Chapter 360 Waiting
  Yan Changqing didn't take the comments in various media to heart. He only did one thing. He called Lao Wan and asked him to pay attention to the security of the winery.

Because most of the people who commented were just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

It is conceivable that many of them are just watching and joining in the fun, and most of them are not his customers.

That's why he said on his personal homepage that he would auction secretly in the future - you can't punish those customers who really need it by shouting just to watch the excitement.

Ever since he started setting up a winery, he has always insisted on one thing: only making money from rich people.

Just think about it, how many people can afford to drink a box of wine worth more than [-] yuan?
  What he really pays attention to is his target customer group. What these people will think is what he needs to pay attention to.

As a saying goes, there is no big deal except life and death.

When life and death are at stake, there are not many people with whom you can talk and laugh.

In fact, he had heard in his previous life that many rich people were engaged in life research in order to enjoy their lives for a few more days.

Now something suddenly appears and has magical effects. It is conceivable that there will inevitably be people with twisted thoughts.

But now, it's not that fast. People are just having fun now. It is estimated that some people will start to conduct research and experiments. When the research results come out, then the real excitement will be there.

To be honest, he was looking forward to it, because after the excitement passed, he would probably... How do you say that idiom Solitaire?

Do whatever you want, do whatever you want, do whatever you want...


While thinking about this, Yan Changqing was looking at the newly delivered fish tank.

Originally, there was only a small fish tank in the villa. Yan Changqing didn't like raising fish. He didn't even bother to feed it. Small fish were not interesting. After all, there were bigger fish in the sea.

But some time ago, when Wang and Xu were there, he still put a few fish in the fish tank.

In this way, when he usually practices his skills, it won't seem abrupt. Even if someone is watching, they will at most think that the fish act a little weird sometimes, and they have no idea that the poor fish can't help it.

Inspired by this, Yan Changqing simply bought an extra fish tank to pretend that he was a fish farming enthusiast so that he could practice his skills anytime and anywhere.

Not to mention, the effect is quite good, it doesn’t look obtrusive and is convenient for me.


Just when Yan Changqing had nothing to do, he was feeding big fish in the sea and raising small fish at home, another new article came out in a newspaper in the beautiful country.

This time I’m talking about Victory Vodka.

The skill of brewing vodka is not upgraded so quickly, and it has not reached level three yet.

The main reason is that I don’t focus on that. The level [-] vodka skill is enough. It’s no longer something normal people can do. The advantage lies with me.

Now a research institute has released its own research report. The article proves through various data and experiments that the harmful negative effects of Victory Vodka are much smaller than those of other alcoholic drinks. The harmful effects of some alcoholic drinks can even be ignored. .

Of course, it refers to normal drinking. If someone insists on drinking this as water and soaking it in a wine vat every day, there is nothing you can do about it.

The results of this research instantly made Victory Vodka more popular in the international market, and even caused a rush to buy.

Yan Changqing is not surprised by this result, because some of the Shengli Vodka currently on the international market is brewed by his hometown distillery, and more is brewed by the former Soviet Union.

The production from the former Soviet Union is definitely not as good as that from the winery back home. This is normal.

It’s nothing if it just causes panic buying, but many people’s first thought after reading this article is that it confirms that the previous controversy over liquor shows that liquor has no negative effects.

Soon many people began to believe that "Yan Changqing has mastered an unprecedented brewing method that can brew alcohol that is completely harmless to humans and is even beneficial to the human body."


It's just that not long after the foreign voices emerged, the domestic media in China broke a lot of new information.

These new materials are not researched, but purely based on the personal experience of old drinkers.

When most media reports, they don't need to actually present the experimental report. Otherwise, it would be too difficult to be a media. They only do interviews.

The people being interviewed are not BBK drinkers, because there are few people, and most people who can afford such expensive drinks are not willing to be interviewed, especially some who do not spend their own money to drink, and it is inconvenient to tell the camera about their daily life. The drinks cost thousands of dollars, and some of them were paid less than that.

The Good Day series of wines have been on the market for a longer time. Since they were first featured on CCTV eight years ago and have been the winners of several awards, they have long since become a household name. The price is not too expensive and many people drink it. of.

Drinkers only care about the taste. Even if some famous wines are highly hyped, some people usually drink a few drinks and only choose what they like.

It's quite popular on a good day, and if you want to interview, it's easier to find someone.

When many people are interviewed, they hesitate first - because some people don't know that public opinion is so hot and it's normal, and some people don't pay attention to it at all.

Then there are praises. Everyone who has tasted it says the wine is good.

It tastes good, I don’t have a headache after drinking it, etc. As for whether it’s good or bad for the body, most people can’t tell. There are a few people who say they don’t have a stomachache after drinking this. No need to ask, you can tell at a glance that it’s normal. If you have a lot of social activities, you will have a stomachache if you drink alcohol and have to drink.

There are even fewer people who said that the medicinal wine brewed with this wine is particularly effective.

At this point, there is basically no need to wait for any research report to come out. Facts have proved that the wine produced by Bubugao Winery is indeed special.


Then there was a little problem.

Winery Lao Wan looked a little confused as he watched a group of security guards escorting several people to the town.

When he received the call from Yan Changqing, he was not surprised at all. In fact, Yan Changqing didn't need to tell him that he had already been prepared to take precautions since the news became more popular.

The winery's security force is quite strong. From the time when the first batch of veterans came in, to now as the number of personnel increases, there are too many security guards, and only some can be arranged to work in the winery.

Recently, the popularity of wineries has suddenly increased, and there are more people of unknown origin around the winery.

Many people think that Taoshu Township now has a large immigrant population and there are tens of thousands of workers in the winery. A few outsiders sneaking in will not be conspicuous.

In fact, those who feel that they are inconspicuous are all conspicuous.

As soon as these people showed up, they were discovered by the security personnel.

Security personnel patrol the area all year round. Even if it is impossible to call most people by name, the faces are definitely familiar. When a new face comes, can they not attract attention?

What's more, there are endless gossip teams in nearby villages.

Yan Changqing's mother took her Bagua team to engage in ancient costumes, but in rural areas, will there be fewer members of the Bagua team?
  Now there is no farm work to do, and there is no shortage of food and clothing at home. They are all people who have nothing to do after having enough to eat every day.

In order to find work for these people, those outside the village did a lot of thinking.

The elderly activity room, chess and card room, and wheat field have been turned into small fitness parks, etc.

These idle people who are still wandering around are the non-staff security personnel of the winery, and some old men and women not only retain the rural people's habit of saying hello everywhere, but they are also curious and even ask strangers directly: "What are you doing here?" ?”

What am I doing here?
  I want to come and see what the secret recipe of this winery is...but I can't tell you?
  Many people were immediately confused by the question.

Then I was invited to the winery.


Lao Wan has recently 'received' many people who were reported by the villagers as 'acting bravely'.

An old man shouted, and a group of old men came in an instant. Most of those who wanted to get the secret recipe were not ready to directly punch the nursing home, and then they were invited by the security personnel. In fact, there is no evidence. Many of them have good reasons, such as looking for a job, applying for a job, wanting to come to a nearby small market to see some small businesses, etc.

But these days are sensitive times, and Lao Wan doesn't have time to distinguish carefully. He can only ask people to send them to the station and ask Wang Suo to help check whether what these people say is true.

Of course, there are misunderstandings, but the winery is not short of wine. If there is a misunderstanding, just send a box of wine and just apologize.

If the encounter is not a misunderstanding, most of the time there is nothing you can do.

Even if you know that these people are here to visit, there is nothing you can do. It is not illegal to just hang out.

On the contrary, the police station also got some free credit. There was a guy who had a criminal record before and was deceived a few times. He told some recent crimes, including that this time he was sent by a winery to find out the secret formula. of.

Except for this, if there are others who have no criminal record, or who have criminal records but do not have access to the Internet, then there is no other way but to let them go.

The police station has been connected to the Internet only two years ago. Taoshu Township is relatively early. Currently, the household registration is entered. It only has a storage function and is not connected to the Internet. It does not have a query function.

Therefore, we can only rely on deception. It is an accident that we can deceive, and it is normal if we cannot deceive.


But this is not a problem, the trouble is those who directly enter the winery and steal.

Some want to enter the wine warehouse to steal some puree wine, some want to get some lees...

Of course, those who steal the puree wine will not be able to succeed. It is the most valuable part of the winery and is patrolled [-] hours a day.

As for stealing the lees...

Even the security captain couldn't help complaining: "This kind of person's brain is just like this. Just beat him up and throw him out. There is no need to send him to the police station. Driving there will waste gas!"

Everyone was laughing.

Because the distiller's grains are always shipped out, as soon as you inquire, you will know that the nearby farms all transport their distillers' grains from here.

Why don't you just find a pig farm, or stop the man selling distiller's grains on the way and ask for some wine grains? Do you have to steal it in the middle of the night?

This kind of brainless person who doesn't even bother to inquire beforehand is not worth sending to the police station.

But it still has to be delivered. We need to be civilized now. If you catch a thief, you can't just give him a beating. Everyone must follow the rules.


In short, these small troubles in the winery were constant, but Lao Wan did not report them to Mr. Yan.

It's not worth it. It's all trivial matters. It's his responsibility as the factory director. There's no need to report everything. Mr. Yan is working so hard outside, so how can he bother him with all these trivial matters.


In addition to calling Lao Wan, Yan Changqing also told Lao Feng and several wineries in Sichuan and Qing Province about the matter.

In fact, I am not afraid of anything being stolen. What can the winery steal?

The wine is sold for takeout, and there is nothing else to keep secret. The most valuable thing is probably the koji, because it relies on this to allow several of their wineries to produce normally.

So what I'm afraid of is causing damage. If it affects production, it will affect everyone's ability to make money.

The island country also said that after all, they are all factories related to themselves.

Forget it about the former Soviet Union, Sidorov's security team... they have aircraft and cannons.

If you don’t have the luck of the protagonist Zero Zero Seven in the movie, don’t think too much about it.


Yan Changqing stopped caring about these things after making the call, because he relied on skills, and now he also knew that many people must be doing laboratory analysis and research on his wine.

He was also curious and wanted to know if he could research something through scientific means.

But out of curiosity, he had to work on his own winery first.

He makes his own wine, but actually only wine he likes to drink.

Moreover, the wine skill has only been level [-] not long ago, and it is still in the stage where the proficiency can be increased. Now he is doing it personally and strives to raise the wine skill to level [-] as soon as possible.

Of course, he only needs to be responsible for making wine, and others will take care of it.

The two assistants are here now, and it is appropriate to help him manage some things while on vacation.

If it was just winery work, it wouldn't be called hard work.

After all, drinking the wine you brew every day makes you feel that the taste is getting better and better every day, which is also a kind of happiness.

The hard part is that Marina is here.


The little girl finally got up the courage. When Yan Changqing called her to tell her that she had a new phone installed in her house in Australia and gave her his number, she said that she missed him very much and wanted to come and see him. .

Come on then!

But she didn't just leave there, there were still many things to do. When she finally arrived, Yan Changqing was busy at the winery!
  Of course she can't be allowed to go to the winery, that's work, just arrange a villa!

As for what Huang Peishan muttered, he said he was afraid that the workers in the winery would see Marina, because there were some relatives in the winery, and they would probably tell his mother if they saw her.

Yan Changqing is not afraid, he just doesn't want to cause trouble.

In fact, it’s not that hard, it’s just driving back and forth.

The problem is, Quan Shui also called next and said that he was preparing to release a new song and wanted to communicate with him.

Yan Changqing actually quite understands that the exchange of new songs is mostly incidental, but mainly other things.

Just like when he had no meat to eat, he had no money at that time, so he had to think of ways to make money first, such as performing arts.

As for meat, I could only think about it at that time.

When you have money and want to eat meat, it will be easy, just go and buy it.

At Miss Quanshui's age, it's completely understandable.

The question is how to arrange it?

At this time, the benefits of having an assistant came to light. Huang Peishan said that it was completely possible to arrange to go to the villa on the top of the mountain, and she would accompany him first.

Because I have an entertainment company, I still have some connections in Europe and the United States.

Miss Quanshui has always been developing in the island country. After coming, Huang Peishan can be responsible for making arrangements and consider helping her promote it in the European and American markets.

This excuse is quite perfect.

Yan Changqing praised the little assistant, and then left it to her to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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