Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 308 Honorary citizens assist in filming

Chapter 308 Honorary citizens assist in filming
Willie Valian walked the streets of London, feeling the ancient and vibrant atmosphere of the city, trying to find a glimmer of inspiration.

He is a photographer for the European branch of National Geographic Magazine. Although he has not held any position, his love for his work is well known in the company.

Beautiful natural scenery also needs music to match it. Some time ago, the company shot a documentary about the polar oceans.

The pure depth from the ocean, the mystery of nature, and the eternal polar ocean made him obsessed with it for a long time.

Most of the work for the documentary has now been completed, but when he looked at the finished film, he always felt that something was missing.

Because of his work, he spends more time in the wild, and sometimes he may not even have the opportunity to return to the city once a year. Therefore, in his free time, he likes to go into the city and among the people, feeling the enthusiasm and enthusiasm from his peers. indifferent.

He thought this would bring him some inspiration.

For example, in the square not far ahead, there were a few children playing among the pigeons. Their innocence and liveliness, as well as their cute appearance from the bottom of their hearts, made him feel that his work was quite meaningful—— Maybe some of these children will learn about a certain corner of the earth through the documentaries shot by themselves and their colleagues.

A little girl noticed his smile and took a step back slightly at first. Then she boldly walked over and stretched out her chubby little hand with some pigeon food on it: "Do you want to feed the pigeons?"

"Of course!" Willy happily agreed. As for the girl's step back and the timid look on her face, he didn't mind, but felt a little guilty.

Because he came to the city just after work, he now has messy hair, an overly long beard, and the worn-out vest that he often wears when working, making him look like a homeless man.

So he tried his best to smile kindly: "My name is Willie, Willie Valian, and I am a photographer. If you are willing, I can take a picture for you as a reward for these pigeons' food."

"I just think you like pigeons, not because you want your reward." The little girl thought for a while and said seriously.

"Oh!" Willy smiled, somewhat blaming himself. "Well, it's not payment, I just think you're cute, you all are, and I'd like to take some photos of you guys, okay?"

The little girl tilted her head and thought again: "Okay! Mom also said I am the cutest."

Seeing several children standing among the pigeons, Willy took a few photos carefully. When the adults nearby who were watching the children came over, he also asked for a contact information so that he could mail the photos in the future.

The laughter of several children made him feel inexplicably better.

He looked at the crowd in the square, smiled, and walked back to the street.

Although I didn't find any inspiration, I found happiness and it was worth it. At least this trip was not in vain...


Just as he was about to walk out of the street, he suddenly heard the roar of a whale, making him feel as if he was in the deep sea again.

It was like the mysterious music coming from the deep sea, and like the chanting coming from the distant sky, which made him stop involuntarily.

It is this kind of feeling. Although there is sound, it makes people feel quiet. It makes people seem to see that even in the deep seabed, there are countless living lives. There are fish and shrimps hidden in the corals and hidden in the sand on the seabed. Big crabs, turtles swimming slowly, lively clown fish...

Yes, this is what he is looking for.

It turned out to be music.

Those beautiful pictures, without such music, are like a lively and cute little girl with a pair of eyes that cannot see.

He stepped forward, slightly hurriedly, fearing that the sound would disappear before he could find the source of the sound.

In fact, his worries were unnecessary. After just a few steps, he saw a video store on the corner of the street, where the sound came from.

His steps suddenly became brisk, and before he even had time to observe the layout of the store, he shouted to a waiter: "What kind of music is playing now?"

"It's from Yan from China. His latest album is a song in the underwater world." The waiter introduced with a smile. "But it's unlucky for you to come. Now we only have this one disc left in the store. You can leave your phone number and I'll wait until the goods arrive..."

"Can I have this one?" Willy was a little embarrassed, he really wanted it.

"I'm sorry, sir, ours was given to us by the company for promotion and is not allowed to be bought or sold." The waiter said apologetically.

"So..." Willy thought for a moment. "Can I listen here a little longer?"

"You can still watch." The waiter smiled, pointed to the TV screen next to him, and then pointed to his side. "They are also here to enjoy Yan's new album."

Only then did Willy realize that there were many people around him.


Willy didn't even realize he'd missed lunch.

He felt like he had received a spiritual baptism and felt that he had found his kind.

In these music, he not only felt the awe and love for nature, but also the enthusiasm and respect for life.

He is not a very expressive person. All he can do is take pictures of what he sees. Sometimes he has a lot of feelings but doesn't know how to express them. The birds nesting on the cliffs and the fish swimming in the deep sea... Every life is actually a miracle of nature.

But from the music he heard today, he heard everything he wanted to express.

It wasn't until his stomach growled that he realized that he had been listening to it for too long.

He smiled apologetically at the waiter, not even noticing that the waiter who greeted him had left for another shift.

Then he hurriedly caught a taxi and returned to the studio. As soon as he entered the door, he shouted: "Paul, Kleiman, guess what I found?"

"What?" The two people who were busy at work looked up. Willy was not an active person at ordinary times, and everyone was curious to make him so excited.

"Did you know? Yan, an artist from Great China, has released a new album..."

"Is this it?" Kleiman held up a disc with a smile. "I bought it, Willy, you are too slow and came back too late! We have been admiring it just now..."

"What do you think, and our documentary..."

"We all think it's suitable." Paul interrupted him with a smile, and then said with some regret. "But it's a pity that we couldn't contact Yan. We only contacted his assistant. It is said to be a girl named Huang. Did you know she is a vampire? She offered a price that we cannot accept..."

"Then..." Willy suddenly felt that the sky was getting dark. "Is there no other way?"

Kleiman replied: "Of course, none of us are good at negotiating. It also depends on how the people in the company negotiate with his assistants."

Willy thought for a moment: "I think if I could contact Yan himself, he would definitely be willing to lower the price. I can tell from his music that he is a real artist..."

"There are many people in the world who think like you." Paul added. "It is said that he is currently traveling around the world. Maybe we will run into him one day..."

"If I could meet him by chance, I would definitely let him sign my work clothes." Kleiman fantasized that although she was a woman, she was still a bit carefree, but her favorite was Victory Vodka. Series of songs.

Of course, now there are a few more.

Willy fell silent. He understood what Paul meant very well. He was traveling, maybe he was going to a certain place to make an album, and he didn't want to be disturbed.

"The Great Barrier Reef is a very lucky place, but it's a pity that we were not there at the time." Clemmey was still imagining it and sighed sincerely. "Brisbane is said to have made him an honorary citizen..."


Yan Changqing is looking at his small honorary citizen certificate!
With this, it will be much more convenient. Having permanent residence is just the most basic one, and there is no need for a visa or anything like that.This is still somewhat useful. Considering that his small farm is close to the sea, he can practice his skills in the sea at any time, and he will definitely go there often in the future.

In fact, Australia can't wait to naturalize him directly. The release of this album coincides with the tourist season. Now Australia's tourism industry has become very popular because of this album. Not only the Great Barrier Reef has become a must-visit place for everyone, Other scenic spots have also benefited a lot.

The key is still in the early days. In just a few days, the number of tourists from all over the world visiting Australia has increased several times compared to previous years, all due to the power of that album.

So along with that little certificate of honorary citizenship, there was also a document.

The small farm Yan Changqing bought belongs to the same state of Queensland as the Great Barrier Reef. To express gratitude, or perhaps to allow him to visit more often, the local government directly gave him the several square kilometers of hill next to the farm.

But Yan Changqing doesn't have time to see that hill now. Everyone else has left, so these things were sent to his company. Now he is preparing to climb the Alps!
Many of the movies he liked to watch in the past, such as "Shirley", "Heidi and Grandpa", and "Diary of an Eagle Chaser", etc., were all shot here.

He prefers watching the scenery shot in the movie to the content of the movie.

He has always liked these movies with beautiful scenery, but with the development of technology in the future, people will prefer to play with technology and use special effects at every turn. Content with pure natural scenery like this can only be seen in documentaries.

Fortunately, now he can see it on his own, and he can also rent a helicopter and fly around - which makes him miss the Soviet Union a little bit, the only place where he could drive openly and without a license.

This is Switzerland, and although he is welcome to come, it is unlikely that he will be allowed to drive without a license.

Although it is summer, you can see the snow-capped mountains here. Seeing them in person is much more real and beautiful than what Yan Changqing saw in the movie.

Watch for a while, and then take some memorable photos and videos, and the busy day is over.


After a day of running and returning to the hotel, Huang Peishan started to get busy.

The boss's new album is so popular that she originally handed over the business to the company, but many people still tried their best to get her phone number and wanted to contact her directly.

She had to ask two people from the company to follow her and temporarily serve as her assistants, otherwise she would not be able to play freely with her boss.

She has to go over the things handled by the two assistants during the day at night. After all, she knows the boss better. In some companies, the boss may be more concerned about it.

After looking at it, she found a record and asked her assistant: "Have people from National Geographic contacted you? What did they say?"

"They want the adaptation rights, but they are not quite able to accept our price." One of the assistants replied. "It feels like they should be quite anxious now. We have learned that they recently shot a documentary on the polar ocean theme..."

Huang Peishan nodded to express that she understood that the other party just needed it or urgently needed it, so it was normal for the information in her hand to have an outrageous price. After all, she was negotiating, and this was not taking advantage of the situation. It was a matter of supply and demand!
But she thought for a moment and took out the information: "You guys should sort it out first and go to bed early today! I feel like the boss might be interested in what they photographed..."

The boss still likes natural scenery very much. He can stay at the beach for many days, and when he is happy, he will make an album. Now he is happy looking at the mountains every day, maybe...

Yan Changqing was really interested: "National Geographic, did they shoot any ocean content?"

"Yes." Huang Peishan was a little lucky. It seemed that her prediction was quite accurate. The boss was really interested in the news.

Yan Changqing pondered for a while: "They often run around. They should have been to many places with beautiful scenery, right?"

Huang Peishan understood somewhat: "Then lower the price for them. Boss, do you have any other ideas?"

"Actually, it's nothing." Yan Changqing just felt that these people looked at the scenery more professionally, and many of the things they photographed opened his eyes, so he had a bit of fate.

Huang Peishan thought for a while: "How about asking them to find a few professional photographers to help you take more pictures of the scenery?"

This is an assistant who knows how to spend money and is very good at spending money. In her opinion, if the boss is interested, then it doesn't matter if the price of selling the music copyright is lower. Anyway, the most important thing is that the boss is happy, and there is no shortage of money.

Yan Changqing thought so too, and nodded.


After Willy answered the phone, he was a little stunned.

Seeing him in a daze, Kleiman laughed: "Hey, does the boss want us to go to the moon to shoot?"

Although Paul is a blond man who looks rougher than Willy, he is actually more careful than this woman, Clayman. He is a little worried: "Hey, Willy, isn't there some bad news?"

Willy glanced at the two old guys, put down the phone, and said seriously: "The boss asked us to go to Switzerland to do some filming work."

"Why?" Kleinman asked immediately. "Want to take pictures of the snow-capped mountains? Although I like the scenery there very much, but..."

"Why are you looking like this when you go to Switzerland? I thought there was something big going on!" Paul felt relieved. They were used to being at home all over the world. It was the same wherever they went. Going to Switzerland was more comfortable than going to the Pole. They had just come back, and it was really I don’t want to go right away.

Willy said with a straight face: "This time it's not our own work. The boss betrayed us. He asked us to assist in shooting for a customer, a young rich man..."

Kleiman said carelessly: "Just go, no big deal, just treat it as a vacation!"

Paul also nodded: "Since the boss has arranged it, it doesn't matter if you don't go. There is no need to be so unhappy. Kleinman is right, just treat it as a vacation..."

Willy originally wanted to make a joke, but he was really not that material. He originally wanted to lead the two people to guess that they were going to help the prodigal son of a certain rich family, and then he got angry. In the end, neither of them mattered, and his play was also I can't continue acting.

The originally stern face could no longer remain stern, and his beard was sticking up as he smiled: "The boss said that we have negotiated with Yan's copyright, and he agreed that we can use his music for our new shoot. in the documentary. Now Yan is in Switzerland and wants to film more of Al..."


"The person we are going to assist is Yan? That musical genius?"

Paul and Kleiman shouted happily before he finished speaking: "Why don't you pack your things quickly? Maybe as soon as he is happy, he will make an album in the Alps and we can be the first audience. It’s still live…”


Yan Changqing soon met the filming trio.

It can be seen that they have tried their best to take care of their appearance, but their rough skin and dusty appearance make them look like people who work outdoors for a long time.

After greeting a few people, Yan Changqing explained: "The Alps are huge, and I want to shoot some content from multiple angles. It's really too busy for one person to carry a camera while looking at the scenery and shooting. So I wanted to find some professionals to help, and I happened to see your company..."

He was also worried that the three of them would not be happy. In fact, the three of them were extremely happy.

Let’s not talk about the music they released before, but just talk about this album from Underwater World, which is too exciting for these three people.

After he finished explaining, Kleiman tugged at her work clothes and was about to speak. Paul grabbed her and then said to Yan Changqing: "Mr. Yan, we are very happy to assist you in shooting. I am German and I am also like this." The people at the foot of the mountain, we promise to help you take good photos.”

Willy had a lot to say, but he couldn't say it. He wanted to ask, how did you come up with the idea that such beautiful music is so consistent with the ocean world that people can listen to the music without knowing more about it? More about the content of the song, you know that this song is about the ocean.

But he also knew that there was no answer to this question. Just like Paul pulled Kleiman just now, he didn't want her to be embarrassed and asked for autographs whenever she saw her idol. It was working time now.

And this work definitely cannot be completed in three or two days. If you want to sign, if the work can satisfy people, what does the signature mean? As for whether the work can satisfy people, they have more than perfect confidence.

The content they shoot can be seen by people all over the world. Although they dare not brag that they are the best in the industry in photographing natural scenery, they must have a place among the top people in the industry in photographing natural scenery.

 Thanks to the book friend "Qian Ye Mian" for the reward, thank you very much!
(End of this chapter)

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