Chapter 339 Winery Website
Yan Changqing originally thought that as long as there was a reservoir, he would be able to make troubles by himself.

Unexpectedly, the skill he had been thinking about for a long time suddenly appeared, and he began to feel that the reservoir was a bit small.

The main reason is that it is inconvenient. The reservoir must be patrolled. Otherwise, not to mention the naughty children, adults will also want to jump in it. It is a habit for many years. Such a large body of water looks more comfortable than a small river ditch. Who doesn't like it?

But we really can’t open this hole, because once we let people go into the water casually, problems will definitely arise.

If it is small and inconvenient, the reservoir will not be very attractive.

Thinking about it, I feel helpless. I thought the river was small in the past, but after finally building the reservoir, it became smaller again.

Then you can only go to the sea.

Yan Changqing made up his mind and planned to go to Australia to stay for a while after making this year's wine to improve his new skills.

As usual, the grapes were shipped from Nova Scotia, and the wine they made was not sold, so they were distributed.

The workers were given welfare and each person was given two bottles. Relatives and friends were given a share, and whoever caught up got a share.

In fact, the grapes he purchased were mainly for food. They were different from those in Australia, which had specialized grape varieties for winemaking.

However, in New Zealand, where the planting area is relatively large, food is the main focus these days.

Of course, due to the transportation situation these days, most people can’t eat fresh Nova Scotia grapes. They can only eat raisins.

But this difference doesn't matter at all to Yan Changqing who has the skills.

This is the fourth wine he has made. He has accumulated enough skills in the past. Although he has not made many wines, it has only been made a few times in the past two years, but his skill proficiency is almost full.

In other words, the wine he produces now is already better than most wines on the market.

However, for Boss Yan, if the skill is less than level one, the wine he brews will not be satisfactory. It is impossible to sell it anyway, so he can only give it away for free.


"Brother Qijin, have you watched the World Cup?" Erwa followed to help with the work and kept talking.

Yan Changqing shook his head: "I didn't look at it. Why did you suddenly look at that?"

"The World Cup is so popular right now!" Erwa said, turning her head and motioning to a group of young men working behind her. "We all watched it."

Yan Changqing didn't know what was going on, but football suddenly became popular. Even the kids who had never played football since childhood were now talking about the World Cup.

He still shook his head: "I'm not interested in that, I'm too lazy to read it."

"It's a shame if you don't watch." Erwa was very excited. "That's a football game that the whole world participates in...our team almost made it."

"Almost, then you still didn't participate?" Yan Changqing was speechless. "You don't even have your own team, why are you just joining in the fun? If you have the time, you might as well come and help me with some work. It'll be better and you can get some exercise."

"That's different." Xiaozhi said cheerfully. "Sooner or later we will also participate. After all, we are such a big place, can we still gather eleven people?"

"Yeah!" Yan Changqing was too lazy to say more.

He doesn't watch football games, but at least he has heard the jokes on the Internet, about how Gao Qiu retired, and then the team didn't play again for 1000 years...

Anyway, he has been reborn, and he has never seen the football team perform well.

However, he remembered that before his rebirth, there was a village super football match that became popular.

Although the conditions of the schools in Taoshu Township are much better, they really don't have football. Firstly, there is no venue, and secondly, no one is interested in that thing.

Everyone just needs basketball, table tennis, and shot put. At most, there are a few volleyballs for girls to play with. Football has never really become popular here.

But now that the World Cup is very popular, the conditions in Taoshu Township are now better, and students are also paying attention to the World Cup - when Yan Changqing was in school, students were not qualified to pay attention to this.

So later he went out to work until he was reborn, and never paid attention to this.

Erwa was still discussing with enthusiasm, and Xiaozhi was still looking forward to it with longing. They both felt that eleven people would be easy to find, and sooner or later they would be able to go to the World Cup and win a championship team or something.

However, Yan Changqing was really too lazy to talk, and he was not interested in this topic.

Fortunately, Erwa and the others had been having fun for a while. Seeing that the 'boss' didn't pay attention to this at all, they began to feel that it was not interesting.

Originally, from childhood to now, few of us have actually played football. Even if we watch football, we just watch it for fun and don’t understand the rules at all.

Xiaozhi got down to business: "Brother Qijin, can I go to Australia with you later? I have no problem with English now, and I know the basic words. Oh, if I had known that I would be able to use what I learned in junior high school, I might not have Can go to a good high school..."

Erwa was very disdainful: "Just you? If Brother Qijin hadn't said that he would take you abroad, would you be able to learn English well? That's not what you are talking about!"

Xiaozhi ignored him and stared at Yan Changqing expectantly.

Yan Changqing was very surprised: "Didn't I tell you earlier? Whoever wants to go can go. The factory over there is ready, so you can go now."

"Didn't I want to go with you?" Xiaozhi chuckled.

"Together, together." Yan Changqing nodded. "I guess I was busy running around, but I didn't have time to play with everyone."

"It's okay, it's okay. You're busy with big things, and we still need to get familiar with the work at the site." Xiaozhi was very happy. "I'll go with you to prove that we have a good relationship, so that I won't be bullied when I go out."

"Who can bully you? We don't want their local people in our factory. They are all here." Yan Changqing said.

Xiaozhi didn't explain. He was worried that he would graduate late and join the factory, and that he would not feel at home when he was abroad and would not feel at ease.

Others who wanted to go abroad had gone out for fun, but he was the only one who interned in a winery during the holidays. From graduation to now, he has been familiar with work in the factory and has never gone out.

In fact, he was just waiting to go out with Yan Changqing. Because he had known that he would be able to go out and be there for a long time, he was not in a hurry to travel in a hurry during the holiday.

Erwa is not very enthusiastic about going abroad now: "Brother Qijin, I think it's pointless for me to continue going to high school. What do you think about going to a website to get a part-time job?"

"What can you do part-time?" Yan Changqing asked.

"Brother Qijin, can you please stop looking down on me?" Erwa turned his head and became very angry. "I'm an artist. Look at our website. Do we have to put a lot of product pictures on it every day? I'll definitely learn how to process the pictures."

"Besides, I think we can't just sell products, we also need models. With models, can't we tell at a glance whether the clothes look good or not? As an artist, I don't do this job. Who did it?"

Yan Changqing asked the key question: "Then are you going to be responsible for men's and women's clothing?"

"Of course women's clothing!" Erwa said confidently. "There are only so many styles of men's clothing, but there are many styles of women's clothing! I plan to be in charge of women's clothing..."

Yan Changqing revealed his purpose: "You plan to be in charge of modeling, right? If you start studying this now, wouldn't it be too early? Will it affect your development?"

Erwa plausibly said: "How can you think of me so bad? What I do is art, an artist's business... Forget it, we are different. You are engaged in music, and I am engaged in..." "That painting of yours" Didn't you learn painting from Brother Qijin?" Xiao Zhi told a ruthless fact from the side.

Erwa: "I..."

Yan Changqing chuckled: "You go to school honestly, and wait until you graduate from high school to come up with any bad ideas. Don't be so stupid and full of bad ideas, or I'll deal with you."

Erwa was dejected: "Actually, I was just thinking about it..."

"What a nonsense!" Yan Changqing didn't give him a chance. "If I let go, would you tell your dad? Then you would actually go find a model?"

I haven’t even looked for you yet, and you’re already starting to play tricks on me!


After dispelling Erwa's enthusiasm for doing bad things, Yan Changqing couldn't help but think of the website.

It is said that a pilot project for online sales has been started, and the initial results are not bad.

This is a new gadget, and many people are willing to give it a try.

Anyway, it is the person who delivers the goods to your door who collects the money, and the prices on the Internet are all published, which are much lower than the prices on the market.

These days, if you don’t negotiate the price of something, you are being taken advantage of. Many clothes priced at hundreds of dollars can be bought after bargaining for dozens of dollars. The market price is very inflated.

On the Taoshu Township Market website, only a small number of products have clearly marked prices. Customers can then confirm their purchase online and contact the person at the distribution point to explain the model, color, etc. Finally, someone will deliver the goods to the door to make sure there is no problem. Pay the money.

It’s a lot of trouble, and you don’t make much money.

After all, the current Internet is not as convenient as it will be in the future, and finding someone to deliver it is a big trouble, and you have to prevent counterfeit money and so on.

However, Yan Changqing and everyone else think that in emerging markets, it’s better to take your time, as long as you don’t lose money now.

After all, most of the clearly priced products are produced locally and the cost is relatively low.

It can only be delivered locally or nearby. If it needs to be transported far away, it is not cost-effective.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. The bosses in the market all started out by setting up stalls in the past. Don’t be afraid of difficulties, as long as you have prospects.

Although Yan Changqing feels that it is a bit early to do this now, it is not a big deal. Anyway, we are doing it slowly. Network construction is changing with each passing day. This can be regarded as occupying a part of the market first and cultivating some loyal customers.

Moreover, Li Xiuni's Hanfu is also on the website. They don't want to make a lot of money, they just want to see if anyone likes it.

Not to mention, although it is now popular that the moon in foreign countries is rounder, there are still a lot of these ancient costumes sold-mainly wedding dresses, and the other ones are still not so popular.

But at least it has made a name for itself. Now the girls, wives, and aunts in the village have something to do. A large number of gentlemen, represented by Yan Shuixing, said that their ears are much quieter.

However, it is said that Chen Youliang is negotiating with some large companies, such as some electrical appliance factories, such as refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners. If the negotiations can be concluded, this kind of business should be profitable in the future.

Because the manufacturer is responsible for these installations and after-sales service, the website is only responsible for the business aspect and earns a referral fee.

Shouldn't be a problem.

Yan Changqing believes that it can be done well. After all, it is a bit early now, but it also means that everyone has more time to cross the river by feeling the stones and slowly develop experience.


Soon Erwa and his gang went to school again, and Lao Wan began to organize people to go to the new factory in Australia.

The English training class in the factory has been running for such a long time. Some old rough workers who didn’t know much Chinese characters also tried to learn English - because it is said that they get paid more when they go out!
Not to mention, there are really a few people with similar educational level to Yan Erhe, who actually stumbling down the English textbook, and now they can still talk to others. Although their accent is a bit thick and their speaking is not standard, they can travel far and wide. , it’s not a big news.

Sometimes Yan Changqing feels that outrageous things often happen around him nowadays.

Just like those rough guys who learned to speak foreign languages.

Normally, I would either speak my hometown dialect in a nonchalant way, or I would say hello to Gude Mao Ning, which would always make people feel disconnected and indescribably weird.

But...that's it!

Anyway, he finished processing the wine and left for Qiansu.


Sidorov is quite happy to welcome Yan Changqing. Anyway, as long as Yan Changqing arrives, he will definitely come to greet him personally.

The economic crisis is not only raging in Southeast Asia. The unlucky former Su is obviously not from Southeast Asia, but there is an economic crisis there, and they don't know what happened. Anyway, the economy collapsed again.

If a person is unlucky enough to have maggots in a salt shaker and have his teeth stuck when he drinks cold water, then in Qiansu's case, even when others drink cold water, his teeth will get stuck!

When the economic crisis started last year, it had nothing to do with them at first. Who knew that they would join in the fun later and the crisis would begin!

Why international oil prices fell, the economy contracted, and investments were withdrawn...

Anyway, there are many messy factors, but the root cause is that we are not strong enough.

At this time, the strength of the Victory Vodka Distillery can be shown. No evil factors can affect this place. At least Sidorov knows that his finances are not in deficit like other places, but are still stable and rising.

Thanks to the strength of this winery, Sidorov has become more and more able to speak. Of course, he must be nicer to the partners and founders of the winery. After all, now relying on this, his status is becoming more and more important. It is stable, just like my own finances, which are stable and rising.

Yan Changqing came to visit the factory for two days and fly the helicopter for a few days.

Sidorov doesn't mind at all now that Yan Changqing flies a plane to do research. He knows that Yan Erhe is doing research and even introduced a few researchers there.

Of course, don't think he is really generous. Building an airplane requires an industrial foundation, and this thing cannot be accomplished overnight. Even with technical guidance, it will not take a day or two to build a real airplane.

He just wanted to make Yan Changqing feel friendly.

In order to welcome Yan Changqing, he even invited a large number of orchestras to come.

Because Yan Changqing released albums and performed concerts when he came to Australia, and there was only a winery here. Sidorov dreamed that Yan Changqing could also produce some works here.

It doesn’t matter what kind of work it is, as long as it’s done here.

Yan Changqing is quite interested in orchestras. Now that music has become a part of his life, the orchestras in the former Soviet Union naturally include many local musical instruments, which he can learn from.

And what was rare was that he actually found a somewhat familiar harpist among these orchestras.

She should be an actress in the future, but right now she is just a little girl.

(End of this chapter)

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