Chapter 47
What happened to Xiao Liwan quickly became a big deal!

Yan Changqing basically listened to the whole live broadcast at home. There were a few old people in this village who were not afraid of death.

First, I asked the village manager. The head of this village and several managers are very big-headed. They also have old people in their family, and now the family is not at peace!

In the past, no one was fine without electricity, but now that electricity is on, why are there so many troubles?

But the benefits are taken by everyone. In front of the benefits, everything nothing! ?
In the beginning, the people who benefited from the few families said that Li Mingfa had no hair on his mouth, but now that Li Mingfa has eaten meat, his mouth is harder than his bones: "If I tell nonsense, let me go down to the eighteenth floor." hell."

Anyway, I am in good health now, Yan Changqing also said that when I have time to go to his place to play in the future, I can also practice with him, although I may not be able to do anything, but exercising is still good.

There's a kid here, come here at night to play a string, and half of you in the village can't sleep well, and you're suspicious all day long. With so little knowledge, you still want to fight with him?
I bother!

Li Mingfa didn't have such confidence in the past, but now that he's gained knowledge, his confidence is indeed different.

Everyone in the village knew what kind of people Murakami was like. Seeing how tough this guy is now, their trust in him immediately increased significantly.

Then the people in charge of this village panicked—the old men and old ladies saw that they would not let go, and now they were going to make a complaint, and went to the town to find someone to make a complaint!
Electricians used to think that they belonged to the power system and no one else could control them, but now they started to panic when they saw a group of people calling from door to door...

It's Chinese New Year, it's cold, a group of elderly people, but they are tossing so hard, let's not talk about anything else, let them continue to toss, toss 'go' a few, the problem will be troublesome!

Fortunately, it was the New Year's Eve, and the village head led people to fool around for a long time, and then used the New Year to talk about things, and finally let everyone celebrate the New Year first, and talk about anything after the New Year.

But obviously, the village is now divided into several factions because of this incident, and the village is not as harmonious as before!


During the Chinese New Year, the biggest thing for children is to play.

Yan Changqing was very happy.

Chinese New Year is coming, if there is meat to eat at home, it is a good year.

At home, apart from feeding the chickens and cows that he strongly requested, he was not allowed to do anything else.

He was able to do the job of cooking very well now, but it's a pity that his family didn't give him a chance.

Even when feeding the cows, someone has to watch him before letting him go up and stir the feed.

Since returning from the performance, no matter where he goes every day, he is always followed by an old man—the grandson in the family is too capable and precious, and the grandfather is worried that he will be bumped if he can't see him.

People in the village generally believed that what the old man Tiesheng did was right.

Whoever has such a grandson will feel sorry for the ancestors if he doesn't protect him personally.

There are also a small number of people who feel that what the old man did was wrong.

Think about it, before the Chinese New Year, I went out to perform a string string, not to mention earning money, and the meat, rice and oil I brought back home weighed dozens of catties, and the ancestral grave must be smoking!

How can such a child be followed by only an old man, and he has to work with a few strong laborers to be at ease!

Yan Changqing was very helpless, but fortunately his grandfather just followed behind and would not interfere with what he was doing.

It's the Chinese New Year, there is more than enough every year, and there is still fishing.

Fishing is a big deal. The fish are in the big pond in the village, where children play in the water in summer.

The pond is big, and the fish are divided when fishing, so there is no need to mobilize the whole village.

First you have to drain.

No need for a pump - mainly none.

Dig the edge of the pond, and one side leans against the low-lying place, as long as the gap is blocked with a net to prevent the fish from going out.

The water cannot be completely drained, a part must be left at the bottom, otherwise, what if all the small fish die?
When the water level was almost the same, a fishing team who did not know where was invited appeared. They brought the long net with a length comparable to the width of the pond and started to catch fish.

The scene is particularly spectacular.

Not only on both sides of the pond, but also in the water. They wear waterproof gel coats that can protect most of their bodies.

The water had been tossed and muddy for a long time, and the backs of the fish inside were exposed, and some kept jumping, trying to jump over the net.

There are quite a few people who have successfully crossed the net, but once and again, most of the big fish cannot escape death.

People on the shore were waiting, and when the fish came up, they began to divide the fish directly with large scales.

Yan Changqing, as a participant in the big scene of collective labor and division of things, said that the experience was very good.

Because in his memory, the fish pond will be contracted, and when the time comes, people will catch fish and sell them directly to fishmongers, and the villagers will get money if they want to buy them.

It seems to have happened in the past few years, because Yan Changqing remembered that when he was in elementary school in his previous life, the village chief's house built a small two-story building.

But now, he's starting to hold back 'bad ideas'.

Because he thinks it's fine now.

Like now.

The fish was distributed in the village, and every family was beaming, and ran home with the fish flying.

Then he ran over like flying, and the whole village gathered around the pond, watching the people in the pond start digging lotus roots.

The lotus root is also shared, although each household can't share much.

Nowadays, the price of lotus root is quite high. Some people don’t believe it. The price of lotus root in the market sometimes catches up with the price of meat. Only take it out when there are relatives.


Those who share the fish and lotus roots are all relatives of the village head's family.

Originally, this was quite an easy task, but holding a scale is actually the same thing. Fish can be big or small, and generally they can be divided at will.

But this year, there was a bear boy, the one who was hated by others, who was not very reasonable to be able to fight, and watched from the side, so that they had to be more serious.

So what was supposed to be a face-saving job and enjoy the envy of the villagers suddenly became a chore.

Yan Xingwang is in charge of the overall situation, Yan Youfu is in charge of the scales, Yan Youcai is in charge of affairs, and Yan Youwen, a cultural person in the village, is keeping accounts.

There is no need to discuss these matters, and they are quite tacit.

Yan Xingwang directly brought two big fish to Grandpa Yan Changqing: "Tiesheng, these belong to your family."

Bring two more big fish to Yan Changqing's father: "Dahai's family..."

Then there is Yan Erhe's family.

In the end it was Yan Changqing's: "Qijin is here, come here, come and take one home."

I deliberately picked the biggest one, and it was over a meter long. I don't know how many years it took for the "fish that slipped through the net" to grow so big.

Yan Changqing was not polite, he carried it and left: "Thank you, Master Xingwang!"

They are all fighting and standing up, if they don't take advantage of things, others will think that is abnormal.

Besides, if you don't take things, the village chief's family is not at ease!

The village chief who was "worried" was dumbfounded. He would definitely keep the biggest fish in his home in previous years. Who would have thought that it would be so vain and gone!

Doesn't this kid know how to write the word humility?

The people in the village were also surprised, but they quickly reacted and joked: "Qijin can eat a big fish this year, and this big fish still has few bones. If you eat it, you can grow up..."

Obviously, what Yan Changqing did was what everyone in the village considered 'normal'.

Anyway, Big Fish doesn't have his own share, and some people are still secretly happy when the village chief is devastated!
This guy Qijin beat even the village chief's family. It's only natural for capable people to eat more and occupy more. So arrogant before!

However, Yan Haihai's family is obviously not used to this change. Whether it is grandpa or parents, they are a little at a loss when they see Yan Changqing dragging his tail to the ground.

I want to persuade you, but the fish is too big and has a lot of meat; if you don't persuade me, I always feel that it is not right to do so...

Fortunately, Yan Changqing is a considerate person, and he didn't entangle them for too long - he ran fast, and rushed home with the fish on his shoulders.

Then there are lotus roots, there is no doubt that a certain village tyrant still eats more and takes more!
Yan Changqing also felt that he took it for granted. If the electricity bill can be reduced, it will benefit the whole village.

What's wrong with me getting something?
The young dragon slayer fell so badly. Fortunately, this evil dragon is not as pure as before. It is an evil dragon that can do some good things...

(End of this chapter)

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