Chapter 291 New Year Guests
The red lanterns at the entrance of Dayanzhuang Village were hung high again.

Yan Changqing hasn't spent New Year's Eve at home for several years, eating dumplings and watching the Spring Festival Gala. This year is good, and the whole family is happily watching the Spring Festival Gala.

A large family, including grandparents, came to the winery. There were five or six old friends, and they could get together during the holidays. It was very lively.

Li Quanlang was bragging about his achievements to his sister and cousins: "I can easily earn thousands of yuan a month. Let me tell you, it is very easy to make money. The key is reputation. We must be serious about what we do. There is a worm on the vegetable leaf." Every bite hole must be carefully inspected several times to prevent insects from hiding..."

Li Mei didn't want to give face to her younger brother: "You're so awesome and you're even a chef, but I haven't seen you come over to make dumplings!"

"I..." Li Quanlang rolled his eyes. "I saw that you were back, and I wanted to talk to you for a while."

"Then come over here and make dumplings. I'm making seven kilograms of dumplings, so you have nothing to do." Li Mei glared at him.

What's wrong with being the boss? He's still the same brother who is too lazy to cramp at home. He called her before the holiday and boasted that he was a chef. As a result, when he got home, he didn't even dare to come to the dumpling-making table.

Yan Changqing makes dumplings very quickly. He can make a dumpling just by squeezing it with both hands.

Usually he would be scolded for making dumplings like this, because the dumplings at home are all made into semicircles. This kind of simple and quick dumplings is usually made in restaurants like this and does not conform to traditional customs.

However, the old man is still good and took the initiative to take on the role of being dealt with. Now he who is willing to work must be praised.

But Li Xiuni was very modest: "Looking at his bag, he is also a lazy person. He just has to be quick..."

The uncle glared at his sister: "Qi Jin is busy with so many things a year, what else do you think about making dumplings for you during the Chinese New Year? Look at your nephew, he opened a small restaurant with his tail raised to the sky, and he doesn't even know what his last name is. !”

Yan Changqing immediately changed his method. It's not like he couldn't pinch the dumplings in a circle. Even if he pinched them in a circle, he was still the fastest.

I have no other meaning, I just want to set off some people and listen to my uncle clean up his old cousin a few more times.

Not only was this one being punished, but the few who were sitting around chatting without making dumplings were all punished by their respective mothers and fathers.

Li Mei was wrapping dumplings and asked Yan Changqing in a low voice: "Qijin, I want to come to our elementary school after graduation. I don't want to go far away. Do you think it can be done?"

"Okay, as long as you don't feel like you're at a disadvantage." These days, people who graduate from college can be assigned to high school, and the lowest is junior high school. Coming to elementary school is really a bit of a disadvantage.

Li Mei had an idea in her mind: "I don't want to go too far. Xiao Lang called me. Our roommate heard that I was your cousin. Now the school asked me if I want to stay in school. I don't want to stay in school. Why don't I stay in school?" Just come back and forget it.”

Yan Changqing thinks it's okay: "Isn't it good to stay in school? The work in the university is also easy."

"It's not easy. I think it's good to be a teacher and just take care of the students. But in college, you don't have to take care of the students, but there are many other things." Li Mei muttered. "When I tell you, please say a few words for me!"

First I gathered a supporter, and then I raised my head and spoke to my parents: "Mom and Dad, I want to go back to our elementary school after graduation, okay?"

To her surprise, her father nodded: "Okay! Let's stay closer to home when we come back. We won't worry if we go far away. Now our elementary school is pretty good, and Principal Shen even built a small canteen. The dormitory is also spacious, and wages are not in arrears..."

Li Mei was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "Then I'll apply to come back to our elementary school, and I'll come as soon as I can for internship."

Her mother was even happier: "It's good to be close to home and you can come back to eat. I see that you have lost weight in school. You must not be eating well..."

Li Mei blushed: "Mom, why have I lost weight?"

She was in her first year at school, so she didn't have a lot of money in her pocket, and she wasn't as tight on time as she was in high school. She gained a lot of weight from eating and drinking, and she was very happy when she came home, and everyone praised her.

I was quite happy at the time, until the weather got hotter, and one day I suddenly realized that I couldn’t even wear my previous clothes!
After learning from the painful experience, I resumed my high school routine. I even went for a run in the morning and managed to stay in shape.

"Okay, okay, I'm not losing weight!" Li Xiujing saw that her daughter didn't want to say more, so she quickly changed the subject. "Didn't you say you wanted to continue taking the exam? Why do you want to come back early again?"

"I don't want to take the exam anymore. Anyway, I want to be a primary school teacher. Children will be more obedient and teaching will be interesting." Li Mei gave a reason.

She didn't want to say that because word got out that she was Yan Changqing's cousin, a bunch of stewards from the school came to her class regardless of anything, and she was in trouble.

At home, I don’t think my cousin is very powerful. Anyway, I see him smiling every day. Sometimes he even does mischief secretly and takes embarrassing photos of his cousins. She is the eldest among the cousins, so of course she can understand this. The thoughts of a 'precocious' cousin.

Only after I went out did I realize that people outside had said that my cousin was very magical. I won’t tell you how magical she was. Anyway, just because she was Yan Changqing’s cousin, the attitude of the people around her was as if she was a different person. Yes, it made her very uncomfortable.

In particular, there were several "influential figures" in the school who diligently began to write love letters to her. It was as if she, a little transparent person in the school before, had suddenly become a very important person.

When she went to school, the teaching conditions in her hometown were not very good. If she could get into college from here, she would definitely not be able to do it if she didn't have enough brain power.

Besides, in the winery, she usually saw people who wanted to please her parents. She knew very well what those boys meant.

In particular, there was a boy she had a crush on before. She used to be too low-key in school and no one paid attention to her. Now he actually wrote her a love letter, which instantly made her feel like she was seeing a wriggling white worm while eating. , so disgusting!

The outside world is too complicated, so it’s better to go home early!


Just as he was thinking about it, Yan Changqing asked in a low voice with a smile: "Cousin, are there any boys chasing you in school?"

"What's wrong, you want to collect some 'dirty material' from me?" Li Mei immediately became alert. You took so many 'dirty materials' about your little cousins ​​and I didn't expose you, but you still want to cause trouble for me?

Yan Changqing's expression remained unchanged: "No, no, I care about you. Let me tell you, boys' thoughts are very complicated now, don't be fooled."

He remembered that he had talked with this cousin in college. At that time, the family thought it was very good. They were both college students. After graduation, they worked together, which was very good.

As a result, once they graduated, their vows turned into bullshit, which wasted the feelings of several families.

Li Mei sneered: "Yeah, I also think boys have complicated minds. Some people at the age of seven or eight will take pictures of their cousins ​​falling into the mud pit with a camera..."

She was bothered by this topic. How good was the relationship between the cousins? They didn't hesitate to argue with each other.

Yan Changqing could be afraid of her words, but still smiled and said: "I just want to remind you, do you think she is an aunt?"

"What your cousin said makes sense." My aunt had been eavesdropping just now, and now she had the opportunity to answer.

"I'm kindly reminding you, what's your attitude? People outside are not as simple as our family. You just have to be more careful when you go out... When you were admitted to school, your cousin even got a scholarship. You have forgotten everything... Fortunately, you are still a sister..."

After a series of words came out, Li Mei had already beaten her cousin seventeen or eight times in her heart before she could finish hearing it. She accidentally jumped into the hole he dug. This person is so insidious!

But he still had to apologize to his mother: "I said it in a joking way, but I am actually very close to my cousin. Seriously, I often call him at school..."

At this moment, I was already pushing my cousin into the mud and beating him thirty or fifty times...

As for the phone, when she calls home, she calls her dad instead of mom because her mom talks too much and wastes phone bills.

Not to mention calling her cousin, she wouldn't even bother to call her brother.

But she was confident. Anyway, she said it, and she didn't believe that her cousin would deliberately expose her.

This time she won, and Yan Changqing really didn't do anything to make things worse - he could think of what his cousin was like in school. She went to school early and became sensible early. Her family used to be poor, and she developed good habits to make a living.

In layman's terms, they are very stingy. They probably don't want to wear good clothes, and they don't like hanging out with others, so they are troubled by the changes in the attitudes of the people around them.


It’s lively when there are many people. Watching the noisy Spring Festival Gala and commenting on the program gives it a New Year’s atmosphere.

However, everyone unanimously commented that this year's Spring Festival Gala was not as good as last year's. I felt that Teacher Zhao's part-time job sketch was quite interesting, but the others were all cliche and uninteresting.

I think the quality of the Spring Festival Gala has indeed dropped without Yan Changqing!Yan Changqing felt that it was a shame that he said it in his own home. Otherwise, if others heard it, he would feel that his tail was raised to the sky!
I fall asleep to the sound of crackling firecrackers at night and wake up to the sound of crackling firecrackers in the morning. It’s the first day of the new year.

As usual, I got up early to eat eggs because it was Yan Changqing's birthday.

It is still the old custom to visit the grave after eating.

Then she didn't go out for shopping anymore. Even Li Mei happily followed her aunts to try on ancient costumes, preparing to 'catwalk' together - little girls are little girls, and they simply can't resist the temptation of those colorful clothes.

In the afternoon, a group of students gathered at the winery.

According to the rules, you can't go to other people's homes, but that doesn't matter at the winery. Everyone comes to play anyway.

There are also some people who can't wait for the fireworks to be set off on the [-]th, so they go out to set off the fireworks now. It doesn't matter if they can't see clearly in broad daylight. You can see the smoke anyway.

After playing for a while, we started practicing individually, playing drums, gongs, lions and dragons, which was much more interesting than in previous years.

Yan Changqing also rarely set off a few firecrackers to play with his cousin - anyway, he is not afraid of being blown up now. Even if the firecrackers explode in the palm of his hand, he feels that he will not be hurt. Of course, he is not stupid enough to insist on it. Go try it.

Changpo is not like his father. Even though he is still a primary school student, his handwriting is already hundreds of times better than his father's. He has been in school for several years and has received certificates every year. There are now half a wall of award frames hanging in the main hall of his hometown. .

When he came back with the certificate at the end of the first semester of the first grade of elementary school, Yan Erhe was so surprised that he forgot his last name, so he got a large gold-rimmed frame and put the certificate in it and hung it on the wall.

As a result, this hang-up got out of hand. This child had the least number of certificates in one semester. Sometimes there were also certificates for outstanding class cadres, outstanding young pioneers, etc. - and they would continue to be hung, and it was estimated that sooner or later they would cover a whole wall.

This is also the most successful academically among the older cousins, except for my cousin Li Mei!
As for the rest, Yan Changqing glanced at the group of fools led by Li Quanlang, who was already the boss, and stuffed firecrackers into the cracks in the wall, and couldn't help but sigh.


There is no Spring Festival for foreigners.

So Zhang Xiaoli, the receptionist of Bubugao Hotel, was a little dumbfounded when she saw a group of customers walking in.

They were all foreign devils with blond hair and green eyes. When the blond woman with big waves at the front walked up to her, she looked up and felt as if she had three heads.

Then my mind went blank for a while, and finally I came to my senses. I smiled according to the standard taught by Sister Jialing, and then asked in English still with the accent of the western mountainous area of ​​Xiyang City: "Hello, how can I help you?"

"We want to check in." The woman tried her best to smile kindly and said. The main reason was that the front desk was not qualified. She was a bit short, small and thin, and looked like she was underage.

"Oh!" Zhang Xiaoli turned around in her mind and began to introduce. "We have VIP suites here, which cost 160 US dollars each. They are specially designed to receive foreign guests. How many rooms do you want?"

"Can we still accept U.S. dollars?" The first batch of customers in the hotel were a little surprised. She thought for a moment, glanced at a petite girl behind her, and nodded after receiving the signal. "Okay, five rooms."

Zhang Xiaoli cheered in her heart and finally opened the business. Unexpectedly, foreigners were really rich. One room cost 160 US dollars, which was half a year's salary in Chinese dollars. They actually opened five rooms at once.

She immediately took out her small notebook and began to register these people.

At the same time, he signaled to the colleagues next to him to come and help with the gifts - Sister Jia Ling explained that if customers from out of town come, they can keep the tips themselves.

If so, it should be in U.S. dollars, right?
I don’t want it to be too much. If I can give you five yuan, it would cost more than 40 yuan in Chinese dollars...


After several customers checked in, they came down again and asked Zhang Xiaoli: "Do you have a local translator here? Anyone who is familiar with this place?"

Finally waiting, Zhang Xiaoli immediately waved to another little girl and asked her to stand at the front desk. She walked out of the counter and raised her chest and raised her head: "I can be the translator. Do you want to take a look here? I am very familiar with this place. "

In fact, she is not very familiar with her. She is a child from the ravine. She is here only for training and study, and she doesn't go out much to play.

But now she is working hard for tips - the person who delivered the luggage just now said that they really tipped, and she suspected that he might have tipped more than five yuan, because the guy was so happy that he couldn't keep his mouth shut, and he was extremely attentive to several guests. It doesn't meet the standard of being reserved that Sister Jia Ling said at all.

So after Zhang Xiaoli finished speaking, in order to increase her credibility, she continued: "My English name is Lina, and I am a local. Are some of you attending the folk festival? Want to visit the venue in advance?"

"Yes, this is Yan Changqing's hometown, right? Will he participate in the show then?" asked a younger girl behind the blond woman, and then remembered to introduce herself. "My name is Serena, hello."

"Hello, Miss Serena." Zhang Xiaoli nodded. "You are right. This hotel was built by our boss Yan to receive foreign guests. Yan Changqing is our boss."

"Really, that's great! When will he come to the hotel?" Serena asked.

"I don't know about this. I'm just a worker. He's the boss. I don't know when he will come." Zhang Xiaoli told the truth. Her English proficiency was now beyond normal thanks to the stimulation of tips. She wanted to make something up. Nothing else can be said.

"Okay then, take us to have a look!" the girl said. "Can I give you two hundred dollars a day? I hope you can take me to take a good look at this place..."

"Of course." Zhang Xiaoli tried her best to suppress her excitement and try to remain reserved - Sister Jia Ling said that those who lose face in the hotel by not being reserved will be assigned to work as cleaners in the back.

I quickly calculated in my mind that two hundred dollars could be worth several months' salary.

Sure enough, what Sister Jialing said is right, you won't regret it if you follow her.


After leaving the hotel, Zhang Xiaoli began to introduce: "This is the car we use to receive customers. You can also go further if you want. Originally, we provided pick-up and drop-off services from the airport to the hotel. I don't know why you didn't call... "

This was the reason why she was surprised when she saw the client. She didn't expect these foreign devils to come directly. Originally, she thought she would make a phone call first, and the hotel car would go to the airport to pick them up...

"Is this far from where the event is held?" Serena asked curiously as she stood on the road.

"It's not far, but there are many places. It's best to go by car." Zhang Xiaoli introduced. "This is ten kilometers away from Dayan Village. The entire road will be a place for events."

"Okay then!" Serena glanced at the pick-up car prepared by the hotel. "This car doesn't seem to have enough seats. Is the one over there okay?"

Zhang Xiaoli hesitated for a second: "That's a seven-seater car, which is just right."

It was a van, the same model as Mr. Yan's first car back then, but it was no problem to receive guests, since they were all cars anyway.

So Little Bun grabbed Serena and the others and slowly walked towards the town.

Zhang Xiaoli continued to introduce: "There is a park there, but it has not been built yet. There will be a lottery at that time. It is held by our town itself. There will be no empty prizes... This is our Peach Tree Town, it is a very beautiful place... …”

It's the Spring Festival, and there are no sellers on the street, only people wandering around.

On the streets that have become spacious, there is only a piece of red, red lanterns, red couplets, and red firecrackers and shredded paper on the ground...

All this should be quite novel to a few foreigners.

Serena had done her homework in advance: "I know, it's the New Year, so everyone doesn't have to work, just play, right?"

"That's right." Zhang Xiaoli said. "That's why Mr. Yan wants to hold an event. He said that it's the New Year and everyone should have more fun. Look, there is a stage there and there will be performances. This time we have programs from all over the country... "

It's not that Zhang Xiaoli wants to brag, but she has memorized most of these words in advance. In order to better serve as a translator, she can only recite more and speak less herself, so as not to lose face to the hotel.

In fact, it’s quite good. At least a few foreigners said they could understand it or guess the meaning.

 Thank you to book friends "Ding Jinsheng" and "afrashui" for the reward. Thank you very much. I am extremely grateful!

  thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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