Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 283 Misunderstanding about the hotel statue

Chapter 283 Misunderstanding about the hotel statue
The new winery is under construction, and Lao Wan and a group of retired and laid-off people are busy all day long.

At first he said he wouldn't be busy, but in fact he likes to take care of big and small things and leave them to others. He doesn't feel relieved if he doesn't check them once a day.

After a busy day during the day, I have to review today's events at night, and then think about tomorrow's events, and consider whether to visit the new factory site first or the old factory production tomorrow.

Xu Yibo is a restless person. He was pushed aside by Yan Changqing and just walked around. He was not at all like a person who had been away from home for several months and was not in a hurry to go home.

He was as comfortable in the winery as he was at home, wandering around, mainly because he felt that the atmosphere here was quite good. Although everyone was busy, they were all doing things, and there were very few messy things.

I happened to see Lao Wanda still busy at night, so I went over and started chatting.

Lao Wan really didn't want to chat with this young master, but he had no choice. This was Mr. Yan's friend, and he couldn't ignore him.

Mr. Xu was mainly envious: "I think Changqing doesn't care much about things. How do you manage such a big winery? I remember you before..."

"I was at most a workshop director before." Lao Wan finished his words for him, and then thought for a moment. "I don't know about others. Anyway, when I am here, I always feel like Huang Zhong arrived in Shu. I just need to work hard."

Xu Yibo was a college student after all, so he understood immediately.

The story of Huang Zhong is quite famous, he always gets stronger!
When he got old, he had to meet the Lord of the Ming Dynasty, so he fought in the north and south, and sacrificed his life to repay the kindness of knowing and meeting him.

Xu Yibo didn't ask any more questions. With his attitude, there was nothing else to say.

It’s easier said than done if you put your mind to it!
The question is is it easy to do?

When Xu Yibo and Yan Changqing met, they knew that Mr. Yan was extraordinary. At first, they were a little dissatisfied, thinking that whatever he did, I could do whatever he wanted...

After that, it goes without saying.

He believes that he is also a talent, but he cannot compare with genius.

As soon as he calmed down and looked at Yan Changqing, he became calm. He just learned things quickly, like flying airplanes, carving stones, being able to play music, etc., it didn't matter...

But he was very envious of the fact that he had made the winery world-famous and was not busy himself - he was also a boss, and his father was too busy all day long, and even he was not as idle as he looked now. , the reason why he stayed in the Northeast for so long was because his father trained him.

Of course, there was another reason. His father would not tell him, and he wanted him to have a good relationship with Mr. Yan.

Xu Yibo is very envious of Boss Yan for being a hands-off shopkeeper who doesn't have much to do every day and can do whatever he likes.

If their company could be like this, Mr. and Mrs. Xu would be able to laugh out of their dreams.

So he wandered around to ask Lao Wan to satisfy his curiosity - in fact, he wanted to steal his lesson. If their company had so many reassuring employees, then he could play every day!
In the end, asking was in vain, and asking was equivalent to not asking.


Yan Changqing didn't care what Xu Yibo was doing in the factory, as long as he didn't disturb him.

We can usually play together. Xu Yibo actually has a good personality, but now that he has become a talkative, there is nothing we can do.

Xu Yibo is studying his business model. Lao Wan is retired, and the management team he leads, except for relatives of Mr. Yan's family, are retired or laid off.

Then I discovered through observation that these people are very serious about their work, very serious.

Thinking about the reasons again, in addition to what Lao Wan said, the winery provided them with opportunities for re-employment, and the other reason was that they really enjoyed their work here.

The main thing is that Yan Changqing lets them go completely and lets them play to their heart's content.

Given the opportunity, they also cherish it - they are all quite old and have enough social experience. Indeed, there are not many opportunities to rejuvenate themselves when they are old.

For example, Lao Huang, this one can be considered Huang Zhong. He has only been here for a long time. He is a little darker now, but he is much stronger. He is completely different from before.

Xu Yibo stared at Zhou Jialing for a while, out of curiosity.

Such a professional woman, who is about the same age as him, seems to be very motivated, and she is very energetic even when her feet are not touching the ground. She coldly directs an unknown number of people all day long-I really don’t know, but now there is a local hotel, two people in Shenzhen. Every hotel is under construction, and it’s very busy flying back and forth.

After all, he is a college student, so he probably understands.

This is how people realize their own value!

What we are doing now seems to be just building three hotels. In fact, the plan is to build hotel chains in major cities.

At this stage, there is no similar hotel chain in China. If it succeeds, it will be a brilliant achievement.

Especially since she is still a girl. Even though we have been shouting for equality between men and women for many years, there is no equality at all these days. It is difficult for women to get the opportunity to show their talents in their careers.

Zhou Jialing, an international student, was able to get her current job because she had met a wise leader - a leader who was as hands-off as Mr. Yan, which most people would not encounter.


Then Xu Yibo realized that he would definitely not be able to learn it.

The trading company in their family asked him and his son to ignore the matter and let others do it. They were worried.

Because that is the lifeblood of their family.

Only people like Yan Changqing are not afraid that others will ruin the company if they fail to manage it.

If you have talent, if the business is gone, you will still have achievements in the art industry; if you have the technology, if the business is gone, you can build ten or eight more if you change hands.

With this self-confidence, the employees dared to do whatever they wanted. Anyway, the boss was here, so they just had to work hard.

Xu Yibo was deeply touched, and then he was ready to say goodbye to Yan Changqing and go home to work on his own business.

As a result, Yan Changqing asked him: "Xiao Zhou said that you always hang around her when you have nothing to do. Do you have a crush on her?"

Mr. Xu was confused at the time: "No, I was... observing... not... mainly I wanted to take a look at her..."

He was so anxious and incoherent that he stumbled a few times and stopped talking altogether.

Yan Changqing also knew that he wasn't, so even if he mentioned it, he didn't mean to chase after him and just wait for him to say it again.

Xu Yibo took a moment to reorganize his words: "Well, did she report to you? I just want to see why she works so hard to help you make money if you don't care about anything and just let her do it."

Yan Changqing smiled: "What do you see?"

"I have some experience." Xu Yibo said what he thought and finally concluded. "I find it difficult for me to do it, because our family's situation is incomparable to yours..."

Yan Changqing understood: "She misunderstood that you were interested in her. You hung around her and paid attention to her, which troubled her a little. She said that she just wanted to do her career now and didn't consider other issues. By the way, this is She asked me to tell you."

Xu Yibo blushed: "I really don't mean that...this...I didn't do anything and I was rejected?"

Yan Changqing was very happy: "If you want to ask, just ask her. It's not like I don't know her. What's the point of strolling around? If a stranger does this, she will just call Wang Suo to take you away."

Xu Yibo retorted: "You can't do this even if you are a stranger! I have the courage to stare at your assistant on your territory because of my ambition. But... I am so bad. How did she say what she said?"

Yan Changqing smiled and remained silent. A voice came from behind Xu Yibo: "I don't mean to think you are bad. I treat my work as a career. Mr. Yan has given me such a platform. Of course I have to do it with all my heart." , so no matter who it is, I won’t consider it.”

Xu Yibo turned around with embarrassment on his face.

Yan Changqing explained: "I know you definitely didn't mean that, but she was a little troubled, so I thought you were going to come, so I asked her to come too. Just say no, right?"

We will have to deal with each other frequently in the future. Once the misunderstanding is resolved, it is no longer a misunderstanding!

Xu Yibo laughed at himself: "I thought you were deliberately embarrassing me! Forget it, it's okay..."

Turning to Zhou Jialing: "The main reason is that you are too busy to ask..."

Zhou Jialing gave a rare smile: "There's nothing to say, it's just about doing things."

Xu Yibo was stunned for a moment. No wonder this long-legged girl was so cold all day long. She smiled affectionately, she looked so pretty!
But I was just surprised. After all, it was Mr. Xu. I had seen many beauties, so it was not unusual.

He actually wanted to ask, would you be tempted by someone as good as your boss?

But he was not so ignorant, but a thought flashed through his mind, and he immediately said goodbye to Yan Changqing.


Yan Changqing was a very righteous person and personally drove Xu Yibo to the airport in the city.

Xu Yibo was so moved that he thanked her repeatedly before getting on the plane - he didn't know that as soon as he left, Yan Changqing happily went to move the computer.

Let people buy the latest computers from abroad and install the latest systems.

I also specially asked people to install some popular games currently on the market - the current Internet speed is quite impressive, so don't even think about surfing the Internet unless necessary.

Then I have a few computer books, and I plan to study on my own, at least to be able to repair them, and to know how to set up firewalls when I go online in the future, so as not to be used as an Internet bastard.

When I got home, my computer attracted everyone's attention, mainly Erwa Tiedan and his gang.They are all very new. They also know about computers, but they have never used them. They are still too expensive now, often costing tens of thousands. In the past, it was something that no one would dare to think of.

A bunch of students, it's important to study, and no one at home buys them such expensive 'toys'.

As Yan Changqing assembled the computer, he powered it on and started it up.

After a while, a familiar picture appeared. Yan Changqing was happily preparing to get the mouse. A puzzled voice came from beside him: "Why are they all in English?"

"Because I bought it from abroad." Yan Changqing said cheerfully. "It's actually quite simple. Come on, I'll teach you..."

"I recognize it myself." Erwa was very arrogant. "I know this, it's my computer..."


A group of naughty kids here are having a great time playing on the computer, and a naughty kid over there is ambitiously trying to do something big.

Li Quanlang, who opened a restaurant, finally got his wish, and the restaurant had a chef in place.

Then he took a few young people who looked like silly boys and posted flyers everywhere - the hotel was in a remote location and if he wanted people to order food, he could only promote it like this.

I was afraid that people wouldn't recognize me, so I stood next to a telephone pole, pretending not to know what was on it, and chanting loudly.

Quanlang fast food, delivered to your home.

No need to wait for food anymore, the restaurant delivered to your doorstep is now open!

You make a reservation in advance and I will deliver the fast food to your home.

The address is XXX. You can come and visit the site to ensure it is clean and hygienic...


It was all done by Li Quanlang himself.

And I also had a deep realization: "I'm so numb, if I had known I would have to do this, I would have learned that and that!"

When I was writing flyers, I lamented that I had not practiced calligraphy well before; when I was thinking of advertising words, I lamented that I had not read more books, even extracurricular books; the account books I invested in the early stage were all messed up, and I began to lament again, I should have learned more from accountants. …

Yan Changqing thought it was pretty good, and said to his uncle: "Look, if he doesn't do something, he doesn't even know what's wrong with him. Tiantianniu makes him think that I am the best in the world. Just for this, your investment doesn't count." It’s a waste, the tuition will be effective very quickly!”

The uncle also nodded: "Not to mention, I also think he seems to be good at it, but I don't think he can do it well."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm remembering everything he says now. It's a good thing to know that I'm so far behind. He will know what to do next!" said the uncle.

"I thought he was going to fail, so I asked him to repeat his studies. Maybe he has experienced what happened this time and knows how to get into college..."

Yan Changqing was speechless, and turned around to encourage his old cousin: "Your father said that now you know that you are bad, and that it is a good thing that you didn't study hard at the beginning. He hopes that you will finish the restaurant quickly and go back. Repeat your studies to take the college entrance examination.”

So it was Li Quanlang who was speechless. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something to argue with his old cousin out of habit, but in the end he said nothing.

Only through training can you grow. From preparation to now, the difficulties he has encountered are not at 01:30, and he is considered mature.

But he is not mature enough yet. When he does not take these difficulties seriously and can still argue happily, that will be considered growth.


Students in the village have recently become interested in foreign languages.

English, which I originally didn’t want to learn in school, has now become a must for everyone. This is what people in the village have seen, and they don’t understand it. Anyway, they know that these children have been popping out English words and sentences at every turn recently, which is very interesting. I’m so happy that my baby finally learned!
In fact, they were deceived by Yan Changqing. The computer system did not have Chinese characters, and the games installed did not have Chinese characters at all.

Yan Changqing was interested in it at first, but gave up after giving it a try. It was not interesting.

He couldn't stand the graphics of the game. The clarity was too touching. At this time, he could only envy Erwa and the others - everyone found it very novel and had a lot of fun playing it. Only he, at first glance, felt that it was better not to play.

Since he is not connected to the Internet yet and cannot play with other people, he is not in a hurry and lets others play first!

Anyway, these people can only play on weekends, and they can study by themselves at other times.

The seven-pound boss didn't play, and the second baby and the others were too happy, but... they couldn't be happy anymore.

With the level of this group of people, it is impossible to translate what the English words in the game mean.

But giving up is not everyone’s character. Who do you look down on? Who can’t afford a dictionary with their pocket money?

Holding the dictionary, brothers rush!

Yan Changqing looked at the enthusiasm of these guys and inexplicably thought of the "Kashen Silver Mine" - a legendary female high school student who fabricated a million-word history of the former Soviet Union just to play games. There are many miracles People actually believed it to be true, and it was even recognized by Wikipedia.

Think about the CEO of Internet Express again, giving up a huge company that may dominate the Internet download industry for games, how passionate he is!

However, Yan Changqing is not worried that they will become addicted.

Now they are novelties, but once you have finished the level a few times and there is nothing new to play, it will naturally become boring.

Yan Changqing felt relieved to carve the face of his work.

In the end, Mr. Xu did not wait until the carving was completed, because Yan Changqing was always thinking about it - he wanted to summarize the beautified faces in so many short videos he had watched and carve a face that fit his own aesthetics.

Originally he had been summarizing, but he knew very well that he would never wait until he could figure out what he thought was the most perfect face in his life.


What promoted his decision was Li Xiuni's contribution.

Someone gave her an electric bicycle. It was a new thing, relatively novel, and pretty good-looking.

Originally, she didn't usually accept gifts from people, but this was given by someone in the village. She thought it would be convenient for her to ride and run around, so she accepted it.

The main reason is that you can park it anywhere, unlike a car, where you have to find a place to park every time you drive out. The real reason is that her parking skills are not good, but she won't admit it, and no one dares to criticize her.

She thinks riding a small electric donkey is very comfortable and can also blow in the wind. It is easier than riding a bicycle, but it is not as fast as a motorcycle.

But there was no place to go. Now there were several more buses from Dayanzhuang to the market. Her family were all at the winery... so she could only ride to see her son. Tonglin Grove happened to be a little far away, so it was suitable.

Then he saw his son staring at a stone and said casually: "Are you annoyed? It's so difficult to make something? Hurry up and let me see what it can become..."

There are many more words to follow. Her mouth is well known for never saying just a few simple words.

Yan Changqing's potential burst out under the pressure, and she made a decision immediately, lest she come back in a few days and see that it was not done yet, and become anxious again - only such a person can make the dignified Mr. Yan feel the pressure.

It just so happened that he thought of the conversation with Xu Yibo and Zhou Jialing. Zhou Jialing smiled and Xu Yibo was stunned.

Since you can’t think of a perfect face, add a perfect smile!


Next, Yan Changqing became very serious and started carving bit by bit.

I also drew it on the drawing paper and studied it over and over again before finally deciding which picture to choose.

After a few busy days, Li Xiuni came again - Yan Changqing knew her very well. As soon as he got the new car, he would definitely ride it. After a few days of novelty, she would not come again.

Then Li Xiuni took a look: "Hey, is this the perfect face you said? It looks... pretty good to me."

He came again three days later: "This is really pretty. If any girl looks like this, I'd like to marry you. She looks so comfortable and friendly..."

He came again two days later: "I think this is pretty good-looking. How did you come up with it? The more you look at it, the better it looks. When I went back and thought about it, it still looks good..."

The next day came: "Not to mention, I think even a woman looks good-looking. If a woman really looks like this, then all the men will go crazy..."

Then another person came: "Qijin, where is the statue?"

"Put it away. I'm preparing to make a new work. Mom, look at whether this stone looks like a fish!" Yan Changqing pulled his mother to divert her attention. "I'm going to make a carp leaping over the dragon's gate. What do you think I should do?"

"I think that Ni'er is so good-looking, why are you doing this?" Li Xiuni muttered, but she kept nagging, and still 'discussed' the new carving with her son.

Yan Changqing was sweating in his heart.

When sculpting the face, the skills are upgraded!

Maybe it’s because he worked so hard, and the effect of the carving was surprisingly good!
But how to put this thing out?

(End of this chapter)

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