Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 289 Preparation for Painting Storm

Chapter 289 Preparation for Painting Storm
Winter snow falls from the dim sky.

A thin layer of white snow gives everything on the earth a different charm.

The snowflakes in the wheat field cannot hide the green wheat seedlings, nor can they cover up the yellow soil moistened by snow water.

As vehicles pass by on the highway, the snowflakes become more joyful, and the snowflakes that keep changing with the vehicles become the scenery.

There is a little bit of white on the branches, as if the branches have white flowers.

Yan Changqing was playing the guzheng under the tree. The sound of the guzheng was like the clanging of swords. The white flowers on the vibrating trees fell one after another. In an instant, the light snow in the tung forest turned into a blizzard with no trace of people.

Even if it was just for a moment.

Yan Changqing once envied his second uncle's life. When others looked at something in silence, they might be thinking about something important, or they might be thinking wildly.

But the second uncle is different. If he is staring at something, he is probably really looking at it, or simply in a daze. At this time, his mind must be resting, and he will never think about anything superfluous.

But now, Yan Changqing haha.

This man finally had an idea and something he wanted to do. After that, he probably didn’t have much time to be in a daze!
As for Yan Changqing, he only treats it as a hobby and can be given guidance, but it is absolutely not possible to let him do it for a long time.

Anyway, I can't delay myself from taking advantage of the light snow today to play the guzheng in the woods and act like an elegant person.


The dragon and lion dances are being trained in an orderly manner, and the hotel has started to move beds and furniture inside after rushing work.

It's not a building, it's just a circle of seven-story buildings with a large parking lot.

After the chief engineer had planned it in advance, the speed at which the building was raised made people around him marvel, explaining what Xiangjiang speed is - so much so that the chief engineer from Xiangjiang looked very ashamed and rushed to Shenzhen to continue directing the construction of the building there. went.

This hotel is outside the town, and construction is going on day and night without disturbing the people around it. The workers work in three shifts. It's strange that the speed is not fast.

This is not the case in Shenzhen City. The construction must strictly follow the rules and regulations, so it cannot be done quickly at all.

The speed of Xiangjiang is clearly due to the hard work of the people here.

For other construction projects such as parks, only the basic framework has been completed. The planned corridors, flower beds, and squares have been built, but green plants have not yet been planted - that will have to wait until after the Chinese New Year, and then in the spring. Done.

But now it is possible. There is a large enough open space. Mayor Yang plans to use this place as a lottery center and hold lottery activities here.

There were more prizes than expected. Mayor Yang thought it was appropriate to purchase them all from the market, but the companies in the towns and villages did not agree - how could we forget about such a good thing?We give the cost price and make no profit, just for publicity.

At first, Mayor Yang was quite happy, but later he started to feel a little worried: "What if too few people come, what if we can't sell out all the lottery tickets? Doesn't that mean we have failed everyone's expectations?"

In fact, there is nothing to be afraid of at all. The most basic encouragement awards come in the widest variety, ranging from daily necessities to small toys.

There are too many products with a cost price of no more than two yuan, and they are all set up as encouragement prizes. The first winner can choose at will. Later, if some prizes are particularly popular and have been collected, they can only receive other prizes.

There must be people who buy lottery tickets just for two dollars to buy something small.


Then Cheng Shilong came running!

He was planning to let Yan Changqing take him to learn how to fly a helicopter. Now that his two new movies have been completed, they are just waiting for post-production, and he happens to have time now.

Then I saw the big battle created by Yan Changqing.

Yan Changqing said proudly: "How about it? Is this battle big enough? The lion king will fight for hegemony and the dragon king will fight for supremacy. The scene will be spectacular when the time comes."

Cheng Shilong nodded with admiration: "It's really good, that is, you have the resources to do this."

I always feel like this is saying that I am a waste of money. In fact, I didn’t spend much money. The fabric decoration was all made by the clothing company, and they wouldn’t charge him more.

Yan Changqing was very modest: "There are also many lion and dragon dancers in the south. If you give me some pointers, these are all my imagination alone. There must be shortcomings..."

Cheng Shilong thought for a while: "The scene must be spectacular enough, but I think it would be better to add more details. For example, the little lion you made, I didn't see much of the scene where he interacted with the big lion. It would be better to have more fun." The sexual movements make the scene more lively and lively, and the audience also likes to watch it."

"It's designed, but I haven't practiced it yet. It's too slow to learn. Many people have never done it before!" Yan Changqing sighed. "There are too few people who can guide. If we let people express themselves freely, the situation will become chaotic again..."

"There are people in the south who specialize in this, and there have always been people who have inherited it." Cheng Shilong reminded. "Actually, we can invite some masters from over there to give us some pointers. They have more experience and maybe they will have some good ideas."

This is possible.

Yan Changqing nodded immediately: "Do you know anyone?"

"There must be!" Cheng Shilong laughed. "There are so many action directors, there must be someone who understands this. Have you forgotten that you have made movies before?"

"You mean the lion king fight?"

"That's right, we hired a lot of martial arts instructors at that time."

"It's indeed an idea."

"Do you need me to contact you? Just give me a red envelope when the time comes. You can see who you want to invite."

Yan Changqing took over the temporary list from his assistant and felt that he had liberated his labor force again.

He always wanted to perform something fancy, but it looked simple from the video, and it was not complicated for him to learn by himself, but those who performed dragon and lion dances were collectively dumbfounded.

It’s actually quite tiring to bring it yourself. It’s better to hire a professional. It’s nothing more than a red envelope!

When the people invited to teach dragon and lion dance arrived, Yan Changqing watched for two days, and then went to Qiansu with Cheng Shilong.

Not long after, I stayed for a week, teaching people to fly airplanes, and also studied the airplanes there.

Anyway, come here, idle is also idle.

After coming back, he saw off Cheng Shilong and joined the dragon and lion dance and the big drum team. Seeing that his team became more and more like that, Yan Changqing was very satisfied and went to the city.

He wants to work with people from the Literature and Art Department to come up with some more repertoire, not for anything else but to make the atmosphere of the folk festival more lively.

Zhu Changsheng was curious: "Are you planning to turn this folk festival into a grand event?"

Yan Changqing nodded: "It's Chinese New Year. In previous years, it was the same routine of visiting relatives and friends. Now I provide an opportunity for everyone to come together for a few days and have fun. Isn't it quite good?"

Zhu Changsheng also nodded: "If you think about it, this is really the case. If this is done well, it will be held regularly in the future, attracting audiences from all over the world, promoting tourism, and promoting the local area. It will indeed be a great thing."

Next to him, Zhu Xiaobin was eager to try: "Is there any program that I can participate in? Anything is fine."

This requirement is easy to meet. Yan Changqing suggested: "The dragon and lion dances are being trained. You can join in during the holidays. There are also drummers and martial arts teams performing. You can participate in whatever you want."

Zhu Xiaobin hesitated for a second: "I'll try everything I want. I'll go in two days. Dad, can I go?"

"Go ahead!" Zhu Changsheng couldn't bear to refuse.

My son is too obedient, and sometimes his parents feel sorry for him. Apart from studying and practicing martial arts, he usually doesn't cause any trouble to his parents. I always feel that such a child is missing something compared to other families.


Then Zhu Changsheng and the people from the Literature and Art Department came to Dayanzhuang to look at the venue. Before entering the village, they discovered that there was something different between his son and someone else's.

When the car arrived at the entrance of the village, I saw a young man running out. When he saw Yan Changqing's car, he rushed over immediately: "Brother Qijin, my mother wants to beat me, she is unreasonable..."

Yan Changqing did not draw a conclusion, because this was the second child, and it was difficult for anyone to be unreasonable and say: "What did you do again?"

"Give portraits to your classmates." Erwa said confidently. "I just paint portraits of the students in the class."

Yan Changqing was just about to ask him if he only had a portrait, why would he be beaten?

It was too late. Yan Shuixing's wife, who was carrying a broom, had already caught up with her. She swung the broom at Er Wa.

The second baby immediately walked around the car, and the old lady chased after him, cursing at the same time: "You don't study hard when you go to school, and you don't want to learn to draw when you take the exam, why do you draw such bullshit pictures..."

Yan Changqing stretched out his head to persuade: "Auntie, this is his hobby, and besides, he is quite talented. You..."

"Hobby, talent?" The Yan Shuixing family's daughter-in-law didn't want to give Mr. Yan face, she was obviously a little angry today. "The teacher has gone to our place to complain. He only painted portraits of girls, and also asked people to wear skirts for painting. It's a cold day. The final exam is coming soon, and several people in the class have colds..."

Yan Changqing was stunned and speechless.Although the junior high school in the town has new buildings one after another, heating and air conditioning are still completely non-existent!
You just painted, why do you let people wear skirts?

Erwa, who was running around the car, shouted: "I didn't ask them to wear it, I just suggested..."

"I also suggest that you stop and let me beat you to death, you little brat. If you didn't do good things in school, you'll know how to lie to little girls when you get older, right?" His mother didn't want to listen to his nonsense, so she had to Beat him, he can't do it without beating him. Even if he circles the car three hundred times, he still has to catch up and beat him.

It's not like those delicate women in the city, who were also running around carrying food bags back then, so I don't believe they can't catch up with this naughty kid!

Erwa was still struggling to explain: "I'm not lying, I'm just helping people draw portraits. The girls did it themselves. They didn't think they looked good in big cotton-padded jackets, so they had to wear skirts to paint in the snow. Two of them even took off their shoes. If you step on the snow and ask me to draw, what can I do..."


Yan Changqing didn't feel anything when he heard it. Zhu Changsheng couldn't help but shuddered just thinking about the scene.

By the way, are all children today like this?No wonder some people are shouting about the generation gap now. This gap is deep and wide enough...

However, Zhu Changsheng asked: "This child can draw?"

"Quite talented." Yan Changqing nodded. "Especially when it comes to drawing figures, it's quite similar now. I learned some basics from me at the beginning, and occasionally asked a few questions later. I usually practiced by myself."

Zhu Changsheng was surprised: "You think it's quite like that?"

The music has become famous all over the world. After a few days of coaching his son in martial arts, his son swept through the school gates. His business was casually tossed, and now he is starting to move abroad.

From the perspective of such a person, if you say that this child who is being chased like a rabbit seems to be able to draw like that, and that he is talented, then it probably means that he is really talented...

For such a talented child, Zhu Changsheng felt a little love for talent. He stretched out his head and said: "Sister, it's a good thing for a child to have talent. You have to guide him correctly. It's not that big of a deal to beat him all the time. Child You still have to teach it slowly..."

The daughter-in-law of Yan Shuixing's family probably didn't expect there was an outsider in the car. She stopped at that time, took a look, and recognized him: "Director Zhu is here! Hahaha, I told you to watch the joke. You said it." , then we won’t fight…”

He laughed dryly, turned around and pointed at Erwa: "Little bastard, I'll keep the accounts for you."

He turned around, picked up the broom and ran away in a hurry!


Erwa got in the car and wiped the sweat from his forehead: "Thank you, Uncle Zhu, for your help. I won't thank you enough. I'll help you draw a portrait later!"

Zhu Changsheng was very happy. These little brats have grown up now, and they all talk the same way. He smiled and said, "I don't know how to wear a skirt!"

Erwa heheyile: "No, no, I really didn't let those little girls wear skirts, it was their own idea. There were also those with bare feet. I told them they had cold feet, and they even asked me to look at them quickly. Eyes, remember clearly and draw well..."

Zhu Changsheng was curious: "Is there any work that I can appreciate?"

Erwa thought for a while: "Yes, I have one that I haven't finished painting yet. I originally wanted to finish it at home, but my mother was about to tear it apart. Fortunately, I snatched it out quickly."

He took out a piece of crumpled paper from his leather jacket, spread it out without thinking, carefully flattened it and handed it over: "This is a drawing for the girl behind me. I think this little Ni'er looks good." It’s pretty good-looking, just draw a little slower…”

Yan Changqing heard that this guy was really not a good guy. He had no chance before, so he could only talk nonsense and act like a licking dog.

Things are different now. His family is in good condition, he is considered rich, he has some artistic talent, and he probably does well in school. Otherwise, girls can't let him take portraits.

The key point is that this bastard is very particular. If your parents look good, you should draw slower. Don’t you understand what it means?

Zhu Changsheng had already seen it over there. The portrait was not finished yet, but the characters were painted, and the scenery behind was only half painted.

But it can also be seen that it is a small village in the painting, and it should be the scenery of Dayanzhuang.

A few exquisite small buildings and the bare branches of the trees were just sketched with a few strokes, and they came alive, and the silence and desolation of the trees in winter were well painted.

Coupled with the green of a few pines and cypresses, although it is a distant view and has not yet been completed, it is already quite artistic.

Wheat seedlings on the ground, yellow-brown soil, white remaining snow...

A little girl in a red skirt was sitting on the withered grass on the edge of the field with a smile, her bare feet on the white snow.

She looks like a little girl in her infancy, but she is painted very angry, but... she always feels like something is wrong.

Until I heard Yan Changqing's scolding: "You bastard, you will draw well for others in the future. What the hell are you drawing? If you are a student, just draw like a student. If you keep doing this, I will beat you if your mother can't!"

Erwa was dissatisfied: "Does this look good? Uncle Zhu, tell me."

Zhu Changsheng was speechless. His appreciation of paintings was only slightly better than the average person, but not much better.

The painting looked good, but he couldn't tell what was wrong with it.

Yan Changqing saw it: "Uncle Zhu, look at where he focuses his attention, and you will know that this kid is not a good person."

Oh, the little feet, calves, face, hands, and the curves of the body...

She is a pretty young girl, and her painting makes her look a bit charming.

Zhu Changsheng was speechless. He was a pervert. He really shouldn't have said anything to persuade him just now. How could he do this without fighting?

If you can help a little girl paint now, what else can you do with others in the future?

The talent is crooked!

Yan Changqing stopped the car, asked Zhu Changsheng and Erwa to get out of the car, and yelled at Erwa: "It's almost time for the exam and you don't go to school, and the teacher drives you back? You still want to go home and draw, really?" You don’t take school seriously, do you?”

"I..." Erwa wanted to speak harshly, but he was not facing his parents, but Brother Qijin. "I didn't...I didn't do anything. I just painted portraits for everyone."

"How many paintings did you draw?" Yan Changqing asked the key points.

"Not many. There are a few girls in the class and a few from other classes. They were all introduced by friends. It's hard to refuse."

"You can't refuse?" Yan Changqing laughed angrily. "If you become a master in the future, these paintings will be your little black spots. You can paint them properly, but do you think it's appropriate to paint them like that?"

"Isn't this more fun..." Erwa muttered.

"Forget it!" Yan Changqing knew without thinking that there must be a lot of people. It was almost the end of the semester and they were busy studying. He took so many girls to take portraits, otherwise the teacher wouldn't complain.

"You go back and apologize to your mother, let her beat you twice. Then go to school quickly and tell the teacher that you won't draw it in the future. Don't make it blindly. It’s raining!”

"Why do you fall in love early or not? Am I that kind of person?" Erwa finally got tough.

Yan Changqing stared at him without speaking.

Others don't know what you are like, and you think I don't know either. I know better than you yourself what you will look like when you grow up, having played with you since you were naked.

Erwa was stared at for less than three seconds before he began to feel guilty: "What, Brother Qijin, I listen to you. But can you go home later? My mother is very angry now!" "


Yan Changqing brought Zhu Changsheng back with another purpose: he wanted him to help check for leaks and fill in the gaps.

After all, he is a great director, not far behind the top, and his management abilities are definitely not bad.

Yan Changqing felt that his activities were carried out too quickly. He originally wanted to do it slowly. Over the past year, he has made it bigger and bigger, so that if there are any problems, he can solve them in time.

But I didn’t expect that in just the second year, its influence would suddenly become so great that many of the programs signed up for it are now from outside the province, and the audience is also from abroad.

It's impossible to predict how many viewers there will be.

Yan Changqing wanted to make more preparations so that the event could be held smoothly and better.

He and Mayor Yang are working hard for this, and Mayor Yang has asked many people for advice.

Everyone’s opinions are different. Adopt more, summarize more, prepare more, and be prepared!
 I was delayed on my business trip yesterday, so I will make up for it. Although I am not able to write ten thousand a day now, I will definitely be able to write one chapter a day.Sorry everyone!

  The plane is not the main point, it’s just that everyone has their own settings. I couldn’t help but write out the original settings.

  Sorry for the lateness!

(End of this chapter)

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