Chapter 310: Add some people to spread the word
Yan Changqing thought that when making an album, it would be kind to leave a special scene for the concert hall and orchestra people.

In fact, what they asked for was much less than he thought. When he edited the video, Huang Peishan made a suggestion: "The whole picture is full of natural scenery and animals, not even people. Why do we need a building?"

Yan Changqing also felt it was inappropriate, but before he could speak, Huang Peishan continued: "It is enough to write the name of their concert hall on the subtitles. As they have hinted, they only require a subtitle reminder."

"When did you hint that?" Yan Changqing wondered.

"I told you, I don't have the nerve to ask you for anything." Huang Peishan said. "You are a great musician, just focus on your art. They will only mention it to me and won't tell you directly."

"Oh!" Yan Changqing nodded, but he was a little dissatisfied when looking at his own video. "Isn't it a bit too monotonous?"

"Hmm..." Huang Peishan hesitated for a moment before nodding. "But as long as you think it's good."

"How about adding some people?" Yan Changqing thought for a moment. If he just did the scenery, it would be really boring and uncomfortable.

He has become accustomed to watching scenery recently, and the feeling of appreciating the scenery in person is completely different from that in the video.

Watching the scenery in the valley will never feel monotonous at all. Small animals suddenly burst out from the grass, butterflies fluttering on the flowers, and buzzing bees. Every little life can bring different feelings to people. .

But when I switch to the screen, that feeling is completely gone.

When Huang Peishan heard that she wanted to add more people, she was excited: "Of course! By the way, the company also has some artists now. Can we give them a chance to show their faces this time?"

Yan Changqing thought about it and said: "That's okay. Find a few good-looking ones. There still needs to be someone suitable for the music scene."


So the three Willies got new jobs and started traveling with a large group of beauties.

However, the three of them worked hard. Huang Peishan knew that the boss was a kind person and planned to include the names of the three people who took the photos, so she told the three of them directly.

The three Willies were very surprised. They had just had extravagant hopes, but they didn't expect that it would actually come true.

You must know that the three of them have no employment relationship with Boss Yan. It is purely a cooperation between the companies and they are allowed to work for free. Generally, no one will write their names in this situation.

The main reason is that when someone else makes an album, there are too many people to thank, and there are a lot of companies that the songwriter has related interests in. If you can write less, you can do as little as possible.

When Yan Changqing makes an album, he does all the lyrics, music and production himself. Except for the eternal necessity of writing the name of his Victory Vodka, he doesn't need to write too many other names, and it doesn't matter if he adds a few more assistants.

However, neither Huang Peishan nor Yan Changqing knew that there was another reason why the three Willies worked so hard - their company bought the copyright and wanted to adapt it and add it to the documentary, but found it difficult.

The length of the documentary is definitely longer than the song, so it needs to be slightly adapted, but the music producer they found found it...too difficult no matter how hard it was done!

For the first time, they discovered that a piece of good music is really a work of art, like beautifully carved porcelain.

And what they have to do now is to take apart this piece of porcelain... Who has this ability?

Yan Changqing didn't even know how high his musical standards were. His lyrics and music were changed over and over again by the arrangers, but they still felt that they were not perfect enough. He always felt that he was sabotaging and dismantling a perfect work of art. Destroy...

The level was so different that after working for a few days, some of the music producers felt that they were blaspheming the art. They almost had a psychological problem and couldn't continue at all.

Yan Changqing himself didn't realize that the music he made had such an effect. Anyway, he made it according to his own wishes, and he had no idea how much trouble it caused to these music producers.

So Willy and the others are working hard now, and there are instructions from the company, saying that it is very possible, and they have to ask Yan Changqing to slightly adapt the song himself, otherwise it will not be directly used in the documentary...


Serena looked at her boss from a distance, and then at the pair of identical twins next to her. She felt a little unhappy in her originally happy heart.

It was obviously me who came first, but the last time I was shooting the underwater world, these two people got in. On the contrary, I couldn't go to Australia to be a mermaid because I was working on an album.

As an artist in the company, she was actually very lucky to get a song composed by her boss.

But the opportunity last time was so good, to play the role of a mermaid, she actually missed it, and she didn't know how regretful she was.

She has become somewhat famous in recent months. After all, she has songs composed by her boss. Although she has been popular for a shorter time and has fewer songs, she can still be considered a second- or third-rate singer now.

The entertainment industry is like this. When it’s not popular, no matter how hard you try, it’s useless. But when you get an opportunity, a song can take off.

Now she was wearing a white dress, with her blond hair hanging loose, and her bare feet were stepping on the green grass. Although her feet were a little numb, she didn't know how happy she was in her heart - of course, she would be happier if there were not the twins next to her.

Fortunately, the twins were not as good as hers, which gave her some comfort.

Moreover, since she became somewhat famous and was trained by the company, she has dedicated people in charge of both makeup and styling, unlike the two newcomers who don't have this kind of treatment yet.

In fact, there are a few people like her in the company now, but the others did not join the company earlier than she did, and they are not as good-looking as her.

Huang Peishan looked at the large group of beauties running on the grass and felt a little regretful. Why didn't the boss comment on my vision?
She usually lets others do other things in the company. But in this entertainment company, every artist is graded by her personally. She will definitely not do anything less than seven or more. With such strict requirements, according to her idea, the boss Can't you praise her?


Yan Changqing didn't know what his little assistant was thinking. He was looking at a large group of people and thinking that since everyone was here, he would shoot in several more places.

Originally, post-production was also possible, but now I only shoot some walking scenes, and then post-produce them into scenes of walking on snowy fields, walking on top of cliffs, etc.

However, he felt that the effect of shooting directly was better. The key was that it was hassle-free. He was shooting nearby and there were many people willing to 'help'. No matter where he went to shoot, he only needed to mention it, and he didn't need to worry about the rest.

Not only that, several places he had been to before knew that he was reshooting, and those places also sent him invitations, which were very enthusiastic.

There are also invitations from several nearby countries. The Grand Canyon here has a long history of hundreds of millions of years. The national park here is a karst landform. There is a prayer peak here. It is called a missionary. The speaker's podium...

There were many invitations. Not only were they invited, but they also sent photos directly. There were a lot of photos of mountains and rivers.

Yan Changqing felt quite happy about this. He probably understood why Li Bai wandered all over the Tang Dynasty, and he lived an extremely chic life.

Everywhere you go, you are provided with food, accommodation and valuable gifts. What you do or don’t do depends entirely on your mood. How can you say that you are so happy!
However, he still asked his assistants to decline one by one, and he would not go anywhere else and finish these songs first. …

Yan Erhe rode a white camel for a walk, feeling quite satisfied.

When his nephew was away, he took the initiative to help his nephew take care of the camel. It took him a long time to get the white camel to listen to him and ride it for a stroll.

The feeling is indeed different. Sitting on it, you are condescending. It can be said that you sit high and see far...

The most important thing is that he was riding a white camel on the road. When he saw all the cars from a distance, he started looking for a place to give way - there was construction nearby and there were a lot of cars.

Although he knew in his heart, because the white camel was usually reserved for his nephew, most of those who gave way saw someone riding a white camel and thought it was his nephew who came back. He was a dog... No, how do you say that, it was a fox pretending to be a tiger.

But it feels good!

Regardless of why other people gave way, I was riding anyway. I even saw some people working in the distance. When I saw the white camel, I stopped and looked here. It felt like... Hehe!
Then he was scolded by Chen Youliang: "People are already in panic, but you are still riding around blindly. Are you afraid that others won't scold you behind your back?"

Yan Erhe was not afraid of others' criticism and said proudly: "I cheered them up. You didn't see that when I walked around, those who were working were all working hard."

"Why don't you go take a look at your construction site?" Chen Youliang couldn't do anything to him. There was nothing he could do. He pretended that he couldn't hear what this man said. He's such an adult, how could you beat him?

"I called Qijin." Yan Erhe said cheerfully. "He said he would come back after finishing these songs. He also said that it is very difficult to build a big airplane now, so he might as well consider building a smaller one, a drone, a remote control, etc... I will wait for him to come back and let him help with guidance. .”

Chen Youliang didn't know what to say about him. He thought for a long time: "What else did he say?"

Yan Erhe thought for a long time: "There seems to be nothing else..."

Chen Youdian nodded: "That's fine, we can wait until he comes back to talk about anything else."

"Ah, that's right!" Yan Erhe remembered. "He said, if you have money now, you can consider going to Australia to buy some land or something. If you want to do a mining business in the future, you don't want to engage in stocks or anything like that with him. You can just leave the money alone, so you might as well invest it first. "

Chen Youliang was so angry that his head was smoking. How could you forget such a big thing?
But Yan Erhe still had something to say: "He also said that in fact, you can consider starting a tourism business now. The market is planning to do overseas business. You can consider setting up a tour group, and then you can travel around. Go take a look and keep up with international fashion!"

"Also, there are often fashion festivals outside. You can also consider it. Anyway, whatever is available in the market now, you can do it. In addition to fashion festivals, there are also exhibitions and the like... "

Chen Youliang's head was really smoking, but he still had to ask patiently: "What is it specifically? Can you teach me what he said?"

The main reason is that Yan Changqing travels erratically, and the assistant's phone is often unreachable, otherwise he would have just dialed the phone now.

Yan Erhe sat on the white camel, looking at the sky with dull eyes, and thought for a long time: "What he probably means is to hold some activities to promote our products. We can also create some local characteristics, such as Isn’t there a shortage of goods coming from Qingdao Province and Tibet Province in the new province? You can organize an event..."

Chen Youliang couldn't help it anymore and pulled his leg down: "Get down here and speak slowly."

In fact, he already understood. After doing so many things with Yan Changqing, and having been in charge of the market for so many years, he could understand how to do it just by mentioning it.

That is, activities such as product exhibitions are not that complicated.

But the look on Yan Erhe's face was so irritating that his hands were itchy.

The key is things like Zangchuanxin and other places. Now is the summer, which is the best time to hold activities. If any products sell well, they can be shipped here.

If Yan Changqing comes back late, it will be too late in autumn and winter. At that time, the transportation situation there is clear. When it snows heavily, most people can only squat at home and cannot do anything else.

There is still time to prepare now, because we need to publicize and build momentum in advance. If it is later...if Yan Erhe rides a camel for two more laps and forgets about this matter, and waits for Yan Changqing to come back, then most of this matter can only be done Do it next year.

The more Chen Youliang thought about it, the more itchy his hands became, but Yan Erhe was still very reasonable: "Don't pull me, it's interrupting my train of thought..."

I almost want to break your legs!
Chen Youliang was so angry that his tooth hurt, so he stopped dragging him and slapped the camel.

I originally wanted to watch the camel run and knock this guy off, but it turned out that the white camel's skin was rough and rough, and it didn't run away even after being slapped, which made me even more angry!


There are many things that we didn’t think about, not because we didn’t do them.

Just like in the future, someone will go to the free hall used by Yan to hold a concert, and then it will be like gold plating, and then many people will go gold plating...

The same goes for activities.

Yan Changqing traveled around and saw similar activities quite common, so Yan Erhe finally made a call and he just talked about it.

In fact, he had seen a lot of things in his previous life and had taken them for granted, but he had done relatively few things at present. The main reason was that transportation and information were not smooth enough. Some people thought that they lacked a certain influence, and most of them simply did not expect it.

Just like the folk festival, many people have actually realized that they can promote it through activities.

But after that, most people will think that this event is quite good, and they will take the opportunity to make some money. How about having this event next time? They have not thought about holding a product promotion meeting by themselves, looking for more similar products, and organizing Unify the publicity at once.

Yan Changqing also said it as soon as he thought of it, otherwise he was afraid that he would forget it again when he turned around.

Thinking about what kind of festivals e-commerce companies would organize in the future, as well as some officially organized activities, he wanted Chen Youliang to give it a try.

Then he focused on his new song, completely ignoring whether the unreliable second uncle could get the message across.

The filming progress is still very fast. With the cooperation of all parties, some shots have been added. It only takes a few days, regardless of how many countries it needs to travel to.

After all, the countries here are a bit denser. Although it is said to be cross-border, it is actually more convenient than traveling across provinces at home.

But before the filming was over, someone from Willy's company came. There was no way, the phone was inconvenient, and Mr. Yan's reputation as a vampire assistant was well known.

In the case where an "internal agent" knew where Yan Changqing was, their company felt that it would be more sincere to come directly.

(End of this chapter)

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