Chapter 303 Fishing
Chen Youliang carried the fishing rod and followed Yan Changqing until his head began to sweat before he walked to the fishing place.

Then he looked around: "I said you just have free time. You can't fish anywhere. Do you have to go so far?"

"It's quiet here. You can hear less noise from the construction site in the distance."

"It's quite quiet. If you go further north, you'll reach Lake Baikal!"

Chen Youliang threw the small cushion in his hand to the ground angrily and sat on it.

Because I was sitting too hard, I almost tilted my head back and almost fell on all fours on the spot.

After sitting firmly, he skillfully held a small bottle, took out an earthworm from it, put it on the fishhook and threw it off.

Then he put the fishing rod on the ground, stepped on it, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took out one and lit it, and puffed out a puff of smoke, immediately feeling comfortable all over: "You are still living a leisurely life."

Yan Changqing nodded: "The purpose of making money is to live a good life. If you are so busy that you can't even take care of the day, and all you have to do is make money every day, then it won't be interesting!"

"That's right." Chen Youliang puffed away his smoke while squinting at the fish float. "Are there a lot of fish in this place?"

"If you can't catch any fish in five minutes, I'll go down to the river and catch two for you." Yan Changqing said confidently. "There is construction going on downstream, and the fish are gathering here. Look at the topography of the inlet. There are schools of fish below..."

"Blow hard." After Chen Youliang finished speaking, he remembered that this person's fishing skills were really good and he was not bragging, so he asked again. “Can you really tell where there are more fish and less fish just by looking at the water situation?”

"Mainly relying on experience, I can't explain it in a few sentences." Yan Changqing didn't want to explain to him. "You don't have time to fish every day anyway."

"What's wrong with me studying? You kept it a secret, right?" Chen Youliang was unhappy.

"Your fish float has moved!" Yan Changqing reminded. "Don't……"

Chen Youliang's attention was immediately diverted: "Hey, really... come up here, you..."

Yan Changqing still had the last part of his sentence, ready to tell him not to worry and wait, but he directly swung the fishing rod up with great force.

I don’t know how strong it was. Anyway, he was sitting down originally, but now he was lying down.

Just by looking at his posture, Yan Changqing knew that he had made a mistake. Just now he saw that he was very skilled in threading earthworms, and he only said that he would catch fish in 5 minutes. Now look at it, it's too early!

Mr. Chen was still surprised: "No? I didn't catch it. It seems I've been a little crafty recently..."

"If you use so much effort, even if there is a big fish, you won't be able to catch it."

“You need to have quick eyes and quick hands when fishing…”

"You smoked and your pants fell off..."

Chen Youliang lowered his head and quickly swept away the cigarette with his eyesight and hands faster than fishing. The result was: "Oh shit, my new pants..."


As a big boss, it’s just a pair of pants.

When Chen Youliang threw the fishhook into the water again, he was still very optimistic: "It just burned a small hole, nothing will happen. It seems that I will catch a big fish today. Good things come in many ways. This is..."

Stop talking, I think you're getting off to a bad start!

Yan Changqing understood. Although his uncle was quite skillful in hanging the bait just now, he probably hadn't caught much fish before. Only when he could catch the fish was he called fishing. If he couldn't catch the fish, he was called feeding the fish.

Judging from his proficiency in hanging earthworms just now, he must have fed at least half of the fish in the small pond.

But I won’t say this. After all, Mr. Chen is now a celebrity. He may just be kind-hearted and just want to feed the fish...

Yan Changqing complained in his heart, staring at his float, considering whether to catch the fish immediately - whether it was with his eyes or with his senses, he knew that there was a fish testing the bait next to his hook. .

As long as he seizes the opportunity to move the fishing rod, the fish that is tentatively looking for food will be hooked by him.

Ordinary fishermen have to wait for the fish to bite the hook on their own, but real masters have to wait and learn to take the initiative to put the fish on the hook.

Yan Changqing thought that some of his words would be too hurtful, so he felt that silence was golden.

But Chen Youliang saw what he was thinking at a glance, and immediately became angry. He opened his mouth and wanted to say a few words about what I was doing back then. Then he thought about how his brother-in-law, who loves to play so much, no longer fishes...

He simply changed the subject: "I thought you would go out and hide for a few days recently!"

Yan Changqing chuckled: "Am I the kind of person who hides from things?"

Chen Youliang just asked casually and successfully changed the subject: "I don't want to hide, but the phone is too troublesome. I asked Niu to answer the phone for me in my office. If you don't answer the phone these days, it's not to embarrass Lao Wan. Is it? It’s not easy for Lao Wan. He still works like a cow and a horse for you at such an old age..."

"You know how to find people, but I don't know how to find people?" Yan Changqing smiled. "I asked Dafu to answer the phone for me."

"Who is the rich man?"

Yan Changqing reminded: "The one who went to work with Niu a few days ago is called Tong Dafu."

As for how to say it, just teach him a few words. There are also sensitive word reminders. If someone mentions sensitive words, hang up the phone. If someone scolds him, just use the most filthy words to scold him back...

Anyway, this guy is not a good guy. He has been able to teach fools to curse in the past. It is best for him to answer the phone.

Chen Youliang was speechless for a long time: "If this matter continues to cause trouble, what result do you want?"

"If you make a mistake, you must be punished." Yan Changqing said. "If you can't do it, then keep trying and see who can persist."

Chen Youliang remained silent. He knew that Yan Changqing had made up his mind and persuasion was of no use.

Just as he was thinking about giving some advice, Yan Changqing reminded: "I've taken the bait, hurry up..."

Chen Youliang raised his hand subconsciously, and there was indeed a fish of a few centimeters called a 'small eye pill' - a fish commonly known locally. Yan Changqing didn't know the scientific name.

At that time, Chen Youliang was happy: "I really caught it!"

As he talked, his interest increased greatly, so he took the fish off and continued fishing.


The place Yan Changqing chose was really good. Even though Chen Youliang was a fish feeder, he caught several fish.

As for Yan Changqing himself, he caught a few big carp and planned to go back and make braised carp to eat.

On the way back, Chen Youliang asked: "What if you don't get the result you want in the end?"

Seeing his expression, Yan Changqing couldn't help but laugh: "What's wrong, you still think I went to kill people? I'm no longer a teenager, so I won't be so impulsive."

Chen Youliang almost threw the fish away. Yes, he was not ten years old, he was fourteen now!
Yan Changqing made a joke and continued: "Then I will close the winery and build a winery somewhere else to work slowly. It is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. If you want to mess around, I have plenty of time."

After saying that, he said in a bullish tone: "By the way, the assets of my company outside have already exceeded tens of billions. They are all stocks, and they haven't all risen yet. How many percent of the shares can I give you?"

"Foreign currency?" Chen Youliang was stunned for a moment before asking. He knew that Yan Changqing was struggling outside. After all, music can make a lot of money, but he really didn't care about the specific amount, because Yan Changqing didn't know the specific number either - Stocks change every day, especially during the bubble era, when the price increases are quite dramatic.

"Yeah!" Yan Changqing nodded.Chen Youliang became depressed: "I said, can you please stop doing this? You can give me a few percent at any time. How can you do this? You don't owe me anything."

"In case you don't have any acquaintances and are bored when you go out, let's go out and hang out together!" Yan Changqing said. "I have long been optimistic about the new industry, and I will do something else when the time comes."

Chen Youliang immediately started to deal with him, scolding him all the way, saying how nice it was to be at home and how good it was to go out.

It was not until he was scolded at the factory gate that he remembered and asked: "What new industry?"

"Working in mines and farms, it's comfortable to play with!" Yan Changqing didn't take his scolding seriously, because he used his second uncle's magical power of 'ear stroke' - words went from the left ear to the right ear. Coming out was like a gust of wind blowing by, leaving no trace behind.

"If you have so much money, it's really suitable to engage in mining." Chen Youliang thought for a while. "It's more cost-effective to do this outside."

He didn't understand anything about farming, so he didn't talk about it.

He also understood what Yan Changqing meant. With so much money, he could live comfortably anywhere, so he couldn't explain why it was justified.

Of course, what Chen Youliang didn't know was that his nephew was an honest man at home, but he might not be so easy to talk to outside the house.

If something like this happened outside, we would directly arrange for a dump truck to deliver buckets to the whole family. It wouldn't be as troublesome as it is now.


When Yan Changqing said he wanted to buy a farm and engage in mining, he really didn't just say it casually.

This is his plan, wait until the stock market bubble ends, sell the stocks, then take a large sum of money and leave it there to wait for depreciation?

In fact, he didn't know much about ores, but it didn't matter if he didn't know much, since he basically couldn't lose money on this thing anyway.

Sell ​​out stocks in advance and buy some 'hard currency' while others are investing in high-tech.

There is also the matter of buying a farm and growing land. People have to eat food, right?
As for making money by taking advantage of the financial turmoil in recent years, he had heard about it and knew what kind of turmoil there would be, but he didn't know exactly what he knew, and if you put in the trouble, you might not make as much as you would if you just waited.

But when Chen Youliang was eating the braised fish he made, he asked: "Sidorov wants to partner with you to build a winery, and the conditions are up to you. Why are you pretending not to know?"

This is an old question, and Yan Changqing doesn't want to answer it.


When he first bought the plane, Yan Changqing only wanted to fly the plane and didn't want to interfere with anything else with Mr. Xu and Sidorov's people.

Because Mr. Xu and others cooperated with Sidorov in other areas, these were matters that Yan Changqing and Chen Youliang avoided getting involved in.

The current cooperation between the three parties is very good. They only do what they can do. The key is to do what they want to do. This is the key point. After all, many people want to do things they don’t want to do, such as Jiujiu. six.

But Sidorov hopes to help them with some economic construction, such as processing plants.

Now that the economy is in recession, they would rather do something that can increase employment and income, rather than simply engage in trade.

But what does the former Soviet Union have now?
Except for military machinery, there is nothing else. The problem is that these cooperations are not a long-term solution for them - they will feel bad if they sell Ye Tian, ​​after all, they will be gone once they are sold out.

In other processing plants, big investments are slow to produce results, and many raw materials are lacking in the former Soviet Union.

Making vodka is a great business.

Potatoes were produced in the former Soviet Union, and vodka was made from potatoes, which increased the income of potato farmers, promoted employment, and earned foreign exchange through exports.

Just like the Bubugao Winery, how many people will become rich after the establishment of a winery?

But it’s easy to make wine, but hard to sell.

Of course Qiansu has its own brand, but the problem is that it has been there for so many years. It is not that easy to expand its popularity and increase production and sales, otherwise they would have done it long ago.

There happens to be such a famous vodka on the market right now, but its output is small compared to the rest of the world.

If they could build a winery there, with Sidorov and his team's ability, the output could skyrocket.

It just so happened that Mr. Xu and Lao Wang also had needs. They wanted some other things, and Sidorov had them.

But the two of them can't negotiate. Anyway, what they want to give is what they don't want, and what they want is what they don't want to give.


In fact, Sidorov is not the only one who thinks this way, there are many people who think like him.

Not only are there people who have ideas about vodka, but also sake. In recent years, more people want to cooperate with Boss Yan than in Peach Tree Township.

After all, the brewing industry is characterized by low costs, quick results, and high profits. The only difference is its popularity and unique technology—and both Romance of the Three Kingdoms Sake and Victory Vodka have both.

Chen Youliang knew Yan Changqing's attitude. He reiterated the old words and had new ideas: "You can completely ignore these and just build a winery outside."

The point is not to build a factory, nor to ignore these, but the last three words.

Yan Changqing immediately understood what he meant.

But he is too lazy to do it. Although he likes to fly planes, he just wants to fly them by himself and does not want to have to fly the plane because of something...

Seeing that he didn't take it seriously, Chen Youliang couldn't help but said, "Why don't you do it if you can make money? Sidorov needs to use the brand of vodka. As long as the brand is in your hand, what else are you afraid of?"

"Taking a step back, even if he ditches you and does it on your own, the most he can do is work with them. How good are people in other places with him? They recognize his pirated copies but not our genuine ones..."

The truth is not pleasant to hear. What Mr. Chen means is that most of the places where he drinks vodka have a bad relationship with them anyway. As long as he wants to go it alone and declares that he will no longer cooperate, he is not afraid of their wine and Grab your own business.

This is bullying them and they are not popular!
Chen Youliang was thinking about technical issues. In fact, Yan Changqing was not worried about this. Anyway, he had not seen the second person with "hang".

In fact, Yan Changqing is mainly too lazy to run, and he is not afraid of the leakage of technology. Anyway, without him reaching out, things will come out differently.

Chen Youliang didn't know what he was thinking, and continued: "It's not a bad thing to have more factories, at least you can make more money, right? When you buy a farm, the bigger the better, it's better to ride on your camels. If you can’t reach the border, you have to fly a helicopter to patrol everywhere.”

"Think about it, such a big place is suitable for just growing grass and grazing cattle. Flying in the sky, blue sky and white clouds, green pastures, flocks of cattle and sheep, just one look at it makes you feel relaxed and happy, think about it..."

Yan Changqing saw that he could no longer remain silent, and was about to force the former so-and-so into a scholar: "Should I consider the head office? You can't say it now, I have to do it quickly."

"...It makes people yearn for it...oh..." Chen Youliang was yearning for it. He didn't stop the car for a moment, and it took him a long time to recover. "Okay, think about it slowly. The fish is cooked well. I find that you are quite suitable to be a chef. You are much better than your mother!"

He actually compared his cooking skills with his mother's. Yan Changqing couldn't bear the insult: "If you like to eat, you will be defeated if you don't!"

Chen Youliang thought about his sister-in-law's cooking skills and felt that he was wrong. He laughed along with him: "Eating, eating, eating, I really like this craft. It's so delicious..."

 The summary of the meaning of this chapter is: eggs cannot be put in one basket.

  It shouldn’t be blocked anymore, that’s weird!

(End of this chapter)

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