watch.

(End of this chapter)

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