Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 404 Mr. Huang’s natural beauty

Chapter 404 Mr. Huang’s natural beauty

Because he talked about the entertainment industry with Lao Fang and his son, and after seeing the largest lake in the country, Yan Changqing couldn't help but think of that lyric when he was in Qilian Mountain these days.

The Qilian Mountains are connected to the mountains outside the mountains, and the moonlight shines on the Xiangshui Beach...

He actually wanted to suggest that Lao Fang and his son find the two Phoenix Legends. They should be easy to find and maybe easier to talk to. After all, those two are still relatively unknown and are still working hard to pursue their music dreams. !

But think about it and let it go. When it comes to 'divine prediction', it can be attributed to luck or inference based on certain signs, but when it comes to people, it is truly divine prediction.


You can’t see such vast natural scenery in Yudong Province, which is a province with a large population!

In particular, Tongshu County is a county with a large population, and people can be seen everywhere. For example, Taoshu Township, despite its small size, has more than 40 administrative villages.

So if you want to see the natural scenery, the only land on the river bank is the slope land, because it is a place that will be flooded every summer when the water rises, and even if it is reclaimed, nothing can be grown.

Yan Changqing himself has never been here. The scope of his work is limited to the southeast, and he has never been to the northwest.

With Lao Fang and his son leading the way, as well as local guides, they can always see the magic of this mountain range from different angles.

So the rest of his days became leisurely amid this cry.

As a result, the ranch owner said: "In the first few days, I was not used to it, I didn't eat well, and I lost a little weight. But now..."

Fortunately, the car was already waiting at the airport. A group of people got on the car and returned to Dayanzhuang, feeling much better.

Aesthetics can be tiring.

If it weren't for the environment there that he couldn't find a group of friends for him to play with, Yan Changqing would still be reluctant to send him back!


From the 1980s to the present day, framed figures have always occupied the mainstream of fashion. Most people follow the trend and think this is good.

Before going back, Yan Changqing went to the pasture where the white camel was housed to take a look at it.

Because if you ignore the condition that you must have a slender figure, it is actually easier to find models, and it is especially easy to find those with bodies that are so hot that they explode.

The influence is quite broad.


Huang Peishan in Australia is busy non-stop.

But they are traveling, and the car has air conditioning. The places they go are in the wild. There is still a difference between the high temperature in the wild and the high temperature in the city.

As for the others, forget it, Yan Changqing is the only one who is interested in this. He just plays with jade carving too much, and feels that even the mining area looks good. Others don’t have his mental filter, and the mountains are green over there. Water, this place is smoky, who wants to see it!

But what people really like can only be known when they see it.

Except for the cuckoo in the sky.

I also went to the place where Kunlun jade is produced.

This slogan is quite appealing. Anyway, more and more women are willing to support her slogan.

Due to its geographical location, Xiyang City often feels sweltering in summer. The leaves don't move at all. Except in air-conditioned rooms, wherever you go, you feel as if you are being steamed in a steamer.

Yan Tiesheng sighed: “It’s still hot enough here at our house!”

Yan Changqing took a look. When that guy was in Dayanzhuang, he had a large area of ​​alfalfa land to himself. He was so fat and strong. When he got into the camel group, he was quite popular with the opposite sex in his prime. Now I am having the best of both worlds, am I happy to miss Shu!

Seeing its owner coming, it ran over in a hurry, pouting and grinning without knowing what it meant, and then ran towards the camels again...

The plane landed at Xiyang Airport. A group of young and old got off the plane, looking at the familiar environment and feeling the hot sun, they all breathed a sigh of relief involuntarily.

Although my grandparents are in good health now, they are still running around because of their age. After the novelty wears off, they gradually become less willing to run.

Except for some older people who will lament how happy and hard it was to harvest wheat back then, younger people don’t care about it anymore.

Yan Changqing was relieved when he saw this. After all, they had been together for several years and it hadn't grown up when they arrived at Dayan Village. He really watched it grow up.


Yan Changqing liked hearing this sound very much, because he had never heard this sound since he went to work in his previous life.

It is to call on women to pursue naturalness, no need to deliberately lose weight, no need to dare to eat or drink for the sake of other people's eyes, and must regard thinness as beauty, etc.

Therefore, Huang Peishan's supporters even include many retired models, and she even held a fashion show while her boss listened to the cuckoo.


In fact, I have already seen it while walking. It is almost the harvest season, but this has nothing to do with the people of Dayanzhuang.

Everyone laughed.

So we returned.

She has been working more and more vigorously recently, forming a women's boxing organization... Of course, this is what her boss calls it. In fact, she calls herself a women's group that 'advocates the beauty of freedom'.

The sound of cuckoo cuckoo is still empty and distant.

After staying for nearly half a month, Yan Changqing felt that it didn't matter, but the old man and the old lady couldn't stand it.

Lao Fang knew the boss of the mining area, and it was from this man that Lao Fang took the jade and sent it to Yan Changqing.

Thanks to Jiugang Shibawa and a large reservoir next to it, you can feel the cool breeze when you get home.

It’s so difficult to lose weight. In reality, it’s really painful to maintain the kind of figure that is seen on fashionable catwalk models these days. In fact, the models themselves are in quite a lot of pain. They insist on losing weight for several years just to show off on the catwalk. Show, and most of the time no one knows about it.

But no one blew it. When they got home, the tour group immediately dispersed and went home to blow on the air conditioner.

It was also hot when traveling in Qingzhou Province, and the temperature there was higher than that in Xiyang City.

He also took Yan Changqing into the mining area to have a look.

As a female aesthetic lover, Huang Peishan's own vision is enough even if she doesn't use her subordinates.

She is more picky than her boss, Mr. Yan, who doesn’t care whether he is fat or thin, as long as he is good-looking.

She only remembered the 'trembling' factor that her boss had commented on when she saw the models on the catwalk.

Therefore, after her fashion show came out, many people liked it. The number of clicks on the Internet and the ratings on TV were quite high.

But in reality, some people criticized her fashion show, saying that she was just selling meat and did not respect women enough.

Huang Peishan's arrogant counterattack: "I am a woman, don't I respect myself?"

He even openly declared to the camera: "Look, this is a critic, criticizing purely for the sake of criticizing. If it really doesn't look good, how come so many people like to watch it? Men are all duplicitous, so women, still It takes a woman to understand..."

Yes, who among men doesn’t like a trembling flesh that trembles when walking!

Not everyone likes that kind of frame. Now Huang Peishan feels that she is doing a good thing: "In the history of our place, there are four great beauties. Have you heard of Huanfeiyanyanshou? I now fill in people's aesthetics The missing part." "Besides, why do women have to pursue that kind of skeletal figure? Children have to eat milk powder. Is that really good? It's not that I don't support everyone's weight loss, but I think it's better to be natural. Some People are born with good figures, so what can be done?”

She does all this in her own name, so it's okay for her to say whatever she wants, and it has nothing to do with the boss or company behind her.

Because work is work and private life is private. Her personal hobbies and personal opinions have nothing to do with work.


Many people know that as Europeans and Americans age, they can easily become obese due to eating habits.

But it is said that some statistics indicate that Australia is also among the best in terms of the proportion of obese people in the total population in the world.

Because this is a country of immigrants, there are foods from all over the world.

Just like when Yan Changqing took his second uncle to the oil field for the first time, Yan Erhe's eyes were opened at that time. If he didn't have money in his pocket and his stomach couldn't hold it, he could eat from the street to the end of the street.

Australia has such an inherent advantage. People from all over the world bring delicacies from their respective hometowns.

Some people may not be used to this or that, but there is always something you like all over the world.

Moreover, the pace of life in Australia is relatively slow, and people eat and drink a lot without eating a lot, so it is really easy to gain weight.

However, Huang Peishan does not support obesity, she supports health.

Just like what she said to the camera: "I don't support simply being thin or fat, but asking for nature. The most beautiful thing is to let nature take its course. Whether it is too thin or too fat and leads to unhealthy body, it is not good. of……"

So after her fashion show, she announced that she would enter a new industry, health training.

Including but not limited to aerobics, martial arts, yoga, etc.


Reilly was still a little worried: "Mr. Huang, if you do this, does the boss know?"

"Don't worry, he has signed all my applications." Huang Peishan was quite confident. "Besides, I called him, and he said I can do whatever I want, and just do what I want."

Reilly didn't believe it: "Is our boss so confident in you? You're not afraid of losing money if you lose business!"

Huang Peishan didn't care: "There is no way that the boss will lose money if he overdoes the business!"

She is confident in her own management level, but she is even more confident in her boss's vision.

In fact, she is not too concerned about making money, the most important thing is to increase her influence.

Making money is not important, what is important is that more people are willing to listen to what you have to say.

As long as she doesn't lose money, she has also started a related physical examination industry, an institution that does not treat diseases, but only performs physical examinations.

In this way, while giving physical examinations, people are advised whether they need to come to the health class to exercise.

Therefore, her fitness classes are not just for elite groups. There are high-end sports halls opened in urban centers, as well as high-quality, low-cost and even free exercise classes in small cities.


Just when Huang Peishan's nature-for-beauty campaign was in full swing, a woman named Charlotte took the initiative to contact her.

After Charlotte got the opportunity to meet Huang Peishan, she said bluntly during the meeting: "Ms. Huang, I am a representative of a peace organization and I want to gain your support..."

Huang Peishan felt sensitive when she heard this sentence: "I am just a migrant worker. I do these things purely because as a woman, I can't stand the deformed aesthetics of women that are common in society now, and I don't I don’t want to get involved with an organization like yours.”

Charlotte looked at her figure and understood why her models were shaking when walking on the catwalk.

Charlotte first expressed her understanding and then explained.

Their small organization also has a relatively large number of women, and it is not a purely partisan organization.

On the contrary, the slogan they promote is that Australia is an independent continent. It is no longer a colony and has no suzerain state. It should not get involved in the disputes of other countries around the world.

Because of its unique geographical advantages, people here live and work in peace and contentment, and live a leisurely and comfortable life - at least most people do.

So what does the oil war in North America and the disintegration of the former Soviet Union have to do with us?

We should be completely neutral and just be a spectator, just take a look. There is no need to make any remarks to express support for this and that...

Neutrality is what they pursue.

They have been protesting that Australian officials have been making comments about who they support after major international events happen.

To put it bluntly, they are idealists, or a group of idlers who have nothing to do and have fun.


After hearing this, Huang Peishan still refused.

Even if she considers becoming a congresswoman, she doesn't want to get involved with these small organizations.

Just like what she is doing now, if she keeps doing it and slowly expands her influence, there is no need to do anything else.

But just when she was about to refuse, Charlotte said again: "We are also related to many similar small organizations, and we usually have some demonstrations. We don't need your actual support, we just want to contact each other. , if there is a publicity parade, we can also organize manpower to support you..."

Huang Peishan became interested at that time.

There are quite a few parades here, and there may not be any factors that will cause people to march.

Some of it is really about orthodoxy, and some of it is purely personal preference.

Maybe because of the sweet and salty rice dumplings or the sweet and salty tofu pudding, someone will organize a parade.

Huang Peishan also went to the scene several times to see it. Of course, for safety reasons, she did not go to see the ones related to Zhengzhi. She only watched the parades similar to the sweet and salty tofu brain dispute.

This kind of parade can definitely be called a parade, but it is almost the same as a collective parade.

It's a bit like rushing to a big market. Anyway, I have nothing to do, so I ran out to practice my voice, meet some new friends, and exercise...

The same goes for the slogans shouted, which are probably saying something like, 'We support sweet rice dumplings, sweet rice dumplings are the authentic ones.'

Generally speaking, in this kind of parade, those in the front shouting slogans are the main force, and those in the back are the soy sauce ones.

Maybe the people in the front are sweating and their faces are red and their necks are thick, but the people in the back are still eating Coca-Cola fried chicken and shouting along happily!

In fact, this is also a way to expand your influence. If you don't march here, how can you let others know that many people agree with the slogans you shout?

In this case, Huang Peishan thought it could be considered.

(End of this chapter)

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