Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 50 New Year's New Plan

Chapter 50 New Year's New Plan

It's not just that Yan Erhe doesn't know much about Yan Changqing's actions, in fact, even the family members don't know much about it.

After making such a good thing as an egg tray, let others do the business?There are also things like buying a generator, which is a high-tech thing, they have never heard of it, can it work?

They are all from the folks in the village. Now that everyone is arguing about the electricity bill, you just let it go?

Yan Changqing stopped what he was doing and explained to him: "We have done everything we can, and we will do whatever we want in the future. Is it my job to use electricity in the village? It's not just blind House Sparrow, can we control that much?"

"I have some new plans for this year. We have a lot of things to do this year. One is to buy chickens and foreign chickens when the spring starts. When they are young, they will be raised in the yard. When they are older, they will go to the river to find a piece of land. Put up a shed to raise them, I think the grove in the lower reaches of the river is good, and it’s far away and secluded.”

"There is still a lot of wasteland by the river, let's go to open up wasteland and grow some vegetables...not selling vegetables, you can't do that work, we planted chickens. Plant those high-yielding ones, cabbage, winter melon, pumpkin, etc., just plant whatever you like. There are so many dishes that you can’t finish eating, you can feed chickens or pigs.”

"There is also the problem of electricity bills. If they can't solve it, let's buy a generator, and we will charge electricity bills in the future. If the electrician dares to come to find trouble, he will beat him. It is not appropriate to go to their village to beat people. It is no wonder that he came to our place to beat people. .”

Whether it's buying a generator, or going to the river to grow vegetables and raise chickens, it all depends on the 'prestige' earned from the fight some time ago.

Otherwise, it doesn’t matter if someone picks and eats some of the vegetables you grow. I’m afraid that those herding cattle and sheep will not have eyes, and they will ignore their own cattle and sheep when passing by.

There are also chickens. I really think that among the poor and crazy people who want to eat meat, there are not many people who steal chickens and dogs?

But with the title of 'Xiaocun Ba', these are not problems, those who sneak around are afraid to come - so they have been severely punished, and it is not illegal to kill thieves these days.

Of course, in addition to external factors, the most important thing is internal factors - Yan Changqing's chicken feeding skills have slowly improved, and now they have finally reached about 60.00%.

As for the effect, he can probably know what the chicken is in what state and what to eat as he explores it. Although he hasn't researched any special technology yet, he feels that the chicken at home has grown fatter recently and is more energetic.

I don't know if it's the illusion that he ate too little meat since he was reborn. He feels that the chicken he eats during the Chinese New Year is particularly delicious.


The whole family is silent!
Mainly what Yan Changqing said was something they hadn't thought about.

Go to the river to open up wasteland to grow vegetables?This is not difficult, strength is worthless, there are two strong laborers in the family, and the seeds are all in the family, and there is no need to spend money.

The reason why no one did it before is because no one did it. Everyone is used to the current life, and no one wants to change; the second is that the vegetables in the vegetable field are enough to eat, and the river is too far away. No one will see sooner or later. Was ruined.

The key point is the risk of being flooded. There was a flood more than ten years ago, and many people died, and people have not forgotten it!

But Yan Changqing can "predict" the time of the next flood, and predict that the place he chooses will not be flooded.

The concern of the family is whether to buy chickens or foreign chickens, it will cost money...

There is no need to say much about the difference between foreign chickens and native chickens. Anyway, foreign chickens eat more and grow faster and lay big eggs. Moreover, there is no such thing as the price of foreign chickens being lower than that of native chickens, and the price of foreign chickens being lower than that of firewood eggs. Foreign chickens Everything is expensive.

But why there are still a lot of native chickens in the countryside is naturally because foreign chickens are expensive, including chicks.Villagers are afraid that the things bought with money will not be good to feed, and it will be a lot of loss if they die.

Most of the native chickens are hatched by the chickens at home. Relatively speaking, the cost is not so obvious. Even in the eyes of most rural people, this is called no cost. It is much better to feed foreign chickens that need to pay for chicks.

Now that the family has some money, Yan Changqing talked to the family about raising chickens.

Otherwise, as before, the whole family only had to dig three hundred feet under the bed and hide three or five dollars in a buried box.
The family members don't think about getting rich, they only think about it, what do you care about, little boy?Believe it or not, if you say a few more words, you will be beaten into a chicken...

Of course he wouldn't beat him now. After thinking about it for a while, the family members nodded in agreement.

Anyway, this kid is capable, the whole family combined, the money he has saved over the years is not as much as he earned in half a year, so listen to him!

Seeing that everyone has no objections, Yan Changqing added: "You can take your time to open up wasteland. The important thing now is to bring two half-sized cats, small or big. When they are mature, they can help catch mice. There are snakes around, and cats are not afraid..."

Chickens are most likely to be bitten to death by mice and snakes, but if you have cats, you are not afraid. Cats in the countryside are very wild. They are just a play when they are idle. Whether it is a snake or a mouse, they are all toys... …

In fact, I have to keep a dog to help watch the house, but I can't talk too much at once...


Yan Changqing was in charge of speaking, and the others were in charge of action.

During the Chinese New Year, people ran back and forth, asked some people to help and asked around, and within two days, two cats came to the house.The most common raccoon cat in rural areas over half a year old has similar markings and colors, one with a strong color is called big black, and the other with a slightly yellowish color is called rhubarb.

Yan Changqing is so free. The cats were a little afraid of getting used to it when they first came home, so he tempted them with delicious food—it happened that there were too many fish at home this year, and relatives gave away a lot of them, and the rest seemed uneatable. Finished, just to feed the cat.

There are not as many cats in Dayan Village as there are dogs, because dogs can guard the door and like to be close to people.

In people's eyes, cats don't like to be close to people. Some cats stay in corners, or on walls or trees all day long. If you don't look carefully, you may not notice where it is for a day, unlike dogs who will please people.

But Yan Changqing has free time, feeds him with delicious food first, and then plays with the cats, and two cats become his little followers in one day.

Yan Erhe took a trip to Yatouwa, Etou Bay, and when he came back, he and Yan Dahai went for a walk by the river every day with a rake on their shoulders. In the end, they chose what Yan Changqing said, which was close to the village and the lower reaches of the river, next to a small forest. wasteland.

The advantage of this place is that the terrain is high, and the water level rises every summer and cannot be flooded. The disadvantage is that it is not flat, and there are too many shrubs and stones, which are troublesome to clean up, so there are only a few trees.

Yan Changqing thoughtlessly used his father and second uncle as coolies, and had a great time playing with two naughty cats.

This is a good season for digging wild vegetables, let’s make dumplings with shepherd’s purse!
Many people have never seen the "grand occasion" of digging wild vegetables in these years. Nowadays, digging wild vegetables is not for "wild fun", but for the stomach.

Therefore, in the wheat fields all over the mountains and plains, there are people squatting or bending over everywhere. It can be said that there are more people than wild vegetables. They often move in the field for half a day, and they only get half a basket of wild vegetables.

When I came back, I went through the water and chopped up dumplings to make dumplings, and I only ate one or two meals.

As for the taste, pure natural wild wild vegetables, and not willing to put a few more eggs, can only be said to be so-so.

In the past, Yan Changqing’s grandma and mother were also part of the army of digging wild vegetables, but this year, the second aunt and grandma took care of the children, and the mother didn’t want to go—the family couldn’t finish the fish and big meat, so I just didn’t want to grab it with everyone. Those wild vegetables.

Yan Changqing wanted to taste the taste of the past, so he went to Erwa's house for a meal, and Tie Dan's house for a meal...

These two families are still the same, and life is not easy to catch up with the lean season.Yan Changqing went over for a couple of meals, and later brought the two children to help his family eliminate fish and meat, which would also save the two families from feeling uncomfortable.

Poor people are like this, the poorer they are, the easier it is to care about these things.In the past, several families were poor, but everyone didn't care about it. Now Yan Changqing's family obviously lives a little differently, and it is easy to be separated if they don't communicate often.

Speaking of estrangement, thinking about the past life and the young people in the village have worked outside, and every year when I come back, I always feel that there is a estrangement from the villagers.

But now that I think about it, what is the gap? In fact, some old people in the village still treat them as children when they come back. Instead, they feel that they have seen a little bit of the world outside, and even when they came back a few years ago, they were called by nicknames. Not very happy...

It's spicy, I really didn't understand it back then!

When I understand it, I can only dream of being called a nickname by some people!
 Thank you book friends for "using a new nickname" and book friends for "leaving tears" for rewarding, thank you for your support~~Thank you, big brother! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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