Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 389 Do Something Meaningful

Chapter 389 Do Something Meaningful

Yan Changqing originally wanted to talk to his cousin about letting him go to school in the capital, but Yan Changpo was not willing to go.

His reason was that he was only in junior high school and it was still too early to go to college.

However, there is a group of people who are not early. Erwa and the guys are all in their third year of high school, and Erwa is still concentrating on piercing the faucet!

After thinking for a while, he simply called these guys over. By the way, there was also Jiang Minghe. This guy was going to repeat his first year of junior high school, but then he got lucky and failed to pass the college entrance examination, but ended up catching up with the joint school. From a junior college to a graduate of a 211 college in the future.

Yan Changqing suddenly had an idea. Most of the people like Erwa were unable to study, but they were not good at all. They were not bad at all. When they took the college entrance examination, in order to increase the online rate of passing the establishment line, they Those who really couldn't do it were persuaded by their teachers not to take the college entrance examination.

Therefore, if you can take the college entrance examination, if you work hard, you can still hope to get into a junior college.

Seeing the beginning of the folk festival, a group of people were excited and prepared to go there. Yan Changqing called them over.

Erwa was very dissatisfied: "Brother Qijin, I've been busy since the holiday! In the cold weather, I tied the faucet in the yard to touch up the paint. Do you think it's easy for me? It starts tomorrow and you call me to make up the class?"

Yan Changqing first apologized: "I'm so sorry, brothers! But I have something important to do, and your grades are just fine. I think it's not a big problem to get into a junior college on my own, and I can definitely do more. Energetic…”

"We are all ready to take the exam in other places." Erwa said proudly. "If I can't pass the exam at home, I'm going to Shanghai to take the exam."

"I'm going to the capital to take the exam..."

"Me too……"

"I'm different from them. I'm going to Qing Province to take the exam..."


Yan Changqing was speechless at that time: "Is it okay to transfer now?"

"It's in time, don't worry, everything has been arranged!" The second baby was full of confidence. Of course, this confidence did not come from them, but from their father. "My dad and his friends are doing very good business in the hotel alliance in Shanghai. It's not a trivial matter to take the exam there."

That's right, these people have business all over the country and have connections everywhere, so it's really not that difficult.

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "Otherwise, is anyone willing to take the exam locally? Where will Jiang Minghe take the exam?"

"He must have taken the exam with us." Erwa replied.

Yan Changqing nodded: "Okay, I'll come back when the college entrance examination is about to take the exam to provide training for students who want to take the exam locally. Those of you who want to go out to take the exam should work harder, and those who want to go abroad should think about it. Already..."

Now that everyone is confident, he can do less cheating.

Although that shabby junior college is not that good, if you help others get into it, you will have to squeeze out a few lucky ones.

But there was another thing he could tell these people: "I'm going to set up a family-finding website to help find children. You are all in your senior year of high school, and you will definitely be admitted to all parts of the country in the future. You can help build it later. If you are willing Did anyone help?"

"Looking for a child?" Erwa was surprised for a moment and then realized what he was doing. "This is a good thing. If you need an artist, I can help. I'm also learning computer painting now. I also have a personal homepage, but no one sees it, alas!"

"I can help too!" Tiedan raised his hand. "Has the website been built? We can promote it online where we sell the goods...but many of the people who lost their children live in remote places, and they don't know how to use the Internet!"

"Take your time!" Yan Changqing didn't have any good ideas. He didn't have the ability to find people. "First, publicize it and get the website up. I have thought about it before. This website is easy to build, but the most important thing is publicity. I have people ready, and then we will take advantage of the Folklore Festival to get this thing started. "

Time was a little tight, mainly because he was busy with things outside when he was out. Only when he came back did he think of this idea that he had thought about for a long time.

Now there are instant messaging software, shopping websites, his personal homepage, and some business dealings with other major websites. Publicity can create momentum.

The most feared thing about this kind of thing is that it won't happen once, and then you will do it half-deadly. You must create a momentum the first time and let as many people know about it as possible.

Things like registering domain names have been taken care of by others. It doesn't matter what the Chinese New Year is like. He just does it as soon as he thinks of it, so as not to delay it again and he doesn't know when he will have time to do it.


Next, I made a phone call with Chen Youliang to discuss.

Yan Changqing means: "Now the winery can make money very quickly. Apart from supporting the expansion of the market website, there is no point in depositing the rest in the bank. Let's use some of it to do something."

Of course Chen Youliang supported: "That's good. Our logistics points are widely distributed. We can find some permanent employees and see if we can recruit a group of volunteers from colleges and universities around the world for the rest. This kind of thing cannot be done with money. What can be accomplished depends on collective efforts.”

The two of them decided within a few words that they would give it a try with 200 million a year.

For things like charity, no amount of money is enough, let alone finding someone.

It's definitely not possible to rely on just one website. You must set up contact points in various places so that people can have clues to contact each other. The person who fixes the contact point must be serious and responsible. Even to get a salary, he has to do far more than If you just sit there for salary-earning work, the results will not be very good.

So we have to do it now, because after the New Year there will be a large number of college students looking for internship units.


The next day is the folk festival. This year, Mr. Chen has come to participate in more programs, including more dragon and lion dances.

In the past, Dayanzhuang's dragon and lion dance team was the best, but now it is no longer possible, because some local traditions have never been lost. People have practiced the lion dances of the southern and northern schools since they were young, although the lions may not be as good as them. But the show is definitely better than theirs.

Yan Changqing still took time to participate in the first day of the program. It was still a lottery in the park. On the big stage, he performed a song program with a group of big and small celebrities.

For example, the Little Yanzi team in the recent popular TV series, although I know that the last group of people have some problems, but now Jinsuo is just a newcomer who has just become popular, and Little Yanzi is not that big of a name...

There are quite a lot of celebrities from all over the country. Anyway, the Bubugao Hotel, which has been expanded twice, is full. However, Yan Changqing didn't care about these. After the performance, he met with Yang Xiangchang, Wang Suo and others to discuss the website he wanted to build.

It's a pity that these two people can't make any good suggestions. There is a DNA database now, but the number of people is too small, and it is not a specialized DNA database for finding relatives - according to the original development pattern, this will take several years to establish.

However, the two of them fully support it. After all, it doesn't matter if they can't help with things like charity. At least they can help shout slogans. For example, when the website is built, they will run up there and try their best. Do some official press promotion.


When Yan Changqing had almost perfected the website, he didn't want to wait any longer and started promoting it directly.

As for establishing contact points in major cities, just set up an office at the logistics point, and it is not troublesome to find someone to take charge.

Zhou Jialing has already come to work and is responsible for contacting Chen Youliang's assistant team to make overall arrangements for these matters.

On the tenth day of the lunar month, the entire Internet was suddenly flooded with advertisements for finding relatives!

1688 Shopping Network specially created a large advertising space. The chat software that has been renamed QQ directly pops up messages, which can be seen by everyone who logs in. Other major websites such as Sina NetEase all have advertising spaces.

Of course, Yan Changqing would not forget his personal homepage, and posted a link on it, along with some very vulgar words: Give someone a rose, and your hands will be fragrant! I hope everyone will pay more attention to the Family Search website to combat the crime of human trafficking and help more people find their relatives!

As a result, the phones at the contact points temporarily set up at the logistics points that day kept ringing.

The phone in Yan Changqing's own office was also ringing non-stop. Mr. Zhu from the oil field, including Mr. Shi in the capital, and most of his business partners all called to offer their help in publicity.

Even some celebrities I met at the Spring Festival Gala who I rarely contacted also called and said they would help promote it.

Yan Changqing was only proud of his popularity for a minute, and then he started to get busy again.


The first person to come was a reporter from CCTV, brought here by Chen Tingzhu.

It was said to be an interview, but in fact it was mainly about asking about Yan Changqing's plans. The reporter was only responsible for recording on the side. The main purpose was for Chen Tingzhu to ask about Yan Changqing's plans.

Lao Chendu said quietly: "...I came here to ask you a question. If you decide to continue doing it, I will help you publicize it at the next Lantern Festival Gala. You participated in the Spring Festival Gala several times back then, and now we These people can take care of things to some extent. If you want to do charity, everyone is willing to help."

Yan Changqing first told the number of public welfare funds: "The current plan is to invest 200 million a year, including the contact points in various places, as well as the funds to take people to investigate on the spot after finding clues, and also include some who provide clues. Rewards, etc. It is estimated that 200 million is not enough, and I will definitely add more when the time comes."

"These 200 million yuan have now been put into the account of the company. Every penny spent in the future will be announced on this website. No matter where it is spent across the country, it will be clearly stated. display."

"At this stage, it may be unrealistic to say that all bills and other things should be uploaded, but if conditions permit in the future, we will definitely do so. What kind of support do I need? There is too much needed. If there is any by then, If we have clues, we will definitely need the help of local police comrades to assist in the investigation..."

"Now we don't have enough manpower. We are recruiting staff from graduates, and we also need to recruit more volunteers. We will definitely not be able to do it with just money. We have to rely on countless enthusiastic people to lend a helping hand. I hope everyone can work together. Combat human trafficking crimes, provide clues, etc.”

"I'm not sure how many we can find. I can only say that it's one. Even if we spend 200 million a year and can only help a few people reunite, it is still a meaningful thing."

Keep emphasizing that two hundred million is not really because he wants to show off that he is rich. It is mainly a matter of publicity. No matter how much you say, others may not believe it. Only by showing off real money can people believe in your determination, and also It can shut up those 'idlers'.


Then some big media, including official media, called and asked for details, and Yan Changqing had people reply to them one by one.

The media who immediately called or sent people over basically made a wave of news assists on their own media.

Yan Changqing is quite satisfied. The popularity is there, and the rest depends on how effective the money he spends is.

In fact, he wanted to focus on attacking, but he had no say in this matter. All he could do was help find someone first.

The effect is still very significant. Although the Internet is not developed enough now, it benefits from the promotion of TV stations.

In just a few days, hundreds of children's photos have been added to the website. The effect is remarkable, although they haven't been found yet.


Yan Changqing has not been idle all day, and has not cooked any food at home.

Zhou Jialing is also very busy. She is busy building a team of lawyers, and a lawsuit will definitely follow.

Yan Changqing's instructions are also very clear: "Those who fight against crime must be strict. We do not seek to be the most professional, but we must be the most ruthless. Those who kidnap and traffic children demand as heavy a sentence as possible, the harsher the better. We must also provide heavy rewards, and are willing to Those who provide clues to criminals must not let anyone’s work go in vain, the minimum reward is one thousand, and there is no upper limit.”

Now the salary for working in a factory in the south is about 600 yuan - this Yan Changqing is quite experienced. If he had not been born again, he would have gone out to work after finishing the college entrance examination this year. The internship salary is 450 yuan, and it will only be 600 yuan if he becomes a full-timer. Hundred.

It's similar even here in Taoshu Township. One thousand yuan is equivalent to more than a month's salary of working part-time. It's neither too much nor too little.

Then Yan Changqing also thought of the old police officers who helped find people in the past, and reminded: "We don't necessarily have to be college students when we recruit people. There are some retired old police officers. These people have rich experience in grassroots work. It would be best if they are willing to use their remaining energy." of."


Zhou Jialing is still very efficient in doing things. While the Internet is busy promoting it, she directly hangs up the address of the family-seeking website at the gate of nearly a hundred BBK chain hotels across the country. She also sets up a contact point in the hotel to let people specially Responsible for the work of the Family Search Network here.

The effect is quite obvious, because the popularity is so high that almost anyone who surfs the Internet will see an advertisement for or a picture of a child when they open any website, even if they don’t want to see it.

Less than two days after the folk festival ended, good news came from somewhere. They had helped people find a child.

While Yan Changqing asked Zhou Jialing to pay bonuses to those people, he also asked people to start publicizing the matter. Anyway, Internet resources are not valuable now. After the Internet hype becomes popular, other media will follow the popularity and promote it.

(End of this chapter)

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