Chapter 397 Not ready

On the way back, Jian Hongfei fell asleep while talking and didn't wake up the whole way. When she got home, she had something to eat, then took a shower, and then went to rest.

She slept for who knows how long. When she woke up, she was still a little surprised when she looked at the unfamiliar environment.

I was confused for a long time before I realized that I had arrived in Australia, met that person, and talked a lot. Then I fell asleep while talking, ate in a daze, and fell asleep again until now.

She was feeling anxious all the way through the tiring journey, but when she saw people, she really relaxed.

Although the meeting she imagined was a little different from what she had imagined along the way, she felt pretty good.

Thinking of this, she felt a little embarrassed. When she arrived at someone else's house, she fell asleep in the dark. Isn't it a little bad?

What will happen next?

Didn’t you come just to be with him? Why are you hesitant at this point?

That guy had said that he was planning to find ten or eight girlfriends. Judging from the familiarity with which he talked to her, maybe he would not refuse any woman who came to his door...

People like him are sure to be seduced by women who are interested in sex and wealth. He doesn't look like someone who would refuse...

Forget it, I’m here anyway, so whatever!

Anyway, he chose his own path. As long as he wants to, he will stay...

But... is this really what I want to do, stay with him and have children?

Her face turned red instantly, and she felt much more awake.

After thinking about it for who knows how long, she heard a voice outside: "Are you awake? Come out and have something to eat. You have been sleeping for more than a day."

Yan Changqing felt funny in her heart, and she felt a little indescribable. This girl had come all the way here, and she must have been a little psychologically stressed along the way. She must have been exhausted from the journey, so she couldn't sleep like this.

Jian Hongfei felt a little embarrassed after hearing this, and hesitated for a moment before replying: "Wake up, wait, and go out immediately."


Said it was right away, but actually half an hour.

However, Yan Changqing was mentally prepared. Jian Hongfei changed into a long dress when she came out, and her wet hair proved that she had taken a shower before coming out.

The person who had just woken up still had some sleepy eyes, and his face was a little red. Seeing Yan Changqing's face became even redder, he whispered: "I don't usually sleep like this..."

"It's okay, flying is very tiring." Yan Changqing was quite considerate. "The porridge in the pot has been simmering for a long time. I have prepared a few side dishes at the last moment. You need to prepare a meal first."

"Yeah!" Jian Hongfei responded in a low voice, gathered up her skirt, and sat across from the dining table.

Then he glanced at the side dishes on the table and was stunned: "What time is it now? How long have you been preparing for it?"

"It's all simple. I prepared the ingredients in advance and cooked them when I heard you woke up." Yan Changqing smiled. "Eat quickly. I don't know what your taste is. It's all a bit bland, so I'll just make it a meal. I'll make it up to you later."

Jian Hongfei didn't know what to say, but suddenly felt that maybe this was what she wanted.

Even though we don't see each other often, we don't feel strange, just like old friends reunited after a long absence.

That’s not right, it feels a bit like an old married couple, that kind of very ordinary daily life with a touch of warmth...

Thinking in her mind, she had already started eating.

Anyway, he had seen her ugliest image in the beginning, and now she was really hungry, so what else could she do?


Suddenly there was an extra person in the family, and Yan Changqing also thought a lot.

He didn't plan to live a peaceful life by himself. After thinking about it for more than a day, he still couldn't figure out what to do, so just let nature take its course!

Anyway, when someone comes, you should treat her well. If she turns around, she won't be happy, and you won't hold her back if she wants to leave.

If she doesn't have any problem with her growing crops outside and reaping too little, that's not a bad idea.

After all, I still need someone who can deal with my parents. I can't go back and my parents have never seen their daughter-in-law, and they only see me bringing the little one home...

At least this girl seems to be pretty good at eating, and it’s a blessing to be able to eat.

Not pretentious, not pretentious, and generous.

And it's really white. I don't know how it grew. Look at the white and tender skin. It's better than Huang Peishan's skin, which she spends all day doing beauty treatments. It's really like a peeled egg.

The appearance is also in line with my own aesthetics. Although my own aesthetics have always been somewhat broad, this one is particularly suitable.

Thinking like this, Jian Hongfei put down her chopsticks after a while: "Have you eaten? Did you cook it? It's delicious, it tastes very good..."

In fact, I don’t eat much, so no wonder I’m a little thin.

Yan Changqing nodded: "My cooking skills are pretty good. If you don't want to eat, I'll eat everything!"

Then he was not polite, gobbled it up, and started a liquidation operation.

In this scene, Jian Hongfei was in a trance again, as if she was not in Australia, but at home.

Although the conditions in her family are not bad, her father's generation has come from hard times, and eating at home has always been the same. Dad always eats the slowest, waiting for them to finish eating, and then eat slowly. Empty the plate.

Sometimes she and her mother would comment that eating too much was bad for the body, but her father kept saying "good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good" but never stopped using his chopsticks.

After thinking for a while and seeing that the plate was empty, she stood up and said, "I'll clean it up!"

Yan Changqing was polite: "There is a dishwasher in the kitchen, just throw it in."

After packing up and arriving in the kitchen, after a brief look, Jian Hongfei figured out how to use the dishwasher.

Then I started to feel dazed again. Did the scene just now look a bit like an old couple?

Blushed again.


Yan Changqing was a little confused. Why did he throw the bowl into the dishwasher and come back with this girl's face red again?

But he didn’t ask, and pointed to the TV: “You must not be able to sleep now, come over and watch TV for a while!”

Where to sit?

Jian Hongfei hesitated for a second, then sat on the sofa next to him, not far or close to him.

In fact, she had no intention of watching anything on the TV, but only glanced at him secretly from time to time.

Of course, Yan Changqing knew that she had no intention of watching, so he said, "I think you just came here, and I'm not too busy these two days, so I'll take you around to get familiar with the environment. Then look at yourself, if you don't want to do anything , just keep playing, if you want to do something, I have many companies here, and there should be something you want to do."

"I want to find something to do." Jian Hongfei said. "I majored in forestry when I was in college, and I also worked in the Forestry Bureau after graduation." "Forestry Bureau?" Yan Changqing sighed. "That unit is good. Although there isn't much oil and water now, the work is not tiring. So you won't go to work in the future?"

"I'm not going." Jian Hongfei seemed to be relieved after saying this. "I'm not used to that kind of office atmosphere. There's nothing to do every day. I just sit and pass the time. It feels like I'm wasting my time."

"That's because you didn't think about it." Yan Changqing laughed. "It's a coincidence that I have a great guy here. He works in the same company as you. He has worked for more than ten years and taught himself a lot of things such as garden design and environmental engineering. Later he came to our place and has already presided over the construction of a small hydropower station. He built a A manor..."

"Are you talking about Mr. Huang Mancang?" Jian Hongfei laughed. "He is more famous than you think. I heard that the bosses who have participated in your vacation have said that it is similar to a palace. Living in it feels like you have ascended to the throne."

"Many people also said that if the place continues to be built, it will no longer be called a resort, and it will have to be renamed Afang Palace. Anyway, many people say so, and they feel very proud to have lived there."

Yan Changqing was not surprised by this. Lao Huang was serious about his work. After the resort was built, many people who visited it asked where the master was who built it. The key is that Lao Huang's name is easy to remember. If you say it once, people will remember it.

"Yes, that's him." Yan Changqing thought of Lao Huang and felt that he was lucky. "It's my luck to find him. Most people are not so versatile. Now he also manages the pasture farm. The land I bought also has a lot of pure natural environment. It should be considered a forest farm. He helps including the winery. keep it."

"Then I can learn from him for a while first, and then it won't be a big problem to help you manage a forest farm." Jian Hongfei was quite confident.

But she can indeed be more confident. After all, she was a college student a few years ago and was admitted in her second year of high school. She can be regarded as a little genius girl - she was abducted and trafficked because she had too little experience, which does not conflict with her being a little genius in studying.

As a result, Yan Changqing shook his head: "What do you do in charge of the forest farm? What's there to do? If you really want to learn, learn management!"

"My major is not personnel management..." Jian Hongfei objected in a low voice. "Besides, why don't forest farms need management? Fire prevention is always necessary, right? Observe whether there are any large-scale pests and diseases, protect the ecological environment, and water sources..."

Yan Changqing could only explain to her patiently: "You came here to find me. No one dares to let you do those dangerous and unsafe things."

"There are no large wild animals here, and snakes are easy to prevent." Jian Hongfei still wanted to insist. She felt that she couldn't have an easy meal. It was true that she came to him, but it didn't mean that she was just here to give him food. When he gives birth to a child, he always has to do something of his own.

Yan Changqing was helpless: "If you stay and live with me, who would dare to let you go into the forest to inspect some shit about the ecological environment? Even if hundreds and thousands of acres of forest land are burned, does it matter if you have even one hair on your head?"

If she plans to stay, he will consider taking her back to deal with her parents. By then everyone here will know that she is the boss's wife.

This girl also said that she would not be abducted or trafficked. With her brain, she didn’t understand the world at all!

Who dares to let the boss's wife do dangerous work?

She was working alone, and the bodyguards who followed her had to kill all the breathing creatures in the forest before they dared to let her in.

Jian Hongfei lowered her head and thought for a while, her voice was as low as an ant: "Then I can't come, I will just give birth to your child..."

Yan Changqing didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "There are many things that can be done here, but it's really not possible. You can study finance instead. You can also manage finances. This is also simple, as long as you can count."

"Then I'll become a housekeeper. I won't do it." Jian Hongfei's voice suddenly became louder.

This girl is still torn in her heart. She wants to do something, but she doesn't know what she can do. She is also afraid that others will say that she is just a freeloader.

In fact, it is the thoughts of a little girl. Regardless of her age, except for the time she was abducted, she was actually raised by her parents and cared for her. She has never been in love. Now she doesn't know what is going on in her mind.

Yan Changqing probably understood a little bit, and smiled: "Don't worry, I've already said it, let's take a look first."


It really depends on it.

On the first day, we drove to the winery to see it.

Yan Changqing took his young apprentice to work and asked her to follow him.

The winery was lively at that time. This was the first time that Mr. Yan brought a girl back. Although there were some rumors in the past about former Soviet Union singers and famous singers in the island country, this was the only one they had seen with their own eyes.

Many people have speculated that this is probably the main palace!

I don’t know how many people were talking about it. Anyway, Lian Dahan, this big guy, went out for a meal at noon, and when he came back, he started calling his wife.

Wine in the morning, white wine in the afternoon.

Then we stopped by to visit the newly built hospital and school. There are not many students here yet!

The next day I went to see the farm, pasture and plantation. This time I saw it from a plane. The place was a bit big and the drive was slow.

Yan Changqing works as a driver and part-time commentator: "A few of the workers here are locals, and most of them were brought here by me. At present, the pastures are planned to raise dairy cows, and those farms are also planned to be turned into grape plantations. , is slowly being transformed.”

"Further over here is the first small farm I bought. The mountains over there were given to me for free by the local government..."

As he spoke, he parked the plane at the villa on the top of the mountain: "Let's have a meal here first and continue watching in the afternoon. There is a small seaside farm over there. I don't plan to renovate it, but there is a family of killer whales in the sea. I have been asking people to stay there. Hey, we are relatively familiar neighbors..."

This neighbor is a bit outrageous, but Jian Hongfei is not surprised at all. She is following someone even when she has nothing to do at work. She has read every update, and even read the comments one by one when she is bored.

And she was also very curious: "Can I go see such a big killer whale?"

"Of course. After dinner, we can just fly the helicopter over." Yan Changqing laughed.


Yan Changqing felt that looking at the scenery and walking around like this should make Jian Hongfei relax.

After watching the return of the killer whale, Jian Hongfei was not only happy, but also felt even more uneasy: "I used to read your personal homepage, read online news, and listen to my family members saying that I know you are very powerful, but why are you so powerful..." "

Yan Changqing was a little confused: "What's wrong?"

"Doesn't that mean I am..." Jian Hongfei became entangled again. Although she knew that he was very capable and wealthy, what she heard about him was different from what she saw with her own eyes.

I wonder if there are hundreds of miles of land, and such a profitable winery, and he is so famous... If he comes here by himself, will people think that he likes his money?

Yan Changqing didn't know what to say, so he could only joke: "Then, I don't want any of these. Let's elope, find a place where no one is around, build a small cabin, have a few babies, and raise a few dogs." Dog, are you going to live in isolation from the rest of the world?”

"That doesn't mean..." Jian Hongfei was laughed at. "I just, just...anyway, I'm a little confused right now."

"Then keep running and playing." Yan Changqing had an idea. "It'll be fine once you get used to it. If you're really not used to it, just go back first and give yourself some time to think about it."

Jian Hongfei bit her lip and stopped worrying: "Do you want me to leave?"

Yan Changqing was helpless: "You are such a beautiful woman, why do I want you to leave! Don't say that we have known each other for a long time, even if we don't know each other, I still can't let go. Okay, don't think too much, you are struggling now because you don't have enough in your heart. Safe."

After a pause, he said jokingly: "I know the reason. It's because we haven't lived together yet, so you always think too much. It's simple. I won't leave today, just stay here..."

Jian Hongfei looked around subconsciously. This seaside villa was only maintained regularly by people, and there was usually no one else there.

His face turned red at that time: "Isn't this...too fast? I'm not even ready!"

(End of this chapter)

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