Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 407 The departure of aircraft business

Chapter 407 The departure of aircraft business

"Erhe is back!"

"Boy, you are not busy anymore!"

"Second brother is back!"


As Yanerhe passed by the reservoir, a group of fishing guys all said hello, and he was very popular.

He smiled and said hello all the way, and collected a lot of cigarettes. Then he came to Yan Changqing's side, carefully took it out of the small bag, and then took out two empty cigarette boxes and put them in one by one.

Yan Changqing looked at him and didn't know what to say. He could only say that it was indeed his second uncle.

Yan Changqing could see clearly just now that his second uncle was actually a very particular person. Along the way, if someone offered him a cigarette, he would definitely give one back after accepting it.

Of course, what you retaliate cannot be something you just collected, it must be something you take out of your own pocket.

It's summer, and the clothes I wear are too thin to carry cigarettes, so I can only bring a small handbag.

Yan Erhe wondered: "What should I change? Isn't it just for personal use?"

Yan Changqing was unhappy: "I was afraid that your factory would have no business, so I assigned many people in the company the task of selling airplanes. If people still expect to get bonuses from this order, they must be very reliable."

"It's just leasing!" Yan Erhe said. "I discovered that many people are actually quite interested in airplanes, but if they want to buy one, the authorities won't allow it. Secondly, I don't know how to fly one and don't dare to fly it, and I don't know how to legally fly it into the sky."

"What leasing business?" Yan Changqing heard the key words.

Yan Erhe nodded: "That's okay. I happen to have a batch of aircraft recently. I originally planned to do leasing business. I can deliver just two of them..."

Yan Changqing was a little strange: "Did you think of all this?"

When he got to his nephew's side, he handed out nearly two packs of cigarettes. The cigarettes he received were too big to hold, so he put them in his small bag, which could just hold that many.

Yan Changqing nodded: "I told you on the phone, why do you need to come back?"

Yan Changqing stopped chatting with him: "You can't deliver the goods even if you have a plane now. You have to change it, you know?"

"Stop to see your aunt and brother." Yan Erhe finally packed the cigarettes and put them into his small bag. "Is the business of the two planes you told me about reliable? Can foreigners buy my planes?"

Yan Erhe was quite proud: "That's right! Others can operate taxis, so why can't I operate taxis? I've also advertised in newspapers, not to mention, now I have all the scheduled business for half a year, and I'm just right You can go through the formalities in those areas in advance.”

"Go to my office later and the contract will be passed over. You can change it according to the above requirements." Yan Changqing said. "The main thing is to change the interior. What you are selling now are low-priced products, and what people want to buy is high-end."

Yan Changqing said smoothly: "Me!"

"So I thought of a trick. I just wanted to do a plane costume comparison! Give me the money and I will do it directly for him. There are also some companies, factories and mines opening, etc. When opening or celebrating, they like to have a few There is a plane flying in the sky with a row of planes. I can take care of such a small thing."

It's a bit troublesome, but Yan Erhe thinks it's pretty good. The cigarettes he collected include loose cigarettes that cost 20 cents a box for old men, and imported cigarettes that can't be bought for 20 yuan, but he puts them all in the same cigarette box. , save it for yourself and smoke it slowly later.

Greedy Cat is also a well-known cat in the neighborhood. Everyone nearby knows that he is a guy who will find people to be cute and ask for fish to eat, so it is not news that he has been following Mr. Yan recently. Everyone knows it.

"There are still people who are getting married. Others only have small cars and big Mercedes-Benz cars. That doesn't matter. I can get him a row of planes. The ones flying in the sky are no more spectacular than the ones running on the ground..."

"Don't look at the fact that we don't learn much in driving schools now. That's because driving is on the road. As long as you dare to drive, it's fine. But my plane needs to go to the sky. If you don't get a driver's license, I don't believe anyone dares to drive directly into the sky. …”

Yan Erhe couldn't continue talking at that time. He paused for a moment and then said contemptuously: "You don't count. I'm talking about someone else."

"I rented an airplane for a few years and started to make money after recouping the capital. I am also planning to open a pilot school. The situation is changing rapidly these days. Maybe things that are not allowed now will be allowed in the future. I By specializing in aircraft piloting training, I am definitely ahead of others."

While holding the cigarette, he stared at the greedy cat at Yan Changqing's feet and said, "This guy is quite discerning. He knows that you can catch fish, and now he's targeting you!"

Yan Erhe was dissatisfied at that time: "Why do I offer low prices? You want to say that my planes are not good and cannot compare with the high-end large planes and helicopters produced by those big manufacturers. I admit it, but you say that I sell low-priced products. I’m not happy anymore!”

Yan Changqing: "Eight hundred thousand dollars apiece!"

"How to change it? You can draw Mickey Mouse if you want. I'll ask an art teacher from our normal college to draw it for him!"


Yan Changqing's order for the two helicopters was actually transferred from Wilson, Boeing's business manager in Australia.

Wilson's current account manager for Mr. Yan's professional services tried his best to find out about Mr. Yan's hobbies.

When Yan Changqing was traveling last time, he heard from his second uncle that the business was not doing well, so he asked people in the company to sell small helicopters.

Wilson heard about it and immediately sent an order for two helicopters.

After looking at it, Yan Changqing felt that the helicopter produced by his second uncle could meet the requirements, but it needed to be modified to look more high-end, mainly in the interior, adding something like a wine cabinet and replacing it with high-end seats.

Yan Erhe readily agreed to this point.

The two of them couldn't tell clearly when they were at the river. Yan Erhe was eager to try it when he saw the water, and wanted to go in and take a dip for a while.

Yan Changqing quit, fed the greedy cat two small fish, and then returned to the office.

Then Yan Erhe started to hold the order in a daze, and it took him a long time to say: "I can't understand you either? Can you give me some words that I know?"

This was faxed over. The contract signed by Wilson and others was all in English.

Yan Changqing felt that this was his mistake and simply admitted his mistake: "The main thing is to add some things and make the interior more luxurious. It seems to be worth the price."

Yan Erhe thought for a while: "This is simple, I understand. Change the ordinary cowhide of the seat into yak leather..."

This is the convenience of the Taoshu Township market. Xiyang City is a big market for scalpers. It is easy to purchase cowhide. There are many experienced craftsmen who know how to do it, so they can go further and further on the road of imitation.

And since the establishment of business in Heqing, Xin and other areas, yak hides are no longer uncommon here. However, a group of profiteers would not sell two kinds of cowhide at the same price. They blew the price of plateau yak hide to the sky, and the price suddenly increased several times.

So now when it comes to upgrading to a high-end one, Yan Erhe immediately thinks of this.

Yan Changqing was also speechless and interrupted him: "Not only that, you just take this contract back. Your engineers understand, just let them do it. In short, use high-end materials as much as possible, plus Some features requested by customers, etc. I’ve seen it, and it’s not a hassle.”

"Oh, I'll take it then." Yan Erhe put the contract directly into his small bag. "I will give you a commission on this order later, so that you don't have to pay your own wages."

Yan Changqing didn't care: "It's just a small amount, don't bother. We'll talk about it later when we have more orders."

"That's okay." Yan Erhe actually didn't care, he just said it. "Are there a lot of orders from abroad?"

"There should be quite a few, but there are a lot of aircraft manufacturers outside! Some of them have big names, so this order of yours is just a matter of luck."

"Then what if I sell it cheaper?" Yan Erhe thought for a while. "Most of the costs for other people building airplanes should be higher than mine, right? Our prices are eight times lower than others!"

Yan Changqing was puzzled: "Where did you calculate that our prices are eight times lower than others?"

"Exchange rate!" Yan Erhe was quite reasonable. "One dollar is exchanged for eight dollars..."

Yan Changqing opened his mouth, and then said: "Forget it, just do it like that at that time! If you really want to develop overseas business, it's not impossible. Later, I will treat the business promotion as a formal job and assign it with a higher commission." If it’s a little bit, someone should be able to attract business.”

It's too troublesome to explain things like exchange rates and prices to my second uncle. Even though he has been abroad more than once or twice, he really doesn't understand these things.

It's not just because of the academic qualifications he didn't finish in the second grade of elementary school, but because he won't listen to things he's not interested in, and he won't understand them even if he hears them... Even if he understands, it doesn't stop him from insisting on his own ideas. That theory.

At this moment, he listened to his nephew's words and nodded: "Okay, if there is more business in the future, I will transfer the commission directly to you, so as not to make it difficult for the company to handle the accounts. By the way, will we all make high-end products like this in the future? ?”

Yan Changqing shook his head: "We don't have any business yet. We'll talk about it later. Maybe we'll get cheaper ones and sell them to poor places."

"Why should we buy a helicopter in a poor place?" After Yan Erhe said this, he realized he was wrong and changed his words. "I understand, it doesn't matter where I sell it, as long as we don't lose money."

Then he thought for a while: "You can just place an order, but don't be afraid that my factory can't produce it. Let me tell you, I know a better way. The planes at Sidorov's place are not expensive. You will have more orders later." , I asked him to order an engine and so on, and then I would assemble it myself and decorate it, and then I could sell it. The things he produced there were still trustworthy."

Yan Changqing felt that his second uncle actually had a business acumen, and he supported it: "Okay! Anyway, as long as you keep going, your business will get better sooner or later. As long as the price is cheap and the quality is reliable, it's not a big problem to find some orders."

Yan Erhe was still a little melancholy: "I don't know when I will be able to build a big airplane!"

Sure enough, he was still the second uncle who never forgot his original intention. From the very beginning, he wanted to build a big airplane.

Yan Changqing has a way to support him in this matter, but he is too lazy to bother now. If he still doesn't forget his original intention in a few years, then he can help him.

The two chatted for a while, and Yan Changqing went to the kitchen to cook.

When he came back from the reservoir, Yan Changqing made a big carp, steamed it directly, and paired it with some cold dishes. The uncle and nephew had a simple meal.

Then Yan Erhe drove away in his car and continued building his airplane.


Not long after Yan Erhe left, Erwa wandered over and said, "Brother Qijin, I have packed everything. When are you going to Australia?"

Yan Changqing said: "I told you not to wait until the activities at the resort are over before leaving."

"The event hasn't started yet!" The second child couldn't wait. "Let's go quickly. It doesn't matter if you're not here anyway. My time is limited. If I get admitted to a domestic university, my dad might not let me go abroad."

Yan Changqing thought for a moment: "Then let's go!"

In fact, it was not that he wanted to stay at home and wait for the party at the resort to end before leaving. It was his uncle who mentioned it, and he agreed without much thought.

And now I think about it, what if people from the Jian family come too?

His daughter went to find him, but he stayed at home. Was he satisfied or dissatisfied?

Why are you leaving people there if you are not satisfied? If you're satisfied, what do you think if you leave the person behind and don't leave until you come back?

So the second baby is just an excuse, so let’s go!


Erwa felt a little regretful when she got on the plane: "It's a pity that guy Tiedan is not interesting enough and has to become a soldier. Otherwise, we can go together. How great!"

Yan Changqing added: "He was not a soldier, but now he is a college student."

"You will still be a soldier if you come out." Erwa said casually, and then rolled his eyes. "Brother Qijin, you know what's there... it's just that kind of place. I don't ask too much, just a good-looking person, and don't have any dirty things..."

"Get down quickly!" Yan Changqing was helpless. "If you want to find a girlfriend, can't you find one by yourself when you get to college? Are you in such a hurry?"

"I'm not like you. Now I have a girlfriend here, and now I have a girlfriend over there." Erwa felt extremely aggrieved. "I have a lot of theoretical knowledge now, but I still lack practical knowledge!"

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "I really don't know if there is any place that meets your requirements. You have already said it, one here and one over there. Who would go to a place like that!"

Erwa was shocked: "Forget it, I'll find out later myself. Alas! I didn't expect that Brother Qijin might not be able to count on him sometimes!"

Yan Changqing chuckled: "What you found out means that everyone has been there. Looking back, maybe the waiter you are looking for, every place you reach out to touch, someone else has applied countless layers of that... …”

"Holy shit!" Erwa was disgusted. "Please stop talking, I... forget it, I'll go to school first!"

Yan Changqing thought of a question: "You can't enter the school now, and it's not enrollment time. But you're already here, how about arranging for you to work in a TV station?"

"TV station, what's the point of that?" Erwa was not happy. "I won't be able to run around and have fun until school starts! Maybe there will be a beautiful encounter, and then the problem of being single for eighteen years will be solved. Which TV station will I go to..."

"The company has been reorganizing recently. The TV station has hired a lot of interns, all of whom have just graduated from college, especially girls..."

"Brother Qijin, I definitely have to check out your TV station. Even if I can't help you, I can gain some knowledge, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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